Sorry it took a while for us to write chapter 3. School has been a pain and some personal problems came up as well. We hope you like chapter 3 and we want to thank those who reviewed and favorited (is this even a word?) our story.

Spain will admit that the day had been a bit weird. So far nothing but odd things has happened. He promised Romano that he wouldn't bother him, and he has kept to that promise, but that also meant that he was bored. It's been years since he himself has was a child, so he thought he could take this as an opportunity to experience childhood again. The only problem was that he didn't exactly know what little kids did these days anymore. His house didn't have anything for kids either, so he was forced to find something to do.

He tried to keep himself occupied with Lovitonio II. He filled the tub up in one of his many bathrooms for the turtle to swim in. He made sure not fill it up too much or else he would have drowned and he doubted that Romano would save him this time.

He used a chair to get the turtle out of the tank this time and didn't have as much trouble since Lovitonio II was swimming near the top of the tank. Lil Spain grabbed the turtle and headed towards the bathroom. He set the turtle inside of the tub and let him swim around, he even joined the turtle, though he took of his dress since he didn't want to get another one wet.

The tub suddenly felt so much bigger, it was never like that before...well duh, he was smaller now. The water was slightly cold since he new the turtle liked cold water. He didn't mind the coldness of the water, he was happy to take a bath with his cute little turtle.

Lil Spain picked up his sweet turtle "Lovi Mark 2! That's a cute nickname for you, I love you so much Lovitonio II!" he hugged the turtle in sweet bliss. At the end of the tub, he saw his doll of Romano, wondering how it got there. He then looked at his turtle "Lovitonio II... Do you know the move surf?" he pointed to his doll. The turtle stared at Lil Spain blankly "C'mon Lovitonio II, go fetch the doll" Lovitonio II didn't move a muscle, he just stayed in Spain's little chubby hands and stared, giving a slow blink. Lil Spain then remembered what Romano told him.

Romano watched the adult Spain, he was sitting on the ground watching a T.V. show about turtles. The Italian shrugged at why was Spain even watching something as ridiculous as that, the man had a thing for turtles. Spain smiled as he saw a turtle swimming to a ball in the middle of a pool. "When I get another turtle I will teach it to fetch Lovi~!"

Romano shook his head "I don't care.." he sat down on the couch. "Spain.. that show is lying to you, turtles cant fetch anything, they're to mentally retarded."

Spain tilted his head confusedly "But.. that turtle is doing it..."

"That's because you're staring at the screen and its trying to get away from you. Your eyes are burning it" Romano told the stupid Spanish man.

Spain's eyes turned sad, tears rolled down his cheeks as he ran to the T.V. screen hugging it in sadness "I'M SO SORRY POOR TURTLE!! I'LL GOUGE MY EYES OUT SO YOU WONT BURN!!!" he continued to hug the T.V. in forgiveness. "BUT B-but.. If I do that, I wont be able to see you Lovi~" once he finished his story, he turned and looked at Romano with cheerful eyes.

Romano began taking steps back "Why are you looking at me like that?" the once cheerful eyes of Spain vanished and went into 'pedophilia/I want you in my arms' look. Spain moved away from the t.v. and walked slowly towards his lover like a stalker. "Lovi~ I want a kiss.." Romano in an attempt to get away, turned around to run off but Spain glomped him into the ground and kissed him into a coma.

Lil Spain giggled to himself "I don't know what that flashback had to do with anything buuuuuuuut.." he continued to stare at the doll of Romano. He crawled to the doll, about to pick it up but stopped as his hands neared it. Why was the doll there? and how did it even get into the bathroom? When Spain, well now Lil Spain was with Lovitonio II, that meant alone time for the two, which means no one was in there. The doll couldn't have walked to the bathroom. Right?

After a while, Lil Spain became bored, as much as he loved his turtle, he could only stand to watch him swim for so long and also for the fact of the weird doll staring back at him. He got out and dried himself with one of the clean towels in the bathroom. Once he was dry, he slipped into his dress again and walked out the door. He looked back to see the doll smiling in a creepy manner, was that smile there before? Lil Spain didn't know. He was not afraid to leave his turtle in the tub he knew that the turtle would be okay and that he'll come back for it later.

A thought came to mind, didn't kids like to play with puppets or something like that. Maybe he could give it a try. Though, he knew he didn't have any puppets at his house, but he could make some. Or better yet, use tomatoes.

