Another story I am working on. Also another one given to me by jessirose85. I own nothing. Enjoy!

"Are you going to tell Draco, Lucius?" Narcissa asked me.

"What am I supposed to tell him?" I asked sighing.

"The truth," she said softly.

"Yes, that will go over well," I said rolling my eyes, "'Draco, the truth is I am not your father. James Potter is. Oh, and Harry isn't James son, he's Severus's son. James convinced me to take care of you.' That is going to go well."

"Maybe he'll take it better than you think," she said shrugging.

"I need to get the story better," I said shaking my head.

"You forgot to tell him where James is though," she said sadly.

"Yes, I did," I said nodding, "And Draco your father, James, is the stone gargoyle that guards Dumbledore's office."

"Dumbledore," she said angrily, "That old bastard."

"I know," I said wrapping my arms around her waist, "We just need other people to see it."

"They'll find out soon," she said kissing my lips gently, "Just try to find an easy way to break it to Draco."

"I will," I muttered as she left.

When Narcissa was gone I lifted the note that James wrote me all those years ago. James said that when I thought it was right to explain the truth to Draco. Draco, the boy I've raised as my son since that Dumbledore took his real father away.

How was I supposed to tell…to explain…to Draco that I was not her real father? I was only a good friend of James. James knew that I would do everything to take care of Draco. It was too late though. I was too late to save Draco and Harry from whatever Dumbledore had thought up.

Dumbledore hated James with a passion and no one ever really knew why. We didn't think it was such a bad problem since there was nothing Dumbledore could do then give him a few detentions at school. Once we left we thought everything would be fine. We had never been so wrong.

When James found out that he was having a son he was overjoyed. For as long as I had known James he always wanted to have a son. He wanted to teach his son how to fly on a broom, talk to women, and to prank. He wanted to be a the father that everyone would be proud of.

Then Dumbledore threatened him. Dumbledore claimed that if he ever found out that James had a son he'd turn James into a stone gargoyle and kill the child where he stood. James was terrified of the threat and took it to heart. He came to me a few days after Draco was born and make me swear to take care of Draco if anything happened.

I wanted to say that nothing was going to happen, but I knew that James had a reason to worry. I promised that I would take care of Draco if James was turned. As I made the promise I thought that nothing would take James away from Draco.

The next few days were normal. James didn't hear from Dumbledore so he thought it would be safe bringing Draco to my house to play with Severus's son, Harry. Narcissa had fun planning the whole day and had food ready for everyone. Harry and Draco seemed to get along better than anyone had planned.

Narcissa, at the time, was James girlfriend. The two of them never really got together completely and married because no matter how long they were together they were never a good couple.

James wanted Draco to have a mother and to have a family, so he was a little confused on what to do. Narcissa and James broke up a little while after they found out that they weren't a good couple.

Narcissa and I became a couple a few weeks later. I could tell that James didn't really know what to do so I explained to him that I would never take the place of a father to Draco.

James was happy with that comment and that's when he explained wanting me to take care of Draco if anything ever happened to him. I knew that a similar thing was going on with James, Severus, and Lily as this happened. Then it happened.

Everyone was going so well that we all let our guards down. Dumbledore came through the Floo Channel and shot a spell at James before we even knew what do to. Draco and Harry started to scream as the smoke cleared.

Dumbledore grabbed onto Harry's arm and dragged him to the fireplace with him. Severus and I tried to get Harry back, but it was too late. Harry and Dumbledore were already gone, as was James. Draco was staring at the hand that had just been holding Harry's with silent tears running down his face.

I lent down and lifted Draco into my arms and allowed him to cry. In one day Draco lost his father and his best friend, but he was still at the age where he wouldn't remember when he grew up. Draco was going to be raised as a Malfoy like I promised James.

Severus was staring at the fireplace with unshed tears in his eyes. Harry was gone. Severus's baby boy was taken because Dumbledore grabbed the wrong arm. I was waiting for him to turn and blame James or Draco, but that never happened. He simply looked at Draco and hugged him.

I felt so useless as I watched Draco cry and Severus try to be strong. There was no way for me to comfort either of them. I couldn't promise Draco I could get James back and I couldn't tell Severus that Harry would be back safely. There was nothing I could do to save them from this heartache no matter how much I wished I could.

"Dad," Draco said knocking me from my thoughts, "Mom said you had something to tell me."

"Yes Dragon," I said slowly, "Sit down. It's a long story."

As I told Draco the story I saw his eyes grow wider and tears form. My sons heart was breaking just like it did that day. The only difference was I was the one causing that hurt and defeated look. I moved to hug him, but he moved away from me quickly.

"Dear Merlin," Draco said softly.

"Draco," I said reaching for him once again.

"I have to go," he said looking at the ground, "The train will be leaving soon."

Draco took off running before I could stop him. I knew that it was a lot of news for him to handle, but he had to know. I thought he could handle the news and maybe I was wrong, but there was nothing I could do now. He just needed time to think and I prayed it wouldn't break him.

I also hoped that he had someone at school that he could tell this to. Talking about this might not help a lot, but at least he'd have someone telling him what he should do or how he should act so he wasn't alone in the thoughts and the internal battle that he had.