Characters are portrayed as over the age of 18
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto (C) Masashi Kishimoto, or any other brand names that appear.

The Only Exception

CH. 1: Meet and Greet

It was just another fall day as far as Sasuke was concerned. The morbid gray clouds cast over the sky blocking any inkling of sun that might exist. As if that wasn't enough to keep the raven in his emo attitude, then the bone piercing wind was just icing on the cake. As a quick gust picked up around him, Sasuke scowled and drove his hands deeper into his jacket.

'Agh, I just want to get to my car without my nose falling off. Is that too much to fucking ask?'

No, he was not coming out of his mood until he got some where warm and dry. As Sasuke stepped inside his black Cadillac XLR-V, his face became prickly where the wind had been beating against the tender flesh. Pulling out of the parking lot to his condo and onto the busy downtown roads of Konoha, he let his body relax into the warmth of his heater and the sounds of his IPod on shuffle. The downtown buildings passed by quickly soon turning into the outer city suburbs where his brother lived. Nearing the entrance to the quaint neighborhood Sasuke let out a sigh and mentally prepped himself for the forced family dinner he was to attend.

These dinners were always held at Itachi's house after Sasuke had had it out with his father. He refused to step foot on to his family estate after his father had said 'No fag is allowed in my home.' Itachi's house was the only safe zone he had.

Itachi was standing outside smoking a cigarette as Sasuke pulled into the driveway. Stepping out into the bitter wind he gave a curt nod toward his older brother and took perch against the porch column.

"Be prepared for another lecture tonight. Father has it set in his mind that my engagement to Sakura will help you see the light to heterosexual-ism."

"Hn. So in other words I should take a xanax now."

"Hn." and so Sasuke took a pill out of his slacks' pocket and swallowed.

Itachi snubbed out his cigarette and headed inside as Sasuke followed. After greeting his mother and father with a curt bow the four entered the dining room. Sakura was setting the last plate of food on the table as they entered. She gave a loving smile to Itachi and a knowing nod to Sasuke. Apparently she knew the outcome of the night was not going to be a pleasant one as she refrained from her normal hug and kiss on the cheek.

It wasn't until desert that Fugaku addressed Sasuke personally.

"Sasuke, have you given any thought into finding a suitable wife as Itachi has?"

"No father. I believe we've been down this path time and time again. I am gay and have no wish or desire to find a suitable wife."

"SASUKE! When will you stop this foolish notion of being a homosexual and do what is proper?" Fugaku spit as his lips turned up in a snarl.

"Proper for who father? You, the family name, or your social image?"

As Sasuke said this his father's face became red and his eye twitched. Sasuke wanted to laugh he really did. The xanax he had taken was leaving him in a quiet humorous mood to his father's tantrum.

"You are an Uchiha boy. It is your responsibility to create an heir for the family name and live a moral Christian life."

"I highly doubt Christ gives a shit, who I'm fucking between my sheets father, and I'm sure Itachi and Sakura will have plenty of children." Sasuke first said scowling at his father then giving a small smile and wink to Sakura as he addressed her future children with Itachi. Fugaku rose at the end of his statement in a furry.

"Mikoto we're leaving. I can no longer stand my son's idiocy. Itachi, Sakura, thank you for dinner. We will be in touch."

Mikoto sighed and hugged both her children and Sakura, wishing them a good evening and a promise of a coffee date later that week without her husband. After their car was heard pulling away the three remaining let out a sigh. Sakura retreated to the kitchen only to reappear with a bottle of whiskey and three glasses.

"So gentlemen, now that that is over, I suggest we head to the living room, get drunk, and actually talk about what's been going on since last month." Sakura said with a smile on her face.

After three cups of whiskey each they were all feeling more relaxed. Sasuke grabbed a cigarette out of his brother's pack and lit it inhaling deeply as he felt the effects of both the alcohol and his pill working his mind into a hazy stupor. The harsh smoke hit the back of his throat and escaped through his nostrils. The nicotine further relaxing his tense muscles.

"Sasuke, I was wondering if you would accompany me to lunch tomorrow." Sakura asked as she poured him another glass of whiskey.

"Sure as long as you're not trying to set me up again?"

"Oh come now 'suke. It's not my fault you're so damn picky with men. And for the record I had no idea that Neji was your ex from high school, but now that I think of it he did seem quiet enthralled to meet you."

"I remember when you were dating that stalker boy. He would follow you everywhere, and I'm sure I saw him watching you through your through your window with binoculars once."

