A/N: The title may be a bit deceptive here; I don't think Alfred deserves a 3-way with two attractive vampires. This is the closest he is ever going to get.

Let me know what you think!!

Of all the things Alfred had expected to happen when he screamed for help ("absolutely nothing" being at the top of the list), the very very last thing was to hear the cool, mildly astonished voice of Count von Krolock himself. "Herbert! What on earth are you doing?"

The pressure on Alfred's wrists lessened as the vampire sat up. "What does it look like I'm doing?" he whined after a moment.

Alfred could almost hear drool dripping off the evil fangs. He whimpered.

"It looks like you are about to force yourself on this nice young man here." The count stepped fully into the library and shook his head disapprovingly. "How many times have I told you, Herbert: we do not make our friends by force." And then, the magic words that Alfred had hardly dared hope for: "Let him up."

As soon as Alfred was allowed to stand he hurried backwards, away from it, from the horrible dangerous creature that wanted to-

"I trust you're not hurt, young man?" von Krolock said politely, from right beside him. Alfred gasped – he hadn't even heard the count cross the room.

"N-no sir," he stammered, straightening his clothes. "I'm, I'm fine."

"Mm. Good." He was calm and solicitous, and maybe just a tiny bit amused, as he helped Alfred tug order into his shirt and fix his hair. "There, much better." He went down to one knee smoothly and dusted off Alfred's trousers. When he looked up at him, his eyes… though they were perfect inky black and they glittered… seemed friendly. "Alfred, I'm sure you see that my son meant no harm to you."

As long as von Krolock stayed between him and Herbert, Alfred would agree with anything he said. "Of- of course sir, I understand." He felt Herbert stir but couldn't bring himself to look away from the count's liquid stare.

At last the count rose, never breaking eye contact, and though Alfred now noticed how tall he was he still didn't seem threatening. Not at all like the other

"Herbert, watch," von Krolock said without turning. "This is how we make our friends."

He took Alfred's hand and held it as if Alfred were a lady to be escorted down the stairs. He was not gripping, he was not squeezing; Alfred could have pulled away at any time if he'd wanted to. Except not really, because he was still too busy staring into those eyes.

"See?" Von Krolock stroked the back of Alfred's fingers. "I'm sure Alfred is a very friendly young man, if only you don't frighten him."

He moved slowly around to Alfred's back, patting his shoulder reassuringly. Then his other hand came to rest on Alfred's hair. The touch made Alfred shiver, but not in a bad way, and even though he was now free of the count's powerful gaze he somehow felt that moving away would be both exhausting and silly. Not at all worth the effort.

Then, it seemed, the count mistook him for a puppy: he started absently scratching Alfred's head. The first moment made Alfred jump, but then he realized that it felt wonderful, and he held still for it. Alfred had never had his head scratched before, and the scrape of those nails, those long fingers massaging his scalp, made him purr aloud.

He jumped at the sound, and opened his eyes (when had he closed them?!) to see Herbert grinning at him, toothy and dangerous. He yelped. He shrank back against the count in terror, and instead of laughing at his fear von Krolock raised one caped arm around him as though to shelter him.

For a tiny moment Alfred thought of big dark wings and was afraid… but the embrace was loose and warm and protective, and he soon felt all right again.

When Herbert's smile finally subsided and he closed his lips over his teeth, the count's ((wing)) arm fell away. "Herbert, stop it, you'll frighten the poor boy," he murmured, scratching behind Alfred's ears.

Alfred managed not to purr again… but barely.

After a bit von Krolock rested both hands on his shoulders. "Tell me, Alfred, are you still afraid now? Do I frighten you?"

Alfred felt him warm and reassuring against his back, and swallowed. "No sir, I'm not afraid now. I-… I think. Well, just a little. I mean I feel…"

"Butterflies?" the count guessed sweetly. He reached around, no cape this time, and laid a hand flat over Alfred's stomach. "In here?" Alfred nodded, and he chuckled. "That's not fear, young man, that's something else." With his free hand he tickled Alfred's neck, which made the butterflies go harder. "Is it unpleasant?"

