Caution: So, here is the lemon. For everyone who still hasn't in decent age to read something like this, please read this with closed eyes. (oh wow, it's including me, I guess). This chapter contains lime at the ripest, quiet graphic, embarrassing words and a very-very long chapter. Thanks for Nina-neechan who actually wrote the whole 'thing' scene, it's the real reason why this story was on hold for such a very long time, because I don't know how to write 'coupling' scene. I have to delegate this task to someone more experienced, which is my friend's older sister whom is an M writer in Naruto section. My brain evaporated to read this, let alone to edit, so I just added little bits. Enjoyyy...


Chapter 3

"Darn that Naru, darn that Naru, darn that Naru…" Mai was grousing fumingly, as she walked all the way to the SPR from the bus stop. Because of what he has told her this morning, she could not concentrate at school. She was perfectly certain that she would got only ten percent for her history quiz, and not only that, she had suffered the worst in PE as well. She lost count on how many times her poor head got hit by the ball during volleyball. All because of Naru and his crazy idea! But frankly, Mai admitted that his idea made sense. It was just that she couldn't think of the prospect of she and Naru would…arghhh, even her tongue refused to pronounce the word.

And she didn't know what she should do. True, she and her friends often talked about it. Even some of her friends actually had done that, on numerous occasions they would generously share their 'experience'. But talking and doing were two very-very different things. So, what should be her answer? Madoka and Lin would be back tomorrow afternoon. So they really had only this day...

Mai opened the office door with a leaping heart, and Yasuhara was the one to greet her.

"Hi, Taniyama..." said Yasuhara as cheerful as always, smiling broadly.

"Hi, uhh…you're leaving already? Isn't it that you have only morning classes today?"

Yasuhara has already packed his belongings into his backpack. "Yeah. I have an appointment with one of my lecturers. My assignment is lost somewhere which I remember that it was already in his possession. Wish me luck that I can win this battle, or else I have to redo it again. And there's no important work, so you may just relax today. I also had cleaned the bathroom."

"Oh, that's not good." In Mai's opinion, Yasuhara's college assignments were kind of high school homework in disastrous scale. Her cells brain ached just to think if she was the one to be expected to do it. "I hope he'll find it. And thank you, I think I'll mop the floor then…"

Yasuhara knocked Naru's door and opened it slightly, "Boss, Taniyama has arrived, so I'm off for today…"

The door was opened wider a while later and Naru came out with a pencil in his hand. He nodded at Yasuhara before the boy waved his hand at Mai and walked out the front door. And Mai freaked out to feel Naru's intense gaze on her.

"I-I'll clean up the floor..." Mai squeaked quickly and run to the kitchen, without even giving him a glance.

Naru took a deep breath and retreated into his throne room. Mai deftly mopped every nook and corner of that front office, that even a fly would slip off the shiny floor if it dare to land on it. And then she opened her school bag and tried to finish her today's homework just like she usually did whenever no other job needed to be done but waiting for any client.

That day, no one has visited SPR to request for an investigation or consultation. Mai put her forehead onto the coolness of her desk before she went to the kitchen and made two cups of tea. She sipped hers to calm her nerves, and walked hesitantly to the boss' room. The 'come in' respond was heard from inside after she knocked on the door.

Mai put the tea in front of Naru who was typing something on his laptop while talking on the phone. It seemed that he didn't mind her presence because he didn't shoo her out, and certainly because he spoke in English and knew that Mai couldn't follow it anyway.

Mai waited for her turn to speak as she was checking her boss, secretly. Yep, he was definitely handsome, cute, as always. Surely there would be many girls who would actually throw themselves at him for any chance to sleep with him. Pssshhh…Mai's face flushed from thinking of something inappropriate. Although it was also a fact that she harbored a certain feeling for him, but to intimately sleep with him was another story, especially after what he had done to her.

"So?" said Naru suddenly, startled Mai. She was still thinking so deep that she didn't realize Naru had ended his phone call. "Someone need my assistance?" He glanced at the opened door. Since that incident, Mai never entered his room without leaving the door open wide.

Mai wet her lips nervously as she tried to calm her heartbeat. Finally, she took a deep breath and whispered, "I'll do it."

Naru raised his eyebrows.

"I mean, sleeping with you." Mai added quickly as she turned her face toward the window in embarrassment.

It was Naru's turn to be frozen on his seat for a while. He didn't expect that positive answer after Mai avoided him before. He had assured himself that Mai had decided to refuse his idea. Naru collected himself before saying, "You've done your homework?"

Mai looked at him in surprise. "Ehhh, yes…all but one, a literature essay. I have to go to library for that one."

Naru suddenly drained his teacup in one gulp, and then stood up and reached for his bag. "Then we'll close the office right now."

"Ehhh, what? But it's still early. It hasn't-"

"Just pack your things and we go home." Naru cut her off.

Mai couldn't help but obey. Meanwhile, Naru was already waiting at the front door, making Mai became more frantic. She just threw her books and pen into her bag. And when she was about to go to the kitchen to wash the cups, Naru gave her a disapproving look.

"You still can do it tomorrow," stated Naru as he opened the door. With a sigh Mai grabbed her bag and forced her feet to follow him. What was with the rush? The tea would leave stain on the cup if it wasn't immediately washed.

Mai's heart pounded like crazy as she stood in the bus with Naru beside her. She was really nervous and began to regret having agreed to his idea. But the words were already spoken, and she ensured herself that she had nothing to loose. She had already lost her virginity anyway, so why didn't give it a try. Beside, she has been contemplating Naru's words during her school time, about replacing bad memory with the not bad one. She really wanted to return to the day when she could have fun with Bou-san and Ayako to annoy Naru, or facing Naru without trembling in fear. It was so tiring, actually.

Mai was deep in her thought and left her journey back to Naru's apartment into her conscious sense by following Naru, which made her almost walked into him when Naru stopped in front of his front door. Mai gulped to watch him unlocked the door. That was so fast, shouldn't they still walk somewhere around a famous chain Chinese restaurant about at the other side of Shibuya? Ah okay, that was out of their route, but suddenly she felt like wanted to eat Chinese food.

And they were inside. They stood awkwardly in the living room after deliberately lingering for a while for only to take their shoes off. But at least it calmed her to know that actually Naru was also nervous. Before now, his cold posture somehow made her thinking that Naru thought of it as nothing but only an atonement sex in which put Mai in dismay. Blame it on her hopeless romantic feeling. In her opinion, if they had to do it, she wanted for both of them to think of it as something special. But of course she wouldn't voice it out.

Slowly, Naru put his laptop bag on the couch and headed to the bathroom. And Mai could only stand in confusion. What should she do? Should she change into her pajama or daily clothes, or maybe stripped herself naked? She still hadn't made a decision until Naru came out of the bathroom which made Mai panic. Without thinking, she fled to that certain room Naru had occupied before.

And yeah, she still didn't know what to do. So she emptied her bladder, washed her womanhood thoroughly and tidied her hair a little. She had PE class that day, surely she had sweat all over her body. It would be better if she would take a quick bath first. Maybe she should tell Naru to wait so she could clean herself. But as she poked her head out of the door, Naru who was leaning onto his room's doorframe spoke up, "Let's do it in my room."

So casual, as if they would only play Scrabble. Mai swallowed dryly. So this was it, no chance to retreat or back out from the situation. Naru pushed his door wide, a signal for her to get inside first. Or perhaps just a caution if suddenly Mai decided to change her mind.

"Umm, but… I t-think I'll t-take bath first. Ehh, y-you know, I have sweat all over, I had PE-"

"That's alright, you don't need to," Naru's respond was so quick. "I don't mind it."

That left Mai without any excuse anymore. Naru's room was as spacious as Lin's, with the bed as big as the one which Mai and Madoka slept adorned one wall. Mai was blushing to see the cream-colored cotton sheets, imagining what would take place on it soon. She averted her attention onto other things to expel her dirty thought out of her mind. A big wardrobe stood elegantly at the opposite wall, one of its doors had mirror on its surface. The table which was placed beside the bed was covered by books and papers, and a dark jacket was laid at the chair's backrest. The room was so neat and clean, maybe except for the bookshelves which books scattered not so orderly. But that made the room less intimidating in Mai's eyes.

That was it, there was nothing else, Mai sat nervously on the bed. She lost any idea to stall the time, so she could only say, "Umm, don't you want to have dinner first?"

"It's still far from dinner time. Are you hungry? You didn't get your lunch?" Naru muttered as he carefully sat beside her, with enough distance for three more people between them.

Yeah of course, it was still four in the afternoon and Mai felt like an idiot already, which was really not good to start a decent mood. Her fingers played the hem of her plaited uniform skirt. "Do you know what to do during…uh, when we sleep together?" She was blushing.

"More or less. I've learned."

"You watched porn?" Mai's eyes widened. The image of the mighty Naru watched porn on his laptop with wide eyes and gaping mouth and gushing nose and drooling mouth wouldn't leave her mind. Could it be that was what he'd been doing the day before, when he was so engrossed in his own world?

"I researched," Naru corrected her. "Never mind, just don't think about it. Are you afraid?"

"I d-don't know…."

Naru paused as he swallowed hard. Although he had read a lot about the activities they were about to do, he was still unsure and afraid of making mistakes. Just as Mai had suspected, he had been watching some porn so he could learn from the live-action. He also had been searching around the web to find out what he should or shouldn't do to the partner. And of course he had learned by heart from a certain blog about how to pleasure a woman.

And then they only sat in an unnerving silence.

"S-so, what should we do now? D-do I have to ta-take my clothes off?" Mai said after a whole five minutes of complete lack of exchange.

Naru looked surprised to hear that. He stared at Mai whose face was like a boiled lobster that was plunged into tomato sauce. Naru knew that Mai had gathered all her courage just to say that. He had to praise her for not cowering but willing to cooperate. Though maybe she only wanted it to end it as fast as possible. Naru could only nod.

