Authors Note ~ This is my very first Fanfiction I hope it's ok ^.^ Criticism is wanted and will be used. Sorry for any grammar mistakes. I do not have a beta reader for this. So I apologize a head of time. If I misspell a Japanese word throughout the course of this story please tell me so I may fix it.

Disclaimer ~ I do not own Prince of Tennis. I wish I did but I don't. The story line and any OC are mine though.

Pairing ~ Undecided at this moment, most will be Yaoi though

Warnings ~ This Fanfiction contains violence, mature content in later chapters, Yaoi (boy x boy), and many other things I will address when we get there.

Word of the Chapter ~ Each chapter I will have a special word in the chapter that will be the word of the Chapter. The first person to tell me what the word means, gives me sentence that uses the word correctly, and writes a question that uses the word in it will get a preview of the next chapter and will get to ask any question they want and I will have to answer no matter how stupid or serious it is. This chapters word is 'coitus'


~How Suckish Life Can Be~

There was once a war that lasted hundreds of year and of course, like any other war, it was over power. For in the world there was a gem that allowed the holder to travel across time and dimensions. Throughout the world the war killed many including those who never even wanted to be apart of the war. Finally someone took a stand against the fighters. This mans name was Ryoma.

Ryoma used his guardian, a spirit born with every person that grant the user a certain power, and split the world in two. Creating the human world and the Mythical world. He then split the power of the gem into two well crafted feathered wing ornaments. One given to the humans, a black one, that allowed the humans to cross into the Mythical world if needed. The one given to the Mythical world was the exact opposite. It was white and allowed the creatures of the Mythical world to cross into the human world.

After the two split things changed. The war started to die down and Ryoma became king. He named his land Coitus, he was either really perverted or thought it was funny. A new set of rules was also formed that stated that one may only cross to the opposite world if that got permission from the one trusted with the wing. The rules also stated that one may not criticize the way the other world work nor can they reveal that they are from the other world. This made thing less complicated for every one.

Little did everyone know that a group of people despised everything that happened and they named their secret organization Hollow. They would go through the years forming the perfect plan and perfecting there tactic. One day they would return everything to the way it was.

Thousand of years later…

There would soon be a celebration in the land of Coitus. The cause you ask? Well that was because a princess would be born into the royal family. Queen Rinko was of royal blood as well as a pureblood Demon. She was normally cool headed but she was also quite the sadist at times. King Nanjiro on the other hand was a perverted, lazy, tennis obsessed human. They had met when Rinko ran away from home to the human world at the age of 15. After that everything clicked and when they were old enough they got married.

Some frowned upon the marriage though for the creatures from Coitus weren't allowed to go to the human world without a special pass and humans were most definitely not allowed in Coitus, well they never came at least. Though after a while they began to acknowledge Nanjiro as their king. Soon after that news spread that Queen Rinko would be having a baby. Everyone already knew it would be a girl because every member born into the royal family was female. There were a few skeptics though because of the fact that Nanjiro was human. For as long as the world could remember a human never set foot on the grounds of Coitus after the worlds were split because of war.

As Rinko lay in her bed ready to give birth, doctor were everywhere. It was completely hectic. Nanjiro was no exception either. He was frantically pacing outside the room since he wasn't allowed in. Soon enough he heard Rinko begin to scream and he started to get worried.

After a few moment, that seemed like forever to him, he was allowed in. He walked up to Rinko who was still laying on the bed only now she was holding a small child. She looked up at Nanjiro and smiled, her face was filled with both happiness and shock. "Jiro, he's a healthy baby boy"

Nanjiro was shocked as well. He knew that the blood line made it so that each child was born female to pass on their power. He looked at Rinko and smiled. He knew she was happy the her child was born, but he also knew that she wanted a baby girl. "Jiro, he has the eye of my ancestor who split the worlds. I know let's call him Ryoma. How does that sound?"

Nanjiro took the baby from Rinko and smiled at the bundle in his hand "Welcome to our world Ryoma"

Ryoma sat in his room reading. All his life he was treated different because he was the first male born into the royal blood line. He wanted to take the contact out of his left eye because he hated the way it felt but, as his parents said, it was there to block his powers. So now instead of being able to use his full power he was stuck using the power of his guardian, Karupin, who was now in the form of a cat.

Karupin was more or less his best friend. They were always together because Karupin was his guardian so they grew close. In fact Ryoma got along better with Karupin than his own family.

It didn't help that throughout the 10 years since Ryoma was born his mom would always buy him girl close and made him wear them for her. Though it was always just the two of them since Rinko didn't want anyone else to see her pretty little princess.

His dad on the other hand always wanted Ryoma to play tennis. After Ryoma was done with his studies, magic training, and fighting lessons, his dad would take his only free time by forcing him to learn tennis as well. Life really did suck.

