Title: Trading Places

Rating: It'll go up later, but for now, PG-13.

Summary: Spencer is a snobby, stuck-up, rich...Okay. She's sort of a bitch in the story but REMEMBER! The story is called TRADING PLACES so you should expect that kinda behavior from Spencer. Ashley, well, she's...quiet. Remember though. Trading Places.


"And I was like, 'You better back off because I can go Madison on your ass', and she was like, 'Well bring it then, bitch', and Taylor stepped in and said, 'Oh, it has already been bring.' And that's when the princaple came in and was all shitty and said, 'All of you girls have detention', and whatever." Taylor and Madison sat in front of Spencer Carlin, anticipated in the blonde girl's story.

Taylor looked to the side and saw the school basketball star, Aiden Dennison heading towards them. And Taylor just happened to have an amazing feeling for him.

Madison had Glen, in which Spencer thought was disgusting that they were related. Spencer did notice Ashley walking right behind him though. He gleamed his bright teeth at all three of the girls, while Ashley stayed quiet, showing "Hey Madison, Spencer, Taylor." Spencer and Madison just said hey, while Taylor just giggled.

"Hi Aiden," Taylor slurred dreamily. "Hey, again," Aiden said.

"Me and Ashley were going to go see Saw 6 at my place with Glen and Sean, and they want you there. Mostly Sean, he just wants to see Spencer over there." Everyone smiled slyly at Spencer.

"What? I don't like him, he likes me. I already told him anyways. He's not my type of guy. He's probably the type that would like slapping people on the ass after playing football games."

Ashley stayed silent between all the chatter of the people; she had no desire to be involved in all the drama. And frankly, she wasn't much of the talking type. Spencer was eyeing the girl, suspicious like, only she was really just checking her body out.

"So, are you in or out?" The girls turned heads and looked at one another. They nodded.

"In," they all said in unison.

"Let's roll then!"


At Aiden's house...

The six sat, indulged in the scary-physco movie. Some sat on the floor and some sat on the ground. Madison sat with Glen on the sofa, hissing at him whenever he shifted his weight. Taylor and Aiden had subconsciously gotten close to each other...Weird. And Sean kept trying to 'get it on' with Spencer by scooting closer and closer to her on the carpeted floor.

"Sean, just go away, I'm watching-," Spencer was interrupted by Madison shushing her, and hissing at Glen to 'stop-the-hell-moving-so-much.'

But, what she didn't realize is that everytime she got scooted away from Sean, she got closer to Ashley.

She stopped and looked to the side of herself, and saw Ashley just watching the movie.

Spencer's POV

Whoa. I totally never noticed how pretty this girl is. Like, she is freaking gorgeous. Her curly-locks that dangle sweetly off her head, her tanned, toned arms, and her beautiful brown eyes that are boring into mine right now...

What? Oh, God.

"Um...Is there something wrong?" Ashley whispered.

"No. I was just admiring...Glen's shoes." As I said Glen's name, his head perked up like a dog, and believe or not, Madison can go Bitch-Im-Gonna-Kick-Your-Ass crazy. But for Glen, it was more of a jock-strap. Minus the jock.

"Okay, that's it." Madison got up from her position and stood in front of the TV, Blocking the view from Aiden, Sean, and Glen. The boys groaned, telling her to move out the way.

"No. I'm sick and tired of you stupid men always not keeping still!" Madison shouted. Taylor started to speak. "But Aiden kept still when we were watch-," But Madison cut her off.

"Aiden is half-women if you didn't notice that, Taylor. But seriously speaking, I'm done. I'm finished with dating." Ashley moved to say something, but her mouth closed when Madison caught her eye.

"Glen, were leaving. Let's go." Madison grabbed her glittered-pated purse and headed for the door, stopping when she saw her boyfriend still sitting. Typical Glen.

"Uh, Glen, I said let's go." He rolled his eyes and got up, dragging along Madison. "Bye Aid, Spence, Tay, Sean, and...," Madison pointed to the brunette. I saw Sean watch Madison begin to walk out of the door. Boys are flip-flops.

"Ashley," the girl answered. Her voice is husky...

"I'll call you Ash then. Bye, Ash." Madison and Glen headed out, leaving all of us. "Bye, Madi." Then Taylor stood up, stretching. "Yeah, I think I better head home too. Dad'll freak if I don't come home before dinner. Remember last time..."

"No, no. No flashbacks. This isn't the time for flashbacks," I butted in. Taylor shrugged. I saw Sean scramble up next to her and take her purse. "Yeah, my, uh mom wants me home too."

"I can take you." Sean was out of the door as fast as I can do my nails. Which is very fast. "Bye guys." And Taylor was gone. So, that left me with Aiden and Ashley.

"I guess I should go home now too, Aid," Ashley said. Aiden held her wrist. "You're not leaving. Neither are you, Spencer. My parents are out of town for this couple's retreat because they think they're not having enough sex and I'm lonely."

"Um, TMI Aiden! God...," Aiden sheepishly smirked. "What do you say ladies? One night?" This should be fun. I took my cell out of my purse and texted dad that I wouldn't be home. The thing is, he probably wouldn't either. He's a super-dad that works all around the world.

I barely see him most of the time. But I don't let that get to me because when I was little, he'd take me to wherever I waned to go. Still hasn't happened yet, but like I said, things will not get me down. My mom hasn't always been there for me either, but she tries when she can.

"Spencer, did you hear me?" Aiden waved his giant hand in front of my face, me pushing it away. "I said that you're sharing a room with, Ashley."


"What? I can't sleep in your parents or something?" Aiden shrugged. "Unless you want to sleep on a bed that people have tried to have sex on, then yeah." I thought over it.

"Hell no. And anything that has your DNA in it is, by far, the grossest thing that ever walked, crawled, or inched the planet." I saw Ashley's face. It had panic written all over it. It's not like were gonna do anything, right?


I don't know how Aiden got a hold of my mini-shorts or the matching, blue hearted tank top, but he handed it to me and told me to go change. And he also had Ashley clothes. Let me tell you, Ashley may wear nothing above your knees, but those damn shorts were short. Like, a mini-mini skirt minus the skirt.


She kept her shirt to a limit though. But it showed just enough cleavage. "Okay, lights out everyone!," Aiden yelled. He acts like were five or something... "Goodnight, Aiden," Ashley and I said.

We crawled into the bed, facing away from eachother.

One hour later....

Okay. So I'm here, laying awake, doing nothing absolutely. I mean, what am I supposed to do when the most hottest girl on the face of the planet is here sleeping right next to me?

God dammit, I'm a girl! I'm captain of the cheerleading squad, I have straight A's in everything, and I have a fucking reputation to keep! I can't go around the world announcing that I'm in love with...Oh crap. I think I woke her up.

"Hey, um, Spencer, right? Could you stop moving a bit? I'm trying to get some sleep." I felt my face heat up.

"Sorry, just, not sleepy."

"Not sleepy. Close your eyes and count something." I would count the times I have stared at her for more than two seconds. Let's see, shall we start at one or one-thousand?

I heard her silent breaths illuminating the room again, and I pulled the covers up to my chin; I'm cold and hot at the same time.

I felt my eyelids beginning to get heavy, and I let out a silent yawn...But before I fell alseep, I took notice of the tattoo the was barely hiding under Ashley's shirt. It was across her lower back, and I didn't really know what it was or what it said.

It was beautiful...Fuck being the queen bee, I'm going to get Ashley.


Review please? Thanks if you do :)