A/N: This is my third fanfic, although I deleted the second one I put up, it really wasn't going anywhere. So technically, this is my second. My first one was a Winx Club/Harry Potter crossover, if you want to read it, please do, and review if you like it.

This fanfic is an AU. So, what if Harry's parents weren't killed (well, in the book, there may not be much of a story line, but there will be on here), AND what if Harry had a twin sister, Tina. If you want to know, read on, if not, don't yell at me, I'm sure there's someone who will like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

Chapter One

The Hogwarts Express

"Tina, Harry, hurry up, you don't want to miss the Hogwarts Express on your first day at school!" My dad, James Potter, called up to me. Of course, he didn't have to worry about me sleeping in; I was already up and reading books. I had been up since seven (it was now eight thirty) reading our different books. I had already finished reading "Hogwarts: A History", and I was currently practicing the spelloculus reparo; I had snuck into Harry's room at six and took them. Harry is my twin brother. Of course, I didn't wear glasses; I was exactly like my mum, Lily Potter, and Harry was exactly like dad. I had long, blazing red hair that fell to my hips, and Harry had messy, black hair. Our emerald green eyes was the only thing we shared.

"Tina, Harry, did you two hear your father at all?" Mum called up.

"No!" I called back. "Wait, I mean yeah, I did!" There was a knock at my door, and a half blind Harry walked in.

"Tina, where are my glasses?" He asked in annoyance. I had, after all, been doing this for the past week.

"Here," I said reluctantly. As he put the glasses on, I saw his lightning scar. About eleven years ago, and dark wizard, by the name of Lord Voldemort, came to kill him. Mum and dad were out for the night, and they had sent me to mum's sister's house, Aunt Petunia, and her horrid husband, Uncle Vernon. Harry was left at home to be watched by Aunt Maya, dad's sister. She loved Harry like the son she never had. Mum and dad found her dead in front of Harry's crib, and Harry in the crib with a lightning scar. The whole room had been blown apart. That's why we moved to Sirius's place. Sirius is Harry's godfather. Remus Lupin was mine.

"Tina, Harry, breakfast; downstairs now," mum ordered, appearing at my door.

"But mum, I have to pack my things," I complained, trying to get extra time to practice magic.

"I'll do that for you. Remus is downstairs," she added, knowing I would run downstairs like I was being chased by a Death Eater. And that's just what I did.

"Is Sirius here?" I heard Harry ask, but I didn't hear mum's reply; I was already half way down the stairs. I was running so fast, in fact, that I almost ran into dad, but he used some sort of non-verbal magic to slow me down.

"Sorry, dad," I said, edging around him.

"Be quiet when you get to the main landing," he warned me for the umpteenth time. "You don't want to–"

"Wake Mrs. Black, I know, dad, you don't have to keep reminding me," I said, walking down the stairs, my back to him. I hurried down do the kitchen, where I saw Remus and Sirius. A grin spread across my face.

"Remus!" I shouted, running towards him and hugging him. He laughed at my enthusiasm, probably because this was how I always reacted when I saw him, and returned my hug.

"Good to see you, Tina," He said. Then he added, "again." I grinned. "Now, hurry up and eat your breakfast."

"But it's only eight-thirty," I complained. "The train doesn't leave until eleven."

"But your parents want you to eat breakfast, so eat," he said. It was funny because Remus could usually get me to follow orders when my parents couldn't.

"Fine," I said, reluctantly sitting down at the table while Remus used magic to an egg and two pieces of bacon on a plate, and float the plate in front of me.

I was done with breakfast by the time Harry was dragged downstairs by mum, dad close behind her.

"I'm done, mum, can I go back upstairs?" I asked, showing her my empty plate.

"Sure, sweetie," she said.

"Thanks!" I said, grabbing a piece of bread for my owl, Talon, and I ran upstairs. By that point it was nine, so I spent the next hour and a half re-reading about the founders of Hogwarts. I figured I'd be in Ravenclaw or Slytherin, maybe Gryffindor. But I thought I was more cunning than brave. Besides, I got everything I wanted, except, of course, the fame of Harry Potter. The only thing I was afraid of was Harry taking the spotlight off of me. I mean, I didn't want to be completely ignored when I got good marks just because Harry Potter was there.

Sometime later, there was a knock at my door, and Remus entered my room.

"Time to go, Tina," he said.

"Already?" I asked, not looking up from my book.

"It's ten-thirty, we need to apparate to the train station," he said. I closed my book, and let him pack up everything with magic.

"That is so cool!" I exclaimed. "When will I be able to do that?"

"Soon, but if you miss the train, then you may never learn how to use magic," he teased me with a smile.

"Stop that," I said. Though I knew it was a joke, I didn't want it to be true. So we hurried downstairs, Remus and my trunk right behind me.

"Okay, Remus, you take Tina, and Sirius, you take Harry," dad was saying.

"What about you guys?" I asked. A second ago I was psyched to be leaving them; now, not so much.

"We'll meet you there, don't worry," he said. "Oh, Sirius, Remus, leave the trunks, Lily and I will take them."

Platform 9 and 3/4

We had just run through the barrier, and Harry and I were hugging mum and dad good-bye.

"Both of you be good to each other, and respect the teachers," mum told us.

