A/N- okay, just a cute little one-shot, with lots of Naruhina fluff! Yay! And reading the disclaimer today shall be Itachi!
Itachi: No.
Me: Do it or I'll burn all of your Barney dolls.
Itachi: No! Anything but the Barneys!
Me: (holds Barney doll over lighter)
Itachi: Ryke-Miaso aka the Ninga chick does not own Naruto or Yoplait yogurt. (grabs Barney doll) Sshhh…. It's okay baby, Daddy's got you…..
Me: Um… okay then….
Naruto stood in the kitchen, wondering how this weird "Western" food could be so delicious. Something called "Yoplait Yogurt"; it was sweet, creamy, and absolutely amazing. It apparently came in any flavor you could think of, from mango to mint. Suddenly, the front door opened to reveal Naruto's fiancé, Hinata Hyuuga.
"Oi! Hinata-chan, you have got to try this weird but oddly delicious Western food! It's called yogurt and it sweet and creamy and so good! Try some!" the hyperactive ninja said.
Hinata smiled. "Well hello to you too, Naruto. Can I hang up my coat first?" she laughed. "I thought the only thing you ate was Ramen. Is it that good that you have had a change of heart?"
"It just might be," Naruto said mock solemnly.
He smiled & kissed Hinata on the lips. She sighed, wrapping her arms around his neck. He tasted like strawberries and peppermint. All too soon they broke apart.
"So what's this yogurt stuff?" Hinata asked, jumping up to sit on the counter.
"Try some, Hina-chan! It's good!" Naruto urged, pressing a spoonful to her lips.
She took a small bite. Hinata's eyes went wide with wonder when she realized that Naruto wasn't exaggerating; it really was amazing.
"Wow….. that is good! Where did you find that, Naruto-kun? It's amazing!" Hinata exclaimed.
He smiled. "That's a secret, for me to know & you to find out."
They kissed again, longer and more passionately than before. When they finally broke apart, Hinata leaned in for another bite of "yogurt".
"There's some in the 'fridge, Hina-chan," Naruto said, denying her a bite.
Hinata kept pushing for another bite, so Naruto finally put the spoon to her lips...
And smeared yogurt all over her face.
Hinata slowly licked yogurt off her lips, her bangs covering her eyes so that Naruto couldn't see the devilish revenge sparking there. She walked over to the refrigerator and took out another yogurt. She got a spoon, lifted the lid, dipped the spoon into the "Key lime pie" flavored dairy product and....
A spoonful of yogurt hit Naruto's whisker scarred cheek. Her looked up in surprise, and then narrowed his eyes at Hinata.
"You do realize..... that this means war, don't you, Hinata-chan?" Naruto said in a low voice.
She smirked. "I'd hoped."
They began flinging yogurt across the room at each other, screaming laughter. When they ran out, they would run to the fridge to grab more. Soon they and the kitchenette was covered in flavors like Strawberry Cheesecake, Lemon Meringue Pie, Blueberry, Harvest Peach, & more. They finally collapsed on the floor after about a half hour, laughing to hard to go on.
"So who won?" Hinata asked after she could breathe again.
Naruto just kissed her.
A/N- So... Did you guys like it? Hate it? Should I continue it? Try my hand at a lemon? Not a one shot if you don't want it to be! Please review & tell me!