New story! Yay! I started writing this story in the summer and literally wrote the beginning, and then the end and left the middle blank. That wasn't the greatest idea on my part, considering I couldn't think of anything to put in the middle, but since I'm on mid-winter break I decided to finish it by the time I had to go back to school, and I did today!

I'm not sure how awesome this story is, to be honest. Most people have done their share of a story like this. Making Troy the body guard, Gabriella the President's daughter, etc. I just wanted to take a whack at a story like this, so go easy on me. It actually made me realized that I like writing stories that no one else has done, so it was a learning experience! I'm excited to say that the story after this one will definitly be original! I can't wait to start working on that once I post this story!

As always, Enjoy!

Protecting Miss Montez

Chapter One

The President's Daughter

Gabriella squinted as she pulled her covers over her head, trying to escape from the brightening room as Rosy the house keeper pulled open the long curtains that covered her large windows. She groaned as her blanket was suddenly tugged away from her grasp and she was left in the chilly atmosphere without any protection.

"Wake up, Miss Montez; you're going to waste the day away." Rosy told her with a smile, tossing her a robe as she slipped on her slippers.

"I hate schedules." Gabriella replied as she glided towards her bathroom, wondering when she'd have a day off.

"I've heard." Rosy said with a laugh as she started to pull the sheets off of Gabriella's bed, pulling new ones on and making her bed look as if it came right out of a catalog.

After a quick shower, Gabriella pulled on the outfit that Rosy had picked out for her and she frowned at the business-like look that it had. She wished she could wear a fun skirt that a normal everyday girl would wear, but unfortunately she wasn't what most would call normal. She opened her bedroom door and put her hand up to grab the coffee that was always ready for her, but her hand only grabbed air and she frowned.

"Charles, where's my coffee?" She asked as she looked to the side where Charles, a tall bald guy with sunglasses, always stood to watch over her door.

Gabriella's eyebrows rose as she saw a new guy standing next to her door; a guy who was definitely not Charles. The guy who stood by her door was her age and he had amazing shaggy hair.

"Charles got promoted." The hottie said with a nod, looking at her quickly before turning back to staring at the wall in front of him.

"Promoted?" She questioned out loud.

"He's protecting your father." The guy explained, moving from his position by the wall once she started walking down the hallway.

Gabriella glanced behind her where this new guy was keeping a good distance between them and she wondered if she'd even get her morning coffee. She looked down at the blue and gold carpet and rolled her eyes at her so-not-in-fashion shoes. Without bothering to knock on the door where her father was most likely behind, Gabriella started her rant about why Charles was promoted. Charles grinned as he stood at the other end of the room.

"Dad, what's with the new guy?" She asked, seeing her dad looking at a piece of paper intently as he sat in his desk.

"New guy?" Her father asked, not looking up from the paper.

"Charles and I were just starting to get along. We had a secret code started and everything!" Gabriella explained, stopping as her dad looked up at her, raising his eyebrows in suspicion.

"Secret codes?" He asked her.

"Yeah, you know, like if I'm bored I twist my hair around my finger twice and he explains to whomever I'm with that I came down with some kind of illness." She told him, looking over at Charles with a thumbs up.

"And here I thought you were catching colds on a daily basis." Her father said with a small laugh. "I'm sure you and Troy can come up with your own secret code."

"Who the heck is Troy?" Gabriella asked in confusion, hearing Charles chuckle from his place behind her.

"He's the newest member of the secret service." Her father said as he stood from his chair, setting the paper he had been reading down as he looked up at his sighing daughter. "He'll be protecting you."

"You're having a very attractive guy who's my age protect me, Dad? Is that really the best choice?" She asked him, trying to get her buddy Charles back on her side. He was just starting to let her get away with things like staying up past her curfew… and now she was going to have to work hard again to bend the rules with the new guy.

"You're not getting Charles back, Gabs. And besides, you have a boyfriend. I don't have to worry about Mr. Bolton, do I?" He asked her with a serious look on his face.

"Nope." Gabriella said with a sigh as she made her way towards the door.

"Oh and Gabs," Her dad started before she could leave. "Don't come into the Oval Office without knocking."

"Yeah, yeah, Mr. President." She said with an eye roll, barely phased by the fact that Troy started following her the second she started making her way away from the room.

"Don't you have anything better to do with your life than to follow me around?" She asked Troy as they walked down the hallway.

"Yes, I do Miss Montez." He said seriously, glancing over at her.

"Did you just insult me?" Gabriella asked with an eyebrow raise, trying her best to look mad.

"Yes, I did Miss Montez." He replied in the same tone, wondering why a huge smile formed on her face when she heard his answer.

"Awesome." She said to herself, liking the fact that just because she was the President's daughter this Troy Bolton guy would still insult her if he felt it was necessary. Finally, she was somewhat experiencing some normalcy.

Troy stayed quiet as they walked down the hallway and she took that time to observe him. He was obviously in shape and the serious look that was on his face made her want to laugh as if he was acting like he was a serious guy. For some reason, Gabriella could tell that he wasn't as serious as he looked. The black suit he was wearing moved with him perfectly and she suddenly had a vision of him dancing at a prom or something, laughing with his friends as they dressed in suits similar to his.

"How old are you?" She asked him curiously.

"Same age as you are." He replied with a nod, glancing over at her.

"So, you're twenty three?"

"Yes." He said with a nod.

"You don't talk much do you?" She asked him with a laugh as they walked into the kitchen. He stopped at the door, keeping his hands tucked behind his back as he watched Gabriella pull out a box of cheerios from the cupboard.

"I doubt you'd be interested in what I'd have to say." He replied simply, looking out at the kitchen windows behind her where he could see the huge backyard.

"Doesn't hurt to try." Gabriella replied before she put a spoonful of cereal in her mouth, trying not to let any milk drip onto her outfit.

Troy stayed quiet as he stood by the door, not giving Gabriella an answer as she rolled her eyes. Apparently he didn't feel like talking to her and that bugged her. She set her bowl in the sink after rinsing it out and sighed dramatically as she walked past him.

"I hate being the President's daughter! Even the people who are paid to talk to me don't talk to me." She said to no one in particular, but since Troy was the only one around to hear her, he answered.

"I'm not paid to talk to you. I'm paid to protect you." He said simply, trying not to laugh as she huffed and puffed in frustration, stomping in her ugly shoes back towards her room.

Like it? Review! Be sure to take a look at my new oneshot- The Beach House.

Much love,
