Hi. I hope you all are enjoying the last couple weeks of summer! A lot of issues came up that I had to take care of. Thank you. Thank you. So Much thanks you all for reviewing! I am really sorry about the very late update. Thank you for sticking through the wait. Here is the next installment! Please enjoy... Happy Reading

Tsuna sprinted through the streets, barely making out the street signs he passed. He could still hear the collective clattering of the men that were giving chase though it had grown significantly fainter the farther he ran. The rain had proven to be a beneficial bonus to hindering the pursuers, though it also put a hamper on his ability to navigate the area. He had almost taken a wrong turn numerous times, much to his panic and dismay. The street lamps that lined the city had yet to be ignited, limiting his sight even more. His only means of seeing were from the lights of the few shops that were still open.

As he skidded to a stop in a deserted alleyway and hid, the brunette could not help but let out a frustrated swear. Why couldn't they just give up? He had hoped that they would stop after the first few blocks, but with the way they had been dogging him, he doubt that they would be relenting anytime soon. They had already chased him a good deal away from the docks and if he were to be judging the distance correctly, he was only a mere five or six blocks away from Lucio's shop. At this rate, he would have to confront the men directly if he wanted them to stop. It was not something he was looking forward to.

He closed his eyes, as he tried to calm his breathing. Why did he have to be so noisy? It was times like these that he cursed his wonderful gift of intuition. Why was it that all his hunches end up leading him straight into a compromising, if not completely awful situation? Though he was not yet injured from this incident; everything from his cap all the way down to his socks and shoes, was completely soaked through. Granted he had gotten off lightly compared the Vetro's Family.

What he also did not understand was why they bothered following him. If anything, they should have been more worried about their advisor and the debacle that Rosario and his group left behind. He knew for a fact that Moldavite took a couple bad hits that probably needed to be checked, immediately. Then again, he couldn't exactly blame them for following him. After all, they probably thought he was the one behind the whole incident.

However, as much as he would like to clear that misunderstanding, he could not simply allow the men to catch him. He had already lost a good deal of the dye in the parts that the cap could not cover. And while it did make a strange but interesting hybrid mix, it was not welcoming. If they caught him in this state, there would definitely be even more questions that he was not inclined to answer. If they were to find out and report this, Moldavite would surely be suspicious.

He wouldn't put it past that advisor to figure it out immediately. Thankfully, the initial drizzle had evolved into a full out downpour. No one would be able to tell the color at this point; guess perhaps, but nothing more. Hell, he couldn't even see the difference as he looked at his reflection as he passed shops. Thus, all he had to do was just focus on running away.

His thoughts drifted to Vetro and he could not help but pity the mess the man had in his hands. Vetro had to deal with the pretty heavy blow to his ranks, which was never a welcoming thought to any Boss. Tsuna could not help but wince as the scene and its dreadful outcome reappeared in his mind.

While Tsuna, himself, had yet to lose so much people in one go, the tales that he had heard from both Reborn and the Ninth were one of the main reasons why he was always so cautious. He had definitely received plenty of criticism from other high ranking Family leaders and even some from the elders of Vongola.

He gave a small bitter smile as he recalled the constant meetings devoted simply to arguing his choice of people to send on delicate and important missions when there were more pressing matters to attend to. It was bad enough that he was the youngest to ever inherit but to also have so much people question him every step of the way? It was a wonder how he managed to get out of those meetings without exploding. He was brought out of his gloomy thoughts by a sudden movement.

"Well, well. It looks like we've found the little stray." Tsuna widened his eyes in surprise as three men stood at the entrance of the path he had taken. How in the world did they find him so quickly? And how did they manage to do it so quietly?

He slowly backed away from the wall, eyeing the three men warily. A quick glance towards the other end of the alley revealed three other men, blocking his alternative escape route. He silently cursed his carelessness; they had him boxed in. Well, there went the idea of getting away conflict free as he furtively readied himself for a fight. Unaware of the brunette's plans for the group, the group slowly drew closer to their target.

"Look, kid. You gave us a good chase but it ends here," commended the man with a small grin. He was a couple inches taller than Tsuna, with short wet curls that clung to the sides of the male's head. What was probably the most catching detail about the man was the single earring on his left ear. Tsuna squinted at item before making out a delicately cut insignia of what he assumed was the Sabbia's crest.

I-I… do-don't know what you're ta-talkin' bout, sir! Honest," said Tsuna in a high pitched tone, bringing his arms close to his head defensively, "Ple-please don't hurt me!"

He knew that he looked very meek and vulnerable, having perfected through his younger teenage years. Hopefully, it would help him stall for some time. The men did seem to be thrown off by the teen's behavior. The man that had spoken prior paused, frowning. Tsuna felt a tendril of hope well up inside him. Perhaps he could get out of this…

However, that hope was quickly quashed as one of the two men stepped closer to the assumed leader. He wore thick brimmed glasses and had a similar hair style to Giuseppe only slightly longer. He, too, had the same exact earring only on his right ear. They were definitely twins, if not, definitely related.

"Giuseppe… Trust me, it's definitely him," said the man in a quiet voice, "I remember that body form."

"But look at him, Matteo! He's just a brat, its pathetic," complained Giuseppe with a small scowl, halting their advancement, "There's no way he could have been responsible for all that mess. I know for a fact that Bianc could not have been brought down by this kid."

Tsuna gave a barely noticeable frown at the barb but did not vocalize his disagreement. He could have beaten him, but there was no way he would have killed the men. The man, Matteo, gave a small sigh, clearly having been through such a routine before.

"We were ordered to just bring him back, Beppe. Don't make such a fuss," chided Matteo with a slight growl.

"Alright, Alright…Teo," grumbled Giuseppe before glaring at the man, "But I still think that it is impossible."

Matteo only adjusted his glasses, "Shut up and do it, Beppe," ordered the male caustically.

Tsuna watched the exchange with a mixture of disbelief and amusement. Part of him was still wondering how they were capable of finding him when there was so much squabbling. Then again, the same could be said about all of his guardians, especially Lambo and Gokudera. It was a mystery as to how the two would come back successful after every mission considering all the fights they had in between.

Giuseppe glared once more at his companion before turning back towards the neglected teen, "Okay, kid. Like Matteo said, you're coming with us. Our boss would like to speak with you."

Tsuna widened his eyes in fear, backing as far as he could to the wall, "I-I th-think you ha-have the wrong per-person," stuttered the disguised teen in fear, "Ho-honest sir!"

