Hey guys. Sorry that I haven't updated in a while, totally forgot about this until people started favouriting it! I will try to update more often but I want reviews or I will not know whether this is a load of crap or not. I also like constructive criticism. Enjoy :D

"I, err, I…I…Can this wait until later? I promise I will tell you everything." He stuttered in an English accent.

"Fine." I muttered. I made a mental note to myself to make sure he explained, I would even threaten his life if I had to.

At that point, we pulled up to a beautiful restaurant. This was my lucky day. As the maître d' led us to the table, I started to feel slightly nervous. I knew he would take my coat and I had the unfortunate feeling that James would stare. I was wearing an extremely low cut dress. Bad idea.

I was right. As the maître d' took my coat, he stared at me and uttered out half-formed compliments. Poor lad. All through the meal, James stared. I tried to make small talk, he stared. I hate my cleavage. Gah! Stop staring at my bosom!

Near the end, I couldn't stand it. Just as I was about to remark, the waiter walked in with an unexplainable emotion of fear on his face. He brought us a bowl of fruit.

"Compliments of the restaurant." He uttered out. He then said something so low, that I couldn't be certain of it. I could have sworn that he said I'm so sorry. What was going on?

Then my senses kicked in. Sound: a faint ticking noise. Smell and taste: gas. Touch: the fruit was hard – wooden. Sight: there was a faint red light flashing from deep within the fruit bowl. A bomb! Thank god for the warning light. My instincts were screaming at me to run for my life. £1000 says the door's locked. Correct again.

A large bleep knocked me from my stupor. That was the 30-second warning. I felt the familiar rush of adrenaline flow through my body.

"James," I said softly as I glanced at the doomed waiter, "We have to get out now, the bomb in the fruit bowl is about to explode!"

The word bomb brought him back to reality. I grabbed a small yet deadly mini revolver from the lining of my stocking and aimed at the closest window. 1 shot did the trick. The glass hit the window and smashed like someone stepping on a thin shard of ice.

I saw James glance out of the window and appraise our landing. A river ran next o the restaurant. How convenient. Suddenly, I was swept off my feet into somewhat familiar arms and then we were flying. We straightened out our bodied vertically as we hit the water. Basic prevention of pain. As I looked up, I saw the restaurant get swallowed up in flames. Such a lovely restaurant – such a waste. As I dragged myself out of the river, I noticed James staring again. I looked down in horror. This dress will be burned. It clung to my every curve. I grimaced and stalked off towards the hotel.

"I'm sorry Lara," I heard James say, "I can't help but stare at such a beautiful woman." Pervert. I then rounded on him.

"You promised. Who are you really? Are you English or American? What's your real name? Why did you speak with an American accent? What –

A pair of gentle yet familiar lips on mine cut off my questioning. James wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I was shocked to find myself kissing him back. I stared into his familiar, pale blue eyes. I pulled away.

Pale blue eyes, American accent, familiar arms, those soft lips. His lips. My breathing hitched. Worry crossed his eyes.

"Lara? Can you hear me honey? Are you okay? Talk to me."

Then I realised. I knew it all along and had been lying to myself, my mind protecting itself. This could only be one person,

"Alex West." Then everything went black.