
Summary: "Karma will get Victoria Guelph someday."


Beatrice was silent as she sat with Sebastian in front of the room that confined Victoria and Claude―the idle chit-chat of the nurses and patients and visitors alike served as their background noise.

Beatrice Lorum had explained herself to Sebastian.

Aeons seemed to pass, and it wasn't until Sebastian mustered the courage to finally voice out a question that had been blaring in his mind since earlier―

"...I am an heir? Of a family in Germany?"

Beatrice looked away from him, unable to face those wide and terrified eyes.

A nurse passed them by, and she smiled at the pale-looking Sebastian, though the latter took no notice of it.

"I heard it once," he heard her say, "when I was eavesdropping outside her office. She seemed to be really angry at Claude that time. So I stayed silent."

His throat clenched at her story. His heart suddenly felt heavy, and his mind raced with numerous questions.

His vision swam in blurred pictures of black and white. Nothing seemed to make sense anymore―how did he end up in London? who were his real parents? why did they abandon him? did they not want him?

Is that it?

"Sebastian? Do you want to eat anything?"

Ciel's voice broke through his baffled mind, and his vision returned to full colour when he looked into those mismatched eyes that mirrored his.

"Do you want some iced coffee?" Ciel asked, and when he wrapped his lithe arms around Sebastian's shoulders, a wave of agony graced his features for a moment. "Sebastian's in pain," Ciel said simply, with an understanding smile aimed at Beatrice. "All he needs is a hug, just like always," and he looked at Sebastian in the eye, "right?"

The girl was not sure if the Phantomhive heir was being condescending, but―

The look in his eye tells me he's sincere in worrying for him.

Burgundy eyes burned the image of the broken Sebastian Michaelis and the comforting Ciel Phantomhive in her mind.

The image of innocence is within them...

Charles Grey slept on Phipps's shoulder, both of them too exhausted to keep up with the ceaseless chatter of Beatrice.

The girl had spilled everything. From the problems that plagued the Double Charles, to the painful fate and unrequited love of Hannah for Grey, to the cruel plot that Victoria had stored for Sebastian―Beatrice told them all.

And Rachel comforted Beatrice with the love only a mother could give.

Ciel couldn't bring himself to sleep, as Sebastian was still spacing out from the earlier revelation. Ciel soothed him with a silent song as he leant his head on his shoulder―

―in Sebastian's mind, a quiet echo from a meadow of flowers sang softly to him.

Hannah observed them silently, and her heart slowly felt at ease.


The Russian maid blinked and looked at Rachel, who was offering an embrace―

―and Anya Anafeloz cried in the Phantomhive lady's arms.

All the while, Vincent nodded to himself and to Ronald, an unspoken conversation between their expressive eyes.

Sebastian toyed with the strands of Ciel's hair as he slept on his lap. It was nearing six in the morning when they left the hospital, and the two of them were allowed to skip school just for today.

Vincent and Rachel looked tired and weary, and when they returned home and prepared themselves for a very late rest, the whole household slept quickly.

Once noon came, everything seemed to start quite sluggishly―the Phantomhive servants talked silently amongst themselves. William, being the one to wake up the earliest, as he was the butler of the house, carried the darkest eye bags out of all of them.

When Sebastian appeared by the dining hall to eat with Ciel, Tanaka, William and Angela hushed, and quickly made their way with hurried excuses.

Vincent and Rachel ate amongst themselves―brunch was a silent occurrence for today, and the tension was almost suffocating.

This carried on until the next day, and once everyone was in their respective places in work and school, the cloud of tension seemed to die out.

It wasn't until lunchtime that Grell had brought up the topic that everyone had been trying to avoid since early morning.

"So? What's eating the Little Raven and his Bride today? I heard some very nice news last night."

Sebastian huffed, a sneer painting his face―a rare occurrence for the young man. "Not now, Grell. It's been a tough night."

"Oh? Straight from the horse's mouth, I see!" and Grell flashed Sebastian his teeth as he cupped his chin. "Do elaborate."

Nina scoffed, and waved a dismissive hand on Grell's intrigued expression. "If they don't want to talk about it, let them be. It's not the end of the world."

Ash groaned in his seat, uncaring for the way Grell was now crawling on his lap. "I tried hacking into the Guelph security system again. This time, I saw something that might―pique your interest and fuel your anger at the same time." Cautiousness laced Ash's voice, his face too guarded and serious.

Sebastian looked at Ciel, and he shrugged at the teal-haired male. Ash then spoke.

"According to Claude's research of the Michaelis clan―" Ash ignored the evident twitch in Sebastian's eye when he uttered Claude's name, "as per Victoria's orders―Sebastian is―"

"An heir to a very wealthy family in Germany, we know," Ciel cut him off, waving his hand dismissively with a huff.

William shook his head, "That's not all. It says there that Guelph will try to contact his family in Germany, and will force them to cooperate with her and―"

William stopped explaining when Sebastian sighed, "I really don't see the gain in it. Why all the trouble just for that? I don't even know my parents."

Grell batted his eyelashes, looking at the mirror as he finished his mascara. "The old bag must be thinking of either taking the business by force, or by killing them, and taking it by force." Upon seeing the odd looks on his friends' faces, he pouted. "Whaaat―? I would totally do that."

Maylene smugly looked at Grell, crossing her arms and raising her fine eyebrow, "My family has a branch of the gunneries in Frankfurt. I can track his parents down and alert them if you want, Master Ciel. If worse comes to worst, I can just bring them down."

Ciel laughed dryly, "No need to spread senseless drivel and violence, Maylene. It will only bring us headaches."

The strange glint in Ciel's eyes silently startled Maylene and the rest of the group. Ciel smiled rather eerily―a quite rare expression from the usually vibrant boy.

"Karma will get Victoria Guelph someday."

Sharp brown eyes narrowed.

Bleary eyes opened weakly, and they saw a blinding light, along with a blurry image of a person, a woman by the looks of it, standing by the bed.

Victoria coughed and struggled to let out a weak greeting of sorts (as she thought it was Hannah), yet the only thing that came out of her was a raspy squeak.

She reached out a bony and shaky hand towards the blurry image.

And the mysterious blurred person moved away from the bed, and Victoria's hand fell limp.

The sound of a moving trolley was heard, and she felt something pricking her arm.

Teary, weary and yellowish eyes slowly slid shut.

The sound of a trolley wheeling away was heard once more, and low humming was heard from the woman's pretty lips.

Plum-hued hair flowed from her back, and she batted her long lashes closed as she passed by a doctor talking to a nurse.

The woman silently slipped towards the restroom, and she removed her nurse outfit.

Only 1,300 words this chapter. This fic is about to end, after all. =w=~