This is something that has been done a million times before, but I don't care. Harry wants to escape England after the fall of Voldemort, so he decides on a small town in Northwestern America, with little traces of magic. Who can guess the name of this small little town? That's right, Forks, Washington. Although Harry left England to escape his past, he didn't realize that coming to Forks would bring him face to face with a very painful part of his past.

**in my story Remus, Sirius, Tonks and Fred don't die! I refuse to let J.K. kill off some of my favorite characters**

**Sirius is with Remus in this as well. What can I say? I love then together!!**

"Are you sure you're going to be alright, Harry?"

Molly Weasley had always been the mother figure in my life, but sometimes she could be too motherly, suffocating would be a good word.

"I'll be fine, Mrs. Weasley," I tried to reassure her. "The Order has some of the tightest protection spells set around the area and Remus and Sirius will be checking in on me monthly. You have nothing to worry about." I smiled at her and pulled her into a hug. She held onto me tightly and sobbed onto my shoulder.

"Mum! Harry's going to miss his flight if you keep this up!"

Thank Merlin for Ron. My partner in crime and my best friend for the past six years. It will be hard not waking up to him sprawled across the four-poster next to me, snoring loudly and a little bit of drool escaping from the side of his mouth. "Thanks, Ron," I said, finally being able to escape Mrs. Weasley's death hold. Her place was instantly taken by Ron who hugged me just as tightly.

After Ron was Hermione, my other best friend and Ron's girlfriend…finally. I chuckled slightly as her body was replaced with George's, then Fred, Ginny, Tonks, Mr. Weasley, and finally I was left with Sirius and Remus, my godfathers. The two men I looked up to the most.

Remus approached me first. He placed a hand on my shoulder and looked down at me. "Now Harry, we all respect your decision on leaving for a while, but please remember that your family is always here for you. And remember to write, or Molly will have a howler at your door faster than you can say Quidditch." Everybody chuckled at that as he gave me a quick hug and let Sirius have his turn.

"Be good now Harry," he said to me, voice quivering slightly. I felt so bad for putting any of them in pain or sadness, but I needed this. I needed to get away from all of the painful memories. He engulfed me in a hug and we sat there holding each other closely until we were interrupted by the sound of Remus clearing his throat.

"I'm sorry love, but Harry does need to catch his flight."

Sirius nodded his head and separated himself from me. "You be good Harry," he said to me again.

I took a step back and took one last look at them and smiled. "I'll miss you all," I said before walking towards the gates at the airport.


After about an eight hour flight, I arrived at what would be my new home, well, almost. I was now in Washington state, my new place of residence for who knows how long. I stepped out of the plan and into the terminal towards the luggage claim. Most of my things were sent to my new home magically, but to try and at least look like a muggle traveler, I did pack a bag to bring on the plane with me.

After finding my bag, I hailed a cab, giving the cab driver the address to my new home in Forks. I had to do a lot of research on American and it's magical community. The community was much smaller than England, which is what drew me to it in the first place. I did a lot of digging until a found a part of the country with weather that was similar to England, mostly rainy and had access to the ocean, and had little to no magical traces to be found. Not only that, but it was a very small town which would make it a nice place to escape and relax.

I enrolled myself into the local high school to give me something to do during my stay. I wasn't sure how hard it would be to keep up, having been in magical school for so long, but with the help of some of Fred and George's new products, I should be able to get through, even if I would have to cheat my way through.

The drive to Forks was nothing compared to the flight over. I paid the cab driver with U.S. currency and walked up to my new house. It was a decent size house, three bedroom, one and a half bath, a living area, a decent sized kitchen…perfect for someone who was living there alone. Of course the two extra bedrooms would be used for guest rooms for Sirius and Remus, although I'm sure they would be sleeping in the same room.

Just as I was promised, all of my things were indeed in the house when I arrived, even though I never really had a lot of stuff to begin with. What I didn't know was that the Order had gotten me a couch and loveseat for my living area, and a queen sized four-poster for my room. I would have to thank them later, after I got settled in.

I looked over at the clock. It was only 4:32 pm but I decided I should be able to fall asleep easy enough from the plane ride. Besides, I had to look well rested for my first day at a muggle high school tomorrow.


Sleep didn't come as easily as I had hoped. Even though I went asleep early, I wasn't able to fall asleep until after midnight, and I had an alarm wake me up at 6:30. I yawned as I climbed out of the warmness of my bed and stepped down onto the cold floor. My morning routine went by as fast as usual, although I took a little longer time with my hair than usual, for once trying to get it to lay straight then let it poke out at random places.

I made myself some tea and waited for it to be 7:15 so I could leave for school. As soon as it was, I was out the door and into my two-car garage and walked over to my black Volkswagen VR6. Mr. Weasley spent all summer teaching me how to drive a car once I announced my plan about coming to America. And when it came time to chose a car, I was instantly drawn to this particular model. My baby. She was beautiful with her shiny black paint and custom black leather interior.

A smile crept on my face as I got inside of her and pulled out from my driveway and headed towards Forks High School.

