Pairing: KazukixWataru

Rating: T (will change to M eventually)

I do not own any Only the Ring Finger Knows or Romeo and Juliet characters.

'O Romeo, O Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?'

It's the first day of my second year. How time flies.

"Wataru! Hurry Up! Breakfast is ready!"

His mum was calling him for breakfast already and he was still in bed.

"Alright! I'll be down in a minute!"

Wataru hastily jumped out of bed and pulled on his school uniform. He grabbed his silver and gold ring, slipped it onto his left middle finger and ran down the stairs, nearly knocking over his sister Karin as she also left her bedroom.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!"

"Sorry!" Wataru screamed without looking back at his sister.

He plonked himself opposite his mother at the breakfast table. Karin shortly sat down beside him. Today's breakfast was quite average. It was just plain cereal and toast. Nothing special. As Wataru ate his breakfast quietly, his mother started ranting, almost bragging about the results of the scholarship test he did over the school holidays.

"The principal wrote that your academic results were fairly good and your acting skills were exceptional. He would even like to meet you personally at the school's orientation program in a couple of weeks. If you get this scholarship it'll be perfect! You've always wanted to go to that school. After all they have to best drama program in the country. If the principal agrees you might even be able to start there this year. You don't have to wait until next year like everyone else! So…"

Wataru interrupted his mum as he remembered there was a before school drama club meeting.

"Ok. I'll go! I gotta leave now. I'm already late. Bye."

Wataru grabbed his bag with one hand, another piece of toast with the other and rushed out the door.

Shit. Why didn't I remember? We're discussing what play we are performing this year. I don't want to get stuck with a bad role.

By the time Wataru got to school, he was completely tired and energy depleted.

I'm late by 15 minutes. I hope they haven't decided without me.

He burst into the drama club room still huffing and puffing, only to be greeted by a giant hug from his friend Kawamura.

"Wataru! It's about time. It's been decided!"

What is he so excited about? Wait, it's been decided. Already?

"This year's play will be Shakespeare's great Romeo and Juliet! And you my friend will be playing Juliet!"

He gave Wataru another giant hug.

"What?! Juliet! Why do I have to be a girl?"

"I thought you of all people would know that Shakespeare's plays were performed by only males. So we are following the same principle. All the girls will be backstage and doing costumes and stuff."

"Huh? You decided without asking me?"

"Well you were late. And it was a majority vote. Your own vote wouldn't have changed the result. Guess who Romeo is?"

Kawamura pointed towards a large group of girls all crowding around a single male. He had smooth, shiny hazelnut coloured hair and misty grey eyes. All the girls were screaming and trying to get near him.

"Kazuki Yuichi?"

"Yea. THE Kazuki Yuichi who is adored by the girls and is a 'child prodigy'. He just joined the drama club this year. He was instantly voted Romeo by the girls. We don't even know if he can act. He probably can though, I mean he can do anything. Well good luck with that. I'll always be watching you Juliet. After all, I am Lady Capulet, your mother."

Kawamura batted his eyelashes at Wataru.

"Err… please stop that. It's kind of creepy."

Wataru picked up a copy of the script and started reading. In the background all the other boys were picking out their roles in the play.

'Tis but thy name that is my enemy thou art thyself not a Montague. What's a Montague? What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell just as sweet.

Wataru heard the bell ring through the halls for classes to begin before he could read any further.

He heard a voice amongst the crowd.

"Everybody meet back here after school for first rehearsals!"

Everyone ran out of the room, the girls still squealing about Kazuki bring Romeo. Wataru put down the script and walked to the door.

From behind, he heard a soothing voice.

"So you are my Juliet."

He turned around sharply only to stare right into Kazuki's face.

"Y-Y-Yes." Wataru stuttered as Kazuki walked towards him with a smile on his face.

"Well, this should be interesting."

He pushed past Wataru and left him standing in the doorway alone.

This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath, may prove a beauteous flower when next we meet. Good night, and good night!

Goodnight, goodnight! Parting is so sweetly sad that I could go on saying goodnight until morning.

All Romeo and Juliet quotes taken from the original Shakespearean text.

Reviews: I would love reviews. If you do not review, I hope in the future I can write something worthy of your much loved comments.

Thank you very much for reading. I hope you liked it.