This is my pokemon story, I do not own any Pokemon characters from the actual series, only my numerous OCs. Do not steal! I also claim my AU version of some of the characters capiche? Oh and there are a few against normal code pairings in this story, like PokemonXHuman and such so as a warning, if you don't agree with that don't read, simple as that. This will eventually be a crossover story, but for now it's just Pokemon get it? Got it? Good. Any criticism and suggestion are accepted, and at times needed, I already have the basic plot set out, but new ideas are always welcomed! Okay…well, enjoy this story!

Tales of Passage

A Pokemon Story

Breakfast of Future Champions!

Created by DarkLozFanUberest

A dark purple orb flew through space cries of pain and anguish seeming to echo in space around it.

It passed by strange and mysterious planets and asteroids as it traveled, a few of them exploding suddenly.

In front of it a large vortex appeared, followed by a large pale creature that roared as it was struck by a red beam of light. Following it was a large dark creature, which shot out an identical beam in the direction of the pale creature.

The beam missed and they both dove into another vortex, continuing to pop up and continue their battle until finally the stopped appearing for a few instances. The orb continued on unaffected.

Then the pale form appeared out of a new vortex, covered in wounds, in front of the orb. It rumbled as the orb brushed against it, faintly turning a pinkish purple; immediately afterwards a small swirling vortex appearing to the left of the path of the orb.

The orb suddenly turned and was sucked into the vortex, popping up in a brighter part of space. It began hurtling towards a large blue and green planet, passing by a pair of red and green humanoid shapes.

The first shape turned as the orb went by, and its eyes glowed causing the orb to stop and fly back to stop in front of the figure. The other one flew over and they examined the orb, the first slowly reaching out to touch the orb, flinching back as the orb flashed green, before returning to its previous color. The second figure turned and swooped away from the orb, quickly followed by the first and the orb continued falling towards the planet.

It began to catch fire as it passed through the atmosphere, surprising a pair of creatures who had been battling in the night air; the first greatly resembled a swan, while the second was dark and shadowy. The swan-like figure dodged the orb as it flew by, the orb managing to hit the dark figure and push it back a few meters. The dark figure, rather than continue the battle turned and followed the orb that had hit, apparently curious by its flashing blue. However, it was forced to transform into a shadow when the swan gave chase, causing it to loose sight of the orb as it passed through some clouds.

The orb, now a dark blue flew out of the clouds and it's a very icy environment, it was headed straight for a mountain and caused a large explosion once it collided with the rocky surface.

A small pink pokemon shimmered into existence, its blue eyes searching the snow curiously. It blinked as it spotted the orb that was now glowing weakly in a small crater, its color a weak blue. The creature tilted its head and flew down to the orb, creating a pink bubble out of nowhere to bounce on a few times before it popped.

The creature floated around the orb before reaching down to touch it slightly, flying back when the orb flashed a deep bright purple before going black. The creature blinked and flew closer, slowly reaching forwards to prod the orb, but it got no further response.

The creature's eyes glowed blue and it lifted the orb up from the snow and gravel, its head snapped to the side when it heard someone calling through the wind. It quickly dropped the orb when a black clad figure came crashing through the snow, it cried out as it fell into the crater, but the pink creature quickly disappeared.

The black clad figure groaned and rubbed its head, glancing down at what the pink creature had dropped, its hood pulled up to conceal its face. The figure slowly got into kneeling position and reached down to grab the orb, gasping at the feeling, "It's warm…" the figure murmured before shivering and fell forward into the snow. The area around the orb and the figure growing dark just as another figure entered the scene, eventually the whole area blacked out, immediately followed by a burst of various colors.

"Holy crap!" a raven haired girl cried flailing and efficiently falling out of her bed, freaking out a small grey creature that had previously sleeping on a pillow next to the girl.