Luckily for him he managed to escape today. For extra measures he had Karupin put up a barrier around his room. Either his dad would come, in hopes that Ryoma would come and play a match with him, or his mom would find out he skipped lessons with his dad and come, trying to make him play dress up with her. His attention then went to the door.

Three…Two…One, as if on cue he heard three loud knocks on the door and then his mothers voice "Ryoma, I bought you a knew dress come try it on" Ryoma shutter at the though of what the dress would look like.

Before he could answer he heard another voice, this one belonged to his dad "He can't be your model right now, he need to come play a tennis match with me" Ryoma decided to tune out the noises coming from the other side of the door. His parents were fighting over who would get what they wanted, though one line caught his attention.

"So Jiro have we come to an agreement" Ryoma looked slightly horrified. This was not good.

"So he can play tennis with me if you get to pick out his tennis outfit" Ryoma knew what was coming next.

"Yup, besides I already have to outfit picked out" At this Ryoma got off his bed and stopped to the door, not opening it since he didn't want the barrier to be disabled.

"I refuse" Ryoma yelled through the door at his two parents.

"Ryoma my dear little princess, you can't refuse or else we'll take away all your book and we'll lock Karupin in a cage" At this Ryoma opened the door and stepped outside. He knew his mom wasn't lying. He also knew that the nice appearance she showed the public was fake. She was really the devil in disguise, or at least that's what Ryoma thought.

Next thing he knew he was standing at one side of the tennis court as his dad got ready to serve. The situation would have been a little better if he wasn't stuck in a girly black tank top, it was even cold outside, that had the word 'mommy's little princess' across the front in bright pink letters. What was even worse was that his mom had him in a short , mid thigh length, tennis skirt that was also black with the same bright pink color as trim. Lucky for him she allowed him to wear a pair off matching black, and tight, shorts but he hated it.

His train of thought was cut off as his dad's serve approached him, fast. He swiftly and gracefully swung his racket. It made contact with the ball but he barely hit it back, his dad was playing serious. He wasn't prepared for his dad to play serious. All he could see was the ball fly past him "15- love, Nanjiro lead"" Ryoma grip changed slightly to a more comfortable position. It was a slight change but he knew that his dad knew that it meant Ryoma was getting serious as well.

Nanjiro served again, this time Ryoma was already in position to hit it back. The only thing was that he was standing on the opposite side of the court. His dad silently cursed that his soon knew what serve he was going to use. As this thought ran through his head the ball curved and changed course landing right were Ryoma though it would. With this Ryoma hit it back.

Unfortunately , these games weren't that easy. Nanjiro was already hitting the ball back. The rally continued for a while until his mom called "15 all" The game continued in this fashion till it was 4 games to 2 in Nanjiro's favor.

Ryoma smirked at his dad's cockiness "Mada Mada Dane" Ryoma's silently cursed again knowing what his son was going to do "Karupin time to kick it up a notch" Karupin appeared behind Ryoma in his cat from before disappearing.

Ryoma started to slightly glow but soon the glowing faded. His dad gulped before serving. Ryoma hit it back, this time the ball glowed as it caught on fire. Nanjiro didn't even try to hit it back. "15- love, Ryoma lead"

"I guess that mean you want me to go all out as well" Nanjiro said before calling out "Samurai come out as well" at this a long, red, dark sword appeared behind him.

"As you wish Nanjiro-sama" The sword disappeared once again and Nanjiro began to glow a slightly red color, unlike Ryoma who's glow didn't seem to have much color.

Nanjiro served the ball and it burst into flames. This time when Ryoma hit the ball the water surrounded the fire creating a steam as he hit the still water covered ball back at his dad. Even though steam covered the field his mom could see what was happening "30- love, Ryoma lead"

Nanjiro waited until the steam cleared before he served. Unlike his wife and son, he couldn't see threw the steam. He could play tennis with his eye's closed but he couldn't tell if and what his son decided to surround the ball with. Once the steam cleared he served.

"117- 115, Game. Set. Match. Ryoma 7 games to 6" They were both out of breath but it wasn't to bad fro Ryoma. Unlike his dad who had human limits, he was part demon due to his mom. This made him slightly mad knowing that he was barely at the same stage in tennis as his dad.

'Mom can I go change now" Ryoma looked at her and was slightly terrified.

"Ryoma you can change and go to bad as soon as you try on the outfit I bought you recently. If you don't I would leave you alone until you do." Rinko smile an overly innocent smile that Ryoma knew as an evil smile.

He reluctantly followed her knowing that if he didn't she would follow him everywhere, which wasn't good for a person who hated being around his demonic mother. When they arrived at the special room Rinko kept for her 'princess' Ryoma saw it. Hanging on a special mannequin that was created with Ryoma's measurements was a elegant flowing gown. It was a dark red color with on long, tight sleeve and the other side had no sleeve. There was a black corset covering the midsection of the dress. The skirt come from the bottom of the corset to the floor. In front of the dress, on the floor, was a pair of lace up, black knee-high boots. "Well what are you waiting for" His mother said from behind him.