There was no way he could possibly volunteer himself to be taken to be questioned. But from the looks of it, the two men seemed to have made up their minds. It seemed that all his acting was for naught; what a shame.

Giuseppe sighed as he flexed his hands, "You're outnumbered, boy. Personally, I'd rather we didn't have to do this to you but… Orders are orders, right Teo?"

Matteo only nodded his agreement, quickly advancing towards Tsuna. The teen tensed in preparation. The Vongola leader waited for the male to approach with a grim smile. If it was a fight that they wanted… well, let's just say he was not going to go down quietly.

Giuseppe widened his eyes as sensed and saw the sudden change in demeanor, "Now, there's no need to-!"

The teen launched himself at Matteo just as the man aimed a punch. As expected, Matteo flinched, allowing Tsuna enough time to ram into the man. The impact of the brunette was enough to send the unprepared straight into the wall. This instantly spurred the other men into action, breaking away from their blockade formation as they all tried to attack at once.

Giuseppe let out a curse as he realized all too late, "Shit, you idiots get back!"

That was just what Tsuna had hoped for. With the disorganization, Tsuna was quick to dispose of the men, using the narrowness of the alleyway to his advantage. While these men were definitely good at tracking, their skills in combat were mediocre at best.

Just as he knocked the final man out of his way to freedom, a sudden slam to his back sent him skidding into a pile of empty crates. The cap on his head slipped into his line of sight, blinding him as he went crashing into wood. The collision was just as painful as the hit to his back making him groan as multiple areas of his body flared in pain. He did not need to check to know that there would be scratches on his back. He pushed his cap away from his face and staggered up, warily eyeing the source. Giuseppe.

Giuseppe stared at the teen with a mixture of trepidation and anger. Part of him wished that he had taken more heed to what Matteo had just said. Clearly, they had been fooled by the teen's initial little act and were definitely unprepared. This person, whoever he was, was dangerous. But now that the element of surprise was gone, there was no way Giuseppe was going to allow any more errors.

"So you really are the culprit," muttered Giuseppe with a snarl, "I will have you be taken to Vetro."

"I had nothing to do with the deaths of your comrades," growled Tsuna with a frown, "In fact, I saved your advisor."

Giuseppe scoffed in disbelief, "You are a liar. I have no need to believe you," sneered the man, "You seem to have no trouble annihilating my men here."

Tsuna grimaced at the hostility but readied himself once more. There was no point in talking reason if the man refused to listen. An idea formed in his mind and while it was a far cry from what he would usually do, he needed to act fast. He could see Matteo struggling to get up. He was not keen on the idea of having a two on one.

The disguised brunette rushed towards the man as if to punch, only to slip off his cap and throw it into the man's face. Momentarily blinded by the obstruction, Giuseppe never saw the uppercut to his abdominal region. The man was knocked back and down instantly.

Tsuna broking into a run, fleeing from the group of defeated men. He had no desire to stay any longer, especially if they were going to try capturing him again. However, he could not help but pity Giuseppe. He knew for a fact that the attack hurt a lot, especially when one was unprepared for it.

That was actually how he had gotten Hibari once in a practice fight. He had ended up fracturing two of his guardian's ribs. The Cloud had been furious and was very close to returning the deed had Ryohei not jumped in to pacify the angry guardian.

Meanwhile, Giuseppe could only watch as the teen disappeared from their grasp. They had been so close. He cursed their luck before grimacing at throbbing pain in his front. He would definitely bruise from that hit. For one with such a small stature, he was surprisingly powerful. Giuseppe grasped the cap in his hand angrily. Though the tactic was underhanded, it was very clever of the teen. But the boss was not going to be happy about this.

Matteo stumbled over to Giuseppe, only to sit next to the man ignoring the glare that was aimed at him. "Vetro's going to kill us," said Matteo in resignation, as he tried to clean his glasses to no avail, "Did that hit feel as spectacular as it looked?"

Giuseppe glared at his twin, before using the cap to strike his brother on the head "Shut up, Teo. At least I wasn't the first to go down to a novice move," rumbled Giuseppe, only to wince at the pain the movement had caused him. The man continued with a depressed look, "This is by far the worst failure that we've had. I can't believe we were so careless."

Giuseppe looked at his sibling who was staring at the cap with a frown, "What's wrong?"

"Give me that hat," said Matteo sharply.

Without waiting for an answer, the man grabbed the cap and sniffed it. After a moment, Matteo cursed before shoving the item back into Giuseppe's hand, "Smell it," muttered Matteo quietly, "He is definitely no ordinary man. We've been taken for a ride."

Giuseppe raised his brow in confusion before taking a whiff of the cap himself. He wrinkled his nose in distaste. "It smells like perfume, Teo," said Giussepe, "I don't know see how perfume-"

"It was to hide the smell of Frierdo's dye," interrupted Matteo, "Trust me, I know that smell from anywhere, even with that perfume."

Giuseppe widened his eyes as he realized just where Matteo was going, "So you think it's probably them?"

"You know Frierdo only makes these dyes for certain bosses…only eight particular ones in Italy, two of which are in the alliance."

The two watched quietly as the rest of the men beginning to stir, "What happened at the docks wasn't some random assault; it was planned, Beppe. We need to report this to Vetro."

"Shit. He's not going to be happy at all," said Giuseppe grimly. The boss was going to be downright furious.

"Let's get back," said Matteo with a sigh, "I have a feeling our relaxing days are over."

From a distance of two blocks, Tsuna eyed the group of men trudging away from the alleyway he now resided in. Though he could not hear what they said but it was quite clear from their action that they had called off the chase. All six men were leaving.

Once he was absolutely certain that there was no chance of them returning, he turned back into the alleyway and let out a sigh of relief. He was sure that the only person that could possibly follow him was Matteo and he had seen that man helping an injured Giuseppe leave. The chase was finally over.

He frowned, pulling a clump of his hair into sight. The dye had deteriorated faster than he had hoped after he had thrown it. The only remaining signs were slight streaks of black. Other than that, his hair was back to its original brunette color. He would have to apologize to Giotto about the loss of the hat. Scratch that thought, he would have to apologize for the destruction of his entire outfit.

His clothes were definitely out of commission as small tears from the splintered wood littered both the vest and shirt. His pants were also in a sorry state with indescribable gunk that clung from the run. He was a complete mess.

Luckily, the amount of people out had thinned considerably since the storm had begun. At most, there were either one or two stragglers wandering about at each block. None of the people took notice of his bedraggled appearance; too busy trying to reach their destinations to care.

