This is one is a little different people. Ben won't be pregnant in this one. That's right it's Kevin's turn! This one goes out to megawomen 5210 for suggesting it. Thanks for the idea! Alright this doesn't follow the show but they do have their powers and they are about 18/19 in here. Hope you like it megawomen 5120. Can be considered AU.

Disclaimer: I don't own Ben 10!

Kevin watched Ben while he was sleeping. A night after making love and a morning after being sick over the toilet again. He was beginning to wonder what was up after all he's been doing this for the last two weeks. He brushed some of Ben's hair off his forehead. He still question how the green eyed boy grew taller then him and very muscular while he had stayed on the small side and more lean. Ben still loves him at least.

Ben moves toward the touch with a groan but stays asleep. Kevin gets up to heads downstairs and cook Ben's favorite breakfast of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and toast. A little while later after waking up to the smell of food, Ben came downstairs in black boxers and just came into the kitchen when Kevin is finishing breakfast in a pair of green boxers. He walks over to Kevin wrapping his arms around him and kissing his neck. "B-Ben," Kevin moans almost dropping the pan with bacon on it. "Stop I'll drop b-breakfast and it;s y-your favorite." Kevin moans again when Ben begins to suck on a sensitive part on his neck.

Backing off, Ben smiles at Kevin's blush and panting while saying," Sorry you looked so damn delicious. I just couldn't help myself." He helps Kevin by taking the pan of bacon and says," Sit I'll do the rest. You look so tired. Maybe you should see a doctor are you feeling alright Kev?"

Kevin replies," I'm fine but I think I'll get checked out just in case you never know after all. I have been getting sick lately and haven't really been one to eat as well." He puts a little bit on plate because he wasn't hungry really and plus he had already gotten sick this morning.

Ben sighs and says,"Really? Do you want me to come with you when you go? I'm sure I can get off of work for a bit."

Kevin shakes his head and says," No, you will go to your job. The kids need you and besides the plumbers may need you later. I'll be fine if anything is up I'll call you about it. Don't worry so much. Alien activity has gone down tremendously since the DNAliens attack of earth."

Ben sighs and says," Besides the point , I don't care what time it is I want you to call me. I don't care if I'm in the middle of class teaching. I want you to call me as soon as possible. I don't want anything to happen to you. You are my husband after all. I love you so much" He grabs Kevin's hand.

Kevin blushes and says while squeezing Ben's hand in reassurance," I love you too but it will be fine it always is. I probably just need more rest anyway or I maybe coming down with the flu. Nothing major. Besides," He looks at the time, "You've got to be getting to work soon."

Ben nods and gets up to get dress, says," Yes, I'm going dear but please go to the Doctor right after I leave so we know what's up ok?" Kevin nods. Ben leaves to get dress then returns in a nice blue shirt with black slacks and nice shoes. He gives Kevin a kiss and heads off to the school to teach the 6th graders.

As Ben had taken the corvette to school today, Kevin took the mustang to the doctor after breakfast was cleaned up and put away. He went to see Gwen because she was the doctor at the plumbers base.

A little while later he shows up at the base and goes in. Meeting up with Jenny the secretary, he asked," Is Gwen available? " She nods and tells him third door on the left. He goes there and wait.

Not long after comes Gwen in a black top with jeans and a white lab coat comes in. She smiles and says," Hi, Kevin. Long time no see what can I do you for?"

"I haven't been feeling well. I've been throwing up over the toilet. Feeling faint at random times.

I want weird combinations of foods. Like chocolate on my rice or weird stuff on my tacos. I don't know what's up or I get really big cravings for something like watermelon and chop suey at the same time." Gwen laughs a little. "Not funny Gwen it's so weird. My emotions get out of control to at times."

"Well let's see, I'll do a few charms and spells. Do your powers get out of control too at times?" He nods. "Hmmm, Let's see shall we?" For a half an hour she does spells and charms to see what could make Kevin be not himself. The last one she casts is to see if he is pregnant and the light turns blue. "Um Kevin....I'm not exactly sure how to say this but Congratulations you and Ben are going to be parents." Kevin nods and then passes out. She yells," Hey Jenny tell Ben to get down here right away!"

She makes Kevin comfortable while she waits for Ben.

Not to long after Ben comes running through the door. "What happened? Why did he faint?" He practically yells. He goes over by Kevin and he puts his finger through Kevin's hair. "Gwen you better have a good explanation for this."

She sighs and says," I do actually. Ben, he's pregnant. You're going to be a father." Ben stares at her. "It's true. Many men with powers can give birth."

Ben smiles and says,"I'm going to be a father?" Gwen nods smiling. Kevin wakes up about now. "I'm so happy." Ben holds Kevin and kisses him. "You really are wonderful Kevin!"

Kevin blushes and says,"Thanks now what do we name the baby? How far am I along? What do we need to get Gwen?"

Gwen laughs and says," Calm down. You're only about 3 months along and you're going to have twins. As for baby things, you can wait a little bit on that."

Kevin and Ben both nod. Gwen leaves to give them some privacy. Ben smiles and says," I can't believe I'm going to be a father."

Kevin nods and smiles before asking with a frown," Does that mean I'm the mother?" Ben laughs. "What? It's a reasonable question." Ben keeps laughing as he leads Kevin out of the plumbers base to go home.

There we are if you want another chapter I may do it. Please review. Thanks for reading. HeartofaGoddess2009 out! Later! I hope this will be checked over by my Beta TeamJakeward101 soon. This person is very good at going this if you need a Beta! Later!