Lil Spain planned to make his way outside into his tomato garden. Oh how he loved his beautiful tomatoes. They always brought a smile to his face. Before he left his house and enter the garden he made sure to get a black sharpie from a somewhere. He wouldn't have to worry about Romano finding out his secret today since the other man didn't want to be bothered.

As he entered one of the many rows of tomato plants he made sure to keep an eye out for two really good looking tomatoes. Luckily, Lil Spain was able to find them. The two tomatoes were hanging next to each other, they both were glossy red and completely spotless. It was as if they were perfectly made for Spain. Lil Spain plucked both tomatoes off their plants and noticed that on was bigger than the other other one. Perfect.

He sat down on the dirt and began to draw on the tomatoes. On the larger tomato, he drew heart shaped eyes, a blush, and a big silly smile. On the smaller tomato he drew angry eyes and an angry open mouth that looked as if was yelling. The larger tomato was named Antonio and the smaller one was named Lovi~. With his new puppet tomatoes he decided to try something new.

Spain's Fantasy: Tomato Style

Tomato Spain: Te amo Lovi~!!! (rubs tomatoes together)

Tomato Lovi: Oh Antonio I love you too~!!!

Tomato Spain: Lovi~ we should get married

Tomato Lovi: Oh yes Antonio, it would be a dream come true to finally marry you.

Tomato Spain: You can even wear a dress to the wedding. Aww you will look so cute~!!!

Tomato Lovi: I will wear or do anything for you Antonio.

Tomato Spain: In that case, we should get married today!

Tomato Lovi: Yes! The quicker the better!

Tomato Spain: Oh Lovi I love you so much

Tomato Lovi: I love you too Antonio and then after we get married we can find my brother and marry him, that way we can all be one big happy family.

Tomato Spain: Really! That would be so wonderful!

Tomato Lovi: My brother and I will do anything for you Antonio.

Tomato Spain: L-Lovi, (blushes) that would make me very happy

Tomato Lovi: Oh Antonio!! Kiss me!!

Tomato Spain: Of course Lovi~! Anything for you. (makes kissy noises)

Lil Spain knew that Lovi would never act like that, but it didn't hurt to dream. Life with Lovi wasn't really be that bad...right?

Spain's Reality: Tomato Style

Tomato Spain: Te amo Lovi~!!! (rubs tomatoes together)

Tomato Lovi: What the fuck are you doing you bastard!!!

Tomato Spain: I am just showing how much I love you mi amor~.

Tomato Lovi: What! Are you stupid!!

Tomato Spain: Umm, I hope not.

Tomato Lovi: You are stupid and you need to stop you dumbass!

Tomato Spain: Aww, but Lovi I just want us to be together. Hey! We should get married.

Tomato Lovi: Hell no!! Why would I want to marry you!?!

Tomato Spain: Because we love each other and you can wear the dress.

Tomato Lovi: I don't fucking love you, you bastard and no way in hell am I wearing a dress.

Tomato Spain: Of course you love me and if you don't want to wear the dress, I 'll wear it instead since someone needs to wear a dress at a wedding.

Tomato Lovi: There isn't going to be a damn wedding!! CHIGI!!

Tomato Spain: Aww~!! You Chigi-ed, so cute~!! And then after the wedding you and I can find your brother to marry him as well~!!

Tomato Lovi: What the hell is wrong with you!!!! I'm going to kill you!! (smashes tomato Spain)

Lil Spain looked at his now smashed Antonio. Maybe this wasn't as fun as he thought anymore. He wondered how Romano was doing.

Romano, on the other hand, was in bliss. The house was nice and quiet today, since stupid Spain kept his promise. He didn't even heard a single "Lovi~~~!!" throughout the house and he loved it. He decided that maybe having Spain stay little forever wasn't such a bad idea, but what if Spain didn't want it...who cares about what Spain wants...right?

He was able to practice on his drawing skills. Trying to improve his skills in hope that he could be as good as his brother. So far that wasn't going so well for him. He didn't know what to draw so he decided to draw whatever came to his mind.