The girl groaned and rubbed her head, "Why do I keep having that damned dream? It's really beginning to annoy me Frey…" she said glancing up at the creature that blinked back down at her. The girl sighed and pulled herself up, pausing to glance at a small black digital clock on a nearby table, it read 6: 22.

"Well…guess we better go get ready…come on Frey…breakfast time."

The small creature let out a happy noise and flew into the air, quick to float after the girl as she stomped out of the room, "Damn confusing dreams, waking me up and making no sense what so ever!" the girl growled as she slammed the door behind her.

A teal hair girl walked slowly down a short flight of stairs yawning, her hair wet from a recent shower, stretching her arms above her head as she went.

A large white and black pokemon followed her, its red eyes blinking tiredly, it yawned immediately after its mistress, sharp pearly fangs glinting dangerously in the morning light. When it and its mistress reached the bottom of the stairs, it paused to shake itself of the small string it had noticed hanging off of the scythe on the right side of its head.

To anyone in the area, though there were few and far in-between, this pokemon would be a complete and utter mystery as it was foreign to the area, but for all extents and purposes it was known as an Absol.

Both entered a large, high-ceilinged dining room where there were already three occupants. The first was a black and red, horned dog, better known as a Houndoom. The second was a small grey pokemon floating around the last occupant, which was a dark haired girl the same age as the teal haired girl.

The dark haired girl looked up from her bowl of Pecha, Liechi, Hondew, Magost, Payapa, Watmel, Gustap and Kasib berries as the girl and Absol walked in, she blinked when she noticed that the teal haired girl still had her eyes closed and was swaying slightly in the doorway.

Flicking her dark navy bangs out from her eyes she smirked and picked up a Pecha berry from her bowl; she examined it for a moment before suddenly throwing it at the teal haired girl.

The teal haired girl's eyes snapped open, revealing deep Sapphire blue eyes; she quickly grabbed the Pecha out of the air, unintentionally squeezing it. Blinking blearily she looked down at the squished berry and grimaced, "Eww…" she groaned and passed the berry down to the Absol who ate it happily.

The dark haired girl chuckled and ate a few more berries. The teal haired girl glanced up at her and frowned, "Good morning to you too Ranae…are we leaving soon?"

The dark haired girl, Ranae, nodded and looked up at the teal haired girl, "Yes, so you better eat while I go take a shower, k? We're leaving as soon as I'm done, be sure that you have all of your pokeballs and maps and stuff alright…don't need you getting us miserably lost or something before we even leave home."

Ranae got up and started walking towards the door opposite from the one the teal haired girl entered through, "Come on Frey," she motioned and the grey pokemon floated happily after her, "time for a little shower."

The teal haired girl stuck her tongue out after Ranae, before walking across the dining room and through a pair of doors in the very corner of the room, picking up Ranae's bowl as she passed by.

The Absol, rather than follow its mistress decided to go lie down by the Houndoom, which snored quietly from under the dining room table.

The teal haired girl waved at a pair of Mr. Mimes and a Machoke and Bayleef that were cooking and cleaning in the room she entered, a small kitchen. She handed the bowl to the Machoke, who, in exchange, handed her a small steaming cup of tea. She smiled up at the Machoke before turning and shuffling back out of the room.

She plopped down in the seat that Ranae had been sitting and took a deep sip of her tea, she sighed happily as the tea warmed her from the inside out and woke her up far better than her morning shower.

Just then, a pair of women entered into the dining room through the same door as she had, chuckling about something or another. They looked up when they noticed her and smiled, "Ohayo Gozaimas," they both said simultaneously. The teal hair girl smiled and returned the greeting before standing up and walking over to them.

The first, older woman looked very similar to the teal haired girl, only her hair was much darker and she was a good deal taller than the teal haired girl.

The second woman was a bit younger and had vibrant violet-red hair and grey eyes, she grinned down at the teal haired girl, "How are you today Aiko?" she asked, pausing to look around, "And have you seen my daughter by any chance?"

