Hello all! Rebelian7 here, or whatever my new pen name may be. I just wanted to say thank you so much to you guys who took the time to read my story, and put up with my horrific lack of knowledge about Metroid and Halo canon and whatnot. Honestly, I knew (still don't know) next to nothing about Metroid as I may have mentioned, I just fell in love with a lot of the Halo/Metroid crossovers I've read and wanted to give it a shot.

It's been a few years, but I still get the occasional notification saying that so and so has favorited this story which makes me very happy, but by that same token I feel I should make clear that I do not plan to continue this fanfiction (you could've guessed though).

However, I do plan to write some fanfics in the future, I just don't know in what genre or game/anime and whatnot. Thank you very much for having taken the time to read this story, and I hope that you may enjoy any new content I do post in the near future.