DISCLAIMER: I do not own BLEACH or any of its characters

rated M for Violence, language, and Lemon

A story rated M for LEMON means Lemon Explicit Lemon.You've Been Warned!

Orihime's Triple Threat

Chapter 5 - Black Cape

He had never been afraid of Lord Aizen, never. Maybe in awe, but never afraid. Until now. He was in his presence. Lord Aizen sat on his white marble throne as always, head resting on his fist. Gin was leaning against a far wall just behind the throne. When Ulquiorra glanced at him, he shrugged as if he didn't know what was going on. For a long time Aizen just stared at Ulquiorra with that pleasant smirk on his face.

"What were you thinking, Ulquiorra?" He finally said, still looking pleasant. "Did you think I didn't know? Its not that I mind, but the sneaking around. Really. And what do you think will happen? What do you think will happen when all of this is over and Karakura town is destroyed? Do you think she'll still love you? If she even loves you now." His words stung Ulquiorra, deeply. "And if you destroy Kurosaki, will she still be so warm and welcoming to you?"

Ulquiorra's blood was boiling, thinking back to his conversation with Aizen that morning on his way to get Orihime. How had he found out? Gin. Gin must have told him. Ulquiorra thought. Ulquiorra had spent as much time with Orihime as he possibly could. In public, he still walked a few feet behind her. Orihime was content that he was near her, that he actually talked to her even if it was in private. She had opened his eyes to many things, many pleasant and wonderful things. She continued to ask him questions about himself, seeming to really want to know. He told her as much about himself as he could remember, trying to carefully leave out all the violence that he had been involved in when he was an aimless hollow.

They were now in the lower levels of Hueco Mundo, that even Aizen didn't know about. They were in a small modest room, but neat. Ulquiorra had tried to make it comfortable and pleasing for Orihime. It also helped, being in these lower levels since Orihime had become more vocal in their lovemaking.

"Ulquiorra?" Orihime asked, kissing him on the lips. He came back from his thoughts of this morning. "Are you listening?"

"I'm sorry Orihime," he said, in his slow deliberate tone, turning his attention to her. What would she do when Aizen was successful? She's so sensitive, thats why she had been so easy to manipulate to bring to Hueco Mundo. He thought. But, I can't lose her.

Orihime was straddling him, undressing. Talking pleasantly about a wonderful meal of licorice and rice, with miso she had made once. He turned his full attention to her, laying under her, in his hakama. She peeled down to nothing, as he ran his hands over her body. She leaned down to kiss him passionately on the mouth again. He was trying to capture and memorize everything about her. Her eyes, her smell, the taste of her mouth and neck. His hands slid down her back and to her round ass. He squeezed her and pulled at her, his tongue in her mouth until she start moaning. He couldn't lose her, not her and all this.

He sunk his head down to her breast, taking her nipple into his mouth. She arched up, enjoying the feeling, her eyes closed. His eyes were open, intense and watching her every move. His movements became urgent and frenzied as he rolled her over, still staring intently at her.

Orihime shuddered. "Ulquiorra what's wrong?" She grabbed his face with her hands, steadying him.

"Nothing, Orihime, I'm fine." But he wasn't fine, she knew it he had a distance growing in his voice like when she had first met him. She tried to bring him back to her, back to where they were at that moment.

Ulquiorra in turn didn't want to squander anytime he had with her. He smothered her with kisses. His hard member straining against the fabric of his hakama, trying to drive through into her. He pulled it out, instantly burying it deep inside Orihime's warm, wetness. He slowly moved in and out of her, propped up over her arms locked, staring down at her. She kept trying to pull him down on to her, finally succeeding, after several minutes.

They stayed there, wrapped around each other in the small quiet room, only Orihime's moaning quietly echoing. Once they realized they had to go back before some one came looking for them. Orihime began to cry. Ulquiorra had found it hard to bear when she cried, but now was by far the worst. They were both realizing that something was coming that may tear apart what they had managed to find together.

They were back in the main hall of Hueco Mundo, heading toward Orihime's room.