A shiver ran through Sasuke as he remembered Nenji and his relationship. All though he was beautiful with his long flowing hair he had been beyond neurotic in their relationship. It was not a something he wished to ever endure again.

"Yes, he was a creepy stalker and still is. When I met with him at the restaurant he knew everything I had done since we broke up, and I mean everything. He's the reason I moved last month."

"I am curious little brother, why haven't you found a steady boyfriend?" The smirk on Itachi's face made him growl low in his throat.

"None of your business that's why." He replied indignantly as he glared at his brother and finished the last of the cigarette off. Itachi just grinned broader and stood up giving his hand to Sakura to help her from her seat.

"Well little brother we're off to bed. I assume you're taking the guest bedroom. We'll see you in the morning."

"Good night Itachi, Sakura."

Sasuke slept like a log and awoke to the smell of omelets and coffee. His stomach gave a rather large growl at the smell of food. When he emerged in the kitchen Sakura was standing over the stove with Itachi latched to her back kissing her neck. For a slight moment Sasuke felt the loneliness he had but quickly killed the feeling. He cleared his throat to announce his presence as he grabbed a mug and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Ah, Good morning Sasuke. Your omelet is almost finished, and you" Sakura turned in Itachi's arms giving him a peck on the lips" need to get to work before Kisame losses his cool with the clients again."

"Yes I know. That man can't be left alone for more than an hour without me having to clean up a mess when I return. I'll see you around 6pm then?"

"Yes dear now say good bye to Sasuke and get your pale ass to the office." Sakura exclaimed as she moved him off and out the door.

"Good luck baby brother and do try to have fun at lunch today."

Sasuke "Hn'd" and retrieved the news paper from the breakfast table. Sakura placed a plate down in front of him as she returned from walking Itachi to his car. They ate in a comfortable silence as the morning sun warmed the small dining area. As they finished their meals, both headed to the kitchen to clean the dishes.

"So, I figured we could go the new restaurant near your place around noon. What do you say?"

"Sounds fine to me. I heard they have an excellent salmon and tuna steak. Just park your car at my place and we'll walk over." RepliedSasuke as they finished cleaning the dishes.

Grabbing his keys Sakura gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and he made his way home.

A ring at his doorbell caught Sasuke's attention as he was checking his e-mails. Closing his laptop he made his way to the door. Sakura entered his condo and waited for Sasuke to grab his coat, keys, and wallet. The sidewalks were busy despite the chilling winds as they made their way to the restaurant. A bright neon sign that said 'Kiss, Kiss' grabbed Sasuke's attention. Figuring it to be a new club he was taken by surprise as Sakura guided him toward the entrance.

Inside the place was decorated in soft crème colors and black. The seating looked more like lounge couches and lazy boys with tables placed in front of them. The hostess and waiters were all dressed in black slacks, white button ups and black silk ties. As the hostess led Sasuke and Sakura to their seat, a tall blonde made his way through the door wearing a warm smile.

After placing their drink orders Sasuke began to read the menu to see what all was offered. He didn't notice the shadow looming over the table until Sakura stood from her seat.

"Naruto! Oh my god I'm so glad you could make it."

"Me too Sakura. It's been ages since I've seen you last."

As Sasuke looked up his eyes couldn't believe him. The man standing before him was handsome beyond belief. Bright spiky blonde hair fell over tanned skin and cerulean blue eyes. Broad shoulders were sheathed behind a black button up, as were muscled thighs behind dark tan trousers with accented white belt. And that voice could melt chocolate. Yes, melt chocolate all over my dick. Whoa! Bad Sasuke, bad!

"Sasuke this is my friend Naruto Uzumaki. Naruto this is Sasuke my fiancés' brother."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Sasuke." said Naruto as he gave Sasuke an approving once over, and a blinding white smile.

"The pleasures all mine Naruto please take a seat." Sasuke was surprised he could keep his voice unlaced with the lust that was pouring into his brain and groin.

Naruto took a seat in front of Sasuke in a plush chair. His mind was reeling over how elegant the man before him was. Raven black hair with a tint a blue, crème colored skin, and ebony eyes that looked as if they could bore straight to your soul. All this was encompassed in a dark grey sweater with a white button up collar lying atop the neck line with black trousers.

"So Naruto how was Suna?"

"It was good. Warmer then here in the winter. Hahah! But it just wasn't the same as Konoha. Plus the ramen there wasn't any good."

"You know there are other foods besides ramen Naruto."Naruto simply gave Sakura a sheepish grin as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"So, Naruto, what brought you back from Suna? I would think one would enjoy the warmer weather this time of year." Sasuke said in his most off-handish voice so as not to portray his curiosity of the blonde man before him. Sakura would surely have a field day if she thought he was interested in her friend.