The brunette quickly headed towards his destination. He could feel the dull ache that had begun to spread from his lower back, up. Clearly, Giuseppe had been on another level than the others. The fact that he had escaped the brunette's notice to land a hit showed it. And if his assumption about Matteo being related to Giuseppe was correct, then he was lucky that he taken Matteo out first. There was no telling what could have happened if he had taken the two head on. He was willing to bet that the two probably fought better as a tag team than alone. If that were to happen, he doubted that he would come out of the fight with just mild back pains.

Tsuna made a quick stop at the dining shop where he had spent most of his day only to see it completely dark and unoccupied. As he had expected, the two workers were already long gone. He had no other option but to continue the lonely trudge towards Charles' shop. It didn't help that the adrenaline prior to the walk was gradually waning, making the cold a lot more noticeable.

Tsuna gave a slight shiver before sneezing, "This is just great," muttered the brunette to no one in particular. At this rate, he might as well welcome the possibility of getting the flu, lovely.

The brunette quickly walked the last couple of blocks, arriving to Charles's shop just as the rain was beginning to let up. He could not help but be drawn in by its warm glowing exterior. As he approached the door, he could make out shouts and laughter and could not help but hesitate. He did not want to interrupt the festivities with his sudden soppy entrance. Nor was he was not keen on the idea of being attacked upon the sight of his appearance.

If he remembered correctly he had passed a side door when Charles was taking him up to the guest room. Now which side was it on? He threaded around the shop before spotting the side entrance that was open just a crack, probably to let in some of the rainy evening breeze flow in.

He opened the door and entered quietly into the back room of the shop. As he turned to close the door, a sudden yank pulled him back. Purely out of reflex, he reacted with a punch only to be halted by none other than Charles.

The man looked at the male before him suspiciously, "Who are you? And what are you doing in my shop?"

Tsuna raised his brow; the man's grip on his arm was hard and unrelenting, "It's me, Charles. Thomas, Tsuna?" ventured Tsuna with a shaky smile.

Though he was sure that the owner would be a great opponent, he was too tired to try. All the exhaustion was finally catching up to him bit by bit. He did not want to mess with the man right now.

The owner of the shop frowned before his eyes widened in recognition, "Tsuna?" said the man in surprise, quickly letting go of the advisor's hand "You look absolutely horrible. I did not recognize you at all!"

The brunette scratched his wet hair and laughed sheepishly, "Yes. I know. I was wondering if you happen to have some towels. I rather not get your shop wetter than I already have."

Already there was a puddle of water growing around the brunette. Charles shook his head in disbelief before going towards a closet. After a moment of rummaging, he produced two towels and a mop.

"I take it that you had a rather adventurous day," said the Charles with a wry smile, "It seems you have Giotto's knack for getting into trouble."

Tsuna tilted his head in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"Last time, Giotto came back completely covered some god awful smelling goop and other little nasties," said Charles in remembrance, "Never did tell me how that happened."

Tsuna raised his brow in amusement as he tried to imagine the image but it proved to be unbelievable in his mindscape. Giotto did not seem like the type to get into messes.

He accepted the towels from Charles with a sigh of relief, "That sounds like a nightmare," commented Tsuna. He tossed one of the towels to the banister of the stair before using the other to rub his hair.

The owner watched the brunette with a nostalgic smile, "You had to be there in order to believe it. What was funnier was the fact that-"

Charles was interrupted by the sound of a slight but firm knock. "Charles… Don't corrupt my advisor with your tales," chided the very man that they were talking about. Giotto was leaning against the entrance of the back room, arms crossed. He was dressed casually; a simple navy dress shirt and black slacks as opposed to the usual formal ensemble. The small smile his face indicated that he had heard every word.

Charles turned to Giotto with a grin, "But what if the stories are true, Giotto?" taunted the man cheerfully, not at all panicked by his sudden appearance. Tsuna hid a grin under the towel and continued the slow process of drying his hair.

Giotto only shook his head in amusement, "Go back outside Charles. Your wife is wondering why you're taking so long."

"Ah, my dearprincipessa calls," said Charles with a dramatic sigh, "You'd think they'd become more refined as they grow older. Bah."

Tsuna could not help but chuckle at the man's comment while Giotto simply smiled, "You better hope she never catches wind of you saying that," warned the Vongola Boss mischievously, "Your lucky that she hasn't found out about the time you-"

"Very well," interrupted Charles with a mock glare, "I must say before I go, that was very low of you, Giotto." He grabbed two bottles from a rack and presented Giotto with the mop, "You will be taking care of the rest?" asked Charles with a raised brow.

Giotto simply took the mop and beckoned the man to leave. "Of course I will, Charles. Now go, before I decide to enlighten my advisor about the time you and Lucio tried to,"

"Alright, alright!" said Charles in alarm, "No need to bring all these issues up. They are in the past, the past!" With that, the owner of the shop quickly departed from the room and back to the merriment in the front room. Once the man left, Giotto turned his attention towards the neglected brunette.

Tsuna did not need to look up to know that there was a frown on the man's face. After a moment, Giotto let out a small sigh. The unasked question lingered heavily and Tsuna could not help but shift uncomfortably at the potentially unwelcoming news that he needed to report.

This thought brought him to the item that was tucked inside his pocket with his gloves. What was he going to do about the ring now that he had accepted it? There was so much to say, but where to start?

The brunette slowly removed the towel from his head letting it hang from his shoulders to look at the boss. "I apologize for not following your orders but... something came up that I needed to check out." The brunette continued looking somberly at the boss, "What I found was not exactly the greatest news. I think it would be best if I told you later?"

Giotto arched his brow at the sudden grimness of the brunette but did not press the man. Instead, the blonde beckoned Tsuna towards the stairs, "Go to the room. I'll clean that up."

Tsuna managed a small grateful smile, thankful that the blonde did not question his choice. He grabbed the extra towel from the banister before heading up to the room, doing his best to let as little water drip as possible. It was a poor attempt as he inevitably left small puddles on the ground and stairs.

Once in the room, the brunette slowly stripped off the gunk filled pants and destroyed outfits. He was careful to not irritate the scratches on his back which were still aching from the fall into the crates.

He had caught a fleeting glance from the mirror and it did not look pretty at all. If anything, it looked like a kitten had decided that his back would make a good scratching post and went wild. Thankfully, most of the injuries were just first and second-degree abrasions with the exception of the moderate size bruise from Giuseppe. Other than those small wounds, he was completely fine.