His first drawing started out not like he thought it would be, he began with making a person's face and adding some type of straight cut hair type style. He gave the person serious eyes, and a terrible size of an ear. It seemed like at any time that, that person's head was ready for lift off. He didn't care, he was trying at least. As he finished his little sketch, he picked up a cup of tomato juice. While drinking the juice, some of it miss his lips and fell down onto the drawing, Romano sat his cup down quickly and looked at it. He noticed what he drew was Germany and it had tomato stains over his face. A smiled appeared over Romano's face.

"A dead Germany would suffice... and his fugly potatoes"

He grabbed another sheet of paper and went back to his not so good drawing skills. This time, he started with some clothing, he drew a scarf and put a circular oval shaped head on top. Completing it with some funny type hair and nose that seemed like it would fall off any second. Giving the character happy eyes, he looked at the drawing. It was Russia... there was something strange about that Russian.. There really was and it was in his face. Romano stared.

"Why is his head so.. round?"

Romano shook his head and wanting to draw something that mattered to him. Without even realizing it, he drew Spain. He really wanted to know what was wrong with him. Why would he be thinking of Spain anyway, the bastard was an annoying prick.

'Yeah, but he's the only one who has ever loved you.' Romano hated it when his mind talked back to him. It made him wonder how sane he really was at times, but then again talking to yourself wasn't exactly a sign of craziness. Then again Spain's stupidity must be rubbing off on him.

'No, you just don't know when to admit your feelings to yourself.' Oh yeah, it was all Spain's fault. Spain deserved to die for making him feel wired things. He has never had any problem with his feeling until he met Spain. Though, he has always known Spain.

Everyone always liked his younger brother since he was better at everything. Austria loved Feliciano, but he didn't seem to like Romano, no one did. Instead he handed him over to Spain, who actually seemed excited to have him as his new henchman. It was the first time anyone seemed to want him and it scared Romano.

At first he though that Spain wanted him because of his inheritance and made Spain's life hard. When he heard about Spain trying to trade him for his brother, he knew that he was right about the man. Yet deep down inside it hurt to know that not even Spain wanted him.

Then everything changed. Spain went to extreme lengths to make sure Romano was always protected. When Turkey took him, Spain could have just forgotten him and wouldn't have to deal with Romano anymore. Or he could have let France run off with him whenever the perverted bastard drooled after him. Instead, Spain always saved him and was always the one who suffered because if him. No one has ever cared about him the way Spain has.

Not only that but he began to shower Romano with love and affection, something new to Romano. When he became independent he expected Spain to stop seeing him. That didn't happen. Actually that bastard always found ways to communicate with him. It's as if the idiot was addicted to him.....that probably it.

'Oh you know, you secretly love him back.' Romano had decided that Spain was the devil in disguise. He couldn't take it anymore and answered his self back. 'You don't know anything, I do not love him back' few minutes later, a sigh of relief came from his mouth as he finally got that annoying voice out his head. 'I do know anything, I'm you.' His mind seemed as if it wasn't going to give up. 'Go to hell!' the young Italian roared in his mind, his own mind was starting to tick him off. 'Why would I want to go there? I'd just drag you down there with me and you can keep me company in the lava pool.' This time, Romano left the voice alone. But in his dark conscious, he heard the voice laughing and mocking. Then, he realized, it isn't craziness when you talk to yourself, it's just when... you have a full out conversation with yourself.

It was night time when Spain finally bothered Romano. The little nation came running to Romano with a happy look on his face. He cried out a "Lovi~~~~~!!!!" and hugged his leg.

Romano sighed. "God, you are so annoying."

"Aww Lovi, you don't mean that. Anyway, now that it's bed time you and I should sleep together."

"No way."

"But Lovi, I need help getting into bed and it's been a while since we last shared a bed." Romano blushed when he thought about what happened last time. Spain and alcohol were involved and he was pretty sure that his naked sore ass meant something defiantly happened. Wait. Does that mean that Spain...wants that to happen again?

"Are you saying what I think you are saying."

"Of course."

"B-but that's wrong! Y-you may be a few hundred years old, but y-you're a kid right now!"

"Lovi! There's nothing wrong with it and besides wouldn't it be cuter since I'm younger now." Lil Spain tugged on Romano's pant leg and led him to his room.

"Come one Lovi, lets get ready."

"Do you even hear what you are saying, you dumbass!! There is something wrong with you!!"

"I don't understand why you think it's wrong, we love each other and we are just doing what normal people do when they are in love." Ok, Spain was starting to freak him out, how can a little kid ask for something like that.

