December 23, 2024

Maidstone, UK, Potter Manor

Hermione had always loved the holidays, but now that she had kids, they seemed even more festive. She loved making each kid's favorite treats to eat on Christmas Day, and Harry loved the smells from the kitchen when he came home from work. That night was his last before a week-long holiday vacation, and tonight's culinary fragrance wouldn't please him all that much. She was making a mince pie, 12 year-old Ian's favorite. Ian was the only Potter who liked mince pie.

From the kitchen she heard Maddie, home for the holidays from her fourth year at Hogwarts, in the den cleaning and tinkering with her camera. Photography was Maddie's particular obsession, and neither Harry nor Hermione had learned where she picked up the fascination. As it turned out, she excelled at it, evident by the numerous awards she had won the past couple of years with her photos. She heard the door open and Harry's voice call out. He was answered by the stomping footsteps from the boys as they ran down the stairs.

"Here comes the herd," she heard Maddie mumble, then a cheerful greeting to her dad.

"In here love," Hermione called out.

Her hands were full of mincemeat, so she stepped to the sink to wash her hands. She was happily startled by Harry's arms slinking around her waist.

"That's revolting," he whispered, his lips tickling her earlobe.

"Welcome home love," she replied and leaned into his embrace. When his lips touched her neck, they heard the sound of Maddie's not so delicate snort from the kitchen doorway.

"Ugh, it's bad enough to gag through Molly and Rick snogging at school, I have to see it at home too?" Maddie asked. "I've never seen anyone kiss as much as you two do! And you're ancient!"

June 1, 2027

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

"It's hard to believe how fast time passes, isn't it?" Hermione asked.

"I know, it seems like we just put little Maddie on the train for Hogwarts, and today she's grown up and leaving Hogwarts," Harry said.

"She's not so little anymore, and she hates when you call her that," Hermione said.

"She'll always be my little girl," Harry said.

"Here they come!" Hermione whispered excitedly and waved to the Ravenclaw Head Girl, Maddie Potter, as she and the Head Boy lead the procession of leaving students.

Headmistress McGonagall rose from her seat and started her commencement address when they were all seated. Harry barely heard any of it as he watched his "little" girl fidget in her seat and fuss with her robes.

"She's so ready to leave, isn't she?" Hermione asked.

Harry nodded silently and she took hold of his hand.

"We're so proud of you!" Hermione gushed and hugged her daughter again.

Maddie glanced over her mother's shoulder and stepped back. She was suddenly and gaily twirled in a young wizard's arms with a triumphant "We're finally finished!"

Maddie enthusiastically agreed. The young wizard was her counter-part, the Head Boy, Luke Greenlake. Ian, standing nearby, made a quiet gagging noise and mumbled, "Hufflepuff."

Maddie turned to her brother and imperiously raised a single eyebrow. Harry chuckled at the sight. She was so much like Hermione it was scary.

"Olivia? Slytherin?" Maddie asked.

Ian blushed deeply. "She's not my girlfriend!"

"Uh huh," Maddie drawled and returned her attention to Luke.

"Madelaine Potter, will you marry me?" Luke asked and dropped to a knee.

There was a sound of a solid thump behind them. They all looked back to see Harry sprawled on the ground.

"Mr. Potter!"



Minutes later in the Hogwarts Infirmary, Luke and his parents were watching the Potter family hover around Harry as Madame Pomfrey waved her wand over him.

"I feel like such a berk. He could have had a heart attack or something because of me. Maddie's grandmother had a heart attack just last year," Luke said dismally.

"Auror Potter isn't that old," Mr. Greenlake said.

"According to my diagnostic, you appear to be just fine, apart from a brief spell of elevated blood pressure, which caused a loss of balance. You just need a mild calming draught," the old Mediwitch said and gave him a small cup to drink.

Maddie gave Luke a smile and beckoned him forward. Luke swallowed heavily and stood next to Maddie.

"I apologize, Mr. Potter. I never would have asked if I knew this would happen," Luke said.

Maddie dropped his hand. "What?"

"Wait! Shite, that didn't come out right!" Luke said.

"Luke, language," Mrs. Greenlake chastised.

"I can't do anything right today! What I meant to say is that I perhaps should have went about this a different way…not so…sudden," Luke said.

"Luke, don't give it another thought. Men have been doing this since they emerged from caves, walking upright, and started grunting at women," Harry said and looked to Maddie.

"Sweetheart, you never answered his question," he said.

Maddie looked at Luke. "Did you mean it?" she asked.

"Cor, of course I did! I love you! I want to marry you!" Luke exclaimed and Maddie threw herself at him with an exultant "yes!"

Harry and both handed their wives tissues from the bedside table when they heard their wives sniffle.

Hermione cupped her daughter's face and brushed the fringe from her eyes. "I'm so happy for you!"

Know how to live the time that is given you.

-Dario Fo