"And to ensure that you don't sneak out of the school," dad sad, and he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a cloak and an old map. "Harry, you can have the Marauders Map, and Tina, you can have my invisibility cloak."

"Cool, thanks dad," Harry and I said at the same time. Then the train whistled, and our parents ushered us onto the train, helping us with our trunks.

"Bye mum, bye dad, bye Sirius, bye Remus!" Harry and I shouted from a window as the train pulled away. The four waved good-bye until we disappeared around the corner.

"I'll miss them," Harry said to me as we went to find an empty compartment.

"Are you kidding me? I mean, sure I'll miss them, but come on Harry," I said as we opened compartment with three ginger haired boys. "We're free; we don't have to listen to them anymore! Do you mind if we sit here?"

"Not at all," one of the older boys said. He and the boy next to him were twins, I could tell, and the boy who sat by the window must be their younger brother.

"My name is Fred," said one twin, "and this is my brother George," he pointed to his other twin.

"And this is our younger brother, Ronald," they said together.

"Fred," said George, pointing to Fred.

"George," Fred said, pointing to his twin.

"And Ronald," the finished together. I laughed; instantly knowing that I would love these two.

"My name is Tina, and this is my twin, Harry. Tina and Harry Potter," I said. I wasn't gloating, just saying my last name, but I had forgotten about Harry and Voldemort.

"No way," the boy named Ronald said. "The Potters? Oh and please don't call me Ronald," he said the name scornfully. "Call me Ron."

"Um, yeah, the Potters," I said. That was a mistake, I thought to myself.

"So do you have that scar then?" Ron asked.

"Yeah," Harry said, pushing his hair up as he glared at me.

"So, I assume you guys are quidditch fans?" I asked before anyone could bother Harry again.

"Oh yeah," Fred said.

"We," George said indicating himself and Fred.

"Are fans of," Fred continued.

"The Appleby Arrows," they finished together. This could get annoying, I thought to myself.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked.

"Let me guess, you're a fan of the Holyhead Harpies?" Fred asked.

"Nope," I replied. "I'm all for the Falmouth Falcons."

"You've got to be joking!" George said. We spent most of the time arguing about quidditch. The argument had died down until only the boys were left arguing. I was trying to read Hogwarts: a History for the umpteenth time. That was when a girl with bushy, brown hair opened the compartment door.

"Excuse me," she said. "Has anyone seen a toad?" Everyone shook their heads. Then she saw my book. "Oh, do you like it?" She crooned. But she didn't wait for me. "I just adore it. All the stuff about the founders was so interesting! Godric Gryffindor is my favorite, of course! Who's your favorite?"

"Salazar Slytherin," I replied. "Or Rowena Ravenclaw. I don't agree with everything Slytherin thought, though. I mean, all that stuff about pure-bloods ruling, I think it's just a load of rubbish. But I do like the idea of actually earning what you work for. That's what I think Slytherin stands for, sure their cunning, and they only care for themselves, but I think that they have the glory of doing everything by themselves, and earning it fair and square. But then there's Ravenclaw, where all the smart people are. They are, in my opinion, just like Slytherin's, only they earn everything in a nicer way.

"Interesting," the girl said, though she didn't sound the least bit interested. Maybe at the Ravenclaw part, but I could tell she was repulsed at the Slytherin part. "My name is Hermione Granger, by the way."

"Fred, George, and Ronald Weasley," the twins said together.

"Ron, please," Ron said.

"Tina and Harry," Harry spoke for us this time.

"Harry who?" Hermione asked.

"Harry Potter," he replied reluctantly.

"Oh, my, really?" She asked. Harry nodded.

"I'm his twin sister," I said, trying to get the attention off of my brother.

"Whatever," Hermione said. "Anyways, we should be arriving soon; you might want to be ready." With that, she turned, closed the compartment door, and left.

"What a self-absorbed, closed-minded, obnoxious brat," I said. "If she likes learning so much, then she should be open to others opinions!" Everyone laughed, but I just glared at them. Harry, Ron, Fred and George, and I pulled our robes over our muggle clothes just as the train station pulled into sight. We hurried off with our trunks and pets: Harry and his owl, Hedwig, Ron's rat, Scabbers, and my owl, Talon. Fred and George left us alone and went onto a path. Ron, Harry and I were utterly confused; we had absolutely one idea on where to go. But a loud gruff voice answered that. I had only heard it once, but I would recognize it anywhere.

"Firs' years come over here!" The voice of Rubius Hagrid called.

"Hi, Hagrid," Harry said, but I just gave a curt nod. I was still in a bad mood.

"How are yeh, Harry? How abou' you, Tina?" He asked.

"Fine," Harry said. I just nodded.

Once all of the first years had lined up, Hagrid lead us all to the boats mum and dad told me about. Once we crossed the lake, we would enter the castle, and a teacher would be waiting for us, though I'm not sure who. After that, we would be lead into the Great Hall, and be sorted into our houses.

A/N: I hope that wasn't too long. But either way, I hope you liked it. Please review, thanks!
P.S. This chapter has just been revised. A description of Tina and Harry was really only the main change. If I missed any spelling or grammar errors, please let me know! Thanks! Review if you haven't!