Mai stood up and her fingers were playing with the hem of her sailor blouse before she pulled the press studs off and pulled it up off of her head, she carefully folded and put it on the edge of the bed. She was grateful that when she glanced at Naru, he wasn't staring at her. She was about to unzip her skirt when she realized the presence of the full body mirror of the wardrobe. Good God! How could she forget that! That would still allow Naru to watch the full show without him had to look at her directly. Mai hastily clutched her skirt in front of her chest as she had freed her from it. She sat again, didn't know what to do.

Naru seemed to understand that that was what Mai would do so far. She refused to be completely naked. And now it was his turn to undress. Slowly but surely he unbuttoned his dark shirt and pulled it off and hung it on the nearby chair. His singlet was following. It took a little longer to unbuckle his belt and lowered his zipper before his trousers suffered the same fate as his other clothes. Now he was only in his brief.

There was no sexiness at the way they stripped their clothes off. Mai averted her gaze to the closed door, not even trying to take a peek at the free show beside her. It was an awkward situation, but one had to take control and Naru knew that he had to do it. At least he knew what to do. So he took a deep breath, filling his lungs with generous amount of air before he strengthened himself and took an action. He put one of his knees on the bed as his hand reached for Mai's forearm, urging her to take place on the bed.

Putting her skirt aside, Mai leaned against the pilled up pillows and folded her legs shut, her arms covered her chest. Naru sat in front of her and he didn't hide the fact that he was staring at her as he pulled her hands down and straightened her legs on each of his sides. And Mai suddenly found herself overly self-conscious about her body; did he like what he saw or not? She didn't have big breasts, usually boys like the big ones, right? And oh how not sexy her underwear was. She only wore a white sport-bra with cutie bears printed on it and the matching simple panty, definitely not turn-on materials. Slowly, her face started to blush again from the embarrassment that Naru really took his time at… checking over her.

Mai hesitated for a while before finally strengthened herself to stare back at Naru. He had a slender and delicate, slightly toned body. And very pale skin. Long legs and dark blue briefs… okay, Mai averted her gaze and concentrated on his face, trying to figure out what he was thinking. Oh, but his exceptionally handsome face only made her mouth dry. It wasn't fair; it was clear the effect of him on her, and she didn't know whether he found her desirable enough or not.

"Foreplay," Naru whispered suddenly, making Mai jolted in surprise.


"Foreplay, like… warming up in sport," Naru said again. "So… for enjoyable sex, woman must excrete enough fluid so it won't be hurt when the penetration occurs. That's why I have to make you get aroused and excited."

God, why did he have to recite that like he was reading it from a manual book? But Mai was more surprised to find color started to paint his cheeks. He looked so boyish, with that slight pout and creased brow as he held his embarrassment. His expression was, Mai couldn't find a better word, normal. He had thrown his indifferent mask away.

"I'll prepare you by touching you, you just tell me if it isn't to your liking or you find it to be hurtful," Naru explained it more. "Don't keep it to yourself, I need to know whether I hurt you or not."

Mai nodded. Naru was about to move his hand when suddenly he froze. Mai just stared at him in confuse, wondering maybe he suddenly didn't want to do it anymore.

"So, officially this will be out first. I heard from Lin that you took the emergency contraceptive pills, do you still have them?" Naru startled her with that question. He was a little hesitant and more embarrassed as he continued, "I forgot to prepare condom. And in this state, I don't feel to walk along the block to the convenient store. Since this is my first time, I can't guarantee that I'll have enough control in the end. I mean, there's possibility that I can't pull myself out at the right time and release inside."

Mai had that confused look on her face. It wasn't that she didn't get it, oh hell she was a girl of the twenty first century. It was that her mind was too nervous that it took more time to reply him on time.

"That, you know… I might ejaculate while still inside of you…"

Ah, please don't say it so boldly. I'm not that stupid… Mai nodded with a very red face that reached her ears. "I-I still have them. B-but I shouldn't take it often, Mori-san said it's not good for my cycle. But I think it's still okay…"

"So, you don't mind if maybe I do it inside?" Mai didn't answer him, which he took it as a yes. "I-I'll be gentle. Just don't be afraid." He was stuttering a little. In a normal usual situation, it would be a great discovery for Mai to find him stammering.

Mai nodded, but she couldn't help to tense as Naru outstretched his hand. He run his finger on her arm slowly before he moved it to caressed her stomach. Mai restrained herself from squirming.

"Uhh, may I touch your breast?"

"Y-yes…" Mai choked on her answer. She took a deep shaky breath and her heart was beating so hard that she believed that even Naru could hear it. And her breath got caught in her throat when Naru's palm landed on her bra-covered left breast.

Slowly, Naru cupped the clothed mound and squeezed it gently. Mai bit her lip to feel his hand massaging her small breast and she held her breath as Naru decided to act bolder as he slipped his hand under her bra to feel the real flesh. Naru's other hand traced the line of her bra until he reached his destination and started to have a fight with the clasps at her back. In the end, Mai had to give a hand and finally the stubborn bra was slipping off.

Naru had the full view now, his first real breasts. He didn't mind with her size, really. Even he thought that the bouncy gigantic ones were out of his choice. He ran his finger at the outline of the mound and lightly prodded the still hiding nipple. Mai's breasts were cute, firm but soft in his hand as he massaged them gently, making sure not to be rough. God, both his hands found their heaven. With gradual intervals his calloused fingers fondled and tweaked the nipples till they perked proudly. Feeling confident enough that Mai wouldn't slap him, Naru leaned over and took his action into higher level.

Mai bit her lips to hold the rebellious moan that was struggling to leave her mouth. Her eyes were tightly shut. That was so good, though at first she felt uncomfortable that someone was playing with one of the untouchable parts of her body. But true to his words, he really acted so gentle with her. Suddenly she shrieked when she felt something wet touch her skin.

Mai bit her lips harder as Naru attacked the hardening nipple with his mouth while his one hand kneaded the other breast, some guttural sounds managed to escape her throat. She gasped to feel his tongue flicking over the nub to bring it to full hardness. His teeth occasionally nipped at the throbbing peak, and Mai couldn't hold her hiss. Her body was trembling in delight at the alien sensation she never felt before. Being fair, Naru gave the other nipple the same attention. Mai put her shaking hands at Naru's shoulders and shut her thighs close, but Naru who was staying in-between her legs just prevented them. She unconsciously rubbed her thighs at Naru's sides when something tingly started to grow inside of her stomach.

That was such a scandalous but graceful display that she found as she opened her eyes. The sight of Naru's lips enclosed her shameless nipple and his skillful hand that giving various degree of pressure onto her breast just excited her more. Somehow, she could feel her panties got wet and her nether region was throbbing intensely.

And then, which made Mai startled, Naru looked up and their eyes met. And the movement of his tongue ceased. Naru left his little amusement and straightened himself, and much to Mai's surprise, his face was just a couple centimeters from hers. She froze to feel his eyes on her lips. Would he… And Mai couldn't finish her thought when Naru's lips were immediately on hers. With one hand braced the bed while the other still massaged her breast, he kissed her. At first Naru just glued their lips together before moving them slowly. The movement was pretty clumsy and Mai didn't know what to do. She had never been kissed before! And then Naru's tongue did the action by licking her lips and sweeping her teeth. Mai gasped and Naru took the chance to slip his tongue inside her mouth.

That was a new thing for Mai, when Naru intimately searching and touching every hidden place of her mouth. Or he was trying. To be truth, that was also his first kiss. It was just understandable that then it became a slobbering kiss. Teeth met teeth, nose bumped into nose, and Mai didn't know what to do with her own tongue. Naru was exploring Mai's cavity rigorously, every nook and cranny, until their lung protested from air deprivation.

They were panting now as Naru ended their experimental kiss. Mai averted her face as she wiped the saliva off of her chin. She didn't dare to look into his eyes, it was shameful that she was so inexperienced in this field. Though she shouldn't be, because even Naru also wasn't sure whether he did it right or not. Naru had no idea on what he was supposed to feel when you kiss someone. It was so obvious that he and Mai didn't enjoy it much.

But it was no use to ponder about it. There was still so much to do and so much to achieve. Naru backed off a little; he still had a treasure for his hand to roam over. He moved his hand from the valley between her mounts and dragged them downward, lingering for a while at her navel. In Mai's opinion, that was so erotic though quiet a bit ticklish. But Naru thought otherwise, he only did that because he had read that it was necessary. Although in the end, he had to admit that he liked the feel of her skin on his hand. His pale hand didn't look bad on her porcelain skin. It was so good to run his palms on her smooth waist, hips, and then there was a hindrance in the form of panty.

Mai's white panty was slightly damp, moist heat had gathered in her underwear. Naru run his finger to trace the slit, and he got a whimper from her. He put a pressure as he rubbed his fingers on it, and Mai bit her lip again. Naru's fingers traced the band and playfully tugged it slightly. Slowly, he pulled the panty lower to test the water. Mai didn't object, so he used the silent grant to completely eradicate it from her. As the panty landed on the floor, he found that Mai covered her most private part with her hands.

"Mai…" Naru scowled at her.

"No don't look…" Mai shrieked in panic. If only Naru didn't stay between her legs, she would close them tightly.

"It's okay…"



"It's so embarrassing…"

Naru smoothed his hands up the inside of her thighs and Mai shivered. That excited and terrified her at the same time. He put his hands on her wrists and gently tugged them upward.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed for…" he whispered softly, and forcefully pulled her wrists away from her most secret place and locked them on her thighs with his own hands.

And there, his also first sight of womanhood. Naru was staring at it hungrily. Mai, deciding that that couldn't be avoided anyway, averted her gaze to the plain wall.

The glistening folds were like waving at him. His fingertip grazed the skin.

"Don't! It's dirty…" Mai raised her wavering voice.

"No, its okay Mai. Just relax…" Unlike hers, Naru's voice was so calm and collected.

And his fingers touched her, parting the folds much to Mai's protest. Her heart was hopping erratically. Naru was now staring at her most hidden and sacred place! God, as the owner she even never ever looked at it closely. Naru didn't waste any more time as his fingers glided over the heated flesh. Carefully, he prodded his finger into the hole to feel the wetness, earning a gasp from Mai. She was wet, but Naru didn't know whether that was enough. He had to make her cum first to ensure Mai excreted sufficient liquid.

