

It had been two years since the Vongola destroyed the Mertvyi Family. And the Vongola became the most powerful famiglia in the Mafia world. Giotto ruled the Vongola with an iron fist, and at the same time, a golden heart. Though there were some who opposed him, they were easily stopped from doing something harmful to his family.

G remained as his right hand man. He remained at the centre of every battle. He devised tactics and ordered his men around. At most times he could be seen inside the Vongola Mansion, either training outside or signing important documents behind his desk. (Giotto would sometimes disappear and leave G with the paper work).

Asari Ugetsu sent letters, which they received every month. He was still in Japan, and he would refuse every invitation to stay in Italy. He said that if he was to go to Italy, he would use his own money, not Giotto's or the Vongola's money. Giotto understood the Japanese man. He told Ugetsu that he will always be welcome in Italy.

Knuckle didn't leave the church. He would make daily visits to the Vongola Mansion, but that was it. He helped the family by supporting them by doing everything that was in his power. Giotto would often talk to him when he was troubled, and he would listen to every word.

Lampou was still the baby of the family. He now lived in the Vongola Mansion. Though he was often teased by the other members of his family, he strived to strengthen himself. He wanted to prove to everyone that he was not just a brat. He wanted to prove that Giotto was right on choosing him to be his Lightning Guardian. He looked up to Giotto, like he was his father; and he would look up to G as if he was his brother (whom he often pulled pranks to).

Alaude accepted his role as Giotto's Cloud Guardian, though in silence. He would do a few errands, now and then, but only if he was interested in doing them. He would often fight with D. Spade (whenever they meet in the Vongola Mansion), and Giotto would always interfere to avoid further destruction to the mansion.

Demon Spade still angered the members of the Vongola. They were afraid that D. Spade would control their boss (He always told everyone that he plans to control Giotto once the Vongola becomes the superpower in the Mafia World), though, strangely enough, he still hasn't taken any action to attack his boss even though the Vongola was known as the greatest Mafia Famiglia.

Though Giotto's six guardians often argued with each other (except for Ugetsu and Knuckle), they were always there to serve the sky. Once trouble was brewing, they would set aside their differences and cooperate with each other.

And that is the story on how Giotto discovered his Guardians…


Sawada Tsunayoshi, the Vongola Decimo, stared at the Vongola Nono who had just finished telling the story of his ancestor. Somehow the Vongola Primo's guardians were like his friends. "Is there something else you want to know about the Vongola Primo, Tsunayoshi-kun?" he asked.

"If Giotto-san was a great leader, then why did he escape to Japan?" Tsunayoshi asked, rather curious.

"It's because of the Vongola Secondo, who rebelled against the Primo," the Nono said before a playful smile graced his lips, "but that , Tsunayoshi-kun, is a different story," he stood up from his seat and proceeded to the window, "You should go and have fun with your friends for a while, Tsunayoshi-kun. I bet, being cooped up in the library is a tiring work."

Tsuna's face brightened, "Arigatou, Vongola Non--- I mean, grandfather," he said with a bow.


O_O I suck at ending fanfics. . Back to studying T_T