Disclaimer: I do not own Kim Possible nor will I ever own Shego.

Summary: Kim got a nice inheritance from a rich man she saved when she was still a heroine, but she have to do something that will change her life to get it.

A/N: This is my KIGO journal at my deviantart page, I did some editing so this won't have perfect grammar (So readers who thinks they're gonna die from erroneous grammar, I suggest you read other fics with perfectly written grammar). Thanks to all who read my journal and for those who voted that this be made into a deviation. Thank you all.

Rating: M

Taming Shego Part 1

Chapter 1

Kimberly Anne Possible's eyes were focused on the folder that was open and was lying on her lap. Her emerald orbs have read the documents inside that folder over and over and yet, her mind seemed to not register what it was really all about. She was sitting on a chair inside the elegant office of one Counselor Larry West with Ron at her side and Wade on her kimmunicator that was now on top of the counselor's table.

"I can't believe..." Kim was saying something but her brain can't seem to work fast to catch up with her mouth.

The man in black suit in front of her was smiling, "You have to believe this Kim Possible. Everything in that folder you are holding in your possession is true and legal."

Kim looked down at the open folder "Yeah I could see that." was all she could say.


"I've checked Kim that money does exist!" Wade interrupted the silence. His face was visible through the blue device Kim used before during her missions

Kim shook her head, "But...I...I do not know Mr. Kinston, we're not related and we're not even friends! So why would he leave me this..."

"KP what's wrong with that? Pretend that you won the lottery! With all that money, you can actually go back to saving the world without worrying about a stable 9-5 work schedule!" Ron Stoppable said excitedly.

Kim looked at her Best Friend for life turned Ex- Boyfriend turned Best Friend for life again, "35,000,000 dollars Ron!"

"Booyah!" Ron pumped a fist into the air, "We're rich!" he said

"Uh-uh, Kim rich! Ron poo!" Rufus II chirped

Ron looked at the mole rat and frowned, "Am I not allowed to dream?"

"Eah! hehe...dim!"

"I think we all are dreaming!" Kim said

Kim and Ron shook their heads in disbelief at this sudden turn of events

"I can't believe Mr. Kinston is giving me this amount of money just like that...give me money without anything in return..."

The lawyer grinned, raised a finger at Kim and wagged it in front of her, "I do believe that Mr. Kinston stated an 'if' clause in that deed Miss Possible." he said, his grin widened, "And if that 'clause' will not be fulfilled, then that deed you have will be void and the money will go to his most trusted employee." he said and started arranging his tie.

"You?" Kim and Ron replied simultaneously and was rewarded by a nod of one bald head


"Why didn't I see that 'if' clause while reading it?" Kim asked frowning,

The counselor stood up, walked around his table and stepped closer to Kim. He took the folder and placed it on the table and turned it to the last page. He then read: "The sum mentioned above will only be given to Kim Possible if she could fulfill my wish. One, Kim Possible should marry not later than my first death anniversary, and two that her marriage shall be true and legal in the eyes of the state and God."


"You got to be kidding me!" Kim said in bewilderment.

"It has been written, signed and notarized."

Ron looked at Kim, "Hey think about it...same sex marriage is now legal here!"

The lawyer raised two brows, shrugged his shoulders before he returned to his seat, "I shall leave you that copy of the deed Miss Possible. Remember, you have 1 year to find the man...I mean...woman to marry."

Kim and Ron looked at him darkly

"Oh...and don't forget about the 'true' word there Miss Possible." he added after the two ex- Team Possible members stood up and turned to leave.

"Yeah...I'll even high light it for you." Kim mumbled before they finally disappeared, Rufus II in Ron's pocket, and the kimmunicator inside Kim's.


(Two weeks later)

Anne Possible's eyes widened at what she saw on her computer screen. It was written in large, bold letters...


"HONEY!" James Possible yelled out,

Anne could hear her husband hurriedly coming down from their room, looked at James who was panting and said with a still normal look on her face, "Yes Honey?"


"I did..." Anne smiled, stood up and took the phone, "It's ringing!"


Shego decided to have another vacation from Drakken's ranting. After their heroic deed during 'her' Kimmie's graduation, and that was four years ago, the scientist decided to embark on making experiments for biological and botanical purposes, leaving Shego with less work...and boring life. If not for the big bucks she's getting as Drakken's body guard, she would have left the blue skinned ex-megalomaniac. So now that she has nothing to do once again, she decided to surf the net.