Automatically his brain racked his memory, trying to remember exactly what he had to do. Naru had memorized woman's anatomy so he knew there was a nub of nerves bundle that he could play. It was a sensitive and easily irritated organ, so his fingers collected the murky fluids and lightly rub a certain area just at the upper end of the vulva.

Mai bit her lower lip to prevent her from screaming. That was so good, whatever Naru was doing. She didn't dare to look at what Naru's fingers were doing, so she nailed her gaze at Naru's chest, all the while covering her mouth with her hands.

Naru ceased his fingers from moving as he looked up to see Mai's reaction. He smiled slightly and bumped the wall with his palm. "It's okay, Mai. You may scream as loud as you want. It's a real wall. No one will hear us."

Yeah, it was great that their neighbors wouldn't hear them. However, Mai felt that she could die from embarrassment to hear her own voice. She didn't know that that sluttish kind of sound could be emitted from her throat.

Naru returned to his previous action, trying to stimulate her clitoris to its fully form. At least he knew that he did that right to hear Mai's stifled moans and whimpers. He had to be careful, Naru remembered, as he had read that the clit wasn't a bull's eye. He had to tease it first, not immediately touching it. Slowly, his fingers massaged the skin on either side of the vagina in a scissor motion. Yeah, he had learnt it by heart. Using her juice which now started to flow little by little, he lubricated the hooded and rubbed it as gentle as he could, occasionally put more pressure.

"Does it feel good?" Naru asked her.

Mai only nodded and bit her lip harder, couldn't trust her mouth not to let out some embarrassing voice if she answered him verbally. But some of her rebellious moans still managed to escape. Her face was so red, her stomach trembled in excitement. Mai's little nub was fully erect now; she was ready, so Naru started to the lower part. He explored each part of Mai's genitalia with his fingers. He gently spread her nether lips with his hands, hissing at the heat she gave off before he pushed a single digit into her dampening passage.

"Ah!" Mai gasped at the unexpected sensation, her heart rate sped up.

She was very warm and so tight that made Naru wonder how his manhood could fit into her before he remembered that even a baby could come through it. He just had to really prepare her for him. Mai let out another muffled cry and her body tensed to feel an alien thing entered her, her muscles clamping tautly around his appendage. Naru pushed it inside even further until the base and slowly move it in and out.

By now, Mai felt like she wanted to scream. Maybe that was uncomfortable at first, but Naru was really a magician to make it into something so very good just at the flick of time. Whatever Naru had learnt, that definitely the best of all knowledge in the universe.

Naru pumped his finger a little faster before added another finger. Mai's rigid legs were pressed to his side with her soles digging the mattress. Naru's skillful fingers were splitting their duty equally. His left fingers were teasing her clit and his right ones stimulated her vagina. He put more speed on finger humping her; never forget to curl his fingers here and there, rubbing her wall. Sometimes Mai moaned throatily, her legs now rubbing Naru's waist. The murky fluids was secreting from her sex until it was splattered across the heavy cotton sheets beneath her, she was practically overflowing. Naru rocked his finger in and out, slick with her juices. Mai mewled as he pinched the tightened bud between his fingers.

All the time, Naru put his gaze on Mai's face. He observed her expression. He felt so glad that he could give the girl this special treat after the horror he had put her in, and especially he was proud that he could elicit such reaction from her. Mai's face was scrunched in pleasure and her hands gripped the sheets tightly, he was sure she was enjoying this. The liquid that was flowing down his wrist spoke louder than any words. Her body was quaking in pleasure as she could feel the approach of her orgasm. Naru thrust his fingers harder and faster. Mai felt like she was teetering on the edge she was so close she was literally moaning shamelessly. She didn't know what this was, but this made her lost control of herself.

"Na-Na…Naruuu!" And suddenly, she exploded. Naru felt her muscles' trembling turned into a powerful fit of spasms, as Mai bucked her hips up toward the roof, arching her back. She was squirting more hot liquid as she screeched his name. Suddenly Mai rolled her body to her side, almost knocking Naru over, and rode her orgasm while Naru, miraculously, still managed to keep his fingers inside of her and maintained his pace. He just stopped when he couldn't feel the spasm of her inner wall and withdrew his fingers.

Her liquid was sloshing down her inner thighs, some more landed onto the already soiled sheets. Naru entangled himself from between Mai's legs which clamped him while she had her first orgasm. It definitely her first, Naru mused inwardly. He was patiently waiting for Mai to return from her high.

"Are you alright, Mai?" His voice was so soft, asking her as Mai's eyes were fluttering open. She was still arranging her breath and couldn't find her own voice, so she only nodded.

Naru shifted a little further as Mai propped herself on her elbow, trying to sit. Her flushed cheeks and hazy eyes while she was trying to calm her breath only made her looked ravishing. Naru was trying so hard to ignore her nude form; he just didn't want to jump her when she wasn't ready again. God, how his certain body part was twitching impatiently.

"I-I…" Mai couldn't find words to express her feeling. She just stared at Naru, her eyes were full with amazement. Was that what was supposed to feel in sex? She averted her gaze onto her hands on her lap and realized her nakedness. But it was already too late to feel embarrassed, she thought. Naru had literally felt her inside out. And now what, Mai asked herself. She remembered one of her friends had said that good sex was about mutual feeling. Naru had made her taste heaven, so it was her turn to give him the same?

Mai glanced at Naru and realized that he even still had his briefs on. She took a shaky breath and wetted her lips and groggily said, "May I touch you?"

That was like a thunder and lightning in a bright day for Naru. He never expected her to do that, it wasn't in their agenda. But seeing the determination in her eyes, he thought that that wasn't a bad thing. He was ready for new thing. So, just like an elementary boy, he just nodded.

Mai shifted closer, and nervously outstretched her hand to touch his chest. It was hard, but not muscled. Naru wasn't the type for physical activity; he was more in drowning himself in books. Maybe bringing their research equipments was the only exercise he fond of. She flattened her palm against his pale skin, roaming his body. Out of curiosity, her finger circled his nipple and touched it lightly. Naru was shuddering as response. Mai felt like she got a new toy to explore, and copying what Naru had done to her, rolling her thumb around the flat nipple, flicking over it experimentally. His breath hitched. Feeling more confident, Mai did it again, closing her lips of the now stiff nipple that she had never has guessed was quite so sensitive.

Mai wanted to feel him more. Slowly, she dragged her hand along the front of his briefs. And Naru hissed. Mai retracted her hand in fear.

"A-are you okay? Do I hurt you?" Mai asked in worry.

"I'm fine," choked Naru. "You just caught me of guard."

So Mai steeled herself and resumed her previous ministration. Something long and hard was waiting for her attention as Mai run her hand along the tent that was already formed. She tugged the elastic and Naru understood. He lifted himself slightly so Mai could discard the unneeded clothing off of him.

And Mai held her breath. She never saw a penis before, especially an erect one. She just stared at his half erected member, jutting shyly from his body. Lightly, she touched it with her fingertips. It twitched! Emboldened, she held it with her hand and stroked it slowly. Mai felt like it was pulsating against her hand, and getting bigger and harder, engorged with blood to its hardness. The head was kind of like mushroom it made Mai wanted to laugh. It was the same body part to urinate, she thought stupidly, and it was slightly damp the first time she touched it. So apparently Naru had washed it before. Feeling like a wild naughty girl, she also fondled his balls.

She remembered again her conversation with her friends, about oral sex, that boys like their girl to put their organ inside her mouth. She grimaced, thinking that she wasn't ready for that. No way in hell she would suck Naru, so she stayed with just stroking him. She applied various pressures on the shaft, careful not to put too much strength, because Naru cringed in pain when she accidentally almost crushed the phallus. There was a pearl like something at the tips of his penis. Mai rubbed it with his thumbs and Naru jolted slightly. He threw his head back and his eyes were closed, brow pinched in pleasure. He let out a throaty groan that made Mai's mouth almost gaped in surprise. So Naru had it in his, his loose side. He could actually make faces like this too. And she was more than happy to witness it with her own eyes. Precum pooled again at the tip of his penis, and Mai playfully rubbed the slit again with the tip of her finger to smear the oozing liquid over the hot skin, accidentally grazed her nail on it. A heavy tremor ran through his body.

Naru couldn't take it anymore. Playing time was over. He covered Mai's hand with his own to halt her movement. Mai was looking at him in confuse. Did she make him uncomfortable? Naru took a deep breath to recollect his self control and removed Mai's hand off of him. He put his shaky hands on Mai's forearms and pushed her so she was lying on her back.

"N-Naru?" Mai said uncertainly. He was now hovering over her, and slowly parted her thighs with his knee. "W-what are y-you doing?"

"This, of course." He answered in a hoarse voice. His face was red. He positioned himself between her legs and pressed his hips against hers.

"B-but…ahhh…" Mai couldn't finish her objection as she moaned when Naru started to rubbed their groin together. He held his member and dragged it along her still drenched genitalia.

"You don't think that this is already over, do you?" Naru whispered. His voice was unbelievably close to her ear; his breath was fanning her cheek. "We're about to do the main part…" He hissed to feel his erection was now covered with Mai's slick juice.

Mai couldn't think anymore, she closed her eyes shut. Naru had once again pushed his finger inside her core and rubbed her almost sleeping clit. He gave her a proper stimulation again before gently guided her hips so that he had a proper point of entry, his tip pressed to her opening, and he pushed himself slowly. The head of his penis was already in, and he shoved it forward.

"Gh…ackk…!" Mai fought down her cries. Her wall instinctively clamped around his shaft. Naru slowly pushed himself deeper, with difficulty. She was so tight, and so warm. Her muscles objected the intrusion, they were trying to push him out, but it felt like they were massaging him that he wasn't sure whether he could hold himself not to explode right now.

"R-rel-lax, M-Ma-iii…" Naru was stuttering, gritting his teeth. "D-don't squeeze m-me like ahhhh…that!"

