"What are you doing?" I laughed; staring down at my son sprawled on the carpet in front of the bathroom door. He was surrounded by an army of sea creature action figures which were a gift from his Grandpa.

Posiedon. My Father.

Dad had told me that they came from the depths of the sea and took over nine hundred years to create. But I had a hunch he finally found his way around ebay.

"Your momma's taking a shower, why don't you come hang out with Dad for awhile?"

I knelt down, running a hand through his wavy brown hair. "But...but... I don't wanna."

"Why not? Whatcha doing?"

"Listening." He looked up at me with his big gray eyes, which were the same color as his mom's.

"Oh yeah, buddy? Is Mommy singing in the shower again?" I smirked, Annabeth was known to do that on a regular basis...

"No... I like the sound of the water. It sounds nice. It makes me happy."

I smiled proudly and shook my head.

He was just like me at that age.

There was nothing left to do but lay down next to him, where we proceeded to setup a ginormous battlefield of hippocampi, sea horses, nereids, and dozens of other creatures that I knew well.

And when Mom started to sing... we both giggled... and promised to make fun of her later.