Alfred turned his face a little to allow him to continue, and shook his head. Pleasant hardly did it justice. It reminded him of Sarah.

"Good." After a moment the count said, "Herbert, come over here."

At that Alfred gasped and tried to press close again, but this time he wasn't allowed. Strong hands held him by the shoulders, keeping him away. Exposed. And Herbert was coming, coming-

"Alfred, look at me," the count ordered quietly. Alfred squeezed his eyes closed and didn't move. "Turn around, and look at me. There's nothing to fear."

At last Alfred managed to do it, trusting in the count's deep black stare to calm him.

Sure enough, when they locked eyes he felt able to breathe a little better. Von Krolock nodded. "Take my hands."

Alfred did, squeezing for all he was worth. He felt Herbert come up behind him.

"Alfred, I give you my word that my son will do nothing to you without your permission tonight. Now… may he touch you, here-" the count tugged a hand free to indicate his neck, "-as I was doing a moment ago? I recall you enjoyed it."

He waited patiently for an answer, and in the end Alfred couldn't bear to disappoint him. He took a deep breath and nodded.

Immediately Herbert's hand fell on his shoulder from behind, holding him in place. And Herbert's other hand, long and graceful and clawed, was skimming over his neck sketching patterns.

"Easy," von Krolock murmured as Alfred clamped down with both hands. "Slow down."

Herbert eased off, caressing slowly and steadily until Alfred relaxed. "Like that?" he asked.

Alfred swallowed. When von Krolock gave him an encouraging nod he finally got up the nerve to speak. "Yes. It… tickled, too much… before."

"My apologies," said Herbert. "I won't tickle again." His voice was smooth like his father's, but somehow… a little more dangerous. A little less controlled.

So, Alfred was glad that it was the count and not his son who spoke up and dropped the bomb. "Alfred… I think Herbert would like to taste you."

"T-t-to…" Alfred stammered. He didn't quite panic, but he clung desperately to von Krolock's hands and thought that he might. "You mean to bite me?"

From behind him Herbert tsked. "You make it sound so animal," he complained, and gave Alfred's neck a light pinch. "Taste is better. Or maybe, to kiss you. With teeth." He waited.

"Does it hurt?" Alfred asked into the count's deep dark eyes.

Von Krolock nodded without hesitation. "For a moment."


Von Krolock arched an eyebrow at him, smiling. "Well, you wouldn't want me to lie to you, would you?"

Alfred shook his head.


"I…oh, but…" Alfred had arched his neck all the way to let Herbert have space to stroke him. That much was all right now, and in fact it felt nice, but he wasn't sure whether-

"Alfred!!" The professor's voice, high and alarmed, interrupted them. "What in God's name is going on in here!"

Herbert had instantly taken a step back, but Alfred and the count didn't move as the professor fussed his way over to them.

"The boys had something of a misunderstanding," von Krolock said smoothly. "I was helping to mediate." He released Alfred's hands, and his gaze, and finally turned. "Did you want to speak with him?"

"Yes I did but-… actually, it's you I should talk to first for a moment. I was in your library, you see, and I noticed-…"

Alfred only half-listened as the professor explained something about a first-edition copy of something something. He was busy looking at Herbert, who was staring back looking distinctly hungry

"Here," von Krolock was saying, "Come, I'll show you myself where I keep the-"

"No!" Alfred cried. "Don't go!" Everyone turned to stare at him and he tried to look calmer. "I- I mean, don't go without me. Because… because I want to see too. See the book. Yes."

Von Krolock nodded, making token efforts to veil his smile, and invited Alfred into the safety of his cloak again. Alfred went gratefully, practically diving in under his arm, and from there found the courage to look Herbert in the face. Herbert looked forlorn, and he felt bad. "I'll… I'll talk to you later," he offered weakly. "That is if we… I mean, if he-…"

The count laughed. "Of course. The three of us will finish our conversation later."

Herbert brightened, and clapped his hands. "Perfect!"

Alfred tried not to look at his teeth.