One warm Saturday morning Jena's parents, Deb and Ivan, were finishing with putting the last of Jena's stuff into her car. This was a happy day and sad one for Jena's family. Deb and Ivan were happy that Jena had managed to find a place of her own so now she could go off on her own. But sad because it only meant that their daughter was growing up so fast.

Jena felt happy because she was finally going to go out and see the rest of the world. But also happy because now that she had her diploma she could quit her horrible job at the cafe and start working at her new job at Sumdac towers. Jena had applied for the job a few weeks ago and she finally received an answer saying she got the job. The letter said that she was going to start working this coming Monday.

But Jena of course couldn't help but feel a little sad herself since she knew now that she had to take care of herself that it wasn't going to easy. But at least she wasn't going to be alone. Jena was taking the kittens with her since they were her responsibility. But Jena was still going to miss her parents but luckily she would come and visit them whenever she could.

Random, Icy and Hothead were pretty excited as well. Since they had never really left the house before they saw all of this as a new adventure. But it never really mattered to them since they would be happy as long as they had Jena with them.

Finally the last of Jena's stuff was packed into her car. Jena came out of the house with the kittens clinging on to her. Icy and Hothead on each of her shoulders while Random was lying on Jena's head. Jena turned to her parents letting out a small sigh before saying...

"Well I guess this is it".

"We know your going to be just fine Jena and we want you to know that we'll always be proud of you" said Mom while tears were starting to come out of her eyes.

"Thanks Mom I won't let you guys down".

"Hey, make sure you care of yourself and the kittens and remember if you ever need anything you can always call us" added Dad.

"Don't worry dad I'll be okay and so will the kittens and I'll be sure to call if anything goes wrong".

There was a long silence before Jena gave her parents one last goodbye hug.

"Bye Mom, Bye Dad".

"Good luck Kiddo" says Dad.

"Bye dear and Bye to you too kittens" added Mom.

The kittens wave their paws while letting out small "Mew" which meant "Good Bye Jena's Mom and Dad".

Jena hopped into the car putting the kittens in the passenger seat and buckled them up. Jena put her own seatbelt on and closed the car door. She started the engine and drove off away from her home.

Jena's new house was located on the other side of town close to where Sumdac towers was so a least she wouldn't be too far away from work.

When they finally arrived Jena opened the passenger door to let the kittens out. Who where eager to see what their new home was going to be like. While Jena was unloading stuff from her car the kittens began to wander the house. It was similar to Jena old house only it had one bedroom instead of three. So at least it would still have that feel of Jena's old house.

Once everything was unload from the car Jena started putting things away where they belonged. Jena place all of her clothes into her bedroom along with the kittens beds since they were going to stay in the same room as her. After most of the stuff had been put away Jena decided it was time for lunch. Getting the kittens milk and some cat food, while warming up some chicken for herself she was curious about how the kittens felt about their new home.

"So tell me something guys, what think of your new home"?

"I like it, it feel like we never really left home" says Random.

"I agree it is rather pleasant" says Icy.

"It's fine with me" adds Hothead.

Even though Jena couldn't understand what they were saying. Judging by the looks of their faces Jena knew they felt right at home which is just what Jena wanted.

For the rest of the afternoon Jena finished up unpacking all of her stuff while the kittens were relaxing in their new home. Icy was napping on the couch, Hothead appeared to be watching T.V and Random was playing with his toy truck that Jena had made for him again after the car incident.

Now that all the unpacking was done Jena was exhausted and decided it was time to get ready for bed. After taking a shower, putting on her pajamas it was time for bed. She put the kittens in their bed that was at the end of her bed she finally fell asleep in her own bed.

But it was hard for both Jena and the kittens to get asleep since after leaving her home and now living in a new home. They were all excited about what new adventures waited for them in this new life.