Truth or Dare Vampire Academy Style

Chapter 38:

Tap. Tap. Knocking on Kirova's office door I rolled my eyes. "Come in!" she called, I opened the door and she looked at me warily and honestly, I couldn't blame her. "Miss Hathaway, what can I do for you?"

I pouted. "Headmistress, I am just so damn horny, I want you, I want you and Stan at the same time," I told her. I almost shuddered but I had to hold it back. "Please?" I batted my eyelashes.

"Miss Hathaway!" she scolded, her face going bright red. "I don't know what game it is you and your friends are playing but you have to stop before I am forced to stop it myself! And I advise you do it before anyone gets hurt!"

"But Kirova! I just want one taste!" I begged. Eyes widening.

"Now Rose!" she yelled and I walked out her door, sighing in relief when it shut behind me. Lissa was giggling.

"Ew!" Lissa said, smiling. "I liked the added touch you put about being horny." She giggled all over again. Walking back to her room I sat beside Dimtri.

I smirked. "Comrade. Truth or Dare?" I asked him. He looked at me shocked.

"Oh god no," was all he said.

Okay I know I haven't updated in a while and this is a verry short chapter but I wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger that'd shock you all. Hehe.

Also I've re-wrote 6 chapters of my story The New Rose, so if you've read it, it might be a good idea to check it out and re-read it because I've made a few changes and if you haven't read it yet, go ahead and read it. Also I've wrote a new story, called Into The Night, honestly Into The Night wasn't written as a simple Rose Hathaway and Vampire Academy based book, I first wrote it a year ago and I had so many more chapters that I've re-written the Vampire Academy characters into it though, I wrote it to first off be my very own book but I figured I could change characters names and see how you guys like it first, so please read all of the above and review! :) thanks