He dropped the garments on the soggy towel that he had used to dry his hair. The rest of his items, namely his gloves and the ring were placed on the small bed, covered by the thin blanket. He was highly tempted to just drop himself on the bed and sleep away the night, but Giotto was waiting.

He used the extra towel to wipe himself once more before tying it to his waist. Only then, did he remember what he was missing, his clothes. The bag all his belongings were not here; it was still downstairs with Charles. He let out a small curse. How was he going to get that? He was not keen on the idea of putting the wet clothes back on. It was a pain to take it off and he highly doubted that the reverse process would be any better. Perhaps he could sneak down?

A sharp knock brought him out of his thoughts. Tsuna frowned before moving to answer the door to Giotto, who was leaning on the mop that he was given. The Vongola boss arched his brow at the sight of the half naked advisor, "Is there any reason why you haven't dressed yet?" asked the blonde evenly, though the look in his eyes clearly indicated his amusement.

However, it was quick to disappear when the blonde set his sights on the bruised hand. By then, the brunette could not help but doubly curse his predicament. The Boss had noticed. Tsuna quickly used the hand to scratch his head, his face a slight red from embarrassment, "Actually, I forgot that I had given Charles the-."

"Bag that is downstairs, behind the counter?" finished Giotto as he observed the brunette with a frown. Tsuna gaped at the man before giving a reluctant nod. He could not help but feel as if he was being scrutinized, bit by bit. It was clear that the Giotto was not happy.

Said man stared at the brunette before shaking his head, not knowing what to think. He had seen the bag earlier when he first arrived and had expected the brunette to be around as well. But imagine his surprise when the man was not present at the party.

He and Charles had planned the arrangement so that all the people from the shops that he had circled would be attending under the guise of Charles' daughter's birthday. That way, Tsuna would have been taken back as well if the brunette were to have forgotten the way. So why was the one he set this up for missing?

When he spoke with Sonia and Lucio, they had informed him that the brunette left roughly two hours before they finished closing. Both expressed their suspicions and worry, having come to the conclusion that Tsuna had decided to follow one or both of the advisors. Giotto was surprised and by the brunette's choice. He had thought the man to be reluctant to do anything in general, so it was definitely a shock when the advisor left the restaurant on his own accord.

That left Giotto with no choice but to wait until his missing advisor arrived. For the next hour or so, Giotto contented himself with the companionship of his people. After all, it had been a long time since he had a legitimate excuse to not work.

G had gone ahead, returning to headquarters, muttering about having to meet with Knuckle and Asari for a drink. Giotto did not question it, glad that the guardian had not forced him to return as well. It was not until much later that the brunette made his appearance.

Giotto had been talking with Lucio when Charles' wife, Camilla, came to ask if Giotto could get Charles and if Lucio would help her with the food. Apparently, her husband was taking too long and she needed to mind the guests. Giotto complied while Lucio followed the woman to the front stove. Both knew better than to disobey the woman's requests. They had seen what had happened to Charles and they were reluctant to be targeted by Camilla. It would be most unwise.

He quickly made his way to the backroom, only to be greeted with a surprise. There stood his advisor, mere inches from striking Charles in the face. Though the older male had stopped the possibility of a hit, he did not let go. Neither man noticed his presence which was fine by Giotto, that is, until Charles started talking about the past.

Before the café owner could continue the tale, the Vongola boss made it known that he was present. Tsuna seemed completely surprised at the male's presence while Charles simply smiled, as if he already knew. Giotto did not put it past the man to have already known from the beginning. He could not recall a time where he had escaped the man's notice.

When Charles departed to pacify his wife, Giotto was left with a mop and a sopping wet advisor. Questions for the brunette made themselves known in the Vongola's mind, especially concerning what the brunette had done in the time he had left the shop until now.

Instead of asking, Giotto found himself sending the man up to the room. It was such a surprise that Tsuna had been so solemn. That left him to clean up the puddles that had been left behind and to collect his thoughts. It was when he'd reached the top of the stairs that he realized the brunette probably had nothing to change into. And right he was.

When the brunette answered his knock, Giotto was greeted with the sight of a half dressed advisor. It was funny until he took note of the injuries the brunette seemed to have accumulated. Again. There was a small but dark bruise on the advisor's hand and the small scratches on the side of the brunette's ribs indicated that he had quite possibly hurt his back as well.

Just what had the brunette gotten in his absence? The blonde could not help but be reminded of what G said to him when he was younger. Clearly he was not the only one who had a gift of getting into trouble…Which brought him back to the problem at hand.

Meanwhile, Tsuna could only watch as a series of emotions flitted through the Vongola's eyes. Another sigh escaped the man's mouth. Whether it was from frustration or amusement, Tsuna did not know nor did he want to. Giotto shook his head once more before letting himself into the room, leaving the mop outside in the hall.

Once Giotto was in the room, he made his way to the bed and began to fumble underneath it. After a moment, the man pulled out two bags that were virtually identical to the one that was left downstairs.

Tsuna stared in surprise as the man check both bags before tossing the brunette the bulkier one. "There should be some shirts and pants that you can wear. We'll have to get your clothes, later," said Giotto with a slight smile, "Change into what you can, preferably what you wore before you came here."

Tsuna nodded, having already taken out a pair of dark brown pants, similar to the one he wore before. With the exclusion of the small bottles of dye, the bag held the exact contents as the bag he had earlier today with just changes and styles. As he quickly pulled up his pants, he could not help but wonder where Giotto got all of this. He was startled out of his thoughts by Giotto's next comment.

"Now, about your hand and back," muttered Giotto as he began setting out small jars and cloth rolls the bag that he held. Tsuna could not help but twitch at the comment. Though he could not hide the bruise on his hand, he had made sure his back hidden from the blonde's view.

"How did you know about that?" blurted Tsuna in confusion.

Giotto gave a slight smile, "I didn't. But now that I do, all the more reason to find that bottle," muttered the blonde as he began searching once more. "Don't put your shirt on yet."

Tsuna could only gap at the man before sighing, so much for being careful. He pulled on the pants before seating himself on the ground next to Giotto, watching as the man sorted the contents of the bag. It was a wonder how the Vongola was able to tell the bottles apart; they all looked the same to Tsuna.

Finally, Giotto set aside a small jar and a roll bandages. "Turn around," ordered Giotto as he got up to rinse his hands. The brunette widened his eyes as he realized just what the man was planning to do and he protested, "I can do it myself. There's no need for you to-"

"You'll only be able to reach part of you back," interrupted the Vongola with a raised brow, "There isn't much left so I need to make sure it is evenly spread."

