Disclaimer: I do not own any x-men nor am I using this for profit.

Normally summers in Bayville where characterized with warm pleasant days that eased gently into cool relaxing nights. However, the past week had marked an unprecedented heat wave. Nights were hot and stifling, offering little relief to the mutants who inhabited Xavier's Institute for Gifted Youngsters.

Despite growing up in the heat of Mississippi, Rogue found herself unable to sleep. Her over talkative roommate Kitty had fallen asleep easily hours before after explaining- "The only way to beat the heat is to, like, just ignore it."

Clad only in a green camisole and navy sleeping shorts which had the institute's emblem emblazoned across the thigh, Rogue twisted about uncomfortably in her bed. She briefly grabbed a book of Nabokov's short stories and attempted to read before throwing the book aside with a disgusted sigh.

Staring enviously at her roommate, the Southerner realized that sleep just wasn't in the cards for the night. Tiptoeing out of her room, as not to wake her friend, Rogue abandoned her twisted and sweaty sheets in search of a way to cool down.

She walked down to the kitchen, and spent several heavenly minutes in the arctic temperatures of the walk-in refrigerator. After pondering her options of ice cream and sorbet, Rogue ignored the sweet and icy treats for something far more simple- she filled her favorite clear glass mug up to the brim with ice cubes.

With cool cubes cupped her in hand, she strode quickly back to her jointly-shared room. Her fingers deftly unlatched their window, and in several fluid motions she was out of their cramped and overheated room and onto the rooftop.

Rogue guessed that it was probably against the rules to be on the roof- but it was one of the few places she could think clearly in the mansion. Neither the professor nor Logan had said anything about it; both with a silent understanding that it had been her private meditation sessions on the roof that had helped her obtain control over her powers.

Rogue sat quietly on the rough rooftop, listening to the summer cicadas, a cool cube of ice melting luxuriously on her tongue. Sighing contently, she leaned back, lying down comfortably with her hands beneath her head. Gazing at the stars she laughed softly as she remembered the child's rhyme Irene had taught her back down in the South.

"Star light, star bright, first star Ah see tonight… wish Ah may, wish Ah might, to have the wish Ah wish tonight…"

Rogue whispered the words slowly, with a gentle smile on her face. Irene had always told her that if she wished aloud, then her wish wouldn't come true. Keeping with that tradition, she silently wished in her head.

"Wish what, chere?"

A deep voice, strongly flavored with a Cajun accent, abruptly startled her from her reverie.

She gasped and sat up in one sudden movement. "Swamp rat!"

"Oui, the one and only." The male southerner replied as he crouched next to her.

Rogue glared at her companion, his red on black eyes glowed back at her. He was dressed only in a worn pair of jeans and threadbare t-shirt which was made of more memory than cloth.

"What the hell are ya doin' here?" she accused angrily. "You're not even on our team! Ya have no right to just waltz onto your enemies' rooftop during a heat wave! This is my private spot!"

Remy made soothing gestures with his hands. "Easy there, pichouette. Y' don't have to be a member of the X-squad to appreciate the best view in town. All the other buildings are far too low."

Truth be told, the Cajun had been frequenting the rooftop for months, long before his chere had started coming up there. The fact that she had decided to make it her own spot had made it all the more appealing to him. He had spent many a night there, counting the stars and renaming the constellations. It helped him unwind in a way that no other release could.

"Fine, whatever. It's too hot to argue with you right now." Normally Rogue wouldn't have given in to him so easily… but it was so damn hot and he did smell so good… a fiery mixture of cinnamon and cayenne pepper. She lay back down after popping a fresh piece of ice in her mouth.

Remy lay down next to her, lazily asking," So, chere, what did you wish for just then?"

Rogue grinned, she was already associating with the enemy, making conversation couldn't hurt. After all, they had reached a tenuous type of friendship so many months ago when he had kidnapped her and took her down to New Orleans.

"Ah can't tell you, if ah do then it won't come true."

To her surprise, her companion chuckled. "Oui, I remember that… Tante Mattie always used t' tell me that when I was just a petit garcon. Mais, y' can't blame an homme for tryin'."

They fell into a comfortable silence after that. Both lost in their own thoughts as they gazed at the glinting stars. Their breathing became slowly in sync as they lay there quietly. Remy felt contentment at the given moment; he inhaled her intoxicating scent of strawberries and violets, relieved that she had yet to truly protest his presence.

Rogue wasn't sure who initiated it- but their two hands had been slowly creeping towards one another. They continued to lie in silence until he suddenly grasped her hand. Much to his shock, there were no complaints from Rogue.

Rogue's heart began to pound. Here she was, fraternizing with the enemy! Holding his hand! Yet, she couldn't bring herself to pull away.

After what seemed like an eternity later, Remy broke their contact with a sigh of regret. Keeping his eyes closed, he explained-

"I apologize, ma chere, mais I must get back to the apartment, maybe get some sleep."

He failed to see the mischievous grin that spread across Rogue's face. She sat up, and leaning over him, initiated a slow, languorous kiss.

After a moment of shock, Remy's eyes jolted open. Red on black met emerald green with an equal and startling ardor. He responded, turning the soft kiss into a hard and passionate one. He entwined his fingers in her soft brown hair, pulling her closer to him.

Rogue moaned softly, gently easing her tongue into his willing mouth. They were both consumed with the want- the need to be closer.

Just as abruptly as she had initiated the kiss- Rogue broke it off. "If ya need to get sleep, I certainly won't stop ya" she told him with a saucy grin on her face. Grabbing her now empty mug, she delicately climbed over the side of the roof and back into the mansion.

Remy stood there, heart pounding, the heat of the night matched the hot blood of his veins, flushing his cheeks. His lips still burned from their kiss, yet his mouth remained cool. Her deft tongue had tucked a sliver of ice into his mouth, without him ever noticing. He savored the silvery piece as it melted against his hot lips, and leaped off the roof like the master thief he was- and wished silently up to the stars…

"Wish I may… wish I might… that this not be the last piece of ice this summer."

Author's note: So, this is my first foray back into writing fanfiction after many years. Hopefully my writing style has improved. Well, reviews are definitely welcome, duh. I'm thinking this might be a one shot, but maybe not. On a different note, I've been trying to find a romy fiction that I read and loved years ago. Maybe a fellow fan knows it's title? This might all sound vague, but I believe Rogue is a celestial being and Remy is a demon in it. They meet up on some plane of existence and there's some type of celestial war brewing. Of course, they get stuck together and wind up falling in love. Does any of that ring a bell? If so, I'd love it if you told me it's title… Danke!