Monday Prompt: February 15, 2010
Summary: Shuuhei suffers from nightmares, Kensei is there to take care of him.
DISCLAIMER: xX12Xx does not own Kensei or Shuuhei, they belong to Bleach which in turn belongs to Kubo Tite. The prompt belongs to Jimaine321.
Enjoy :D
He had no idea what was scaring his lover so much, what had seated itself so firmly into the recesses of Shuuhei's mind that the younger was unable to shake the terrible visions, visions that seemed only to surface on the darkest of nights.
Shuuhei was whimpering and shaking and mumbling incoherently and tossing and turning. He just sat there, watching helplessly as Shuuhei fought his inner demons as he himself fought the urge to wake him up, to hug him and tell him it would all be okay. He waited until the mumbling, tossing and turning, and shaking stopped and everything turned silent.
Still he waited. Then the whimpers turned to shallow sobs, shaking his smaller frame and tears glided down smooth cheeks. Settling back into the bed, he gathered his broken lover into his arms and cuddled him to his chest. "It's okay kid, it's over now," he patted his back and ran a hand through his hair, "You did good." Shuuhei unconsciously scooted closer, his breath evening out and his quivering muscles relaxing, Kensei kissed the top of his head, "I'm here for ya."
Minutes passed and Shuuhei was sleeping soundly again; Kensei, however, lay awake, still rubbing his hand over his lover's back in an ever comforting gesture and he would mumble the same question every night, "What the hell did they do to you?"
He didn't know what was bugging his lover. He didn't know what had left the boy in his arms so scarred that he would come undone in the middle of the night, letting salty rivulets of tears stain his beautiful face. He didn't know what could possibly be shaking Shuuhei up but he did know one thing. As Shuuhei nuzzled still further into Kensei's protective embrace he knew that no matter what he would always be there for him, to comfort him when he needed it the most.
"It's over now," he kissed Shuuhei on top of his head, "I'm here for ya," he rested his head back onto his pillow and closed his eyes, "and I always will be."
Hope you enjoyed it. Please review.
~ xX12Xx