Disclaimer : I own the plot and thats it. Nope. Nothing Else.

That One Special Girl

Hello. My name is Quigley Quagmire. I'm not your average 14 year old. My parents died last year in a fire. My siblings thought i was dead too. Well, until they found me. By then they had found some new friends. Sunny, she was the youngest. Klaus, he was 13 ( a little bit younger than me ) . And Violet, the eldest. My gosh, she was perfect. Her long, black hair ran just above her shoulders. Her big, blue eyes shone in the moonlight on the very first night i met her. My heart stopped. She took my breath away. I could have won the lottery and not been happier. But, i could never tell her my true feelings. I'm too shy. Klaus obviously has eyes for my sister, Isadora. It's so obviously. Duncan, my brother, has had so many on-off girlfriends, no-one cares anymore. Well, me and Issy don't. Anyway, on with the story.