Aiko smiled tiredly, "I'm fine Moto-san, and Ranae and her Castform went off to take a shower…they should be down soon." She then turned to give the first woman a hug, "Ohayo mother, are you well?"

Her mother smiled down at her, returning the hug, "Yes, yes, I'm quite alright do you have all of your pokemon with you?"

Aiko rolled her eyes good-heartedly and pulled out three pokeballs, "Yes mother, they're right here."

"Well why don't you let them out so that they can get some breakfast, hmm? A good breakfast before you start your day is essential if you want to have positive outcomes in the future during your journey."

Aiko giggled at her mother's scientific prattle, "Yes mother," she laughed as she released the three pokemon from their confines.

Three red beams of light shot out of the balls, the first taking the form of a large black bird with a red crest, "Staraptor!" it called as it flapped down to land on the back of one of the dining room chairs. The second beam transformed into a long sleek lavender fox-like pokemon, "Esper…esp." the Espeon said, walking up to rub up against Aiko as the last beam took on the large round form of a pink and pokemon with a large pouch for holding things on its stomach, "Blissey! Blissey bliss!" it exclaimed before going over to shoo the Staraptor from the chair.

"Blissey!" the Blissey called, pulling out two chairs so that the two women could sit, but only Aiko's mother sat.

"Thank you Blissey," she said happily.

"Thanks, but I'm gonna go get some food, be back in a bit," the other woman smiled and jogged into the kitchen.

"So…are you ready to start your journey?" Aiko's mother asked as her daughter took her seat again, across from her.

"I think so…I've got our maps and pokeballs, potions, elixirs, revives, repels escape ropes, our bikes and our cell phones…is there anything else we need?" Aiko asked checking things off on her fingers.

"Do you have your wallets, spare clothes, bandages, batteries, flashlights, radio, air pump, pokechow packs, water bottles, badge cases, lighter, matches, can opener, and…pokedexes?"

Aiko stared at her mother blankly before blushing and running out the door. Her mother laughed as she heard her daughter mumble something about forgetting most of those things.

Ranae walked in right as Aiko ran out, towel drying her hair, being followed by a blue, raindrop shaped pokemon now.

"What'd she forget?" she asked as she made her way to stand by Aiko's mother.

"A lot apparently," Aiko's mother laughed.

Ranae sighed, "Jeez, for being your daughter Fuji-san, she sure is forgetful…"

Aiko's mother smiled and made a hand motion, "Why don't you let your other pokemon out Ranae? We're going to make a big breakfast for you guys before you leave."

Ranae looked out at Aiko's mother from under her towel and bangs, her black eyes shining darkly, "Aww, but we were going to leave as soon as I was done with my shower!" Ranae whined.

"Well Aiko's busy again so sit your little butt down," a voice called from the kitchen doors as the violet haired woman walked in followed by the Mr. Mimes and Machoke, each one's arms laden with plates and bowls of exotic food.

"Hmph…" Ranae huffed and took a seat at the end of the table, "Whatever…"

The violet haired woman plunked an empty plate on Ranae's head causing the raven-haired girl to cry out in pain, "Ow! What was that for?!"

"What do you say to your mother?" the violet haired woman demanded pushing the plate harder onto her daughter's head, "Owowowowowowowow!! Okay okay! Good morning! Stop! Ouch!" She growled as her mother removed the plate from her head, rubbing her now sore head.

"Now let those poor babies out, they must be starving!"

Ranae pulled out six pokeballs, and grumbled as she released all six of the pokemon inside.

The first pokemon to appear was another bird pokemon, having brown and gold feathers and a larger crest than the Staraptor, "Pidgeot!" it landed on its feet and made its way over to the Staraptor that greeted it silently.

The second beam revealed a large blue and yellow seahorse-looking pokemon that landed in a large, empty tank of water that lined the right wall of the dining room, "Seadra sea!" it called, muffled, as it swam around happily in the tank.

