Told Her She Was Beautiful.

A Wallflower Fanfiction

By xxLilMizCaityxx

And he told her she was beautiful.

And she told him to shut-the-hell-up because no-she-is-not.

And he laughed it off like he always does, his oh-so-white teeth and oh-so-shiny straw blonde hair making her eyes oh-so-painful with the glare they gave off, and she gritted her teeth, wondering for the umpteenth time why she puts herself through this, why she doesn't just leave right now.

So, she hit him in the gut, her violet eyes blazing and her alabaster skin glowing as she told him to try-it-on-with-Noi-chan-because-she-wasn't-interested.

And his eyes sparkled when he smiled that special smile, the one he saved for her, just for her, because I-love-you's mean something and leave-me-alone's don't and laughs as he says I-would-but-Takenaga-would-murder-me!

She rolls her eyes in that yeah-right way, and he nods and takes her hand in that I-don't-care-to-be-honest way, and she is powerless against him, because she knows that despite her evil-glares and get-out-of-my-room's and you're-the-most-ignorant-radiant-creature-I've-ever-known's… she loves him, because all of her hate-filled jabs are undermined entirely by the you're-so-beautiful's.

And it makes her mad with rage to no end that a radiant being can do this to her, that a radiant being has gotten to her, that a radiant being like him… has fallen so drastically in love with her.

She doesn't mind really, if she's honest, because all that truly matters is here-and-now, and forever-and-always and I-promise-I'll-never-leave-you which he tells her all the time.

He has a temper of his own, and a hunger of his own for the sushi-with-the-cuttlefish and soba-without-the-leeks, and it drives him just as mad when she angers him with a bet-you-can't-catch-me-you-ate-so-much or let's-see-what-that-ice-cream's-doing-to-your-thighs… but she's a normal-girl-for-the-most-part and it's because a part of her hates-him-with-the-passion-of-one-hundred-raving-fan girls that he loves her so much.

And so this confusing, not-quite-together-but-never-ever-apart couple lived, happily-ever-after-for-the-most-part, excluding the parts of life that faerie tales left out.

Like when Kyouhei told Sunako she was beautiful.

And they-all-lived-happily —

And she reminded him to shut-the-hell-up, because no-she-is-not.

A/N: You guys asked for it, so here's a new Wallflower fanfiction! :) Reviews would be seriously appreciated, because then you could give me your opinion of this new writing style I'm trying, and maybe I'd write more Wallflower in the future :) Thanks!