This is for sure the last thing for this story.

Don't own Bones…still very, very sad.

Bones, Epilogue next morning

She smiled at herself in her bathroom mirror. It had been a very long time since she had been this happy. Blissfully happy, like nothing in the world could touch her.

Booth knocked on the bathroom door before sticking his head in. "Bones, will you hurry up. You still need to eat this toast or we are going to be late for work today."

"Let me take another look at your hands," he pulled them behind his back "Seely Booth, you better let me look at your hands. I need to make sure they are healing correctly."

"No. You are not looking at them again. You saw them when we woke up, after I took a shower and then again after I cooked breakfast. You do not need to see them again."

"Alright. But you better be careful today." He grinned.

"Are you going to be worried about me?" she shook her head.

"No, I just don't want you to tear up your hands even more than they already are. So that means to punching suspects today."

He grinned, and said "Yes ma'am."

Before she knew it he had dropped her off by the lab before making his way to FBI headquarters.

She had been there less than five minutes before Angela came walking into her office, with a grin plastered on her face.

"So" she started "I tried to call you a couple times last night, but your phone was turned off."

Brennan could feel the heat rising in her cheeks. "Oh, you did?"

"Yes. Any reason as to why it was turned off?"

"No…not really."

"Did you find Booth yesterday?" Bingo…there went the red cheeks.

"Yes, Angela, I found him and we talked."

"Uh-huh. What time did he leave last night." Noting the deepening color on her cheeks, she gasped. "He didn't leave, did he?!"

What could she say to Angela to get her to be quite? She couldn't tell her a lie, because she would know it. She didn't know if she wanted to tell her the truth either.

Oh, where was Booth when she needed him. He was always good at fielding these sorts of questions. She needed him to be here to deal with Angela and her constant questioning.

"Bones…" she heard the voice she had been longing to hear.

"He's here." Squealed Angela.

"Bones, where are you? We have a case."

"My office Booth. Where else would I be?" she yelled out, rolling her eyes but let a grin slip out when he strutted into her office.

"We got to go, Bones. We got a case. I didn't even make it to the office before I was called."

"Okay…okay. I'm getting up. Let me grab my bag."

"Aww…you two are so cute together. Are you going to kiss? Please say yes!"

"No, Angela!" two voices yelled at once, which made her smile even more.

The she noticed his hands. "Booth! What the hell happened to your hands?"

"Not a thing, Angela." He glanced at Bones who was mysteriously not paying attention to them, but held a small smile on her lips.

"Don't tell me that. Both of your hands are bandaged like you have been in a boxing match or something. What the hell happened?"

"Nothing Angela," Brennan started "He kind of…punched a bag…no big deal."

"Yeah right."

"Let it go, Angela. She already took me to the hospital last night, and she made sure that I took my pills before I went to sleep."

Booth knew he let too much slip. He slapped his hands to his face and at the same time yelled when they hit one another.

Brennan looked at him and smiled, saying "You shouldn't have done that Booth."

"Which part Bones? Telling Angela about us or hitting my hands together?"

"Both. Your hands will heal in no time. However, Angela will never shut up about this 'you and me' stuff."

"Ha! I knew it was just a matter of time." She said happily.

"That's fine with me," said Booth. "She can talk about me, but she can't talk about you."

Brennan smiled and was about to kiss him, to the satisfaction of Angela, but then stopped. Looking over at her, she smiled.

"I don't think so, Angela. You aren't going to see us kiss in the Lab."

"That's fine. You aren't going to be able to hold out for too long. And when you do kiss, I will be there." She said laughingly as she slipped out of Brennan's office.

"Alright. Let's go Booth." She said just as he leaned in for a quick kiss.

"Told you that you wouldn't be able to wait for too long!" hollered out Angela. "I caught you. And don't try to deny it."

Booth looked up and saw her standing on the other side of the door with Cam and Hodgins, who were both grinning from ear to ear.

Looking down at Bones, he sighed and said "Let's get to work."

She looked up at him and nodded.

When he walked out to have a word with Cam about an ongoing case she stopped for a minute to think.

She thought about last night, walking in on him in the gym. She thought about how broken he looked and how much it hurt to see him like that.

Then she smiled.

She almost laughed when she thought about him in the hospital. He wouldn't let the nurses touch his hands to clean them off. She had to convince him to let them do that, and when they did, they poured a solution over them to clean them out.


Then he yelled some other things, things that she didn't want to remember him saying. She had to leave the room at one point, because she couldn't bear to see him in so much pain. When she went into the hallway the other hospital staff were standing there looking at his door with awe.

She wondered if they had ever had an ex-sniper who were Special Forces in there before. It didn't really matter at that point. All that mattered was that he was yelling so loudly that everyone could hear him.

"Come on, Bones. We need to go now." called the man of her daydream.

Pulling back into reality, she realized that it was the real Booth that had called out to her, and not the dream one.

Picking up her bag to join him, she knew.

She was finally happy.

A/N: hoping that everyone liked this story. Hope the epilogue made some sense too.