Yes I am aware that I promised another chapter of FB but my ADD decided to kick in and I had the sudden urge to write this. Don't worry I am working on FB. This is just gonna be a side project.

Warning: I am horrible at writing prologues so give it a chance please.

Disclaimer: I own nothing except the weird plot.

Scene Changes are shown like this.

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"You want to what?" Carly looked at Freddie with a confused expression. She had just opened her locker when he ran up and asked to watch some cartoon he had borrowed from a friend in her apartment. "Why can't you watch it in your own?"

Freddie's head drooped. His friend had told him some things about the series and Freddie had wanted to watch it ever since and was hoping Carly would just let him, not ask Twenty Questions. His mom was the reason. She didn't want him watching cartoons. She thought they would rot his brain if he watched even one second of them. "Please Carly? I really want to watch this and you know how my mom is."

Carly could tell he was near begging and gave in before he tried to in the hall. "Okay but you can't watch it right away. We have iCarly tonight."

Freddie nodded.

Sam walked up a few minutes later eating a piece of cake. Carly and Freddie, too used to things like this, didn't even question it. Finishing get her stuff, she told her friends to hurry up so they could do one last rehearsal for the show.

Later that night

Freddie cut off his camera and congratulated the girls. The show went off without a hitch, though they thought the storm brewing outside might cut the electricity. He was just about to put away his camera when Sam screamed from halfway down the stairs, "Hurry up dork or me and Carly are gonna start watching TV." Knowing that she wasn't joking, Freddie quickly finished cleaning up and ran down the stairs. He slowed down as he reached the bottom seeing Carly and Sam just standing there staring at something.

"What are you guys staring at?"

Both just lifted their hands pointing at something. Freddie followed their hands with his eyes and his jaw dropped. Standing in front of them was Spencer finishing hooking up what had to be the biggest TV they had ever seen. It covered a large portion of the wall which made the three question how it got into the apartment.

Spencer turned to see the kids staring wide eyed at the monster behind him. He couldn't help but laugh wishing he had a camera. "Cool, huh?" The three slowly nodded their heads, still too amazed by it to talk. Socko had got a chance to try out a new prototype from one of his customers. Problem was he had business in another state so he let Spencer borrow it. " guys want to try it out?"

Freddie was the first to recover.

"Oh hell yes!" Running into his apartment, he grab the dvds and snuck past his mom. By the time he got back, Carly had a tub of popcorn ready, Spencer was finishing getting drinks and Sam was laid out on the couch. He walked to the giant screen and began looking for the player. "Hey Spencer where's the dvd player? I can't find it."

"Hold on a sec!" Spencer carried in a case of Peppy Cola and set it on the coffee table. He stepped next to Freddie and gave a goofy grin. "Watch this." He pressed a button and speakers started popping out of the sides. He pressed another and a stereo came out. Pressing the last a panel slid open and a five-disc dvd player appeared. The kids were bug eyed but Sam managed to speak what the others were thinking.

"Okay...this is the most awesome TV EVER!"

Freddie quickly put the disc in and ran to the couch. After getting comfortable, he grabbed the remote and pressed play.

"So what are we watching?" asked Carly.

"Oh, it's a show called Ava-" Freddie voice was drowned out as a loud crash of thunder rang through the air. With a flash of lightning, the lights went out. Everyone groaned except Spencer. "Well there goes that..."

"Not exactly," answered Spencer as he started slowly making his way through the dark. Reaching the TV, he flipped a switch and the room was filled with the soft glow of TV light.

Freddie and the others were gob smacked. "This thing has a generator?!"

"More like a giant battery. Now hit play!" Spencer quickly ran back to his spot.

The screen was soon flashing and a deep voice started talking. "So you wish to hear the tale of the last Air-" Lightning flashed again making the screen go fuzzy. The group watched as the screen shut off then turn on with near blinding light. Their eyes widen as glowing white hands started coming towards them.

Everyone immediately started to try and climb over the back of the couch. Sam was nearly over when one of the hands caught her ankle. She gripped onto the couch as it tried to pull her in. Looking back and forth, she could only watch as her fingers slipped. When she couldn't hold on any longer, Sam closed her eyes and let go. Floating was the only way to describe how she felt as she was pulled in. Feeling something wrap around her wrists, she opened her eyes to see Freddie trying to pull her back.

"Don't worry Sam. I got ya."

Sam stared as she watched actually Freddie gained some ground. She was about to say something when more hands shot around her and grabbed him as well. Slowly the feeling of being pulled started again. Looking to Freddie, she saw that he was giving her an apologetic smile.


Carly could only watch as the hands finally pulled her friends in. "Spencer we have to go after them!"

Spencer didn't know if that was a good idea but he knew they had to do something.

"Alright but hold on to me as tight as you can."

Gripping onto her brother, Carly pulled him forwards and jumped into the TV. She and Spencer were sent spinning as they sucked deeper into some kind of vortex. Looking down, she saw Freddie and Sam. Sam had been pulled from the boy's grip. Both reached the end and vanished into a wall of light. Managing to turn herself and Spencer downward, she sped up their descent. Soon they reached the end as well and passed through the light.

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Hopefully at least someone made it this far and yes to those that noticed it, I did steal the hands thing from FMA.