CHAPTER 1: An unexpected visit.
It was not fair. It was not fair. It did not matter how many people were suffering as well; nor the ones who could not suffer anymore. Draco knew he was a raging bastard for having such horrible thoughts, but, still, they were there, and the only comfort he had was to dwell in his pain until the rest of the world seemed dull and gray by comparison. As he stared into the lit fireplace, he felt how his eyes burned, and waited for the tears to overflow his eyelids and roll down his face; but they never did.
-Master? –a creaky voice called from the door.
-Yes, Kerrin? –his eyes did not leave the flames as he spoke.
-Is there anything Master wants us to do with...?
-No, just leave everything as it is now.
'As it has always been', he thought bitterly. The house elf nodded and left, closing the office's door softly behind her. He knew she was shattered, for Narcissa and Lucius had always been rightful masters to her. But not anymore. What kind of master leaves their servants without a sad goodbye? Draco knew what kind. The kind that were encircled and imprisoned by force, as dirty criminals. Nevermind their outstanding contribution to the wizard society.
What was he to do, now? On his own, with no one by his side, Draco thought for the first time about how young and inexperienced he was. His whole life, he had been a mirror for his father to look at and smile. Draco swelled up with pride every time someone told him how much he resembled his father, for he had always been his one and only role model. But what can a mirror reflect if no one looks in it? Was he expected to assume the role of Master of the house, now? Judging by the way the elves had started bowing further down, he guessed so. He shivered.
-Kerrin –he called, in the same volume as if the house elf had been standing next to him.
-Yes, Master? –the creature entered the room in a hurry.
-Please, make sure all fireplaces are properly lit. The house is awfully cold.
-Yes, Master –she bowed again before running out of the room.
As Draco observed the walls of his father's office, the shelves filled with books, the leather chairs… He felt another chill running up his spine and wished Kerrin would hurry with the fireplaces. Little did he know that the cold he felt inside his bones had nothing to do with the house's temperature.
The dark, cloaked figure appeared at the front of Malfoy Manor. In a matter of seconds, the elves had warned his Master, and he received the stranger with a smile as firm as the grip on his wand.
-Put your wand away, Mr. Malfoy –a very well-known voice said.
-Professor –his cold smile widened-, what a delightful surprise.
-You may keep your sarcasm to yourself.
-Please, come in –he made a gesture with his arm as he opened the door.
-Thank you.
He led her to the office, where he spent most of his time now. McGonagall started sweating as soon as she stepped in; the room was horribly warm, and the flaming fireplace did not make it any better. As Draco poured two glasses of his father's fine scotch, she raised a sceptical eyebrow.
-Are you old enough to drink that, Draco? –she asked.
-I'm not going to ask you the same question, Minerva –he smiled again.
Without a word, she accepted the glass and sat on one of the leather chairs in front of the desk. Draco sat behind it, and she had the horrible impression it was not her student who was in front of her, but his father. Lucius Malfoy also had a particular way of making you feel like shit just by smiling. Her only comfort was that his face had a little bit more colour in it than Lucius'.
-You did not come for idle conversation, I suppose.
-Actually I came to see how you were.
-How touching –he took a sip of scotch.
-I have been contacting all students lately. Basically, as new Headmistress, I decided to welcome back everyone who could not finish seventh grade. That includes all those half-bloods and mudbloods (isn't that what you call them?) who were banned from Hogwarts.
-Very thoughtful of you –he nodded.
-I seriously do not appreciate your irony, Draco.
-This was not irony, Minerva; I can assure you you will know when I use irony with you. I actually find the idea very adequate.
-Are you going to consider my offer, then?
-And spend another year at Hogwarts? –his eyebrows rose- Maybe even be a Prefect, huh?
-I am not sure things would go that far –Minerva smirked-. But if you do want to continue your studies, you would be welcome back.
-Look around you, Minerva –he made a gesture with his hand-. Everything my parents owned now is mine. Why on earth would I want to go back there?
-Because. Now you have lots of things, but you are nothing.
Draco's eyes narrowed down to tiny slits. He still could not believe she had bothered to visit him; surely she had not paid each one of her students a visit. And there she was, drinking his father's scotch (quite avidly, he thought), and insulting him right in his face. 'If she was a hundred years younger…', the odd thought crossed his mind.
-This is completely up to you, Draco, but I'm going to be frank with you: everyone knows who you are. Sooner or later, you will have to make something out of your life. Who do you think will want to employ you? Or work for you? Or even allow you to marry their daughter?
-In answer to your questions, I have enough money to spend the rest of my life without a job. I would never want to employ anyone and I am seriously considering spending the rest of my life in celibate.
-Okay, yes, whatever, Draco. Do you think you can take it? Spending the rest of your life in a cold huge mansion by yourself?
-I can try.
-You're no Severus Snape, son.
Involuntarily, his teeth clenched, and his grip on the scotch glass tightened until he thought he might break the glass. That had been a very low shot. That greasy son of a bitch had lied to everyone; him included, and after all, died to save everyone. Him included. Once fucking Potter had told the truth, Draco understood all those mysteries about Severus. And how the blood traitor had worked for so many years to destroy Voldemort. And how he had guessed Draco could not be able to kill that ancient moron.
-And I am happy to say you are not your father, either.
-You are dangerously close to crossing the line, Minerva.
-Really? And what are you going to do? Attack me? –she laughed- You wouldn't have a chance.
She scanned his face and knew he thought she was right. Obviously, there was no way he could compete with someone like Minerva McGonagall. And he was aware of it.
-This is why you have to come back to Hogwarts. Unless you want everyone to think that Draco Malfoy is an illiterate jerk who could not even finish his studies.
-Touché, Minerva –he gulped the rest of the scotch down his throat and made a face.
-Very well, then –she rose up-. I brought you the list of materials you're going to need. Though I think you already have most of them.
Draco watched her leave a couple sheets of paper on the desk and adjust her cloak. From her height, Minerva realised how scared and young he actually looked, and had to repress a sigh. She had never liked Draco Malfoy, and sure as hell she was not going to like him now. But it was, nonetheless, a demolishing sight.
-I will see you back at Hogwarts, then.
-Kerrin –Draco called out loud.
-Yes, Master? –the elf walked in as if she had already been waiting.
-Escort Professor McGonagall outside, please.
-Yes, Master.
As he watched the new Headmistress of Hogwarts leave the room right after the scrawny creature, a very strange thought crossed his mind and he started wondering if Kerrin actually knew how to speak, for he had never heard her say anything besides of those two words: 'Yes, Master'.