"There you two are. We've been looking all over for you. Aizen wants an early dinner. Come along Orihime." Gin said taking Orihime by the arm, she reached out for Ulquiorra, her hand sliding across his. He didn't dare hold her back. "Oh, you too Ulquiorra." Gin said smiling. The lovers looked shocked and confused.

The walk to the dining hall was long and arduous. Ulquiorra staying a good distance from Orihime. Orihime's eyes cutting to Ulquiorra, Gin chatting away. They entered the hall and Tosen and Aizen were standing, backs to the door, turning as they heard the three enter.

"Ah, Orihime," Aizen said warmly. " And Ulquiorra, how nice of you to join us. Please, lets be seated."

As dinner started, all was quiet for the most part. Orihime becoming more and more agitated. She was once again under the leering eye of Aizen. Gin was more chipper than usual. Ulquiorra sat stiff as a board, trying not to look at Orihime or Aizen, not touching the food that had been set before him.

"May I be excused?!" Orihime said jumping up.

"Oh, is there something wrong with the food?" Gin said, stopping his chatter abruptly and looking down at his untouched food.

"No, I just don't feel, well." she replied, her face turning red. "Ulquiorra, will you walk me back to -"

"That won't be necessary Orihime," Aizen said standing up. Orihime froze and Ulquiorra's fists clinched. "I'd like to talk to you a moment." He didn't move from where he was standing but held out his hand, beckoning her to him. She was stuck in place, unable to move, her breathing was getting faster, her skin hot.

"Are you deaf, girl?" Tosen said. Gin laughed. Tosen turned to him.

"For you to say that," Gin kept chuckling, his legs crossed, up on the table. Angry, Tosen went to turn his anger on Orihime.

"Tosen," Aizen said calmly. Tosen stopped immediately. "That's not necessary, right Orihime." Orihime glanced at Ulquiorra again. He was staring straight ahead.

"Ulquiorra," she whispered, her body finally moving for fear of what Tosen might do, her fingers sliding across the table trying to reach out to Ulquiorra. Aizen waited patiently as she finally made her way to him, her head down. He took her, hands on her shoulders, and headed out the back of the hall to his room. Gin laughed.

"Its so nice to see when people learn to share their toys," Gin said laughing. Ulquiorra jumped to his feet, hands slamming against the table. Suddenly Gin was in his ear.

"Sit down, sad boy. She's not worth it."

"She is to me." Ulquiorra said, through gritted teeth.

"Well, lets see if you can make it back there to her" Gin continued with a raised eyebrow and his blade to Ulquiorra's throat. Ulquiorra saw that Tosen too had his hand of his blade.

A scream erupted. ORIHIME! Ulquiorra moved to go to her and both Gin and Tosen had their blades out up to his throat.

Aizen had her cornered again. His cheek was red where Orihime had slapped him, but that only egged him on. His hand were on each side of her as she stood against the wall, blocking her from leaving. She had her hands on his chest pushing him away. He was looking down at her, smirking. They both knew she wouldn't win this one.

He sunk his head into her neck, kissing her. She screamed. He smiled, then bit her. She slapped him in the face again, harder, stinging him. He pulled back eyes narrowed. She swung at him again, he grabbed her arms swinging her around and tossing her to the bed.

She raced to get off the other side, but he was in front of her. Then over her, both hands over her head, pinned to the bed. He placed his knees , on each side of her, straddling her as she lay defenseless. She started kicking her legs, barley missing his erect cock.

"Hmph," he hissed. She meant business. He'd let her struggle some more until she tired herself out. As she did, he pulled at her clothes. He grabbed her leg when it rose up to kick her, puling off her boots. He ripped off her blouse as her screaming got louder and more desperate. Tears were flowing from her eyes.

Ulquiorra! Why? Why wasn't he coming. Why wasn't he helping her. He knew she was in trouble. Her eyes were blind with tears. But she wouldn't give up. She'd let Aizen think she'd help him in anyway, but not like this. Not this.

Aizen sat still, straddling Orihime looking down at her. A victorious smile, as Orihime lay naked under him. Her hands still over her head. He bent down to kiss her and she spit in his face, he laughed and kissed her anyway. His tongue invaded her mouth, this hand on her breast, squeezing it and pinching the nipple. He was breathing hard and she screamed under him kiss.

