The idea for this story came to me whilst I was eating a toffee… don't ask but please read and review if you like or if you want to tell me I'm a crap writer… Enjoy.


The scene was like nothing they had ever seen before. The victim was a young girl who had suffocated; her body was wrapped up in a strong plastic. But it wasn't this that had them wondering whether the guy was a nut job with a weird fetish or a complete psychopath. Her body was wrapped up like a piece of candy. Even Jane was baffled when he walked onto the crime scene.

"And I thought Red John was weird." He thought to himself as he looked more closely at the body.

Blood caked the left side of the girls head which to him already gave him answers to why she was curled up the way she was.

"Joanna, 24, works at the local wildlife centre. She was found two hours ago by that young boy over there."

"Was she dead before she was wrapped up?" asked Lisbon as he stared at the body in confusion.

"No," Jane stately simply as he looked to her "she was unconscious when her wrapped her up."

Lisbon knew it made sense but hoped he would continue anyway.

"From the look of the head wound I'd say she was hit hard enough that she would wake up in the time it would take for her to suffocate. Whilst awake and suffocating one uses the oxygen up quicker. What confuses me is whether he intended for her to remain unconscious or whether he just hit her a little too hard."

It was baffling to say the least; they had never seen anything like this before and hopefully never would.

"Hey boss!!!" Rigsby shouted as he ran up to herm, a small piece of paper in his hand.

"What's that?" she asked as he stopped in front of her.

He passed it to her and she turned it to see a message:

Have fun finding me.


"What the hell" she said as she then passed it to Jane.

"The man we are dealing with here is using a urban myth and making it his own. Its like he intends to make his own version of the story."

"Who was the Candyman anyway?" asked Rigsby

"Its just a story Rigsby." Said Lisbon.

"Yeah I know, just like Zakaria was just a story but I'd still like to know."

"He was said to be a black slave working on a plantation in New Orleans. He was a talented artist and so his so called boss asked him to paint a portrait of his prised daughter. Candyman fell in love with the daughter though and when his boss found out his daughter and the slave were in love he hunted him down and cut off his hand. He and his followers smothered him in honey and threw him into a beehive. He died of his injuries and he is said to walk the earth with only murder on his mind."

"That's horrible!!! But nothing like what this guys doing." Said Lisbon gestured towards the now unwrapped body.

"Which is what I don't get. He is using the name of a frightening murderous character but not following the myth. Which makes me think he never intended to follow the myth in the first place."

"Then why use the name?" said Rigsby as he looked at Jane quizzically.

"Good question and one I don't have an answer to right now." Rigsby and Lisbon tried not to look at him as shocked as they were. He usually always had an answer.

"Don't look at me like that." He said, "I will figure it out like I always do."

Jane caught a glimpse of something on the girl's body in the corner of his eye. He turned and walked towards her picking up another, larger piece of paper:

So you found my second note, thought you would. I am going to give you a head start to who my next victims is.

Its you… Patrick Jane.


Uh oh… what's going to happen next… please review and tell me what you think… If its gay tell me and I won't bother updating. Apologies for my unfinished Mentalist stories, I've hit writers block with them but I swear they will be finished but for now I am going to stick with this one (if people like it)