But Mai didn't know how to, his shaft was twitching and throbbing against her walls, such foreign but nonetheless, marvelous sensation. How could she make herself to calm that now her muscles were so exciting to feel something she had never experienced before? So Naru did the only thing he could think of, he run his lips on hers. He had to avert her mind into another thing. He kissed her, hard. His tongue wildly teased her, prodded her gum and rubbed her teeth. It was practically dancing inside her mouth. His hand slid down her back, caressing her sides and kneading her breasts. As clumsy as it was, the kissing distracting Mai enough

And soon as he felt her walls loosened around his member, he jerked forward so now he had fully sheathed himself inside of Mai. He stilled himself to let Mai adjusted to the new object inside of her, to make her got used to the stretching. He lightly kissed her face to calm her more. He put his weight into his elbows which were now put beside her head. Seconds were ticking by; Naru watched her expression, waiting until the furrows in her brow were now not so deep anymore.

"Can I move now?" Naru asked softly.

Mai opened her eyes, her breath was heavy. "Y-yeah…"

Naru took a deep breath. He moved slightly to test her reaction. She was mewling and her hands flew and landed on his back at the friction. He pulled her legs and arranged them that now they were hugging his thighs. Naru gently rocked his hips against hers. She squirmed slightly, only to whimper once more. He kept on his pace until he felt that Mai was prepared enough to ascend to the higher level. He pulled himself halfway and drove in fast and deeper. Naru couldn't hold his groan anymore. Mai's breath labored and thick, as she throwing her arms over his shoulder and pulling him even closer to her.

"Ugh…uhh…Na…" Lust now blanketed Mai's brain that she didn't care about the world anymore. She forgot everything, it was only about the boy whom was fiercely filling her which dominated her mind, it was only Naru's hot and hard shaft rubbing her aching passage which was matter for her. "Haghh-hahh-hahh… Naaa-ru…"

Naru was pleased that Mai was not a screamer. Mostly she would bite her lip, moaned and cried hoarsely only when he quickened his pace. He withdrew nearly all the way and slammed back in hard. Altering the angle, he was hitting a new place deep inside her. Mai was squirming wildly beneath him. He clutched her rear to meet his impact. By now, her juice was gushing out freely coating his length more. Their moaning and the squelched sound of their skin slapped together were the only constant sounds in that room.

"God, Naru…." Mai called his name. "Na…Naruuu…ahhh…Naru…"

Mai's voice who chanted his name passionately was Naru's fuel to move wilder. Driving so hard, he touched and poked that certain spot that made Mai screamed the loudest and her body quaked violently. Right now, it was only him who knew that special place, and it was only him that could reach it.

Mai was digging her nails into Naru's back as that feeling approaching her once again, that knot in her stomach tauten it hard to breathe. Naru knew that Mai was on the verge of her peak when he felt her passage tightened around his member, her walls fluttered lightly. He moved faster and faster until a moment later that coil snapped and Mai arched her back and screamed. Naru gritted his teeth as her pussy clamped around his length in a painfully brutal way before releasing spasm after powerful spasm. Mai was soaring to the highest sky at the speed of light, swimming among the stars before reluctantly tumbling back to the earth.

Naru had his own battle to keep on pounding her so that her orgasm lasted longer, but now it was also his turn to gain his own pleasure. He didn't want it to end so soon, he wanted to feel more. But his control was gradually slipping away. He was now driven by his lust that his movement was more erratic. Mai, who was already come to, couldn't support her legs anymore that now they were bent weakly on the mattress, still spreading wide.

Naru was still striving to reap his own satisfaction. He knew that he was selfish as he let himself succumbed to his own need and want. Deep inside his mind, he knew that he had to collect himself so he could have enough control to pull out when the time come. But this poisoning knowledge that Mai still had her pills completely kicking his rational mind out. Naru thought that this could be his only chance, this might be the only time that he was allowed, so he egoistically wanted to feel her until the very end. He clenched his eyes shut, his mouth falling open as he felt his orgasm near. No, he didn't want to do it outside. He wanted Mai and he needed her, he wanted her to feel every sense of him. His sacs tightened, and suddenly he was blinded by the intensity of his orgasm. His body went rigid, his hands clutched Mai's rear so he could release himself as deep as he could.

"Arghhhh!" Naru threw his head slightly backward and a loud shout came out of his mouth, his face scrunched up as he surrendered to his own pleasure.

Mai gasped and her eyes opened wide as she felt him explode inside of her. Her mind was shouting and yelling at her that she should not let him, that she might got pregnant later, but she didn't do anything about it. It was a new and special sensation, and it felt wonderful. She closely watched him in his most vulnerable and blissful state. God, he was so beautiful that it made Mai wanted to cry. It was the first time he permitted himself to let his emotion loose, and it was with her, because of her. Mai closed her eyes to get the pleasure of Naru's hot seed hitting her womb and coating her inside, she wanted to memorize it deep inside her mind.

Naru fell over the peak and he could see all colors in his eyes. He kept thrusting until he was completely spent, and the last sperm was spurted jerkily. He lost his strength and quickly threw himself beside Mai before he crushed her with his weight. They were panting, completely out of breath. After the horrific one they've experienced before, both of them still couldn't believe that sex could be this mind-blowing, even for Naru. Because he was practically not himself at that gruesome incident, he could only remember that that was good but he couldn't recall what kind of good.

"Are you alright?" asked Naru in a raspy voice.

"Mm-mm…What about you?"

"I'm fine…"

They were just lying in silence, calming their breath; their mind was still savoring that after sex content feeling. And soon, exhaustion took over.

"I'm not fine, actually…" Mai murmured softly.

Naru turned his head to face her with a perplexed expression.

Mai smiled sleepily. "I feel soooo beyond fine... It was soooo amazing." She clarified in a laughing tone.

A ghostly smile adorned Naru's lips. He sighed in relief. "That's good…"

They stayed sprawled on the bed, too tired to even move their toe.

"Let's sleep…" Naru mumbled before he closed his eyes. It wasn't take that long until their drowsiness transported them into a dreamless sleep.


Mai opened her eyes lazily, feeling that something was odd. First, she felt so wore out. Second, she couldn't feel any blanket on her, but why it was so warm? Third, the dim sunlight broke through the window, and she never slept at dusk. She blinked her eyes to adjust them to the slight darkness and moved her hand. God, what was that on her stomach? And the memory of what she had been doing before sleeping rushed to her head. And now she was sleeping with Naru so close at her side, facing her, with his hand on her stomach. It wasn't cuddling, but at least it was intimate enough to make her face reddened she wanted to scream. They were naked, for God sake!

Suddenly that hand stirred making Mai jolted slightly. And that forced Naru awoke from his deep slumber. Mai couldn't stay still any longer and she jumped out the bed, hissing as her aching muscles protested. She didn't care; she just wanted to find her clothes. She was groping around the floor, searching for her underwear when Naru sat upright and rubbed his eyes.

"What time is it?" he asked with a sleepy voice.

She still couldn't find anything to cover her nakedness, and she needed light to locate them. So she didn't have other choice but to turn on the lamp. Mai stood with hand covering her breasts; her eyes were wandering until she found her target. In a very red face, she pulled her bra which stuck helplessly under Naru's leg. She quickly wore them before she snatched her panty from under Naru's thigh.

"It's still six thirty," said Mai finally, after she secured her body. "Are y-you hungry? Because I am. I-I'll make dinner." She ran to the door while clutching her uniform in her chest. Mai slammed the door of her room before frantically grabbing her daily clothes and fled to the bathroom. She cleansed herself quickly and thoroughly. After zipping her knee length shorts, she decided to busy herself to prepare their early dinner.

She was welcomed with the sight of shirtless Naru in the kitchen. He was drinking water in front of the opened refrigerator. He looked up at Mai and frowned, "We don't have much…"

Yeah…exactly so. It was Madoka's job to shop, and apparently she forgot to fill their fridge before she went to Hong Kong. There were only instant onigiri and bread, and Mai remembered they still had instant noodles in the drawer and a lot of rice. If she cooked the rice, they had nothing to eat it with. She was contemplating to go to the convenient store but in the end she decided against it. She was too hungry to walk that far, so instant noodles were their only option.

The phone was ringing and Mai was so glad that Naru left the kitchen to answer it. She couldn't concentrate on her duty to boil water if he was around only in pants. God, what was wrong with him? He was a preserve boy, or used to be a preserve boy. Maybe because it was summer already and he felt the weather was too hot for him. Mai filled the kettle and put it on the stove. She could hear Naru was talking to someone. She strained her hearing and caught something… Ah, that was from Madoka. She was checking on them and Naru admonished her carelessness not to hoard their food supplies.

Ten minutes later their foods were ready. Mai added boiled carrot in their bowl. They only had one egg, so she made scrambled egg and shared it with Naru. Naru returned to the table with his dark brown t-shirt on. At least he was presentable enough not to make Mai busy not to ogle him. They were eating in silence, with a bit of awkwardness in the air. Mai didn't dare to look directly at Naru, she forced her eyes to glare at her chopstick.

She didn't know what kind of conversation that they two would find comfortable. Mai felt like she had to talk about that bed activity with him, but she also felt that she didn't want to do it. She knew that Naru had stated that that would only be an atonement sex, that that was only their kind of medicine drug to heal them, so she was angry at herself for feeling that she wanted it to be more than that. Tomorrow, their life would be resumed like old times. She knew it because Naru's idea was proven right, she wasn't afraid of him anymore, she didn't find his presence menacing. Oh holy Gods in heaven, why did it have to be so difficult for her? Mai was busy cursing her annoying feeling. She didn't want to ruin their relationship that would be back to normal, but she couldn't help her hand from wanting to touch his flawless chest and smooth back. Now, that was too much, if only she could, she would slap her shameful brain right away. But one thing that could make her proud and happy was this fact that they lose virginity to each other.

Naru was the first to finish his dinner. He stood up that made Mai startled as she was still in her dreamland. He put his bowl and glass in the sink and disappeared to the bathroom. It was his job to prepare water bath. Mai finished her dinner in a much slower pace before washing the dishes.

