Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Vampire Knight or Final Fantasy
It was cold in the extensive halls of the school. A boy with dark hair walked along in a sort of daze. He snapped out of it as he neared the end of the hall and saw a large crowd gathered around an orange glow. When the people nearest saw him the crowd parted laughing and sneering at him as he made his way toward the light. He had a sense of foreboding about the glow. As he got closer the people who he realized were students started to push and shove him closer to the glow radiating heat. He was horrified at what he saw when he got there.
His so called friends were there with all of his most precious possessions by a large bon fire. They grinned mercilessly at him as they began throwing his things into the fire. He tried to reach them and stop them but the crowd kept him only close enough to witness their cruel act.
His school clothes were the first things they got rid of, and then came his school books. Next his so called mother figure threw one of his most prized possessions into the fire, the firebolt that he received from his godfather. The boy struggled against his captors as he watched his broom turn to ash. Then one of his best friends that he considered a sister held something up for him to see; it was his photo album, the only thing he had left of his parents. She grinned cruelly at him before tossing it into the fire like trash. He cried and pleaded for them to put out the fire, but everyone just laughed. He cried and looked away thinking that they had nothing left to burn now.
Oh how wrong he was the students in the crowd who noticed him not looking grabbed him and forced him to watch as a final person came out with something. The boys eyes widened in horror as he saw what his so called brother figure held. His best friend was holding an owl cage with a terrified and screeching owl inside. He watched in horror as his best friend shook the cage and smiled menacingly.
He wouldn't. They couldn't be that cruel.
Tears once again fell down the boys face as he watched horrified as his only pet and familiar was tossed into the burning flames. Her screaming and the crackling of flames was the only sound heard before clapping and laughing reverberated through the grounds.
The boy cried in anguish as his poor owl finally stopped breathing and was left to turn to ash like the rest of his world. He wanted to run away and collapse into a safe place to deny everything that had happened to him.
Suddenly he felt himself be pushed towards the fire. The dark haired boy felt fear grip his entire being as he realized what they were planning. He struggled and tried to cry out for help but no sound escaped him; someone had silenced him. His eyes filled with terror much like his familiar as he neared the flames. He could feel the searing heat as he was pushed closer. He was a hair's length away when he felt himself falling forward. He closed his eyes and darkness engulfed him.
Somewhere far away from that school, in a small town in the country of Japan, in a mansion-like house, in a large bedroom a small figure bolted up in bed.
Hiro was gasping for air covered in sweat as he looked around the large bedroom frantically. He searched the room in panic for the fire but all he saw was the dark room he resided in. He calmed looking at the large window across from his bed. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and placed his head into his hands.
"Just a dream," he whispered to himself.
Just a horrible memory, nothing more. He thought silently.
"Hiro-sama, may I come in?" asked a worried and distinctly female voice from the door to Hiro's left. He glanced at the clock on his bedside table and cursed; it was two in the morning. He looked at the door again and replied, "Hai, Penelo you can come in." A girl with blonde hair tied in two braids walked in and came to his bedside.
"Are you alright Hiro-sama, you sounded really upset a moment ago," She asked studying his disheveled appearance.
"Yes Penelo I'm fine it was just a dream," he said rubbing his eyes tiredly. She looked at him disapprovingly before nodding her assent.
"Are you sure I could wake Daisuke-sama if you wanted?" Penelo asked worriedly.
"No! don't do that Daisuke needs his sleep, I'll be fine," he quickly assured her.
"Okay, do you want me to get you anything," she asked knowing he wouldn't go back to sleep.
"No, I think I'll take a shower though," he replied untangling himself from his sweat soaked sheets. She nodded and headed back for the door.
"If you want, I'll start breakfast for you then," she said exiting the room.
Hiro sighed and got his clothes for the day and headed for the bathroom across the hall. It was almost a year since that happened. Since the wizarding world betrayed him and claimed that he had killed Cedric. The last he heard from them was that they were calling him the-boy-who-killed. He still had nightmares about it even after a year and discovering important things about himself and his family.
Things had changed so much for him after he was banished from the wizarding world. He had gone back to the Dursleys and things had been horrible. It was just as bad as what had happened with the wizards only he had support. His Aunt Petunia and Cousin Dudley had stood by him for the first time since he had been with them. Unfortunately his Aunt paid the ultimate price when his uncle killed her.
Things were better now though, he and Dudley had been placed in the witness protection program and had been moved to an old family home in Japan of all places. It was in this house that he and his cousin had found out something special and important about their mothers' side of the family. It was here where they met their Espers.
Well this is my 2nd story I hope the beginning turned out okay. Harry and Dudley will be referred to as Hiro and Daisuke, after all they had to change their names since Harry and Dudley just don't fit Japan. Also I picked Penelo to be Hiro's Esper but I haven't decided who Daisuke's should be. I think I'll make it Paine though.