"Well honestly a bad break up. It seems my ex was more enthusiastic about his business partner then me. Trust me when I say I would rather deal with the cold weather then his pompous cheating ass."

Sasuke noticed that the smile Naruto wore didn't reach his eyes like the others before. He guessed that the break up really was one of emotional strain, and decided to take the conversation in another direction.

"Well they are predicting snow this coming weekend. It should bring about a lovely sight. The city park will more than likely have an exquisite view."

"Oh I love the park when it snows. Naruto, do you remember when we were in high school and we used to have snowball fights with all the guys?"

"Yeah I remember when Ino and you ganged up on Kiba after he ambushed you guys."

"You guys went to high school together?"

"We actually grew up together, but I ended up going to Sunagakure University for business school. This is the first time I've been back in 5 years."

Sasuke turned to look at Sakura as she let out a soft sigh. It seemed she had missed her childhood friend. As Sasuke looked back to Naruto he could see remorse in the man's eyes. He could understand feeling bad for being away for so long but the man's entire demeanor seemed to slip into something deeper then remorse. Like there was more to the story then Naruto was willing to share. As Sasuke continued to stare at the handsome man before him a shrill ring pierced through his ear drums. He turned to where the sound was originating and saw Sakura answer a call from her cell phone. She answered whomever was on the other line with a quick "I'm on my way."As Sakura closed her phone she turned to the two men accompanying her and gave a slight smile.

"I'm sorry boys but it seems I'm needed down at the hospital. You both should stay for lunch though and get to know each other better."

"All right Sakura. I'm sure we can meet up later and catch up." Naruto said as he stood and gave the strawberry blonde a hug good-bye. Sasuke nearly "Hn'd" as he also stood and hugged Sakura.

The waiter arrived as Sakura exited the building. As the two men placed their orders neither could help the subtle glances towards each other as one thought the other wasn't looking. Once the orders were placed the two fell into an uncomfortable silence. Naruto squirmed in his chair as Sasuke stared at him with an unreadable expression. He fiddled with the table cloth until he couldn't take the silence anymore.

"So Sasuke what do you for a living?"

"I own a private security agency, Sharingan Eyes. We mostly deal with celebrities, but do have our more discrete clients."

"Seriously you own that company? My father is one of your customers I do believe."

"Are you sure? I don't recall any Uzumaki's on the clientele roster."

Naruto let a grin spread across his face as he leaned across the table and whispered in Sasuke's ear:

"Ah, yes I would suppose you wouldn't. It would actually be underneath Namikaze."

As the name Namikaze left Naruto's lips Sasuke felt his stomach rise to his throat and his eyes widen. Minato Namikaze was his most important client. He was after all the head mob boss of Konoha, his uncle Obito and his lover Kakashi's employer and mentor, and of course the founder of Sasuke's company.

*Flashback 2 years prior*

Sasuke sat in his uncle's study with Kakashi after a rigorous sparring session. Kakashi had said he wanted to introduce him to a friend. Sasuke would normally have no qualms against meeting friends of Kakashi and his uncle's, but he was sweaty, smelled, and was pretty sure he had blood stains on his shirt. Kakashi waved his hand off-handishly and lead the 23 year old Sasuke to the study. As Sasuke sipped on a bottle of water his uncle Obito came through the doors with a tall blonde male who seemed to be in his mid 40's. Sasuke rose to his feet and offered his hand in greeting.

"Sasuke Uchiha, sir."

"Minato Namikaze, Sasuke please take a seat."

Sasuke's heart started to pound rapidly. He knew that name, Namikaze. He was the leader of the mob in the area that was known as Fire Country. He was a very powerful man who had brought the area out of a horrendous depression after the war had ended. Some of his actions might have been questionable, but the area was prosperous because of it.

"I heard you and a few of your friends served valiantly in the Middle East during your service in the Army. I'm also to understand that you specialized in linguistics, weapons, and security for Brigadier General Zabuza Momochi?"

"Yes sir. My team was the only one the General would allow to protect him outside the wire. He was a very ferocious warrior and a great leader."

"Yes, Momochi is a hell 'ova man. We attended college together at Kirigakure University. He is a close friend of mine. At his retirement party last week he spoke fondly of a group known as "Taka", whom he had as security during his deployment. When he mentioned a Sergeant Uchiha Sasuke, I called Obito over. It was to my surprise to learn Obito, my third in command, was your uncle. Now I've looked into your service records and background history and I have to say I am quite impressed Sasuke. I asked to meet you here today because I have a business proposition for you. I would like to back you as a silent investor to start a personal security company."