Mai took her turn to take a bath after Naru had finished. She washed herself thoroughly, especially at her crotch. She had cleaned it before, but the sticky liquid which maybe was stored deep inside seeped through her panties during dinner. Her face flushed to think that it was Naru's. She soaked herself in the tub after she was perfectly clean, enjoying the hot water to refresh her mind and loosen her firm nerves.

She was walking into her room when the sight of Naru leaning against his doorframe caught her eyes. It was déjà vu…she felt like this ever happened not too long ago. He was in his pastel colored pajamas; she could peek at his chest between his unbuttoned pajama top.

"Do you still need something?" Mai asked quietly.

Naru's expression looked as if he was struggling to speak his words out. His lips twitched before he surprised Mai with his question, "Do you want to sleep in my room?"

"Ehhh?" Mai stared at him, bewildered.

"Sleep in my room for tonight?"

"Haaa... but..."

"We still have time until Lin and Madoka come back tomorrow." There were pleas in his words.

Naru spoke with his eyes glued to the calendar on the wall. Mai just looked at him in uncertainty, her heart was speeding again. It was not just sleeping with she on the bed and Naru on the floor, she knew. Her crazy consciousness was practically jumping joyfully to hear Naru's suggestion. But she knew she shouldn't do it, if she wanted to not hurt herself later, that was. She couldn't stand the thought of having only one night stand with him. Unfortunately the temptation was too big for her desire to cast aside. Hell with her broken heart, if she could bear it before, she would be able to endure it again later. The most important thing here was so she could feel him again, that she could taste that blissful experience with Naru once again. Yes, she knew that she was a hopeless fool.

Naru's expression was so natural, unlike what he always put for his daily appearance. He looked just like any other teenage their age, with maybe a hint of anxiety in his frown for fear that Mai will decline him. She just couldn't turn him down, eh?

Mai rubbed her palms together and looked away, too shy to say yes. Seeing her blushing cheeks, Naru knew that Mai actually didn't object his idea. Maybe she just felt not sure. Naru realized that he was being selfish again that night, and he didn't know what made him so bluntly coaxed that girl to have sex again. That was right, he was already driven by his hormones. He had used to think that that boy excessive hormonal problem was just a bullshit common knowledge, but he couldn't be sure anymore. He had tasted it and it was addictive.

Deciding that if he let Mai thought for any longer she would change her mind, he grabbed her wrist and dragged the girl inside his room. The unmade bed looked so inviting.

"Naru! But I-" Mai wasn't sure.

"You said that you have finished your homework," Naru said confidently.

"Yes, but I need to have my sleep, I still have school tomorrow."

"Do you have quizzes again tomorrow?" He scooted closer.

"I think there won't be any, but-"

It was no use to argue anymore, her mind was quickly clouded by Naru's lips on hers. And she kissed him back, her hand was in his hair and her arm warped around his neck. The kiss was still clumsy but not really that disastrous like their first, it was all tongue and lips and a bit of teeth and saliva. Naru didn't put his feeling into the kissing, Mai knew, he just liked or had to do it. It stung her heart, but she ignored it. It was okay, because she didn't care, because she would have fun, because in the end she decided to spoil her feelings.

His hands were groping her through her blue baby doll. Their bodies were pressed together and her whole body was hot. Naru was taller than Mai that he had to slightly bend his body. He slowly traced the hem of her baby-doll, tugging it upward slowly so that it slid over her head, leaving her in her bra and panties alone. His fingertips ghosted over her flesh, tracing her breast now before undoing the clasps on the back of her bra.

Mai made their situation even. Her hand slipped down only to push the material of his top off his body. Naru smoothed his hands up the inside of her thighs. His hands were roaming all over her. He had no insecurities about his body when Mai definitely still felt shy over hers. Mai boldly pushed his pants down, along with his underwear. And Naru helped her to discard them by kicking them off of his legs.

Naru gently pushed Mai onto the bed. Half of her body now was lying flat on her back. The soles of her feet were flat on the floor, the coolness of the tiles soothe her burning body. Naru slowly leaned over her, hovering there. He was shivering slightly to feel her soft breath against the hollow of his neck. His hand crept under her panty, so eagerly fingering her still damp womanhood. Mai panted thickly. She choked out through moans as she felt his hand cupped one of her breasts, squeezing lightly on the soft mound. He craned down and attacked the exposed flesh, his tongue flicking over the nub to bring it to full hardness.

Mai bit her lips; her hands wander around Naru's body. His skin was silky, too smooth for a boy she felt jealous. He of course didn't put much attention to his skin unlike girls who was very busy to maintain their appearance. It must have been about genes that he had such flawless body. Naru's teeth occasionally nipped at the throbbing peak, gasps and moans leaving her lips. All the unnecessary stupid thoughts now left her mind. She could only feel and feel. She felt the heat bubbling in her pussy and soon after moist fluids discharging.

Naru now felt more confident on stimulating the girl. He didn't have to think much anymore, it seemed that his hands had their own brain now. The tips of his fingers prodding at her base, the centre's tip sinking into the hot core ever so slightly to collect the thick liquid as his calloused thumb grazed her vulva, slowly making its way toward her clit. He coated the nub and slowly circling and rubbing it. Naru carefully checked her wetness to ensure himself. Finally he plunged in two fingers at once and began thrusting deeply.

"Aghhh…" Mai cried at the sudden intrusion. Her body was trembling as all of her sensitive areas were stimulated by Naru at the same time; his mouth savoring her breast, his hand kneading the other mound, his fingers pumping her core with his thumb teasing her delicate clit. He was so good at multi tasking, who was that whom said that male species couldn't do many things at the same time? Soon later the quivering turned into a vigorous quaking, her breath coming faster and harder. He drove his fingers vigorously, relentlessly, hoping that she would reach her limit soon.

Once again Mai was oblivious to the world around her, before her orgasm crashed into her, wave after intense wave rolling over her. Mai was screaming. More liquids flowing out and trickling down her inner thighs, small dots of her juice landed on the white tile. Her back was arched and her thighs clamped tightly, trapping Naru's hand in between. Naru just tugged his fingers inside since he couldn't move his hand anymore, feeling the fluttering of her walls. He tweaked her nipple, sucking the other harder and putting more pressure into the clit that put Mai into a longer climax.

Naru pulled his hand out after Mai recovered from her high. He watched the rise and fall of her chest, her pert nipples were moving so erotically in his eyes. His ran his wet hand across her thighs. Mai opened her eyes and sighed. Naru was so skilful with his hands, definitely. She squeaked in embarrassment when something hot and hard brushed against her thigh. She closed her legs and pressing her thighs together again.

Naru straightened his body and pulled the girl along with him. He placed Mai on the centre of the bed and pulled her waist up, urging her to be on her hands and knees. From her position, Mai could see the glistening that still ran down her thighs. Naru arranged her legs to part wider and kneed behind her. He kneaded the cheeks of her rear for a moment before spread them apart. Mai squeaked in embarrassment. He had a full display of her puckered arse-hole and her throbbing entrance. Slowly, Naru put one of his hands on her hip, and the other guided his hard and throbbing shaft into her entrance. He dragged the tip along the slit before plunged into her warm passage slowly.

Mai bit her lips hard to hold her scream stayed in her throat at the friction and stretching. Naru hissed as he pushed in deeper. She was still tight despite after what they've done previously. He only gave Mai a little time to relish that overwhelming sensation of being so completely full and got accustomed to his size. So once he had sheathed himself, Naru pulled himself halfway and thrust in hard. Mai cried at the unexpected onslaught. Naru wanted to play rougher now, he was sure Mai's body could keep up with his. His hands gripped her hips to steady the girl. He pumped himself fast and hard, determined to send her to orgasm and he had to do it quickly. He pulled himself till only the head was still inside and plunged back in fast, his balls slapped against her clit with every thrust.

Mai couldn't contain her moans anymore. Shrill feminine cries and deep grunts filled the air as he pummeled her mercilessly. Naru wasn't treating her tenderly with his harsh movement. But she wouldn't complain. Soon after, her hands lost their strength to support her body. Her face slumped onto the mattress, but she preferred it more because she could bite the sheets to prevent her from screaming lustfully. It didn't take long for Mai to reach her climax. She screamed into the bed and her body were convulsing violently. Naru pulled himself out completely, avoiding the squeezing of her walls that could push him to his own release before his intended time.

Naru laid Mai on her back and scooped her thighs so they were now on his shoulders. He quickly plunged inside again, not waiting for Mai to recover from his high. This new position allowed him to multitask again. He attacked her breasts with his mouth and his hand, sending Mai into frenzy. With her clit being rubbed, he only needed shorter time to make Mai orgasm again. Just like before, he withdrew fully. Naru sucked on the place just above her right breast so hard to restrain himself in control. He just permitted Mai to rest for only a while before resuming his work again. He had read and learnt all the sex position from the web and he wanted to practice them on her.

Mai was panting hard, her mind was leaving her she couldn't think right anymore. With Naru kept on pounding into her unrelentingly, she constantly stayed in heaven. She couldn't remember how many times she had climaxed just in this one session, and she perfectly knew Naru didn't get his. Why he was holding himself like that was beyond her rationalization. Their first sex was nothing but rape, their second could be verbalized as a nursing act to heal their traumatic ordeal, and Mai felt that what they were doing now was some kind of penitence. Naru was spoiling her in a lascivious way; he gave her rapture over rapture, sending her into seventh heaven and back and back again. It seemed like he was apologizing in an odd way. And God he was so skilled in this department, she was just a writhing mess beneath him. If he didn't tell her earlier, she would think that this wasn't his first time that he had whored himself around.

One thing for sure, Naru had an astonishing stamina. Could it be because he had a hidden strength inside of him? It was just like when he used PK and Mai worried that it was the same case, that Naru would drain himself in the end. What if she had to bring him to the hospital? What should she told the doctors? That his heart stopped because of continual wild sex? But maybe it would be Madoka and Lin who had to haul them to the hospital if Naru kept on his act.

