Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, places, or any such things within this story, nor am I profiting from writing this. Everything belongs to J.K. Rowling.

A/N: I figured drabbles could keep my thirst for writing satiated without actually tying me down with a huge commitment. Anyhow, if anyone wants me to write a particular drabble for them, just let me know and I'll get on it. There isn't going to be any real storyline, just random musings about Draco and Hermione as a couple, because I love them.

Title: Waiting Rooms

Rating: G

Pairing: Draco/Hermione

Length: 500 words

Reason: Because fan fiction is more enjoyable than a huge Psychology essay




"Long time no see."

"Not since Hogwarts, I'm guessing."

"Wrong. I see you at every bloody charity ball Shacklebolt has each year."

"Really? I've never seen you there," the brunette scrunches up her face in concentration as she tries to remember ever seeing Draco Malfoy at the balls she was required to attend.

"You mustn't have been looking," he shrugs, and she smirks.

"And you were looking for me?" she asks suggestively, and a pink tinge comes onto his cheeks.

"Seeing as you, Potter and the Weasel are always the guests of honour, I find it hard to avoid looking at you," he sniffs, but his cheeks are still pink.

"Of course," she says jokingly, but her eyes betray her tone. The pools of melted chocolate show hurt.

"So why are you here, Granger?" he asks awkwardly after a few moments of silence, gesturing to the waiting room of St. Mungo's.

"Visiting Ginny. She just had her baby," she smiles, and all trace of hurt is gone from her features, instead joy and excitement etched out.

"That's, er, great?" he says unsurely, and she laughs. The mood lightens instantly.

"Of course it's great, Malfoy! So why are you here?" she questions, not noticing how his features darken at her prying.

"I'm here to see my mother," he says shortly and looks away, effectively ending the conversation.

"Oh." It's been splashed all over the wizarding tabloids, taking up almost as much room as Ginny's pregnancy. Narcissa Malfoy, struck down by a vicious bout of Dragon Pox, hospitalized for months. Doctors say she won't make it through. Lucius is devastated, Draco even more so. Pictures of the once happy, healthy family wave up at passersby at every newsstand in the wizarding world.

"Hermione Granger?" a nasal voice calls, and she looks up at an aging Healer. "Ginevra and Harry Potter are ready to see you now."

"Thank you," she says, standing and collecting her bags and withdrawing a shrunk down blue teddy bear from within her purse. "See you around, Malfoy." She starts to walk off, bear tucked under one arm. She reaches the Healer and halts, holding up a finger and asking the older witch to wait.

"Malfoy?" she calls back, jogging towards his seat.

"Yes?" he queries, confused by her actions.

"Do you want to go and grab a coffee after this?" she blurts out, and he quirks a blonde brow at her.

"Are you asking me on a date, Granger?" his trademark smirk finds its way onto his face.

"No. Yes. No. I don't know! Just coffee, as friends," she flushes, and his smirk grows wider.

"Sure. I'll wait for you here, friend," he winks, standing in a fluid motion as another Healer gestures to him.

"Good. I'll, um, see you later," she stammers, not missing the amusement that dances in his eyes as he walks away. She turns back to the Healer, grinning like a fool, and follows the old woman out of the waiting room.