Vita Aeterna

Fanfic crossover

Disclaimer: I own neither Harper's Island or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I do however own the James Foley character.

Summary: Set in 2009, right after Harper's Island ends. Dawn, now immortal due to the power of the key has a vision of ten recently murdered people coming back to life as immortals in a Seattle morgue. She knows that these individuals will be important in the fight against evil, and goes to Seattle with Vi and James Foley to get them and bring them to Cleveland.

(This is written as an AU for Harper's Island, where Sully and Trish's bodies were not burned up in the church but left where they were killed, and Booth was found while rescuers were scouring the island.)

Chapter One

Dawn is sleeping in her bed at the Cleveland branch of the International Watcher's Council. She seems peaceful for a few moments, and then starts to mutter in her slumber as a vision, which is a side effect of her immortality, hits her full force.

Dawn's vision

A brown haired man with glasses in the woods, startled by a friend, accidentally shoots himself. Another man with dark hair and tattoos getting stabbed in the stomach. A young couple on a bridge, being stalked by a third man, then both shown floating in the water below. A blonde woman impaled on a boarding knife as she tries to fire a shot gun. Another man impaled on the same boarding knife, then strung up. A gothic looking woman, hanging from the ceiling by a noose. A blond haired man holding a shotgun like a bat, getting stabbed in the back. A black man struggling with the same man that had the boarding knife and getting killed by the spike of a memo holder. And finally a woman in a wedding dress getting stabbed in the side by a man she appears to know. There are glimmers of other murders, but those are the ten that stand out. Dawn then finds herself standing in a morgue with a large number of covered bodies lined up.

She walks up to on of the bodies, and takes note of the toe-tag. It reads Jared Dunn on it. She moves to leave the room, but as she passes the other end of the gurney holding the body, the man's arm shoots out and grabs Dawn's arm.

"Help us."

Dawn jolts awake, gasping for air in a puddle of sweat. She knew immediately what she had to do, having faced the same situation with two of her now immortal friends, Vi and James. She had to get to Seattle before the awakening.

To Be Continued…