She was nursing a cup of very hot coffee in her hand when the ad caught her attention. Shego thought her laptop broke down when she spilled her coffee on it, "What the fuck…"


Kim Possible herself has her jaw dropped when she saw her ad... "What is this?!" she shouted.

Ron Stoppable and Wade Lode peeked inside Kim's living room upon hearing the red head's voice

The red head looked back at the two grinning men, "he-he-he...if that ad doesn't gave you enough prospects for marriage...I don't know what will!" Wade said

"NOT IN THE INTERNET!!!" Kim shouted

Ron backed out, "You have no idea how many women will be interested Kim...with or without compensation!"

Kim stood up and with flailing hands she growled, "True Ron! There's the word 'TRUE' in the contract and this doesn't give me 'TRUE'!'"

"Hey you can learn to love her in the process...you know..." Ron ducked as a throw pillow went buzzing over his head, "Okay...I am so out of here!" she scampered away

"Hey Ron don't you leave me alone..." Wade ran after the fast running blonde

Kim was about to run after the two when the phone rang.


-Kimmie! You get your ass out of that house of yours at this instant and come here!-

Dial tone

"She didn't even waited for my reply..." she glared evilly at the door where Ron and Wade disappeared to, "I'm so going to kill the two of you!"

Chapter 2

Her meeting with her parents went well. After their exchanged of 'words of wisdom' and 'inquisition' and once the ex-teen heroine explained what really happened, the Possible parents accepted but with the condition that Kim should sort the problem out as soon as possible.

So here she is, one week after Wade and Ron posted the ad reading all the 'CV's' that were posted at her site. Well, her site was taken down when she retired, but after what happened, the site re-opened but now with a different purpose.

"AHHH!" Kim tried to strangle her hair after reading the 30th CV.

"Hey!" Ron called out throwing a single pop corn on his best friend, "Don't act as if you're getting tired of what you're doing! We are helping you read all these...these..."

"Junks!" Wade added and he put down the piece of paper in his hands. "This..." he pointed to the stock of papers in the room, "Was not what I'm expecting."

Kim and Ron looked at him in bewilderment

"What are you expecting then?" Kim asked with her brows raised up

"Not these much and..." he took the CV he puts down again and showed it to Kim, "Look at this! She's married three times and divorced thrice. She's a straight woman so what's her business posting her CV on the site!" Wade shouted

Kim and Ron winced


The Afro-American teen frowned at Ron

"And maybe...they got wind of the monetary compensation." Ron sighed, "If I haven't tried being romantically involved with Kim which really didn't worked out, I would have post a resume in drag and put my CV there!" Ron added before shaking his head.

"Ew...onie dag quin!" Rufus II winced at the image of Ron in a woman's dress with all these heavy make-ups

The idea made Kim laughed hard that caused the two guys in the room to look at Kim quizzically, "Oh my God...I've actually read four CV's of men and the picture were them in women's dresses!!!"

Ron's jaw slackened, "You've got to be kidding me!"

Kim was still laughing and she shook her head no, saying that she really did read something like that.

"This will make us crazy!" Wade said


"I can't go through all of this anymore." Kim said her shoulders dropping in defeat.

"Yeah...we feel for you Kim." Ron and Wade said

Silence again

"But you got to find someone to marry...someone at least you could learn to love..." Wade

"Yeah and my parents gave me two weeks to sort all these things out." Kim sighed deeply, "That means one more week from today."

Wade and Ron too sighed deeply at the thought

"That means we have to make an announcement on who you've chosen to be the future Mrs. Kim Possible." Wade said

The answer was Kim's red head nodding.

"And then what?" Kim asked suddenly

"What...what?" Ron asked bewildered

Kim looked at Ron, "After announcing who, what will I do then?"

Ron looked back at Kim and then he looked at Wade for help.

"I can't just pull any woman to a nearby church and then ask anyone there to marry us...the clause about having a true relationship will not be fulfilled and that will automatically relieved me of that inheritance and all of this will be for nothing."

"Oh..." Ron said in realization, "And that bald lawyer will have that money."