The two pokemon were both fox pokemon like Aiko's Espeon, the first having spiky yellow and white fur, and the second having a reddish-orange coat and a creamy ruff of fur around it's neck and on its head, its tail big and bushy. A Jolteon and Flareon.

The next beam of light revealed a long purple king cobra that hissed a greeting as it emerged, "Arbok."

The last beam revealed a huge purple pokemon that growled and rubbed up against Ranae as soon as it was completely solid, "Nido, king." It said as it wrapped its arms around Ranae in a hug who laughed and hugged him back, "Good morning Horus~" she chuckled before pushing away, "Go eat your breakfast ya big dork."

The five pokemon, as well as the once again grey Castform, and Aiko's pokemon (the Houndoom and Absol were awake by now) all walked over to the bowls of assorted pokemon food next to the dining room table.

One of the Mr. Mimes sprinkled some food into the tank for the Seadra as the other and the Machoke set the table.

"Okay, now I have everything!" Aiko called as she ran back into the room, bags in hand.

"Good, now sit." Ranae said.

Aiko blinked and looked over at her, "but I thought we were leaving as soon as you finished your shower?"

Ranae's forehead twitched in irritation, "Apparently not, now sit, before I make ya," she growled threateningly.

"Okay, okay, calm down I'm sitting," Aiko chuckled and took her original seat, frowning at her cold tea, "Darn…tea's cold…"

"Hey!" she exclaimed as Ranae grabbed the glass and walked over to her pokemon, "Relax, hey Flare can ya heat this tea up for me?" she asked the Flareon.

"Flareon," the Flareon nodded before breathing a small stream of fire out at the cup, careful not to burn her mistress.

Ranae pulled the cup away after a few seconds and nodded when she noticed the steam rising from the cup, "Thanks Flare," she said before handing the glass back to Aiko who nearly dropped it.

"Ouch…it's hot, how could you even hold it?" Aiko asked as she rubbed her palms together, frowning when the sting didn't go away.

"Genetically altered humanoid or whatever," Ranae said plainly, picking a pale blue Rawst berry as she went by the bowl of fruit and tossing it back at Aiko, "Catch."

Aiko caught the berry and squeezed some of the juices out onto her hands, sighing as the burning went away, "Yeah, well…we don't even know if that's true Ranae I mean you weren't even really 'alive' when Miyamoto-san found you."

Ranae rolled her eyes, "Okay, so I'm a ghost, whatever, doesn't change that I'm not exactly human now does it?"

Ranae frowned for a few seconds before she grinned and changed the subject, "So you sure you remembered everything this time?"

Aiko stuck out her tongue again and crossed her arms with a pout.

Both mothers looked between the two girls, chuckling to themselves, "Ah, to be young again and going on adventures," the violet haired woman, Miyamoto, sighed apparently reminiscing.

"Why don't you grace us with one of your old spy stories Miyamoto-chan" Aiko's mother suggested, nibbling on a bagel with Yache berry jam.

Both girls perked up and turned to look at Miyamoto, even the pokemon stopped eating to stare at her. Miyamoto looked around at all of them before sighing, "Alright, alright! Hmm…which one should I tell you guys?" she asked looking around at the others.

"Ooh! Ooh! Mom! Tell the one about the time you nearly met your match!" Ranae suggested, Aiko and her mother nodding in agreement.

"Oh yes, I rather enjoy that story," Aiko's mother said, "Me too!" Aiko agreed.

Miyamoto sighed with a small smile on her face, "Figures, all of you cheesy romantics gaining up on me…okay fine, I'll tell you that story."

All of the pokemon and the girls leaned in intent on hearing what Miyamoto had to say as she began her mystifying tale of action, adventure, danger, and above all…romance.

A/N: That's it for now! Next chapter out later if reviews get in….yeah. As Kuryo would say "Later Days Loser/Lovers!!" (LDL). ((Kuryo: I do say that a lot, don't I? X3))