"No way in hell."

"Come one Lovi~ no one will know, if that's what you are afraid of. Hey can you help me get into bed." Romano was too shocked to even protest and just put Lil Spain into bed.

"Lovi~ get in with me. This isn't going to work with just me by myself. I'm already getting excited."

Romano blushed when he heard that. Spain was a little pervert. Romano got under the covers and stayed as far as he could from Spain. Spain didn't seem to get the hint. Instead, the little nation moved to where Romano was laying and cuddled up next to him.

"Lovi are you comfortab-"


"I can tell, you are very stiff. You need to rela-"

"Shut up."

"Ok ok, I'll let you go to sleep. Goodnight Lovi. Turn off the lamp light next to you please." He leaned up as far as he could and kissed Romano on the cheek. After that he closed his eye's and snuggled into Romano. Romano was confused, what did Spain want.

"What the hell? What exactly did you want us to do in bed?" Spain's eye looked up to him and a confused look appeared on his face.

"I just wanted us to cuddle. What do you think I wanted?"


"Sex? But I'm to young for that in this body and we had sex before? When?"

"How can you not remember!! We woke up naked and my ass was sore."

"Oh, you mean after Prussia's party, right?"


"You were pretty drunk that night and fell down the stairs on your butt. Then after that you threw up on both of our clothes so I had to take them off before we went to sleep. We didn't have sex that night, I guess I could have but it wouldn't have been very nice to take advantage of you, but we did cuddle."

Romano was very quite after that. He felt like a fool for being wrong. How could he NOT have thought they had sex that night. All of the signs were there. For some odd reason, Romano felt a little disappointed that they haven't done it yet. 'That's cause you love him'. His anger returned.

"Why didn't you tell me that we never had sex before!!"

"Well I thought you knew and you ran away before we could talk about what happened."

"W-well I just thought that we d-did it and I didn't know what to do!"

"Aww, but there's nothing wrong with it. Making love is a special thing and you shouldn't be embarrassed about it. Do you want to make love with me?" Romano's face was deep red at this point.

"S-shut up! Don't say such embarrassing things!! Go to sleep!"

"Ok Lovi~." Lil Spain once again snuggled up to Romano again. Romano was still embarrassed that he just had a conversation with Spain about their non-existent sex life. He was tired now. He reached over and turned off the lamp light. Spain mumbled an "I love you Lovi~" and Romano continued to blush.

Romano couldn't believe that he thought that him and Spain, even had sex. He continued to think about the fact of having sex with Spain. Their warm bodies compressed against each other, the kisses they would share and the sounds they would make just by hearing the other. The enjoyment of being with the person that you really love, it made Romano's heart throb. Deep in his mind, he wanted it to happen, he really wanted it to. 'See, you know you want him' his mind kept coming back every chance it had. Romano 'ugghed' in his mind 'I dont love him! I dont I dont!!!' his mind seemed to go dark, like it should have been, dark and silent. Then a bad thought came to mind. 'Spain, referred to it as sex, that means get a quick funk and leave but making love... thats where passion is..and Spain also called it making love.'

Romano thought about what his mind just told him, but the voice was deeper and angry in a sense. But he couldn't tell the difference since he was oblivious, not as much as his brother though. 'Sex' was just as his mind put it, having a fuck and just not caring as long as you get screwed. But 'making love' was when the love that you had for the person was in it, when the actions from one another could go on forever. Romano looked at Spain, his eyes dulling and he silently whispered.

"What do you really want from me? Sex......or love?"

Lil Spain slept silently, having Romano close, with a smile on his face.

After walking up to see Spain drooling on him, Romano concluded that today was going to suck. He had to make food, again. Apparently Spain had living off of tomatoes yesterday since Romano didn't make lunch or dinner. The bastard didn't even ask him if he wanted any. Then again he told Spain not to bother him.

After breakfast, Spain changed into another clean dress and they headed off to see Spain's boss. Romano hated going on this trip deep down inside. He walked down the country of Spain, while holding Lil Spain's baby hands. Spain was a very romantic country, seeing all the Spanish men and women kissing, holding hands and loving the fact that they were with each other the whole day.