Mai's mouth opened in a silent scream for the maybe seventh orgasm. She was lying on her stomach and her legs were wantonly bent the side that she would kill herself in embarrassment if she was in her normal state of mind. Naru was now sucking her back hard which made Mai flinched in pain. Mai needed to end this. Unless Naru wanted to have sex with an unconscious body, she had to do something. Right now her juice was practically flooding the bed sheets that some was crusted on their body.

Naru arranged Mai to lie on her back again and kissed her passionately. He entered Mai fully in one go that Mai worried that her vagina had already stretched beyond recovery now. But the friction was still wonderful so she put her silly thought away. She put her hands on her back in one deathly grip and whispered in his ears, "Cum with me now, Naru… Cum for me…"

Naru only growled that Mai didn't know whether he agreed or not. But she didn't care. She had to force Naru to give up and come. She circled her legs and hugged Naru's behind. That way, she got leverage that she needed to move herself. Naru's groans filled the room. The bed was moving and creaking with their movement.

Mai didn't know that she could do this. Right now, it could be said that she was the one who was taking him. She moved her hips to meet his thrusts and she was the one to settle their rhythm. Naru was trying to steal the dominance again but Mai wouldn't let him. Whenever Naru slowed his movement, Mai would be the one to impale herself on him. He moaned louder when Mai used the grip of her inner muscles to squeeze him, she was teasing and torturing him. Mai gradually built up her pace.

Mai's breasts molded against his chest, her stiff nipples rubbed his that made Naru wanted to crush her with his hug. He had given up; he let himself dissolved into her. Her scent, her cute little voices, her hair, she was everything he could touch and feel and hear. He clenched his eyes closed, feeding on this euphoria, enjoying this liberating feeling of loosing control. Both teens held on each other like their very lives depended on it.

Suddenly, Mai's walls clamped down around him, her back snapped taut and she muffled a scream as she came. The squeezing was pulling Naru over the edge too. He groaned loudly at his own strong orgasm. Mai's hips moved restlessly against his, trying to hold onto the feeling and extend it. Naru let Mai riding him as he concentrated on enjoying the feeling of the powerful eruption of his release, her still clenching muscles milking him of everything he had left in him. They were drowned in an intense spike of ecstasy.

Naru propped himself on his elbows, pressing his face into her collarbone. And as soon as he had emptied himself, he rolled over and pulling Mai with him. They were now lying on their side, still hugging each other. For those brief seconds everything seemed perfect, their mind was empty and there was this tranquil feeling that made them content.

Naru let out a long shaky breath as he regained his composure. He pulled his now limp member out and stroked Mai's hair softly. His cum, mixed with Mai's juice were now gushing out and wetted their fronts and thighs, so sticky and slick. The smell of sex was so strong in the air; Naru thought that he had to give his room a total airing later if he didn't want others to know what had transpired in this room.

"What was that?" Mai whispered as she finally looked up to meet his eyes. Her voice was shaking as her breath hadn't returned to her completely yet.

"You don't like it?" Naru asked her back. "Did I hurt you?"


"So it was good, then?"

"Of course it was, even beyond amazing…" Mai buried her face into his chest, pinching his arm. "But that was too much!"

And Mai hated him, she detested Naru so much. She was now a shipwreck and he was still as cool as ever. His voice was so cool, collected and composed as if that gave no effect on him. Mai detached herself from the hug and lay on her back, pouting slightly.

Naru chuckled. "So don't complain. Now sleep, you have school tomorrow." He lazily draped a blanket to cover them nakedness.


It was still dark, Mai knew as no light seeping through her closed eyelids. She felt so comfortably warm and so sleepy that she wanted to go back to her dream again. However, she realized something disturbing her sleep. She opened her eyes to feel something moving along her thigh.

"Ughhh…Naru…" she protested sleepily.

"Just go back to sleep." Naru whispered softly.

How could she with him cuddling and groping her? She was lying on her left side with her back pressed against Naru's chest. She even could feel his chest's movement, and amazingly, hers was in sync with his every heartbeat.

"Ahhh…Naruu…" Mai moaned when Naru's naughty hands kneaded her breasts. "Hasn't it enough? Aren't you tired?"


"Naruuu!" Mai put her hands on his, trying to slowing them down into stopping.

"You said that that was good, you enjoyed it."

"Yeah but look what time it is!" She reprimanded him, trying to put his rational mind back into his head. "I must leave early. I have to go to my apartment on my way to school, I left my pills there."

"It wasn't even five o'clock yet." He kissed and nibbled her shoulder, coaxing her into submission.

She realized now that taking Naru's offer to sleep with him again was a big mistake. Gah, she really was an idiot. "Naru, you're a horny pervert boy! You have to do something with your hormones! Just please, bring me back my old Naru…"

"Please let me. We have only now…" Naru murmured in her ear. His voice was so deep and cold in Mai's ear, soothing her

And Mai's heart melted. He had her under his fingertips, literally. Mai inhaled deeply when Naru dragged his hand down to caress her stomach. His hand gently glided over heated skin to the core between her legs. Mai was whimpering as Naru mounted her crotch. She was still wet from their previous session, it smearing all over her inner thighs.

Naru moved his palm in slow motion, giving her only a slight pressure. His finger dawdled along her womanhood, to get more familiar with her every contour, her sleek surface, the crease of her opening, her supple folds, the detail anatomy of her hidden treasure. He trailed his finger up her folds to her clit, circling her now itching clit lazily with his thumb. Mai mewled impatiently, placing her hand over Naru's, encouraging him to move harder and faster. She thought that Naru was mapping her in detail right now.

Naru nibbled her shoulder, her plea was denied. He kept on teasing the girl by plunging his middle finger only to pump it in an agonizing very slow pace. She was squirting more hot liquid. Mai wanted to scream, as the tickling sensation deep inside grew stronger. She pressed her thighs together, wedging his hand, to beg him to proceed even further, but Naru didn't budge. Mai whined as her nipple was fondled hard. Her body was shuddering with want. She couldn't take it anymore. If Naru didn't stop his torturing ministration soon, she afraid she would make a dash out of his embrace and did something so disgraceful like pleasuring herself in front of him. Oh yeah, she knew how to do it now, thanks to Naru. Carefully, Mai lifted her leg and moved her free right hand, aiming for a certain object behind her.

"Ah!" Naru yelped in shock at the unexpected mischief.

Mai softly and carefully took hold of Naru's still half erect member which been digging into her inner thigh, squeezing it gently. Blindly, she ran her hand up and down his hot length. She couldn't see it but she could feel it. It was so amazing to feel his heartbeat quickening under her touch. Naru's body went rigid, he shuddered hard behind her and let out throaty moans. She kept on stroking the twitching organ until it erected fully. It was hot, hard, and pulsating in her hand. Mai could feel his heart beating fast and his skin was so warm. She bit her lips in an effort to keep quiet. It was so hard to concentrate with Naru now pulling and twisting her nipple and his other hand pinching her clit.

Naru closed his eyes tight, his loins screamed and his blood pounded. Didn't want Mai to fix the direction of their act, Naru quickly removed her hand before he lost control. Swiftly, he pushed Mai's legs so they were bent forward. Mai felt that her skin tingled with buzzes of pleasure, her sex was hot and throbbed with want, and her core tightened with anticipation. Naru took his position and with one hand guided his hard flesh, aligning himself against her steaming core. His already throbbing manhood twitched in excitement. Slowly, he pushed himself in.

It wasn't a position Naru deemed satisfying because he couldn't burry himself to the hilt. If he sat upright, Mai would have rested on his lap and riding him. That would be great for him, but right now with him lying on his side, he had limited space and movement. But this was what he intended from the beginning. This time he was slow on building up their pace, but steady, full of heat. They let out a breathless gasps and moans.

Naru glided his hands up and down her body, exploring her every curve. He learnt about the joys of girl's body, the smooth and warm skin, the soft mounds, everything. It would be their last, so he wanted to relish every milliseconds of their togetherness. He knew his mind was already corrupted with lust, and with this continuous sex making, he was basically diving into his own doom. He had tried the flavor and now he had an insatiable appetite. His deviant perverted mind couldn't be sated. Maybe he should check on the calendar later, he thought idly, it could be full moon and its gravity also pulling the hormones within his bones up to go crazy.

Mai pressed her lips together for she wanted to whine. It was too slow for her liking and she was too reserved to ask Naru to boost his pace. The memory of their previous wild, almost feral doing was played in her mind. She wanted that again now that Naru thrust in a speed of snail and slug.

Mai made a small noise and finally flattened her palms against his thigh, begging him to grant her need. Naru yielded at her request, ramming harder into her. He wound his hands over her shoulder and waist, to get his leverage. Occasionally, his hand slid down the flat stomach to reach for her swollen clit. Mai screamed as he began filling her over and over, pounding into her savagely.

Naru started noticing the sign of her approaching climax when the walls of her sex began to clench, the fluttering muscles he knew too well, a glorious feeling of her squeezing him. Therefore, he slowed down, ceasing his movement until he completely stayed still inside of her.

Mai's eyes snapped open. She was beginning to prepare herself to tumble over her heavenly climax that Naru decided to cut her wings and bound her feet. She grunted in disappointment, her entire body trembled in protest at the denied release. She wanted to move herself but Naru's held over her body just completely immobilized her. She wondered that there was something wrong happened when Naru pulled out and suddenly he rolled her over. Mai was now lying on her back, staring at him questioningly.

Naru was hovering over her, and Mai wantonly spread her legs, inviting him. She didn't care anymore, she just wanted Naru to terminate whatever flames he had ignited. Naru's lips quirked at her immodest act, but he had nothing to complain but complied her unspoken want. Once again, he plunged into her, placing Mai's legs over the crook of his elbows as he put his hands beside her chest. Mai whined in protest at the full display of her lower body, but Naru rocked his hips, cutting her disapproval.

She moaned, trashing on her pillow. He roughly thrust upward, impaling her with his full length without reserve, over and over again. Sakura clutched his hand the entire time, as that sensation built up gradually, the heat and sexual pleasure mounting higher and higher.