Tsuna frowned as the man began washing his hands, before reluctantly turning to face the door. There was really no need for him to do this, unless. Tsuna raised his brow as he realized the man's motive and let out a small laugh, "Would you like to hear it from the beginning?" asked the advisor with a slight grin, "Or shall I wait until we return to your office?" He turned his head to gauge the Vongola's reaction.

Giotto did not even pause as the brunette figured it out. He seated himself on the floor and calmly opening the jar to scoop out the salve, "Well, how about you figure out what to say in the office, right now?" suggested the blond man amiably.

Tsuna craned his neck to get a look at the salve before a whiff of the lotion made him turn to the door, "Do all of these things have such a…strong smell?" grumbled the brunette in distaste, momentarily forgetting about what he was going to report.

"Knuckle isn't one for scents. You are not the only one who has complained about it," replied Giotto with a small chuckle, "Brace yourself."

Tsuna nodded. Yet even with the warning, he could not help but let a hiss of pain as the reeking substance met his skin. The touches burned, stinging his wounds to the point where it actually hurt more than actually getting injured. Tsuna could not help but wonder just what Knuckle mixed together to give the salve such a strong punch before biting back a yelp as it was applied to a more open cut, near his back waist.

Giotto dabbed the last of the wounds and watched sympathetically as Tsuna flinched once more. He knew how much it hurt. He also knew that Knuckle had purposely made the ointment sting just to teach Giotto a lesson on getting hurt during his escapades. The man had a surprisingly vindictive streak, not that he would admit it. However, as much as it hurt, it was invaluably useful. After all, the man had laced some of the ingredients with his own flames.

"Give it a minute or two for it to stop hurting," said Giotto as he took the now empty jar to the small sink to wash, "Believe me it'll feel a lot better"

Tsuna only nodded, not trusting his voice to stay steady. Wow, that packed a punch. But true to the Vongola's words, a cool sensation soon replaced the burning one making the brunette sigh in relief.

Once he trusted himself to move without wincing, he grabbed the roll of bandages. He had barely begun unwinding the roll when it was taken away from him. "Just stay still. I said I would do it for you," chided Giotto with a slight frown, "Be thankful."

"Thanks," said the brunette reluctantly allowing the man to wrap his back. Though he would not admit it, it was nice not having to do anything for once. How long has it last been since someone had just simply pampered him? Not since he had left his home in Japan. And that had been two years ago.

His friends did whatever they could to help him out and for that, he was thankful. Though oft times, he ended up indulging them instead. He knew of the assignments that they had been given were difficult, after all he was the one who assigned them. But it couldn't be helped.

"Alright, that's about it." muttered Giotto, giving a small nod at his work. He tossed what was left of the roll into the bag and began to gather the bottles.

Tsuna sat for a moment before getting up to put on the gray dress shirt that he had taken out prior to the treatment. As he finished buttoning up the last button, the door to the room was wrenched open, revealing a completely ecstatic woman, who looked to be in her late thirties.

The woman wore a russet fitted bodice and skirt that with a manila colored apron over the ensemble. She had dark blond hair that was tied back in a thick braid that ended at her waist and green eyes that were brimming with excitement.

However, that enthusiasm was quickly extinguished into alarm. Before Tsuna could get a word in, he was sent sprawling into the bed. Who knew that someone in a dress could be so fast? Before the brunette could retaliate, Giotto interfered, holding the woman back with an amused chuckle. "Camilla, calm down. That was my advisor you just hit."

Camilla widened her eyes in surprise, "Giotto! I thought you told everybody that you wouldn't have one again. And he doesn't even look like he's over twenty!"

"Now, now Camilla, I take it that Charles hasn't explained it to you," said Giotto with a raised brow, "He is an exception. I chose him."

Camilla looked at the Vongola in disbelief before letting out a small sigh. "Well, if it's like that then I guess… it'll be okay."

Giotto smiled reassuringly before turning to Tsuna, "Is your back alright? It looked like you landed pretty hard."

He could see the instant worry that had formed in the woman's eyes as Giotto mentioned the hit. Tsuna nodded, "Yes, I'm fine. Just wasn't prepared for that," said the advisor with an assuring smile.

"Very well, then. Camilla, I would like you to meet my advisor, Tsuna. He was originally from Japan but he decided to come to aid me and learn more about Italy," introduced Giotto, "Tsuna, this is Camilla, Charles lovely wife."

Tsuna bowed to the woman, "Pleasure to meet you, ma'am," greeted the brunette with a smile.

Camilla eyed the male for a good minute before giving a small smile of acceptance, "Well aren't you a sweet one. Call me Camilla," said the woman, "I do apologize for that sudden attack. I had come up here expecting only one. So imagine my surprise when there were two!"

Tsuna shook his head, "No harm done, Ma'- Camilla. It's all in the past."

Camilla smiled before turning to Giotto with a small giggle, "Now, the reason that I came up here was to break the news!"

Giotto raised his brow, "And what would that be?"

"Lucio finally proposed to Sonia!" squealed Camilla in utter happiness. "They want you to be their best man!"

Giotto widened his eyes in surprise, "That sly man. He finally did it!"

Camilla nodded excitedly, "The ring is beautifully done. The two are so adorable. It reminds me of my proposal."

Tsuna only raised his brow in amusement as he sat on the bed and slipped on a black vest and shoes. He would have to congratulate him the next time he saw Lucio. As the two continued talking, Tsuna took the opportunity to slip the hidden contents from the bed into the inner pocket of his vest. He would deal with the questions later. Once he was all set, he sat patiently listening to the conversation in silence.

"Do you think that it would be possible to have the wedding in the courtyard?" asked Camilla with a thoughtful look. "I know for a fact that Sonia would be delighted if that were possible. She loves it there."

"Well, I'm sure that it can be arranged, if they want to. It would be an honor."

"In such hard times, it is truly a blessing to see those two together."

"Yes, I'm sure that the news will spread rapidly," said Giotto with a knowing smile, "Especially with you and Charles around."

Camilla gave a small huff of indignation, "You know how much this means to them! They have been dancing around it for years. I already have two daughters!"

"Remember to go over things with Sonia first," warned Giotto, "I'm sure she has plans as well."

"Of course," said the woman with a raised brow, before gasping, "Oh dear, I said I would bring you down but here I am talking away."

Giotto chuckled, "Well, we were planning to come down, right Tsuna? I'm sure you're hungry as well."

