Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS or any of it's characters.

Chapter 1

Peace had reigned in the Gibbs household for almost two weeks now. The new security system had been installed, much to Taylor's consternation. I mean she had no intention of sneaking out after the last time, but that wasn't the point, this way she had absolutely no control over what she could and couldn't do. That sucked. Still, it was kinda nice not being in trouble for a change.

It was Friday night and Taylor was happily curled up beside her dad, watching the end of a movie. Friday night was her favourite time of the week, during school anyway. Patricia was on the other side of her father, but she didn't mind, she had sorta got used to her being around. Tomorrow the three of them were going bowling, it was going to be a good weekend.

The end credits had just started to roll, when the phone rang. Lifting the phone from it's cradle Taylor passed it straight over to her dad. He listened for a few seconds, then stood up and left the room to take the call. Only mildly interested in his conversation, she reached for the remote and shuffled along the couch to lean against Patricia. If Patricia was surprised, she didn't show it, she just lifted her arm and put it around Taylor pulling her closer.

The phone call was a long one and by the time Gibbs returned Taylor was asleep, and so was Patricia. He stared at the pair of them not quite believing what he was seeing. He watched them for a few minutes before reluctantly waking them up. Sending Taylor up to bed he dropped back down on sofa beside Patricia.

"Bad news?" she asked

"Haven't decided yet." We're gonna have a house guest for a couple of weeks. My goddaughter Megan, she's the same age as Taylor. I haven't seen her since the christening."

"So what's bad about that?

"I dunno, just a gut feelin'"

"I'm sure it'll be fine, besides Taylor will love the company."

"Speaking of Taylor, what did you do to her tonight?"

"I have absolutely no idea."

Taylor woke early the next morning, probably as a result of the noise coming from the guest room next to hers. Going to investigate, she stopped in the doorway of the other room and watched as her dad vacuumed the floor around the newly made up bed.

"Who's comin'?"

He hit the power button, "Megan. I'm her godfather, just like Tony's yours."

Taylor didn't say anything, just stared at him, she'd never heard of this Megan before, and wasn't quite sure she liked the idea.

"What?" he asked when he saw the look on her face. "You'll like her, she's the same age as you, besides, it's only for a fortnight."

Taylor shrugged before turning to leave the room, she wanted to be on her own to process this new information.

"You'd better get dressed, and grab something to eat, we have to pick her up at the airport in an hour." he called after her. The only response he got was the slamming of Taylor's door. Sighing he wrapped the power cord around the vacuum and carried it downstairs. Nothing was ever simple around here.

Standing beside her dad Taylor watched as the passengers from the flight streamed past them. Megan appeared last, walking beside an airhostess. Taylor hung back as her dad went over to introduce himself, watching as the girl smiled sweetly and shook his hand. Gibbs only noticed she wasn't beside him when he turned to introduce her. He gave her one of those 'get over here looks'. Taylor rolled her eyes before reluctantly going to meet the girl. The two of them couldn't have looked more different. Megan was a good head taller than Taylor, immaculately dressed in a matching skirt and blazer, blonde hair carefully tied back. In sharp contrast was Taylor's unruly short auburn mess she rarely brushed, faded jeans and well worn t-shirt. Taylor kept her hands firmly in her pockets when Megan reached out to shake her hand. Only backing down when she received a sharp nudge from her father. Megan ignored the slight, chatting happily to Gibbs as they walked out to the car. Taylor followed a few steps behind, glaring at both. Her dislike of the girl only increased when she took Taylor's normal seat in the car up front, leaving her in the back. As they drove off, Gibbs glanced at Taylor in the rear view mirror easily recognising the mutinous expression. His gut feeling was right. It was going to be a long two weeks.