A/N: Because I want to write something close to my hometown. This is what happened.
Disclaimer: I spent all my money on the Battle of the Bands concert and therefore can't afford the rights to this show. All locations in Florida are real, for the most part, though I cannot say the same for locations in California. Any characters not from the show are mine and if you use them without my permission I will track you down and shoot you, so do not steal them if you want to live.
If you knew I was dying would it change you?
I Can Barely Breathe – Manchester Orchestra
Seminole Towne Center
February 20, 2010 – 19:24 EST
Sanford, Florida
Lance Corporal Juan Álvarez was by no means a well-known man. Born in Bayamón, Puerto Rico, LCpl Álvarez had moved to the continental United States at the age of 7, first to New York City, then to the Orlando metro area, where he had moved to various different cities until settling in Lake Mary, FL at 15, where he attended Seminole High School's IB program, graduating 12th in his class. Despite numerous letters accepting him into the Ivy League schools and various other colleges in the U.S. and Europe, he opted instead to join the Marine Corps.
At 27 years of age, he was currently on leave and was spending his day at the mall on a Saturday night. On Saturdays, Seminole Towne Center had a tendency to fill up with dozens of numerous young women who wanted to go to the nearby movie theater to catch one of the new releases; tonight, they were most likely going to see Shutter Island.
He was walking out into the parking lot when a man dressed in black appeared out of nowhere and walked up to him. This was no surprise – western Seminole County was a hot spot for the Emo, Goth, Scene, and Skater crowds, so seeing teenagers and young adults walking around dressed like something out of a Slipknot concert was no surprise. So, naturally, Álvarez didn't really pay much attention to the man.
When the man pulled out a Walther PPK, however, Álvarez realized the man wasn't just on an excursion to Hot Topic or Spencer's.
Before he could react, the man asked him about Epsilon. As far as Álvarez knew, Epsilon was a Greek letter used in mathematic equations, nothing more, and he voiced this.
His last coherent thought before the gun was fired was that Epsilon was an extremely vague name.
February 20, 2010 – 17:03 PST
Los Angeles, California
Kensi Blye was very annoyed.
The day had started off relatively normal – breakfast burrito and coffee, catching up on emails and paperwork, making sure her watch was accurate – but had gotten gradually stranger.
First, there had been a power outage for 15 minutes, and due to the fact that she was in a windowless room – the archive room, to be more specific – attempting to find her harmonica, when the lights went out, she had been standing on a ladder, and due to the sudden darkness, had screamed so loudly as a reflex that not only had she fallen off the ladder, but every other person in the building had ran into the room to make sure she wasn't being attacked by a cannibal or something similar as well.
After that little incident, which had resulted in her landing on her knee and therefore messing it up somehow, Hetty had told her that she needed to go undercover. Normally, this would have been normal, but then Hetty had told her exactly who she was to go undercover as – a stripper. Luckily, before she had made a fool out of herself, the criminal had been caught and arrested, saving her the trouble of having to walk around in 7-inch heels with a screwed up knee.
And now, not only did she have another undercover op to go on, but it was 2200 miles away, in Florida.
As if this hadn't been bad enough, Hetty had then explained that she had to be married for this op, to Callen, nonetheless.
Therefore, she was very annoyed, and the woman at the counter currently was making her even more aggravated.
The conversation they were having currently involved a lot of screaming on her part, and a lot of monotony on the other woman's part.
"What do you mean, there's no more tickets to Orlando?"
"I'm sorry, ma'am, but you and your husband will have to buy a ticket to a later flight. This one is almost completely full."
"Almost? And that means that you can't let me buy two tickets?"
"The economy class and first class are currently filled up. You'll just have to catch a later flight."
"I'm trying to buy business class! I told you that five times already!"
"We only have 5 seats available in business class."
"Then let me buy my tickets already!"
"I'll need to see the proper identification for you and your husband both."
"I've already shown you everything I have! Do I have to get my birth certificate now, too?"
"If you are not a United States citizen, then yes."
"Ma'am, do you want the tickets or not?"
"That's what I've been trying to do for the past ten minutes."
"Alright, that'll be $652."
"Why couldn't you have said that when I first asked you?" Kensi muttered, pulling out her credit card and handing it to the woman.
The woman did not respond as she handed over the two tickets and the credit card.
Flight 552 – Elevation 10,121
February 20, 2010 – 19:21
Somewhere Over Arizona
"I hate that woman." Kensi muttered, resting comfortably in her first class seat – by some stroke of luck there had been an unexpected cancellation and overbooking in Business class, and she and Callen had received a free upgrade.
"You're supposed to be reading the paper." The man sitting next to her hissed, his eyes closed in a pathetic attempt at sleep. She rolled her eyes, opening the folder that was to reveal her temporary new identity.
A/N: Because I have nothing better to do than make CDs and come up with story ideas.