Romano then went into deep thought, the love between him and Spain, if you didn't know them well enough could be one sided. When Lil Spain was much bigger, he would always try to shower his love on Romano, but Romano would push Spain to the ground and flirt with other pretty girls. No matter how old or young, ugly or cute... well they had to be cute. He would yell at the Spanish man and not care. Showing that Spain was the only person giving love most of the time.

Spain on the other hand, would hold him close, make him feel protected. Gave him the most sweetest kisses. Did not care about how the Italian's (mostly the Vatican's) affair with gays were like, he fixed it to so that, men and women had equal rights to love the same sex. Spain never yelled unless someone was trying to claim him, that's how much he cared for the Italian. He even protected him from that potato bastard that people call Germany.

But maybe some of the things that he thought about Spain was right, the fact of what Spain was up too. Playing with his emotions with the words of 'I love you' his heart started feeling weak, just hearing the words from Spain last night made him think.

'Is love even real.. can anyone love me?..'

Lil Spain looked up to the tall Italian and saw a worried look on the man. He started to feel bad so he tried making his lover happy again. "Lovi~ I love you!" The people in Spain stared at Romano and Spain, many people didn't know it was Spain or others thought that they were finally able to have a son. Romano looked down to Spain, the sadness in his face disappeared as an irritated face appeared "Shut up you lil bastard!"

Lil Spain was happy to see Romano full of life again, as they got to the door of Spain's boss. Spain looked up to Romano, almost in tears. "You didn't say it back.."

"Chigi! I'm not going to!!!" Romano opened the door to find their selves in Spain's Boss's living room, he rolled his eyes. Lil Spain walked around. "This place seems bigger then before"

"No duh Spain.. you're a kid! Act like a grownup for once! You think in the body of a kid you'd have the mind of an adult!" Romano murmured under his breath. He looked around the room, looking for any sign of Spain's boss.

Lil Spain began searching for a specific item, as he was searching and ran head first into a statue replica of his boss. Falling over, he saw stars spinning around him. The irritated Italian, who hated coming over to Spain's boss house, walked over to Lil Spain, kneeled down and helped him up.

As Lil Spain was helped up, he turned to Romano and kissed his cheek "Thank you Lovi~!"


"What's wrong mi amor?"

"Being here makes me sick..."

"Everything will be alright, my love will heal you!"

Romano face palmed and watched as Lil Spain look at the naked statue of his boss. Lil Spain reached his hand to the groin of the statue and wrapped his chibi hands around it.

"CHIGI! Get your hands off of it!!!"

Lil Spain was confused at what Romano was even talking about, he kept his grip on the statue's groin and pulled the 'lever' down. The statue's mouth opened along with the expression of the statue's face changing. The voice of his boss came out.

"AHAHAHA! Give me a few more seconds! I'll be 'coming' in a bit!"

The mouth closed with the expression disappearing. Romano pulled Spain away from the statue and glared at it. If a Italian's glare could turn into lasers that statue would be gone by now. Lil Spain clapped his hands together.

"My boss will be here in a bit now Lovi~!"

"I don't care, when in the hell did he get that installation of a piece of crap in here?"

"Well... it was when he went to Ital-"

"Shut up, you said enough"

Spain chuckled at his tall lover and heard dramatic music being played. He looked up to the flight of stairs and saw his boss come down in a purple old bridesmaid drag queen outfit, his hair done in curls. Wearing a type of blue pantyhose, black stilettos, make-up as if he was going trick or treating but Romano knew that it was both, tricking and treating himself. Even having the AUDACITY to put grapefruits in a green bra you could see through his dress. Romano was never lying when he said that Spain's boss was colorful.

Spain's Boss walked down the flights slowly and throwing a hot pinky faux wrap stole shawl scarf around his neck. "Well Austria, I've been awaiting your presen-AH! SPAIN! LOVINO!" Lil Spain clapped as if a play has just ended "Boss! You look so pretty!"

"Pretty.. PRETTY!!! THAT is the NOT the RIGHT word because I am NOT pretty, I am FABULOUS~!" Romano attacked his face with a fierce face palm, seeing Spain's Boss made him want to kill himself at that exact moment. The guy had many mental issues.

"WHY are you here Spain?! And I see you brought your cute friend with you"

"Well, you're suppose to do something because of the fact of what I am."

