
Chapter One

Spinelli took a deep breath but he really couldn't do this, he was much too terrified. He really did want Stone Cold to know how much he loved and adored him but if he really went through with this, it might ruin everything they already had. And he didn't need more than that, he already had more of Stone Cold then he could ever even wish for and that was more than he could say for the blonde's in his life.

Get a grip, he told himself, Jason is used to people falling at his feet and he never would use Spinelli's feeling's against him or make him feel bad about himself. He knew he had doubted Jason's kindness before, thinking he would blow up and he always was pleasantly surprised by how mature Jason was. So he should be assured that even if Jason does not reciprocate his feelings they can continue being friends.

Despite reassuring himself, his heart had sped up in his chest to the point it hurt. He felt like he was going to be sick and rushed outside to the balcony to let the fresh air calm him down. Pacing he couldn't help but smile. Jason was amazing and he solved everyone's problems. Spinelli knew everyone he knew including himself would probably not exist at least in Port Charles if Jason didn't.

Most of the residents would be dead, he smirked. Yet Stone Cold still believed he was the cause of the pain to those around him. Spinelli was going to rectify that. He wanted to be the one to tell Stone Cold every day how amazing and giving he was. And after he had told Stone Cold how he felt he could do as he wished without getting a weird look from him every time. At least he hoped.

He sighed and put his hands on the balcony. Just in time to see Jason running. That wasn't right, why would Jason run. Two shots rang out and Spinelli was helpless as Jason hit the floor. No, no, no, get up. He wished Jason would just stand up so he would know it wasn't too late to help him. A figure moved closer but he couldn't see his face.

"Hey!!!" He shouted when the assailant raised a gun again. "Get away from him, demon of the night." The assailant turned to point the gun directly at Spinelli. He dove under the wall and crawled back inside to avoid being hit.

Getting Stone Cold's spare gun out of its hiding place, he ran downstairs meanwhile trying to call Mac at the same time. He barely got the words out, Stone Cold and trouble before the phone fell from between his shoulder and ear and shattered on the ground. Yet it didn't matter by the time he got to the street Jason was gone. The thing that hit him the worst was the thick amounts of blood drawn like a line in the direction Jason was dragged.

With the realisation that the person he loved most, the person he had believed to be invulnerable could be dead, he shattered too like the plastic pieces on the ground around him.