"Na…ahhh…Naru…" She tightened her grips on Naru's hands, begging him not to leave her again. There that was, Mai could see the peak of the mountain now. Broken screams exiting her lips as her walls clenched tautly around his penis.

But suddenly, Naru withdrew completely, leaving her empty. Mai gasped, opened her eyes wide, glazed with frustration. She didn't understand why Naru tormented her this way. She was breathing heavily she had to wait for herself to calm from her rejected high. She never had her chance as Naru once again filling her fully. Mai moaned at the sudden intrusion, the fire that had died down now blared into life again.

Naru lunged deeper and deeper, his eyes never left Mai's face. He liked to see her knitted brows, her scrunched up face, her parted lips, he liked to see the influence he had over her. He gritted his teeth to command himself no to give into that familiar feeling which began to rise in him. It wasn't over yet, he still had time. This afternoon Lin and Madoka would return as they had scheduled, and Mai also had to go to school. He felt selfish, but in this last moment, he wanted to give something like a parting gift for himself and Mai. Beside, he really wanted to prolong this, he wanted to feel more, and it seemed that he couldn't have enough.

Mai cried in upset as once again Naru cut her off at the peak of her pleasure. She clawed his hands in despair. "Please…please Naru…" her mouth unconsciously let her desperation be spoken out. "God, Naru…"

And Naru raised himself slightly to capture her lips. He kissed her feverishly. His hands caressed and squeezed her mounds.

Mai sobbed in his kissed, one hand reached out and tangled in his so very dark hair. She couldn't kiss him back, and let him explored her cavern freely. She was afraid that if she kissed him back, she would be woven in her hopeless wishful thinking. She knew there was no romantic feeling in this kiss; it was Naru in front of her, and Naru would never involve himself with her in a special relationship. She used to think that kissing always meant for something more than just eating someone's mouth, that it would always mean love. But from the talks she had with her friends, the new truth was slammed into her head. They always said that kissing could heat the excitement of sex, and Mai believed that was what Naru was doing. He must have learnt that kissing was an element in sex, and only that.

'This is a horny Naru,' Mai repeated it over and over in her mind, 'he have sex with me once and he likes it. So he wants to do it again and again. Even if I won't feel like a whore I want to do it again and again too.' The difference was that it wouldn't have to be her Naru wanted to sleep with while Mai wanted to do it only with him.

Naru ended his kiss abruptly and the movement of his hands came to a halt. Gently, he guided Mai's legs to part wider.

"Naru…" Mai whimpered. "Please…"

"It's alright," answered Naru in a soft tone.

And it calmed Mai. She didn't know how, but she got the message that this time he would give her what she needed. Carefully, Naru lifted Mai's waist and slipped something under her bottom, a pillow. Now her lower half was slightly raised to the air. Naru took his place again and slowly entered her. With her position now, he could rest himself deeper inside of her. It was so perfect as if it had found its home within the warmth of her core.

Naru put his weight on his elbow and knees, and his other hand molded her breast and playing with her nipple. He moved in an agonizing slow pace. Mai opened her eyes to ask him to move faster, but her words were stuck in her throat like there was a lump had formed inside of it. He was looking at her, he was staring intently at her. His face was so close she could spot the specks of his iris; those dark cold eyes that she couldn't read. Had he been staring at her like this all the time? Suddenly a clear and bright comprehension crashed her mind. She didn't know how and why, but she understood him.

Mai rolled her hips to meet his. She moved deliberately slow too, drowning in the feeling of every millimeter of him gliding in and out of her. Naru hissed, his breath fanning her cheek. She slowly reached her hands out and touched him lightly on his cheeks. She wanted it too, she didn't want it to end so soon too. She wanted to touch him, to feel him, to be engulfed in this feeling forever.

It was so intimate in Mai's mind, with them staring at each other, with them moving at leisurely pace. She cupped his cheeks, her delicate fingers caressing his jaws. He was so handsome, cute, yet also beautiful. From this closeness, she could count his curly eyelashes. His expression was different, Mai could only describe him as young and fresh, unlike his usual poise. But there was also this vague feeling of aloofness that made him still so distant. She couldn't touch his heart; he was here, practically stamped on her but he also unreachable, way-way above her. And that made her heart constricted painfully inside her and her chest tightened, tears pricking her eyes.

Mai perfectly knew Naru was holding himself. Mai thrust her hips faster, and he was shuddering. But that made Naru let himself go, abandoning all the restraints as he slammed into her violently. It was heaven to lose control like this, to pound away recklessly, selfishly. It built up gradually, the heat and sexual pleasure mounting higher and higher. The bed rocked with each movement that the headboard hit the wall; they had to pray that the neighboring adjacent to this room wasn't an inhabited bedroom. Naru buried his face beside Mai's head, listening for her every muffled screams. He even couldn't contain his groans anymore that he rammed into her harder. They were losing themselves in the throes of their affair.

"Naru…ahhhh!" Mai arched her back with a sharp cry, her body wracked so intensely. Her brain seemed to melt into the strong pleasure.

He was close; he could feel it. Mai's muscles clenched and unclenched him so hard. He ran his hand between their bodies, his fingertips brushed gently against her swelling aperture, still pounding into her faster and deeper. Mai was still halfway from her high when her second climax slammed her again, the more powerful one. She was thrashing wildly while hugging Naru tightly; her legs clamped his backside. Naru's entire body went taut when her walls squeezed him so violently it sent him into his own strong orgasm. His mouth hung open, a raucous cry escaping. They were bound to each other when they came together. After a long while restraining himself, it was a mind-blowing sensation for Naru as he kept himself still so deep, to savor the feeling of stream after stream of his essence erupting, with her walls milking him forcefully. It was so marvelous that for a while their soul leaving their body to wander around the heaven.

Mai vaguely still aware of his load gushed inside her fiercely. She was thinking that maybe some of them managed to embed themselves too deep into her womb they could escape the effect of her pills. Naru collapsed onto her chest, crushing her with his weight. But she didn't mind, she even hugged him tighter that it seemed that she wanted to flatten him. It took a longer time for both of them to regain full consciousness in the aftermath of their most intense sex.

Slowly Naru opened his eyes and tried to lift himself slightly with his weak hands. There was still that phantom feeling of their orgasm, which clouded their mind. He watched Mai as he waited for their breath to even.

"Are you alright?" Naru panted; his hand whisked some of her hair from her face.

Mai nodded. She cleaned her throat, it felt like she had screamed all day it hurt. Shakily, Naru forced himself into sitting position. His sights were still hazy. Mai tried to sit up too after she had calmed herself and realized they were still intimately connected, he hadn't pull out yet. She was blushing all over and her heart wouldn't stop pounding uncomfortably against her ribs at the feeling of him buried entirely inside of her. She lay back again, didn't dare to move even a muscle. Naru needed more than five minutes to collect his will again, and Mai shivered at the feeling of his slick member pulling out.

"What time is it?" Mai asked hoarsely.

"It's six," answered Naru. He had rolled onto the edge of the bed.

Mai tried to pull herself to sit but to feel her muscles and bones screamed in protest, she gave up and fell backward onto the bed. She just found out that her belly was towering upward; Naru had put a pillow under her butt to get a free position. And now he had a full exhibit of her drenched crotch. Oh God, how shameful… She forced her spread legs to shut with a very red face, and her ears could hear the creaking of her joints.

"I'll prepare the breakfast," Naru stood up, staggering, and reached for his pants. He flinched to feel the friction between the material and his sore flaccid penis. "Just wait here."

How kind of him. Naru must have sensed that she couldn't move normally at this short of time. But she needed to get up. The sheets was soaked with their mixed fluids, it also had formed thin crust on her skin since they've slept on it. She desperately needed to take a bath before she went to school. Mai lifted her knees slowly and flexed her hands. Every parts of her body were aching, of course if you spent that long of time to be pressed under someone's body. Not to mention her sore vagina, she wondered whether it had deformed from the overuse. Darn that Naru!

She felt too weak to force her other body parts to work out. She was hungry, very much she could eat a whole cow now. Therefore, she piled the pillow behind her back without moving herself even a centimeter from her spot so she could sit. She couldn't spot the blanket, maybe it was on the floor. Sighing in annoyance, she pulled the rest of the sheets and covered her body with it. Now she was presentable enough when Naru returned. She wondered whether she could walk to school in this condition.

Naru showed up a moment later with a plate of sky-scraping piles of bread and two glasses of milk. He put the plate on her lap and the glasses on the table beside the bed.

"All for me?" She eyed the boy whom now sat beside her. "What about you?"

"Those are the only bread that we had. Just eat them all, I can manage."


Naru stood up again, "I'll get the onigiri then. You just eat them. You need it for you have school. I'll get something later"

Those were just two mini instant onigiri that Mai doubted could boost his energy back. But he was right, his position in the office wouldn't make him got punished if he came late. So she ate them all and downed her milk hurriedly. Naru returned by the time Mai had finished her super breakfast and he helped her to get out the bed. A little wobbling here and there before Naru caught her naked body, and she was blushing furiously. She forced her feet to move, collecting her clothes, and Naru walked her to the bathroom. She felt like she was a robot with her stiff movement. But at least she felt better with her stomach full.

Mai brushed her teeth and took a bath, a real quick one. She didn't have much time. As she walked back to her room, naked, she felt that she moved less clumsy now. Hot bath really was helping. She wore her uniforms and prepared her books in a speed of flash. She stepped to the front door to find Naru was there. He even had already put his shoes on.

"Eh, you go to work very early. And I don't think you'll find an opened restaurant at this hour." Mai said as she struggled to put her socks on.

"I'll go with you to your apartment and school." Naru answered calmly.


"I just want to make sure you're alright. I can see you're a bit hard to walk."

It was so sweet of him, though actually he just acted nobly like usual. But Mai's face reddened nonetheless. And that was true, every muscles of her back and legs were screaming curses at her whenever she moved them, she wasn't sure whether she could make it safe till she reached her apartment. They walked to the bus stop not so far from Naru's apartment, and they boarded the first bus. It felt better, Mai mused, more exercise and she would walk normally.