Tsuna looked up to the two in surprise before nodding his head vigorously, "Yes. That would be great," said the brunette with a smile. He had been close to dozing off. It wasn't like he was doing it on purpose but sitting on the bed was another reminder to just how tired his was. Thankfully, neither noticed, his lapse in attention as Camilla beckoned the two to follow. Tsuna quickly scrambled up as the two already left the room, still talking about the wedding.

"We still have plenty of food that has yet to be eaten," said the woman with a smile, "I'm sure that it'll fill you up in no time."

Tsuna gave a grateful smile, "I'm looking forward to it." At the mention of food, his stomach was suddenly feeling very empty. Come to think of it, the last time he had eaten was at noon and that had been hours ago. Had Reborn been here, he would have definitely scolded Tsuna. He gave a slight shiver, for once glad he was in the past.

After introductions, he already knew most of the people there; Camilla managed to get him a platter of spaghetti that was loaded with sauce, meat, and even vegetables. It was huge. He had wanted to protest, but the look Giotto gave him when he saw, made him reconsider. Apparently, Camilla was known to have a big temper and was not to be trifled with. Tsuna wisely decided to eat.

The birthday celebration, now coupled with the news of the proposal brought the party into its highest peak. It was so loud, Tsuna had to wonder how no one seemed to come over and complain. If anything, it seemed like there were even more people arriving. And the fact that he was also sitting with Giotto meant that plenty of people came to talk to him as well.

He had even managed to see Lucio and Sonia, though they did not recognize him initially. Sonia looked like she had been crying before but clearly that did not dither her from laughing and shouting happily. Lucio stood relaxed by her side, talking with those who had come up to congratulate them.

"Giotto, who is this," asked Sonia in curiosity, "I have never seen him before."

Giotto who had been talking to a middle aged man raised his brow, "I think you have met." He turned back to his previously interrupted conversation, leaving his advisor to make amends.

Tsuna put down his fork and answered with a slight grin. "Ma'am, I'm hurt," said Tsuna reverting to his earlier guise, "How could you forget 'bout me so fast?"

"Don't call me ma'am…" Sonia widened her eyes in surprise, "Thomas!"

Tsuna smiled, "My actual name is Tsuna. It is a pleasure to meet you once again, ma'am. I take it that you did not have to confess tonight?"

"I told you to call me Sonia!" said the woman with a small glare, "Wait, you knew that he was going to confess to me?"

Tsuna widened his eyes, "Yes, of course not ma', I mean Sonia."


Tsuna gave a small nervous laugh, "It was a surprise?"

Lucio chuckled at the brunette's antics, "Now, now don't be like that."

"Be like what?" asked Sonia testily, though there was an amused glint in her eyes, "I have half in mind to get Camilla to come here and-"

Tsuna quickly changed the topic before the two could start bickering, "Congratulations, Sonia, Lucio. I wish you both the best. You two look wonderful together, truly wonderful."

Lucio nodded his thanks while Sonia instantly smiled; turning a rich shade of red that complimented her skin, "Thank you, Tsuna though I still won't forgive you for not telling. That means a lot to me." She turned to Lucio, a loving gaze in her eyes, "This is the most wonderful day of my life, Lucio."

"I know," replied Lucio simply.

Before they could say anymore, Camilla came quickly to take the newly engaged couple to meet others who wanted to see them as well. Tsuna watched them go with a smile, glad to have seen the two once more.

"I don't think I can look at another plate of spaghetti the same, ever again," muttered Tsuna with a small groan as he sat with a glass of light wine. It had taken him a good half hour to finish his meal.

Giotto who had been sitting across from him chuckled, "I'm surprised you managed to finish the plate at all. Even I have trouble eating all of that in one sitting."

"Wait, she did this on purpose?"

"So are you ready to go, Thomas?" asked Giotto, changing the topic with a slight smile, "Or is that not possible at the moment?"

Tsuna glared at blond male who had only had a slice of cake, "You purposely…Just because you-!" The brunette sighed glumly, "Never mind, I'm ready whenever you are sir."

Giotto laughed, startling Tsuna and surprising those who sat around them, before getting up. Up until now, Tsuna had only ever heard the man chuckle at most, so it was definitely a shock though it was pleasant to listen to. Meanwhile the others around began shouting, "What's so funny that you're actually laughing, Giotto?"

"Nothing really. Just remembered something from the past," said Giotto smoothly, before getting up and tapping a fork against his glass. Almost instantly, the shop was silent. One could almost hear the sound of the rain outside. "First off, I would like to wish Diana a happy fifteenth birthday."

There was a round of clapping and shouts for the girl that was sitting with Camilla. Said girl gave thanks and curtsied with a slight blush at all the attention. Once the round of applause was over, everyone silenced once more, waiting in anticipation.

"Next, I would like to congratulate Lucio Conti and Sonia Rizzo for finally being engaged," said Giotto with a beaming smile at the couple. There was a roar of approval from all that was present. Tsuna could only stare in admiration, such a tight knitted group; it left him giddy and relaxed. And at the front of it was Giotto commanding the people's attention with relative ease. Tsuna smiled quietly before taking a sip of his wine only to nearly choke at what Giotto said next.

"Finally, I would like to reintroduce you all to my new advisor, Tsuna. He will be staying for an intermittent amount of time," said Giotto easily, "He came all the way from Japan, so please welcome him."

Tsuna tried getting up while also clearing his throat from the clog of wine. "Hi. Pleased to meet you all," said Tsuna with a small smile only to bang into the chair that he had been sitting in.

The brunette could not help but curse at his clumsiness. There was a moment of silence before Charles burst out laughing, "Really, Tsuna. You are a really strange man, composed one moment and then clumsy the next." There was accompanied laughter while Tsuna could only blush and take it with a laugh.

Giotto chuckled, "With that all in mind, please enjoy the rest of the party." Not a minute passed before the people returned to its previous vigor. Camilla made her way over to the two men as they prepared to leave. "Won't you two stay any longer?"

"No, but I do apologize Camilla. However, I have stayed for far too long," said Giotto with a small smile, "G will definitely be furious with me if I stay any longer. And I still have work that needs to done."

Camilla huffed in annoyance, "One of these days, I will have my way with him!" said the woman determinedly, "He'll definitely remember! Are you sure?" The Vongola boss nodded.

"Fine, here's the satchel that Charles hid for Tsuna," said Camilla with a resigned sigh. She handed over the bag and a small basket that was practically overflowing with food, "And take this back with you. If I know you well enough, you'll probably end up stay up all night."

