Sarah-Jane checked her watch anxiously for the third time in as many minutes. "How long did you say you had Rose?"
Rose half smiled at her friend "John says that the boys say that they can maintain it for another half an hour without complications. They need to talk!"
"Rosie, need to talk to you about something," John approached with caution, rubbing the two day stubble on his chin pensively.
"Even if we hadn't talked her into going after Luke, Morgana wouldn't have been able to come back with us," he said slowly to gauge her reaction.
"I know," Rose smiled sadly, placing a hand on his cheek. "You need a shave love!"
"Well, I have spent the better part or four – off topic. How do you know?" he asked, pulling the bewildered face that Rose loved so much.
"I may have been over here talking to Sarah-Jane, but you're forgetting we have our baby back. I was listening to your conversation as well."
"Are you ok with that?"
"What, our baby being left here or being able to listen to your satirical analysis of other people's conversation?"
Rose sighed, and smiled, "Oh my dear, she wasn't going to come back with us anyway. I knew that the second she went to say goodbye to Luke. She is too much like us to be able to leave the person she loves behind."
John smiled sadly "love you."
"I love you too."
"Hate to break up the circle of love," The Doctor said, coming to stand next to the parents. "But the offspring are returning. Its time to tell Anna that she would never be able to go home anyway."
"She is home," Rose smiled as she saw Luke was standing a crucial centimetre or so behind her daughter. Protecting her.
"Well aren't you sounding cliché!"
They fell into silence as the teenagers approached. John and Rose were wondering how to tactfully approach the parting.
"You staying here then?" The Doctor called out cheerfully causing Anna to blush and look down.
"But you all knew that anyway when I ran off," She called back and moving to stand in front of her parents "You don't mind do you? Can I go through to see the boys before I ..." She faltered seeing the sad look on her mum's face. "Mum, what's happened? Are the boys ok?"
"The boys are fine my darling. That's not what's wrong..."
Anna's mouth formed a small 'o' in shock, her eyes widening "Oh..."
"Morgana?" Luke nudged her arm, "Some of us can't speak inside our heads remember. What's going on?"
"I wouldn't have been able to leave anyway!" Anna whispered "Um, without the time vortex – which doesn't exist in my world – I wouldn't have been able to survive. I would have got, well, time sick I supposed. It would have... how can I explain it... it would have taken years, possibly decades, but I would have gotten steadily sicker till I ... died! Have you read Philip Pullman's Northern Lights series?"
Luke nodded
"The last book – Lyra and Will want to be together but they can't, because if they go back to Lyra's world, Will would get sick, and if they went back to Will's world, then Lyra would get sick. The solution there of course was to live in another world so they would get sick but at least they would be together. In my opinion at least, Pullman pulled them apart – pun intended," Anna explained before turning to the Doctor "You could have told me before I got my hopes up that I was going home. Why didn't you?"
"Because you and Luke needed a good shout out to make something happen," He shrugged. "You needed to want to stay here willingly. I wasn't going to force you to stay here for your health, it had to be because you wanted it."
"Well, I do," Anna smiled. "I would have regretted leaving the second the portal collapsed. But I can't believe that I'm not going to see either of you again!" Anna started tearing up. Luke wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
"Wait!" Anna started. "I can see you again! We don't have to worry! I can hold it open!"
"Don't mess with things you don't understand," The Doctor warned. "It's what got Mordred stuck in the 16th century."
"But I do understand. I can organise it so that anyone sharing my DNA would be able to pass through the portal! It will be contained, how about behind the door to my bedroom in the attic?"
"I don't understand..." Rose murmured.
"Basically, this –"
Anna closed her eyes and held her cupped hands in front of her mouth. She breathed in slowly, ignoring everything around her. She imagined a flower, an sprig of rosemary seemed appropriate. Then she took a deep breath in and gently blew into her hands.
"Well, I've never seen that before!" Sarah-Jane whispered, "And I've seen some crazy things in my time!"
"Why thank you Sarah-Jane," Anna mock curtseyed. "Doesn't look so bad if I do say so myself!"
In her hands was a gently glowing, gold stick that resembled a flower. The gold dust was starting to gently fade away, leaving the dark green and lilac of rosemary.
"Rosemary for remembrance," Anna smiled, "And for mum of course!" She handed the floating flower over to her mum and held her hand over it for a second.
"There," She beamed.
"Still confused," Rose said.
"Basically, Luke and I will be able to come over to your world for short periods of time, say when one of the boys or Uncle Tony gets married. And you can come over for events over her," She said, practically jumping up and down. "Move the TARDIS to my room and place the flower inside. Then lock the door. And you want to know the best bit?"
"What?" John asked, indulging his youngest childish tendencies to get over excited.
"No more silence!"
"What?" Rose asked. "As in, we can hear you?"
"Well how else are we going to keep up with each other? Not exactly like we have email! It won't be as clear as before though I guess, I don't know. Never done this before!"
"So it'll be like you're with us, but without actually being there?" Rose asked, a smile slowly spreading across her face.
Anna nodded, beaming. "Aren't I amazing?"
"Like you needed confirmation!" John laughed, swinging his baby girl into a hug "Well done my amazing amazing girl!"
"I hate to be a party pooper," The Doctor interjected, "But unless you two hop back, that portal's going to collapse and all three of you will be stuck here! You're boys may have said half an hour, but these things are tricky."
"He's right John," Rose said, and smiled at Anna, "So Morgana, this isn't goodbye. Oh it's like my baby has moved out! Promise you will come and see us soon?"
"Promise," Anna grinned. "Love you lots now hop too it! Get the flower set up so I can come visit!"
"If I didn't know better I would say you were trying to get rid of us..." John smiled, and then pressed a kiss to Anna's forehead. "And oi, you," He directed at Luke "You look after my baby girl or there is nowhere you can hide from any of us."
"Yessir," Luke nodded, slightly scared looking. "But I won't hurt her. Promise."
"Look after Morgana for us Sarah-Jane!"
"Bye Mum, Bye Dad!"
"Bye Mr and Mrs Smith!"
Waving behind them, Rose and John walked back towards the pulsating blue white light and vanished, Rose carefully holding Anna's flower to her chest. The light flickered and died, but Anna smiled. It wasn't lonely in her head any more. And it wasn't lonely on Earth either. Her hand sought Luke's.
"Home?" He smiled down at her.
"Home," She confirmed.
A/N Ok, so The actual story is finished. Still debating bout an epilogue. I know its kinda shoddy, but I wanted a soppy, happy ending. Thanks to all who have stuck with me and this for so long!