There were only few people on the bus, Mai took a seat and Naru followed her to sit beside her. Mai looked out the window, observing the busy street. But her mind was at the boy beside her. Ugh, it was pretty awkward. Mai knew she had to say something to him, about their previous acts. She didn't even know what he thought about it. She was busy on thinking when suddenly she felt something. She choked out and automatically clutched Naru's sleeve.

"What?" Naru was looking at her in worry; he leaned slightly to Mai's side.

"It's leaking." Mai was about to cry.

Naru raised his eyebrow, couldn't catch what she meant with that.

"It's the… from inside me… it's leaking out…" Mai didn't dare to shift on her seat. "It's wetting my panty and skirt." She whispered in a hysterical tone. "What should I do? It's even flowing down my thighs!"

Ah, Naru understood now. He fished his back pocket and pulled out his handkerchief. He gave it to Mai. He took her bag and placed it on her lap so she had something to cover herself for what she was about to do. Carefully and stealthily, Mai wiped the excess fluids off.

"Ughh…my skirt…" Mai was whining in a low tone.

"Don't you have a spare uniform?"

"I still have my last year's skirt. But the skirt was a little shorter." Mai frowned.

The bus had already stopped at the bus stop closest to Mai's apartment. Naru walked behind her to make sure that her stained behind was hidden well. Unfortunately, he didn't wear his jacket, and of course he couldn't took his shirt off so Mai could use it to cover her wetted part. Even though it was summer, it was still too early to be shirtless. And it would only took a bigger unwanted attention if he walked topless at this busy road.

They reached Mai's apartment safely. The place was shrouded in thin dust, with Madoka's stuffs here and there. Mai immediately dismantled her cabinet to find her old spare skirt, smoothed the creases and dashed to the bathroom. This time she washed herself thoroughly, she also put a pad in her panty as extra precaution, just in case there was something left. Naru was leaning against the doorframe when Mai searching for her pill in her medicine box. She took one and downed it with a glass of water.

"Is it enough? With just one?" Naru enquired her.

Mai nodded. "I have to take one more pill twelve hour later," which she set the alarm of her cell phone to the exact time. Mai checked her wristwatch; it was already eight o'clock. She still had enough time if she went now. So she took her bag and ushered Naru out.

"What about your lunch? We haven't prepared your lunch box." Naru asked her when Mai locked her door.

"It's alright, we have school canteen."

Naru wanted to walk Mai to school. She knew she should say 'no'. But once again, she really was a foolish, dim-witted, stupid idiot, not to mention greedy. So she let herself be swept away with his kindness. It was a very rare chance, she was reasoning with herself, not even once in a century if she talked about a certain Naru. She wanted to suck this sympathetic, considerate side off of Naru empty for herself and let the other had those aloof, unapproachable, cold, insolent aspect of his character. Yes, and the heaven would undoubtedly punish her for this gluttony with a painful broken heart. Mai had to expect it for sure.

They walked in silence. It was because Naru didn't talk about unnecessary things and Mai could only discuss about unnecessary things. Her school wasn't that far away, they just needed twenty minutes to reach the gate. Mai silently felt relieved that her feet were not that dysfunctional anymore, at least she could walk perfectly fine though she had to do it in a cautious way.

The end of the alley was already in front of them, Mai realized that they would go separate way once they reached the main road ahead. Mai would take the right turn to her school up the hill as Naru should take the left one to the closest bus stop back to his apartment. This was it, her only chance to talk to Naru about her feeling.

Mai halted her step, fixing her gaze onto the cracked paving stone. Even after she had strengthened her resolve, she still found herself unable to speak up. She stretched her hand to grasp Naru's sleeve.

"Something wrong?" Naru asked her. He stopped as well, his cold eyes staring at her questioningly.

Mai looked up, licked her lips and took a deep breath. "I…I want to thank you…" blush crept up her cheeks. "For this morning, eh…and last night. I th-think it worked, I mean I don't feel afraid of you anymore. Now it seems that that incident was forever time ago. And those were wonderful, I thank you that you give me such fantastic memories. I'll treasure it for the rest of my life. I hope if I think about it, the only thing in my mind is those lovely memories you gave me, not the bad one."

It, meaning as sex. Naru nodded. He hoped Mai would not think about 'it' too much. Mai smiled shyly and moved her leg to walk.

"Me too," He startled her. "I thank you too. I always thought that I could never be able to experience something like this. I know it's a kind of selfish or mean, I understand if you hate me, because I achieved this…comprehension by hurting you first. I'm so very sorry. If I didn't force you, you wouldn't have this troubling inconvenience."

Yeah, maybe so. But in the end, this troubling inconvenience had led her into the most amazing experiences she ever encountered. Mai guessed that this was the good side of what she had been through.

"So, our little secret?" Mai grinned widely. Naru nodded, a ghost of smile on his lips. "So start from now on, everything goes to normal like our old selves, right?"

And the sun was so bright in the sky. Naru watched as Mai walked further and further away from him. It ended well, even better than what he had imagined and planned before. Their problem was solved, but he wasn't sure anymore that he didn't get a new one. Now after he knew that this certain chemical substances which controlled his lustful mind was actually produced by his body, and had the exact same effects to his certain body part just like any other normal teenage boy, he didn't know he wouldn't have a troubling moment when it blasted out without his consent. He turned his body around and walked to the bus stop. Girl was evil, he thought, to have such influence on boys' mind and body to an annoying level. But it was his own fault, actually, to be the one to start it. And just as what he had thought, once he tasted it, he became addicted.


Two days later, Madoka and Lin were having lunch together at a restaurant at the ground floor of the building where SPR rented one of its spaces. Naru was left to guard their fort since Mai and Yasuhara were still in their school. Madoka was sipping her tea leisurely when Lin started to open his mouth.

"This morning, in the apartment, I found something…odd."

"Yes?" Madoka put her cup back to its place and stared at her comrade, encouraging him to continue.

Lin had returned back to his rightful room. The living arrangement had been nullified due to Mai's persistent demand. The girl has been begging Madoka since the minute she set her foot onto SPR's office upon her arrival from Hong Kong. Mai said that she needed her own apartment so she could invite her friends over for their school assignment. Naru's place was a definite no-no for her.

"I found something unusual in the pile of our unwashed laundry. It's a bed sheets."

"Ah, and what about this sheets?" Madoka said interestedly.

"There were crusted stains all over it." Lin's voice was getting lower and Madoka could see his expression wavered.

"Ah." Madoka's face slightly flushed. "So you-"

"That's not my sheets." Lin said quickly, he clearly felt uncomfortable to talk about it. And it was really humiliating when he saw her flashing eyes and instantly knew that Madoka was thinking that he had pleasured himself and now asking how to get rid of the 'aftermath'.

Madoka was silent for a moment before her eyes blinked rapidly and she gasped, "Oh!"

Yeah, that was an 'oh'.

"You don't mean saying that they...when we..." It was so difficult for Madoka to complete her words as her line of thought froze. Of course it was 'they'. If it was Naru alone to jack himself off, it wouldn't be 'all over it', right? With the exception if Naru was a super perseverance pervert.

"They were acting differently after we're back from Hong Kong," Lin murmured. He chose to glare at the salad in front of him. It was an awkward subject of conversation. Actually, Lin didn't want to talk about it. But he needed an advice, another head to analyze the situation. Would it be a trouble to let them did 'that' or should they confront them or castrated Naru or just wedded the troublesome teenagers. He really had no clue at that time.

"Yesss, they're now behaving to each other… normally if that's the right word, normal as in before the incident. Ge, why didn't it make me suspicious before, eh? I was so busy with the moving again and our Hong Kong case," said Madoka with sparkling face. "It seems that they have settled a peace agreement. Do you think that they negotiated it in…uh…that way? Or it was part of their agreement? God, that Naru…"

Lin stared at her sharply. So, would that be a good thing or a disaster?

Suddenly Madoka laughed and covered her mouth with her hand. "That boy really is sly. You know, I once gave him my thought...about swapping bad memory into better one," Madoka laughed at Lin whom was ready to admonish her. "But what I meant was for him to act kinder to Mai. You see, he was giving her cold shoulder."

Lin shook his head. At least he knew who to be blamed if situation escalated into something worse.

Madoka pressed her hand harder to prevent herself from guffawing, "Well, if the outcome seems running into a good way, then…we can only assume that what they were doing or the execution was a correct one. Ah, I guess I have to do a woman to woman talk with Mai. She definitely has a lot of to tell."

Lin chose to concentrate on his coffee, ignoring the happily beaming Madoka.

And Madoka paid no attention onto the sour face of her fellow; she was deep in her own happy thought. "Well, who would guess that behind that serious, dead-panned, cold demeanor stance, Naru is still just a typical hormonal teenager?"

Yeah, who would?

***** The End *****

So…this story finally is finished, yayyy! If any of you question me whether it relates to the pregnant Mai in the Deception story, my answer is no. This and that are two different stories. And I'm sorry that I didn't make Naru and Mai in a lovey-dovey relationship, like maybe most of you hoped for. When I read the manga and novels, Ono-sensei made their relationship quiet vague, so I wanted to make the same one too. Love at the first 'doing' didn't suit Naru, ehehe…

Please don't take this 'atonement sex' too seriously as solution to the same problem. I mean, this is just my silly thought which I put into story. I want to have fun with Naru's character. And it was actually difficult to make the 'sex scene' not too passionate to fit his character but sweet enough and not too cold for Mai. This chapter has been discussed thoroughly over and over with Nina-neechan. Naru and Mai would not get too nasty with words and actions; they were both still amateurs and too reserved to act bolder and wilder. This was what I imagined for Naru's 'first bed time' with his scientific logic, ehehehe….

And if you say there's no way for Mai to forgive Naru that easily, hmmm…maybe you're right. But she loved him, and in so many cases love could bring the unthinkable. Besides, Mai knew very well that Naru was partly 'possessed' by his unconscious self (uh, I can't find the right words). So once again, I don't have any intention to belittle rape. This Naru-Mai case was an exceptional one.