By this point in time Sasuke could not believe his ears. Here was Minato Namikaze offering to build him a company all because of what he thought to be his duty as a soldier during the war. Sasuke at this point set his water bottle aside and focused his entire attention on the man in front of him.

"It would be run closely to that of Blackwater but have the front as a civilian only clientele. With your families background in business I would leave you as CEO and President. I would, however, require that you help enlist people of required skill for the work. So, Sasuke what do you think of all this?"

Sasuke sat back in his chair and inhaled a deep breath of air. He could do this and easily at that. He would be able to break away from Uchiha Industries and would be doing something he was already highly proficient at. Yes, Sasuke had made up his mind.

"I believe you have a new business associate Mr. Namikaze. I would be honored to start such an organization."

*End Flashback*

As Naruto leaned back to his side of the table he couldn't help but smile at Sasuke's expression. His eyes were wide, lips thinned into a straight line, and just the slightest of red hue dusted his cheekbones. Naruto licked his lips and stared into the obsidian eyes in front of him. The intensity radiating from them was sending chills throughout his body. His cock stirred as a grin spread across the raven's lips and his eye lids lowered to half mast. It was an intoxicating look that had Naruto reminding himself to breath. Just as Naruto thought he had his breathing under control; Sasuke's voice slipped into a sultry tone that dared to lick his body without a single touch.

"So you're the boss's kid huh? I wondered if I would ever meet you. Your father recently explained that his kid had got in some relationship trouble with his college sweetheart and might need some upped protection. From the looks of it though, you got back to Konoha just fine on your own though."

"Yes, well my father tends to forget I grew up most of my life with my crazy ass cousin Kyuubi."

"Kyuubi, as in my crazy-ass vice president with the obsession of foxes and explosives?" asked Sasuke with a raised eye brow.

"Hahah! Yeah that's Kyu alright. This one time when we were kids he took a roman candle and shot it off into the reception of a wedding we were at. I've never seen a groom scream and jump into his bride's arms before that night hahahah!"

As Naruto coughed out his fit of giggles the waiter had brought out their meals. Sasuke began eating while trying to sort out the fact that Namikaze's kid was sitting here with him eating lunch and was his future sister in-law's childhood friend. As his brain worked at an incomprehensible speed he couldn't pull his eyes away Naruto's body. The man was built like a swimmer, with broad shoulders and a thin waist. That thought alone made Sasuke wonder what he would look like in a Speedo with water running down his body. As the image played through Sasuke's mind he quickly found himself choking on a piece of food. He coughed the piece out as Naruto looked concerned and worried for him.

"Jesus you ok Sasuke?"

"Yeah I'm ok thanks."

"All right but don't worry me like that. I don't know how you'd feel if I had to give you CPR?"

"I don't think I'd mind at all, but I think you mean the Heimlich maneuver." As Sasuke realized what his mouth had blurted out a moment to late; he looked Naruto in the eyes and saw the blonde's mouth hung open.

'Stupid, stupid Sasuke! What the fuck was that!?! Admitting you wouldn't mind if your boss's kid practically makes out with you. FUCK!'

"Ne, Sasuke why the deer in the head lights look?" Naruto asked as a predatory smile creased his lips.

"Ah, just thought I might have overstepped my place there for a moment." Sasuke replied as his face quickly regained its Uchiha cool.

Naruto slid out of his chair and plopped down on the couch where Sasuke was seated. His shoulder was pressed up against the ravens as he turned his head into the crook of Sasuke's neck. Naruto felt Sasuke stiffen as he softly nuzzled his ear and slid his hand up the cloth covered thigh.

"You can overstep me any time you want Uchiha as long as you promise it will be good."

Naruto felt the tremor run through Sasuke's body as his lips ghosted over the shell of the raven's ear. A stirring in his pants reminded Naruto of his location and figured it would do no good to walk around with a hard on, so he removed himself from being right up on Sasuke and grabbed for his cell phone.

"What's your number Sasuke? I want to bring you to a party at the Whirlpool grounds tonight."

"Hn, decisive little dobe aren't you?"

"Oh a pet name already teme? I like it, and yes I am. Now your number so I can call and get directions to your place later."

"669-9521," As Naruto entered the number into his cell phone; Sasuke dropped a hundred on the table and proceeded to slide out of his seat. "And Naruto do tell your father I send my regards."

As Naruto looked up from his cell phone he saw just the back of Sasuke's hair as he walked out the door.

"Damn sexy sneaky bastards."