Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or Kingdom Hearts. I only own the voice... Well, you'll find out soon.

Chapter One

"You don't want me?"


Curled up on her side and laying in the middle of that forest, it was like she was in some sort of catatonic state. She knew that at some point she was going to have to get up and go home. Home to Charlie, who was no doubt sending out the search dogs for her. It had already been hours since…

She sighed. Bella's heart hurt too much to move.

It felt as if it was going to stop any moment now.


Lightning lit up the sky and Bella flinched. She turned her head to look up. The trees were partially covering the sky but she could make out a dark patch of cloud here and there.

Feeling somewhat lethargic she pulled herself up into a sitting position as the wind began blow something awful. The forest trees began to sway with the wind and the bushes rustled violently.

Bella pulled herself into a standing position with the help of a small tree and then froze. The violently howling wind had stopped in an instant and the trees had still. The bushes came to stop. Except for one.

Staring at the bush that was still rustling, Bella hoped it was only a scared rabbit or a doe. What slinked out of the bush was most certainly not an animal. It quite possibly wasn't even a resident of Earth.

This shiny black thing was about the size of a five year old. It's eyes were bulbous and just as equally black. The two little antennae moved back and forth as if trying to sense vibrations in the air.

Bella gulped and backed away. And she promptly tripped on a protruding root of a tree. Falling hard onto her bottom she yelped loudly, getting the little creature's attention.

It suddenly faced her and barred it's teeth to her. They were sharp, shark looking gray and black teeth. It let out a growl like a vicious attack dog and lunged for her.

Bella screamed and kicked away from the little monster. With her shoe she kicked it straight in the abdomen, sending it flying back into the bushes it had come from. She took this opportunity to scramble up from the floor. Bella ran as fast as her feet could take her. Despite the fact that she could not hear anything following her she could not shake the feeling that the little black monster was right on her heels.

Blasts that sounded like gun shots rang loudly through the forest from somewhere in the direction to her right. Bella began to run in that direction, panting for breath. Her calves were beginning to feel the exertion and she was beginning to slow.

With a look over her shoulder she was able to deduce that the thing, whatever it had been, was no longer following after her. If it had ever followed her to begin with, that was.

Bella bent over, her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath. Two more gun shots banged and she flinched. The wind was beginning to pick up again, moving the trees and the bushes.

A voice was being carried by the wind.

Bella knew whose voice that was.

"Charlie!" she screamed. "Dad!"

She began to run again, jumping over tree stumps and through thickets. A vine from a thorn bush hit her across the face. Blood from a fresh cut dripped out and slipped down to her chin like a tear. But Bella barely registered the pain.

Her main objective was to get to her father.

Something was happening. She could feel it in her bones. Bella could feel it in her soul. Something terrible was happening now. And something even more terrible was going to happen soon.

She had to get to Charlie!


No! Bella shook her head a few times to keep him out of her thoughts. He was gone by now. Long gone. She had to remember that he did not care about her anymore, if he ever did in the first place. Her heart ached, but she pushed those feeling to the side.

She stumbled out of the forest and to a stop. Bella was standing on the other side of a wide paved street that was between her and her home. And she could not believe her eyes.

The clouds were swirling over head, they were black as night. The light that did manage to escape through set an eerie lighting around the grounds of Charlie's home. Charlie himself was standing on his front lawn, gun in hand.

He was surrounded by the black little monsters.

"Dad!" Bella screamed from the other side of the road.

Charlie fired his gun twice. His first shot hit a monster through the chest and the second missed. The monster that he been able to hit evaporated into a black mist and disappeared. But another appeared in it's place.

"Don't come any closer, Bella!" Charlie shouted to her, firing his gun two more times in succession.

Bella stayed her ground, but she couldn't help wanting to run right over. She stopped in the middle of the street and watched. After one more shot, Charlie tried to shoot again. He was out of ammunition.

"Son of a -- ARGH!!"

Bella gasped, covering her mouth. She watched helplessly as a monster jumped onto his back from behind. Charlie yelled out in pain as it sunk it's sharp black teeth into his shoulder.

You can help him, Isabella…

She shook her head in distress at the voice that had suddenly appeared and whispered in her head. It was a kind voice, though she could not tell if it was from a man or a woman. It was as if someone were whispering into her ear right beside her.

You are a Chosen One for your Earth, Isabella…..

You must use the Key Blade…

Bella moved her arm in front of her, somehow she consciously knew what to do and watched as her fingers grasped at air. They looked as if they were wrapping around something.

And she could feel it.

Just as suddenly as she had felt something, her hand lit up and gasped for breath. Gold and silver sparks were flying in front of her. They spun around her hand and upward. The sparks suddenly joined together beautifully.

A sword.

They formed into a sword.

It was beautiful. A beautiful blue and gold combination on the hilt. The blade itself was long. And at the very end were two very peculiar looking rectangles that jutted out.

"It looks like a key," Bella whispered to herself, entranced.

Use it well, Isabella….. Help your father…

She sprang into action. Bella ran to her father just as another little monster lunged for him. With swing the sword cut right into it.

She stabbed, lunged and jabbed at the little monsters. It was as if the movements were ingrained into her very being. Bella had never felt more confident and more… graceful.

Bella felt alive as she eliminated them all.

Charlie, who was able to pull off the little monster, watched from the sidelines as his daughter took care of the rest of the monsters. He took out a rag from his back pants pocket and pushed down at his bleeding wound.

After defeating the last one with a good jab through the back, Bella turned to her father. She dropped the sword and watched as it disappeared with a shower of sparks. She ran to Charlie, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"I'm so glad you're okay," she breathed into his chest.

Charlie wrapped his free arm around her, for the first time not feeling the least bit uncomfortable around his teenage daughter. He was just relieved that she was okay.

"What's happening, Dad?"

He shook his head with a frown. "I don't know. I flipped on the TV and on every channel it's all this news shit. They're saying that it's the apocalypse-- Damn it! There's another one of them!"

Bella turned quickly and crouched into a fighting stance. The sword appeared into her hand in an instant. The monster that Charlie had been talking about was most definitely related to the ones she had taken care of. But it sure wasn't the same.

It was bigger. Way bigger. It was maybe the size of Bella herself.

"Bella! Don't!" Charlie yelled, reaching out to grab a hold of his daughter.

But it was too late. Bella lunged for it, anticipating on cutting it down to vapor, just as the other ones had been killed. Unfortunately it was too fast for her.

The monster ducked under her sword as Bella swung. It sunk into the ground as if melting into a black gooey mess. Bella watched as the black goo that had formerly been the monster expanded quickly. She tried to back away from it, but it was forming just too fast.

"Bella!" she heard Charlie shout as she sunk knee deep into the blackness.

She dropped the sword and it disappeared just as a pair of arms wrapped around her waist. Charlie hugged her close, trying in vain to pull them both out of the black quick sand. They sunk quickly to their waists and Bella began to sob.

"What do we do?!" She sobbed, turning successfully in the blackness to face and hold onto Charlie.

Her father looked down at her sadly, a tear escaping his eye as they sank down to the middle of their chests. He held her tighter and kissed her brow.

Don't be afraid... Never be afraid, Isabella...

Bella nodded to herself and pressed her face into Charlie's chest as the blackness sucked them deeper. Her vision was beginning to go out of focus and she closed her eyes.

"Bella!" someone screamed in agony.

She felt Charlie's breathing even out and his arms loosen their hold on her. The goo was just to her chin now.


And then everything was black.

A/N: Reviews and feedback would be great. Mostly feedback.