"…which I think he was actually expecting to have." Wade shook his head, "Sometimes, I got this idea that he only added that clause so that you could not do anything about it and that will assure him that he'll get the money."

Kim looked at Wade, "We can't really say."


After three days Kim received a call from Monique,

"Hey...you didn't call to apply for the position of being my wife did you?" Kim asked teasing the woman on the other end.

"What the hell are you talking about GF?!" Monique said laughing, "I am so not diving in that pool of chaotic and crazy women who are trying to get under your pants!" the black beauty added

"Monique!" Kim squirmed and blushed,


"What were you thinking girlfriend? You know you've made such a noise not only there at Middleton, but around the world?" Monique said in her most concerned voice, "Have you been watching the news?"

Kim sighed, "No. As far as Middleton is concern, there are no news reporters lurking around my house or at my parent's house." Kim said thankfully, "We were actually expecting reporters to come here and try to get some interviews, but no one came."

"Have you not thought that maybe those reporters there didn't made a move because they owe you something before when you were still a hero?" Monique asked

Well...Mo got a point, but who cares, no one in another part of the world is that close to me to make any negative reaction...or

"You're zoning out on me Kim, hello?!"

Kim was pulled from her reverie "Oh yeah..."


"So why are you doing this GF?" Monique's voice was serious

No answer

"I...I...Monique," Kim played with her hair as she tried to get her thoughts together, "…have you felt that feeling… wherein you miss something you're use to doing? That you're body is actually screaming for you to do it again?" Kim asked

"You mean the hero thing?"

Kim nodded despite Monique not seeing her, "Yes...I miss doing that Monique. I'm only 23 and I don't think I could live my life as normal as others. Everyone at school still regards me as a hero! I still got that urge to jump in every time I hear the sirens of the police car when they're chasing criminals! I can feel the adrenaline rush Monique, and it's killing me!"

"I understand." Monique said, "But why this? Marriage to a woman you don't know? What's with that?"


"A rich man named Mr. Kinston left me an inheritance worth 35,000,000 and I'll get the money provided, I marry not later than his first death anniversary," Kim explained.

"Oh...that...that's big…yeah too big," Monique chuckled on the line, "So...Do you think I could apply for the position?" she teased


"I'm kidding." Kim could hear Monique sighing, "But why in the internet Kim, can't you at least try to woo someone you already knew? Like the exes?"

Kim frowned, "First of all Mo, the internet idea wasn't mine. I was surprised to see the ad too; it was Ron's and Wade's idea for God sake!"

Monique laughed, "Just as I thought,"

"And two, my exes are guys! And I believe I've already made it clear that I am not going to be with guys anymore since I like girls! I'm a lesbian!" Kim said, "Now if you say anything about wooing Bonnie? I might be onto girls but there is no way and I repeat, no way I'm going to tie the knot with Bonnie, real or not!"

Monique laughed harder this time, "I sympathize with you." Silence, "So I assume you got some letters?"

"SOME?!" Kim burst, "Try a room full of resumes Monique. And jeez...you have no idea how hard it was for the three of us to sort it out."

"And have you made a choice?" Monique made a coughing sound, "Oh...well you don't have to yet, you still have how many months?"

"I got 4 days to make a choice Mo."

"What?" gasped, "4? But I thought..."

"My parents gave me two weeks to sort this out. And that's my problem; I don't think I could announce my choice in 4 days."


"because none from the applicants seemed right!"


"I got an idea...but I'm not sure if you're going to like it." Monique said


"Try announcing a random woman's name, a woman who may or may not exist?"

No answer

"That's cheating!" Kim said when the idea sunk in

"Well...you're supposed wedding is a form of cheating in a way..."

"Okay!" Kim said sternly "...I'll think about that!"

"Good...I'll be coming by your apartment in two days. I'm coming home GF."

"Oh...that would be nice! You have no idea how dull my life was without you and with just Wade and Ron here with me!"

"Hey GF my proposition is still up,"

Kim frowned, "Ew Monique...that would be like me marrying Ron. Ew..."


-End Part 1-

Okay so that's part 1 of Taming Shego. So you see the pattern, two chapters per part and I rate it M for language and for future nudity or adult scenes…whatever, it's M so don't like M then get out. Don't like yuri/Shoujo ai/ girlxgirl/lesbian romance…get out.