Giotto smiled warmly, "Thank you, Camilla. I'll be sure to have someone return the basket tomorrow."

"Don't worry about it," said Camilla airily, "If someone doesn't look after your wellbeing, then where will we all be?" She did not wait for a reply, already making her way back to her daughter. Once she was reunited with her child, Giotto turn back to his advisor, who had once again been accosted by the men.

Andrew, who had brought his family, was once again asking questions, "Yo, Tsuna, you still haven't explained what a tako-what was that thing called again?"

Tsuna raised his brow in surprise, "Takoyaki? It's just round ball batter with cooked octopus in it."

"That's so peculiar!" muttered Andrew with another queasy look akin to the one he had in the morning. Rounds of laughter broke through café at the man's face.

"Andrew, you really need to curb that curiosity of yours," joked Charles with a grin, "One day, you'll really end up retching out your meal."

The carpenter gave a half-hearted glared, "Well, I haven't yet."

Tsuna gave a slight grin, "It's not that bad… It's popular amongst kids."

"Yes, I agree with Tsuna. It is rather delicious for a snack," added Giotto with an amused smile. Tsuna raised his brow, though he was thankful for the interruption.

Andrew seemed to pale even more, "You tried it?" sputtered the man in disbelief, "And you liked it?"

"Yes, I did," said Giotto before beckoning Tsuna to follow, "I'll be taking my advisor now." There was a groan of disapproval from the group that had gathered. They had wanted to hear more about the strange foods of Japan. However, each grudgingly waved or shouted a farewell before dispersing once more.

A good ten minutes passed before the two were actually out of the café and in the streets. It seemed that everyone wanted to get a word in, with either Giotto or introducing themselves to Tsuna. Tsuna let out a small sigh of relief as they began walking.

"Was that too much for you?" asked Giotto suddenly, startling Tsuna into looking at the man. "No, not at all," replied the brunette quickly, "It was interesting." He really did enjoy stay.

The blond man smiled in amusement, only to frown as he looked ahead. Tsuna followed his glance towards the end of the block and could not help but raise his brow. It was Alaude, along with what looked to be the butler, Jared. Tsuna was pretty sure that the man was probably more than just an average butler considering the way the man was watching their surroundings.

"Alaude, I'm surprised that you're out voluntarily," said Giotto with a raised brow, before handing the bag and basket that he was carrying to Tsuna.

"One of my men has reported to me that Vetro is planning to come with his men," said Alaude, with a frown.

Tsuna bit back a gasp, nearly dropping the basket of food he had taken. Giotto narrowed his eyes; all sign of ease completely slipped from the man's features, "What are we waiting for? Let's go," ordered Giotto tersely, already breaking into a run.

The rest of the group followed the man in silence. Instantly, all the cheer that Tsuna felt dissipated into worry. Just what was Vetro planning to do? He couldn't possibly think that it was the Vongola that set the attack, could he? He had a really bad feeling about this meeting. Perhaps he should tell Giotto about what had happened.

"Giotto, about this afternoon, I-"

"Tell him later, advisor," interrupted Alaude with a slight glance to Tsuna, "It's not safe to speak out here; especially at this time." Tsuna bit his lip before giving a reluctant nod. As they drew closer to the building complex, Tsuna could not help but be overcome with a sense of foreboding.

"Do you know how many he brought with him?" said Giotto as they slowed down to a walk. The building seemed strangely quiet.

Alaude shook his head, "I would believe that it would be either ten to fifteen, possibly more. He doesn't want to draw too much attention."

"Do you know when?"

"No, but I would say no sooner than an hour."

Giotto frowned. That was not enough to start an attack. However, that was more than enough to make a splash and pose as a threat. As they entered the building, Giotto began walking towards his office, "Alaude… Go get the rest of the guardians. I believe that they should all be down in that room. Tell them to get prepared to be at the conference room." The man gave a slight nod already walking towards the stairs followed by Jared.

Tsuna followed the Vongola boss into the office, seating himself at the couch while placing the basket on the table. He watched as the man began looking though the new reports that had been placed at his desk.

After awhile, Giotto looked up and gave Tsuna a pointed look, "So, tell me about what happened. Be quick."

Tsuna closed his eyes with a sigh and began massaging his temple, "Silice works for Vetro; he's an undercover agent." The blunt reply made Giotto look up with a raised brow. Tsuna continued, "Not only that, but apparently, there's a spy here as well. He goes by the name of Caius, though I doubt that he is using that name here."

That got the blonde man's attention, "Really," said Giotto with a slight frown, "Did they give any mentioning of how he looked?"

Tsuna shook his head, a grim smile on his face "No, just that he was one of the newest recruits," supplied Tsuna with a small shrug "From what they said, it seems like he hasn't been able to get any information," added the brunette hastily.

"I see," said Giotto thoughtfully, his paperwork left forgotten on his desk. "I'll have to inform Alaude about this."

Tsuna continued, "Silice doesn't seem to have to all of what Scoria has, but he succeeded in getting what Vetro wanted, business account access."

Giotto frowned, "I thought so. I didn't see what else that man had to gain from him."

"Yes, and-. Wait, you knew already?" said Tsuna in disbelief.

He took the sudden silence as an affirmation. Tsuna eyed the blond man suspiciously, "How long have you known about this?"

"Before the three families made the alliance," said Giotto simply. When he saw the look of disbelief on the brunette's face, he chuckled, "The assignment was more for you than me though the news that there is a spy in our ranks is rather informative."

Tsuna nodded in understanding though he was still a bit peeved by what the man had done to him. He supposed it did help him pinpoint the family that was the problem. "That's about it for their meeting. Moldavite ended up going to the docks. I don't know where Silice went. There isn't much to report, if you already know most of this."

"So why did you not return with Sonia and Lucio?" asked Giotto in curiosity, "I'm sure they asked you to go with them."

Tsuna gave a small smile of nervousness, "I followed Moldavite." This time it was Giotto who was staring at Tsuna in disbelief.

"Why did you follow him?" said Giotto, a disapproving look in his eyes, "That was dangerous, especially since you don't know where half the things are!"

"I got there just fine!" interrupted Tsuna as he tried to pacify the worried man, "If anything, it was Moldavite that was in danger."

Giotto narrowed his eyes, "What do you mean?"

The brunette ran a hand through his hair before he explained what had happened at the dock up until he returned to Charles' shop. This section seemed to faze the Vongola boss more so than the news of Moldavite and Silice, particularly at the mentioning of Rosario. By the end of Tsuna's narration, Giotto was simply leaning back into his chair, eyes closed.

