Chapter 17: Reflection

Jenna's POV

Even though Ella was spit firing questions at me, I barely noticed, I had acknowledged every one and answered each appropriately, and even kept eye contact when necessary but, my mind wasn't there. Every chance I got I snuck a glimpse of my love. He looks so beautiful when he's listening intently, I know I have had two months to stare at him but I can't get enough. His gorgeous eyes staring at a blank wall, his expression changing with what was said.

A lot has happened in the past two months but everything kind of blended together. I still can't believe that much time has passed, it seems like just yesterday James was asking if I saw a group of five people, seems like just yesterday we fell asleep in the alley together, yet at the same time, it feels like a lifetime ago, It feels we have been together forever, My love for him still exists as strongly as it did 2 months ago, if not stronger.

For the past two months we've constantly been on the run, luckily there were no Eraser attacks but there was also no time to rest. Max decided when we fled from Florida that we needed to get as much ground, or shall I say air, between us and the erasers as fast as possible. We'd constantly have 7-8 hour flights, Max would have us rest when the younger ones got tired, luckily they were around so I didn't look as pathetic. Sure I've been on my own before, sure I can push on, but I have been basically spoiled for the past few years, and it was kind of hard to live without common luxuries again. You don't realize how wonderful grocery stores are, and microwavable food is, until there is none in sight. Sure James is a great cook, and if he had better ingredients I am sure he could be a master chief and win us billions of dollars in cook off money, but he is stuck with ingredients like rats and frogs, and he still manages to make it edible! He is truly amazing

Even though you'd think it'd be pretty easy to get alone time for James and I in the forest with no one around, it wasn't. Each day was basically like this.

Sunrise: James makes a meal, everyone wakes up. Then we start flying.

Daytime: Fly-rest-Eat- Fly-rest-Eat

Sunset: We settle down and find a place to set up camp. James makes another meal(no one else can really cook, Fang suggested for the sake of my knowledge Max should make a meal for me, she punched him, I could figure what that meant)

Nighttime: Someone's always on watch so there is no sneaking off to be alone and talk or just hang out, plus we are both too tired to do anything.

After a month Max let us sleep a little longer, but Max, James, Fang and I still had watch duty so we still got minor sleep. The first week I shared James' shift so I could learn what to do and that wasn't precious time together either means 1st Max told us we better not be making out while we're supposed to be keeping watch or acting like we were on a date, that could be a risk to the entire flock, luckily she told us this personally. James had defended "I know better than that Max, I promise I will be a good teacher." He had then bowed to Max as if it signified acceptance of a mission, it must have been in a movie. I nodded to Max, although honestly I had been kind of disappointed, I had wondered why she didn't assign herself or Fang to help me if she was so worried about James and I being distracted, but I learned a day later(by searching her memories) that she was giving us time together but wanted to make sure we still kept are eyes and ears on the things around us, and that's what we did, we may have held hands but that's all.

Gazzy eventually got over being mad at me, he didn't have the energy, and he realized I wasn't stealing James. He got just enough time with him as I did, and I am okay with that.

Nudge and I got along real well; I gave her Max-approved, wing-approved, fashion tips, and she sucked them in like a glass of milk through a straw. The one time we went to the mall she was dragging me with her to find clothes and it was so much fun. We also love laughing at the same stuff and can talk to each other as much as we want without getting a "be quiet" (at least when no one else is in earshot)

Angel and I love to compare and contrast our abilities, neither of us has had this much time with another mind-reader. I taught her how I can block her out of my mind sometimes (I also taught Nudge, Max, Fang, and James how to do this, to keep thoughts a six-year old shouldn't be hearing away.) She thought it was so cool. I think she also enjoyed fresh ears to brag about Total and Akila and their wedding. I think she forgot I already knew all that from her memories.

Max seems refreshed that she can finally talk to someone about her relationship with Fang, get another girl's opinion. I was actually astonished (a rare occasion for me), even knowing Max's history, I never would have guessed she'd want someone to talk to about her relationship, I guess she never admitted it to herself before, but I welcomed talking with her. At first she got a little weirded out I was with 'Iggy' but she got used to it.

Fang. Sometimes, as in very rarely, he asks about our parents, and what I know about our family, if we have siblings. Most people would never guess Fang would be so curious with his whole 'I don't care about anything' mask, but Angel and I know the truth. You should hear his thoughts, if he actually said what was on his mind, he would talk more than Nudge and I put together, and that's really saying something. In his mind he debates so many questions, I pretend I haven't heard it cause I know he hopes that no one does. When he is just sitting there seemingly in the middle of now where, he is very deep in thought. The first time he turned invisible, he was the deepest in his thoughts that he's ever been.

I'm really hoping this time at Ella's and Dr. Martinez's will be good for all of us. And Maybe Iggy and I can finally have alone time. Here's to hoping.

Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, i got inspired at 3:00 and stayed up all night writing it. I have decided this is the final chapter to Iggy's Romance. Also If you would like to read Jenna's back story starting from when she was a kid, escaping from the School, check out my other story "Jenna's Story" it is a prequel to this one. You may find out things you never knew about her, and previews to plots I will be following in the sequel to this story. Please check it out. and also please try to "review" comment on my stories, just to tell me what you think about it. Sorry if my spelling's off it's 5:33 am and I never went to sleep. I hope you enjoyed this story I nearly had 1000 hit to it :-). Thank you.