"You'll feel better in a minute, " he murmured in her ear. He rose up off her for a moment to roll her on her stomach. Then pulled her arms down as she lay on her stomach until they were folded behind her, as his large hands, were firm on her forearms. He lifted her up by the waist, pulling her to the edge of the bed and let her rest on her knees, pushing her head down into the sheets.

He had positioned her, so that her ass was in the air. He spread her legs out wide under her, to fully expose her tender parts. Orihime's screams were barely audible through the sheets. Aizen sunk down behind her, his hand still holding her arms behind her back. His face going deep between her legs. She yelped in surprise and uncontrollable pleasure.

His mouth devoured her, her body, betrayed her becoming wet and ready for this unwelcomed visitor. She was screaming stop, but Aizen paid no mind. His tongue running the length of her crack, stopping to flick his tongue on her ass. She writhed in pleasure and anger. He licked back down to her clit. He sucked on it , mercilessly, until Orihime screamed out in a powerful orgasm that Aizen helped fuel longer with his tongue on her ass and 2 fingers pumping inside her. She cried because she couldn't help herself.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" he said coolly, smiling. He was standing up behind her, readying himself to enter her. His hands reaching into his hakama to pull out his hot, ready cock.

"Sorry to intrude, Lord Aizen," Tosen said , head down coming into the room. Aizen snapped his head around, anger brimming at the disturbance. "But you asked to be notified when the "package" arrived," Tosen continued.

Aizen smirked and looked down at the helpless Orihime. "Today's your lucky day." He leaned over, taking her face and kissing her hard on the mouth. He got up, leaving the room with Tosen.

Orihime didn't know what happened or why. But she got her clothes and dressed quickly as best she could. As she was reaching for the door, it was opened from the other side. There stood Gin.

"I'll escort you to your room." He followed her down the hall. "I don't get it. I mean you have nice tits and all," Orihime felt self conscious covering her chest with her arms, as they walked."But how you have these men running around like you're the last woman on earth. I just dont get it."

Orihime was trying to block Gin out, scanning the hall as they walked.

"Oh, Ulquiorra?" He said nothing her roving eyes. "He got sick after dinner and left." His words hurt and shocked her, like she knew he wanted them too. Ulquiorra had just left. Just left her to Aizen, she hadn't meant anything to him.

They reached Orihime's room. Gin didn't follow her in. |"I'm sure Ulquiorra will be along with some good news for you, " Gin said smiling to her, like a mocking fox as the door closed.

Orihime sat in silence, thinking when the next round with Aizen would start. She sat for what seemed like hours. She felt something strong and familiar stirring in her the whole time, in the back of her mind.

After a long while, Ulquiorra entered her room. She stared angrily at him. He avoided her gaze.

"I have an announcement," Ulquiorra said. "Your allies have broken into Hueco Mundo."


"In order to rescue you, for them they have no other reason than that." He ached inside seeing her masked joy and relief at this, then fear that came thinking and knowing what they'd have to face to get to her. Ulquiorra kept his composure, barely. He had wanted to be the one to save Orihime.

"They came to rescue me?"

"Indeed, but for you that should no longer hold any meaning, for in mind and body you are already our comrade. That's what wearing those clothes mean. Inoue-san."

Orihime winced and how he addressed her, after everything between them. She looked in shock at Ulquiorra. "Say it, for what purpose do your mind and body exist?" Ulquiorra continued.

She looked at him defiantly. "They exists for Lord Aizen and his will." She was angry, tears streaming down her face, her eyes seeming to plead to him. Why didn't you save me? Why are you doing this? Why are you saying this?

He was frightened by the anger and rage in her for, an instant. Aizen would leave to complete his plan soon. Ulquiorra had been told to stop Kurosaki without killing him if necessary, for as long as possible. That may be a problem. Ulquiorra wasn't going to let Orihime leave Hueco Mundo, she'd stay until she forgave him, and they were together again. He'd keep Orihime in Hueco Mundo, even if it cost him his life





..... to be continued.. soon