"Now it makes sense." Tsuna frowned at the comment, but Giotto seemed to have heard the unasked question and continued, "Vetro would never willing come here unless some part of the business is doing poorly. I was surprised when Alaude reported that to me since things have been flourishing."

"What are you going to do now that you know?" asked Tsuna worriedly. No matter how he thought about it, the outcome of the meeting would surely lead to fighting.

"Well, I guess Vetro will finally be willing to talk. I was hoping that it wouldn't get to this degree," muttered Giotto with a tired sigh, massaging his eyes, "Moldavite is alright?"

"He should be fine," Tsuna nodded. "I don't think there were any permanent injuries. When I left, I was pretty sure that Vetro was the first to reach him, why?"

"If Moldavite had been killed, it was highly possible that Vetro would have made an immediate move," said Giotto grimly, "That would have ruined all the plans I've made so far, though most of them cannot be used now that Vetro is going to avidly go for it."

Tsuna frowned, "What do I do about the ring? Wouldn't it be of more use to you?"

Giotto shook his head, "I trust your judgment on when to use it, though I am still surprised that he would do such a thing," said the man thoughtfully, "Then again, he owes you a debt for saving his life."

Tsuna frowned before slipping it on the hand that was empty of rings and pulling on another pair of the butler-like gloves he found in the bag. He wasn't too sure how he felt about having someone in debt to him when he did not even belong to this era. Giotto, in the mean time, began pulling out a couple bulky folders from his drawer, "Do you want to attend?"

Tsuna gave a slight smile of surprise. "I have a choice?"

Giotto chuckled, "I will be having G and the rest there, so it'll be fine if you don't go."

Tsuna was torn at the decision, on one hand he wanted to observe what would happen but on the other hand, he wanted to just return to his room and sleep. Before he had a chance to voice his thoughts, they were interrupted by the entrance of G. The man was dressed neatly, making himself look all the more imposing. He spared a glance at Tsuna, particularly at the gloved hands before turning his attention towards Giotto.

"They are going to be here soon," said the red-haired man with a frown, "I told Jared, to ready the men, just in case. Alaude, Rampou, and Knuckle are all prepared and ready."

Giotto nodded, already moving to the door, "Very well. Tsuna, take the bag with you. The door will lock by itself when you leave. I think it is best if you retire for the night."

Tsuna opened his mouth to protest, but the door closed before he could even get his sentence out. He frowned at the abrupt exit before leaning into the couch. He was curious at what they would discuss, though he was sure that Giotto would probably give him a summary in the morning. But that did not make him worry any less for the Vongola Family. He could not help but wonder how Vetro would try to go about with this. He sighed before closing his eyes, similar to what Giotto done. But he was quickly jolted out of his by the sound of a sharp knock, almost falling off the couch.

He hastily got up only to answer the door, only to realize that he was not supposed to be here. A look at the clock showed that only ten minutes had elapsed since Giotto and G's departure. There was another knock before the door knob began moving. Tsuna widened his eyes in alarm; he was going to be found out. However, after a couple jiggles of the doorknob, it became evident to both the brunette and the knocker that the door was locked. After a few moments, there was the sound of clopping boots, gradually growing fainter down the hall.

Only when it was silent did Tsuna allow himself to collapse back into the couch in relief. He needed to leave before any more people decided to try getting into the room. He grabbed the bag that still hid his clothes and left the room silently, closing the door behind him with a soft click.

"My, my, so there was someone in there?" Tsuna instantly tensed, cursing his moment of carelessness. He should have known that he wouldn't get off easily. He turned slowly to the sound of the voice, coming face to face with a near exact replica of his mist guardian. Only this one had bangs and significantly shorter hair. He had aquamarine eyes that complimented his azure hair. The male was dressed in French military-like style clothe, though there was an air of aristocracy exuding from the man's frame. In his hand was a thin cane with a hooked handle.

"Are you that rumored advisor that Giotto, himself, chose?" pondered the man as he sized up the brunette before him. "Or are you the spy?"

Tsuna shook his head at the idea, "I'm the advisor. My name is Tsuna."

"Oh really?" said the male with a smirk. Tsuna gave a weak smile only to bite back a yelp of surprise when the cane was swiftly pointed at his neck. Somehow, the handle was flipped to a sharp blade with a dark liquid that could quite possibly be poison. Tsuna did not want to be the first to test it.

"How do I know for sure?" asked the man questioningly, an inexplicable smile on his face.

Tsuna opened his mouth to answer, only to close it once more as he realized something. He had no proof. All those times, he had been introduced by Giotto. Never did he actually receive anything to show to others that he was actually an advisor.

"Hmm? Why so silent? Could it be… that you are actually a spy? Should I just kill you?"

The brunette glared at the man, "I am Giotto's advisor. I do not need proof," said Tsuna confidently, though internally, he was anything but. Any slight movement on his part could ultimately lead him to his death, which he was not too keen on doing. He wouldn't put it past Reborn to simply go and bring him back just to kill him again for his stupidity.

The man stared at the brunette in mild surprise before smirking, "I like your attitude, boy."

Tsuna watched as he recapped the cane in one fluid motion before extending his hand out to the brunette, "My name is Daemon Spade. I am the Mist Guardian of Vongola."

Tsuna took the hand and nodded, "A pleasure, sir."

"I take it that he has already left," said Daemon with a slight frown, gesturing at the locked door.

"Yes, he went to the conference room," supplied Tsuna, "I believe that your presence would be needed…"

"And what about you, advisor?" asked the Mist guardian with a smirk, "Shouldn't one of, such high position, be there as well?"

Tsuna gave a smile that almost came out as a grimace, "Well, you see, Giotto,"

The Mist guardian chuckled before clasping the brunette's shoulder, "Nufufu, I think it's best that we both go… grace them with our presence."

"But," Began Tsuna with barely concealed panic, "I don't think that's a good idea."

Daemon tightened his hold on the male's shoulder, "Come now, if you are really an advisor, you should know how important it is to always stand behind your leader," lectured the male, practically forcing Tsuna to walk forward.

"We wouldn't want any… incidents to reoccur now do we?"

The brunette gave a small nervous laugh, as he reluctantly allowed himself to be led towards the conference room. He could not help but internally curse his situation. He just wanted to go back to his room and sleep. How hard was that?

I know I should probably be moving the plot along faster but I hope you enjoyed it, nevertheless.
Feel free to leave a comment!
And once again, enjoy your summer and don't get sunburned! : )