Mmhm. The long awaited sequal to Shadow Kiss: Alternate Ending.

This is done my way though. No Strigoi Dimitri!

Ah, but a new Strigoi.

Who shall it be? Dun dun duhhh.

Anyway, I decided on 'My Only Hope' because, as of right now Rose is holding onto her life by a tiny thread. And Dimitri is basically the only reason she wants to live.

Chapter One:

Beep. Beep. Beep.

When will this madness stop? I feel like I'm in some sort of Chinese Tourture Chamber.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Dear Lord, shut that stupid thing up!

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"How's she holding up, Guardian Belikov?" a female voice asked entering the room. An oddly familiar voice.

"Still barely holding on." That beautiful Russian voice made my heart skip a beat. My Dimitri had made it after all. But who was that girl?

I felt slight pressure on my hands and warmth flowing through me. Lissa. Lissa was here, and trying to heal me. I just need to open my eyes to tell her I'm sorry. To tell Dimitri I love him. To tell them that I'm okay.

But my eyes just wouldn't open. If anything the healing magic made it even harder to keep concious.

"Still nothing," Lissa said dejectedly. I could almost imagine her burrying her face in her hands.

"She'll be fine. She has to be," Dimitri said and I felt another pressure on my hand. "She has to," he repeated, his voice stricken. What if I didn't make it? What if he went to Tasha for comfort?

As these questions buzzed around in the back of my head, I drifted to sleed. The dream definately wasn't like usual. I was on a black sand beach and the sun was setting. Adrian.

"Little Dhampir," Adrian breathed. "It's so good to finally reach you." With that he enveloped me in an awkward hug.

"Adrian. First, get off me." He obeyed. "Second, what is today? Third, what happened with the Strigoi attack?" Adrian fell silent.


He blew out a long sigh. "It's been three weeks, Rose. We... we lost a few Moroi, Dhampir, and Guardians." Something in Adrian's voice told me I didn't want to know, but I waited silently. "Eddie, Jesse, Guardian Alto, 10 other kids, and myself," he said.

"You? H-how are you alive?" I asked.

"They want me to crack and become Strigoi. Eddie, Jesse, Guardian Alto and 5 others are alive. The Moroi barely," Adrian replied and pulled me into another hug. "You need to heal. I need you to heal," he murmered pulling away to examine my face. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine...

So, here's the first chapter of the sequal!

Love it? Hate it? Reveiw it!

I don't own VA or it's characters.

But I do know a Dimitri ;D

Mmhm. Dead serious, I know a Dimitri.

Anyway: Reveiw please!