Spain's Boss stared at the kid, he really could not believe the little cute kid in Romano's arms was Spain. A smile came across the man's face as he threw his arms in the air. "OH MY! SPAIN YOU LOOOOOOOOOOOOK SO FABULUTE! (mixture of fabulous and cute) not as sexy and fabulous like me, like c'mon, check out your trends. Your style, it doesn't match me, it shows I was meant to be beautiful.!"

Romano gave a dull expression and rubbed the temples of his forehead. "How are you even a Boss..." Spain's Boss walked up to Spain and picked him up with joy. "Now come and meet you replacement" he then pointed down the hall to a door. He set Lil Spain back down.

Lil Spain skipped his way to the door, Romano turned his attention towards Spain's Boss. "Aren't you going to give us a long speech on how things are going to be bad if Spain doesn't turn back into an adult again and about who the replacement is..?"

"What? Oh no, I have to get my nails done in like 12 minutes and I am not wasting my time with this trivial thing that will be revealed later, probably. Like look at my nails, they are sexy but not sexy enough, they need to be tended and you along with Spain can wait"

The Southern Italian shook his head as he walked to the door that Spain was currently trying to open, though he wasn't able to reach the door knob. Romano reached his arm out and opened the door, revealing a tan male adult. His black hair down to his shoulder complete with light brown highlights, some of his hair covering his right eye. His height reaching up to 5"9' and the clothing he wore was a white turtle neck sweater, brown pants, and white shoes. Luminescent blue eyes that seemed to pierce through anything evil. Romano continued to stare, finding that the man also came with a hair curl. It seemed to come from the back of his hair, circling once around his neck and making a loop to the right side of his cheek.

The man turned towards Romano, Spain's Boss and Lil Spain, he waved to all three of them. Spain's Boss walked up to the man "This is going to be Spain's Replacement, also know as Replacement Spain or RS for short."

Lil Spain looked up to the man, now known as Replacement Spain. "Hello Replacement Spain, I'm Spain, its nice to meet you." Lil Spain then held his hand out to the other.

Replacement Spain reached and grabbed the small one's hand shaking it slowly, in a graceful way. "Hello Spain, I'm Replacement Spain, your replacement" the man gave the warmest smile and looked towards Romano. He took out a tomato and handed Romano the tomato in kindness.

"I hear you hate men yet are fine with women, but tomatoes are your weak point. I thought if I gave you thing, you'd be able to cooperate with me at the matter at hand"

Romano's eyes stared at the tomato, keeping lock on the tesero. He reached his hands out for it, and grabbed it. He noticed Replacement Spain began to clean Spain's Boss' room since he had nothing to do.

"Well, Spain, Lovino, Replacement Spain.. my appointment is getting ready to start so, I'm off"

Spain's Boss then left the room in a hurry, he was making sure he didn't miss that appointment. A man's nails means so much to them.

RS was still cleaning the room in boredom. Romano didn't know what to say and didn't like how quiet the room was. He returned his attention to the tomato that RS handed him. It was a very shiny, juicy looking tomato and Romano could feel himself drooling. He was going to say something to RS, but Lil Spain beat him to it.

"RS, did boss ever tell you what might be wrong with me?"

RS stopped what he was doing and gave Lil Spain a warm smile. "I'm sorry Spain, but boss never told me what could be wrong with you. Though you'll be the first person I'll tell if he ever thinks of a reason."

"Thank you RS!" Lil Spain ran over to RS and gave him a hug. For some reason, this pissed Romano off. He "hmph"-ed and walked out of the room. Lil Spain noticed and ran after Romano. "Lovi~! Wait!" Romano kept on walking, but something inside made him stop. He glared at Spain.

"Lovi~ whats wrong?"

"I can't stand it here, lets go home."

"Ok Lovi~, just let me say bye to RS." He ran back to where RS was and quickly ran back a minuet later to hug Romano's leg. "He said he'll see us later this week to discuss some things. So let's go home now Lovi!"

Romano sighed and walked out the door, but he held Spain's hand. Not because he wanted to, he just wanted to make sure the idiot didn't walk into the street and get himself run over....or so Romano kept telling himself.

ZABAM BABY!! So chapter 3 is done and we hope you enjoyed it. Next chapter may take a while since Reichiko's computer charger broke, so that's a bit of a problem, but we will continue to write this! Also, we have a story in development about the Latin Hetalia characters and we may have another addition to the Tomato Knights! So exciting! :D

Happy Easter since it's this Sunday!