Even though he didn't want to he took the dress of the mannequin and went to the changing room. When he came out he has wearing the dress, the boots, the corset, and a wig that matched his dark emerald hair. His short stature and feminine build were perfect for girl cloths. He probably looked better in them than some girls.

His golden cat-like eyes glared at his mom "Can I go to bed now" Ryoma, at the moment, just wanted to be in his room, alone.

"Ok my little princess you can go to bed" With that Ryoma changed out of the dress and wig and slipped into the cloths he was wearing before his tennis outfit.

Ryoma walked to his room "Karupin, put up a barrier just in case" Karupin complied and put up a barrier. After the barrier was up, Ryoma walked into his personal bathroom. The walls were marble as well as the counter top that held two sinks. His bathroom itself was huge. He had a fancy toilet and a bathtub that could hold ten people easily.

He walked over to the tub and turned the hot water faucet all the way. He then slightly turned the handle to the cold water. He ran his hand under the water, perfect. The plug was then put into the drain so that the tube would fill. Within a minute the tube was filled. He turned off the faucets an stripped from his cloths. Entering the tub he let out a sigh of relief. After he was done in the bath he would get to sleep. Though the whole routine would begin again tomorrow .

Five years passed and Ryoma was now 15. Over that period of time Ryoma hardly grew, his powers increased, his tennis skill improved, he wore more girly outfits than he could count (actually he just kind stopped after 1,452), he learnt almost anything an adult would find useful, and over all it sucked.

He was now sitting in his room reading and petting Karupin who was in cat form beside him " Hey Karupin do you have the same feeling I do". That something bad is going to happen"

"I do young master Ryoma" He thought so. His feeling were always correct.

"My lord the preparations are complete. We can storm the castle anytime" A person shrouded in shadows said.

"Very well proceeded with the attack but be careful" The leader smiled evilly. Thing were about to get very interesting and he, the leader of Hollow, got to watch everything.

The members of Hollow, who were currently outside the castle waited for orders.

Soon a man appeared from the shadows "The leader has given you, the members of Hollow, the go ahead to attack." The members then barged in, only to find a certain prince, alone, holding a sword in hand.

The members chuckle, this would be easy. The first charged at Ryoma thinking he could easily take the prince who was about half his size. He was wrong. Ryoma skillfully and gracefully dodged the attack and ran his sword through the man's arm before knock him out.

Two more attacked. Their movements were quick and skillful unlike the first they were better but soon enough they were knocked out. After that the rest of the group decided they would over power the prince with there numbers.

Not two long ago Ryoma left his room, with Karupin, and went to tell his mother that something bad was going to happen. Before he could even make it down the hall he saw hi mother coming down he hall towards him. "Ryoma we're taking a trip to the human world"

Ryoma looked at her, dumbstruck, why were they going. "Now why exactly are we going to the human world?" Ryoma asked his mother.

"Well I had a vision that the castle was going to get attacked tonight. So I need you to pack quickly, bring you bags to me than got to the grand entrance and wait for them. Your going to have to hold them back as you father and I pack." Great Ryoma was going to be a distraction. What great parents.

Ryoma did as he was told anyways. He went to his room and quickly packed his necessities. He then went to his parents room and handed them the bag before leaving their room. Heading to the main entrance, Ryoma's keen senses kicked in. There were people outside the castle that meant to kill them.

Soon the castle was intruded, there were many of them and only one Ryoma. The first charged at Ryoma thinking Ryoma was an easy target. After dodging Ryoma ran his sword through the mans arm before knocking him out. Weaklings didn't deserve to be killed by his blade.

After the first one two more attacked. They were stronger but still weak. He didn't think of them as threats and with his swift and precise movements they were soon knock out on the floor along with the others.

The members of Hollow, or at least that's what he heard them say outside, began to attack more rapidly, in larger groups. Ryoma didn't like there tactics, they were stupid, annoying, and cowardly. He wanted to humilate them, to show them that a single child could defeat their army.

Ryoma ran through the crowd of Hollow members, knocking them out as he went. Soon he heard his mom "Ryoma were done. Hurry up and get in here." Ryoma knocked out the last member of Hollow in the area he was at. He turned to the other members who hadn't felt his power.

"Maybe next time" He ran up to this parents' room. He grabbed his bag from the floor.

"Ryoma put up a barrier around the room." Ryoma did as he was told and had Karupin put a barrier around his parents room. After that he followed his mom to a large pair of pure white double doors. His mom opened the door to reveal his dad in the center of the room, which was filled with tons of bags that held useless things, he was sure.

"Ryoma also put a barrier around this room as well just in case they get past the first." Ryoma did as he was told and Karupin put up another barrier. Ryoma then joined his parent at the center of the room, he had to trudge through the stuff they though they needed.

His parent began to chant something and the feathered ornament in the clear sphere above them began to make the pure white room glow. Soon they were gone, along with all the useless stuff his parents packed.

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