Disclaimer: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle is the intellectual property of CLAMP.

Author's Note: Yes, I know Valentine's Day is over. I meant to upload it on the 14th but I didn't get a chance. Technically, this fits in with the Horitsuba line I wanted to write but haven't had time to yet. I like FaixKuroxYuui, but don't often get a chance to write it. This is just a tiny little blip that's been sitting around for a while and I finally said, I don't care that it's past the date, I'm uploading it anyway. I have a Christmas one too like this but again, it got finished after Christmas, so I'll probably save it for next Christmas.

Happy Valentine's Day

"Kuro-koi, where are you taking us for Valentine's Day?"

"What makes you think I'm taking you anywhere?"

"I could make us dinner, Fai, if you like."

A pout. "You make us dinner every night, Yuui. Kuro-grump is bound by duty to take us out to eat on Valentine's Day."

"Why is it my responsibility? I'm not an escort service."

"It's fine, Fai. All of the Valentine's Day specials are for two anyway."

"… The reservation's for Valentino's. Eight o'clock. For three." Kurogane was looking away.


"Eeeee! Valentino's is really expensive!"

"You're damn straight! So you better both enjoy it or I'm never taking you out to eat again!"

A soft smile.

"Yuui! You have to help me get dressed! Your clothes are nicer than mine!"

"It's only 9AM!"

A kiss, brief soft press of lips before Yuui is dragged away toward the bedroom and Kurogane rolls his eyes, returning to the papers he's grading.

Post whatevers: I love Yuui. Whose papers is Kuro grading? Does PE have papers to grade or is he doing Fai's work for him? As always, if you liked, please review. Sorry it's so short. It looks even tinier here...