As soon as I reached the parking lot, I realized I probably should have chosen a less flashy car. Almost all of the cars, aside from a silver Volvo and a big Jeep, were obviously older cars, many had dents and chipped paint along the sides of them. I could never imagine allowing my baby to look like that.

I took a deep breath and walked towards the main office building. I was greeted by a friendly looking lady with glasses that sat on the edge of her nose. "How may I help you young man?" she asked in a sing-song voice.

I couldn't help but smile at her kind face. "I'm Harry Potter. I'm new here?"

"Oh! Mister Potter! Of course!" she chirped back at me as she looked through a bunch of papers. "Here is your class schedule, please have each and every one of your teachers sign this and return it to me at the end of the day. Have a wonderful first day, Mister Potter!"

I gave her a weak wave and smiled at her. "Have a great day too, ma'am."


The first half of my day went by in a haze. I was forced to stand up and introduce myself at the beginning of each of my classes and I couldn't help but feel self-conscious. I was ambushed with the same questions during each class. Yes, I'm from England, Yes, I liked it there, Yes, I'm single but sorry, I'm gay.

That usually ended the questions. I only let my sexual orientation become known during my last year at Hogwarts, although I knew I was gay since my fourth year, with a little help from someone…

But thinking about him was too painful. I never allowed my thoughts to wander in his direction. It never ended well.

Although most people lost interest in asking questions, one girl in particular, Jessica, I believe her name is, kept on talking up a storm. I didn't even listen to half the things she said. "So will you?" she asked, eyes filled with hope.

"I'm sorry, will I what?"

She giggled and put her hand on my knee, making me feel a tad bit uncomfortable. "Will you sit with my friends at lunch! I'm sure they'll love you!"

I thought over it for a moment. Did I really have a choice? "Sure, I'd love to."

She smiled and reached out to hug me tightly as the lunch bell rang. "Thank you, Harry!"

I chuckled and picked up my things and followed her into the lunch room. Jessica sat me down in a chair right across from me as more people started to fill the room. "Who's the new kid?" a boy with bright blue eyes asked, scanning me over. Did he view me as a threat? I hope he knows I'm gay and have no interest in Jessica, or any other girl for that matter.

"This is Harry!" Jessica informed him, as well as every other person that now filled the table. "Harry, this is Mike," she pointed to the boy with blue eyes. "And Ben, Lauren, Angela, Eric and Tyler." I greeted them all before sinking back into my chair.

"Looks like Bella won't be gracing us with her presence today," the girl named Lauren sneered over at a table across the room.

I looked over and found a girl that looked kind of familiar, probably in one of my earlier classes. Around her sat some of the most gorgeous creatures I had ever laid my eyes on, giving Fleur a run for her money. My eyes first land on a curvy girl with long blond hair and if I wasn't gay, I'm sure I would have found her extremely attractive. The one next to her had a very strong build and short black hair. Although I was into more of a slimmer build when it came to guys, he was defiantly very attractive. The boy next to him was more my style. He was much smaller than the big guy next to him, but you could defiantly tell that he had plenty of muscles hidden beneath his long sleeved shirt. His honey-colored locks were incredibly sexy, the way they fell onto his face almost perfectly. The girl who was sitting on his lap, had short, dark hair and reminded me of a pixie. She wasn't as attractive as the blond girl sitting a few seats away from her, but she was definitely very attractive. But none of them came close to the last one…his face was perfect, there was no other word that came close to describing him. His hair stuck out at random places like my own, but it was a perfect look for him…but as I started to study him further. Something struck me. Although I was sure this was the first time I had ever seen this boy, more like man, before, all of these details looked so familiar. Suddenly his eyes locked with mine and suddenly I knew why he looked familiar. Although this boy's features were stronger, I was completely convinced that the boy sitting at that table across the room was indeed the one person I refused to think about, Cedric Diggory and by the look that he was giving me, he knew I knew.

How could Cedric be here? I watched him die! He died right next to me in the graveyard! And if this was truly Cedric, why did he look different, but so much the same? His features looked stronger, more defined and his skin was no longer a creamy color, but was white, pure white with no hints of blush at all. And his eyes…those beautiful green eyes…were now topaz.

My attention was brought back to Jessica was her fingers snapped right in front of my face. "Harry? You okay there?"

I shook the thoughts of Cedric out of my mind and nodded my head. "Yeah, sure."

"They were are beautiful, huh?" she asked, suddenly confused on what she was talking about. "The Cullens? That group over there…the blond girl, Rosalie Hale is with that big guy next to her, Emmett Cullen. The two next to them are Jasper Hale, Rosalie's twin and Alice Cullen. Those two are also together." She let out a huff and rolled her eyes. "And that beautiful piece of eye candy is Edward Cullen. He's going out with Bella. I don't see what he sees in her."

Edward? He changed his name to Edward? I think Cedric fits him so much better than Edward. Seeing that Bella girl all over him made me sick. She was absolutely normal, nothing special about her at all. Why would Cedric chose her? At least Cho Chang was pretty, I was willing to admit that, but Bella? She was so…so…plain. I stood up from the table and pushed my chair back in. "Sorry, I'll talk to you later Jessica. I suddenly don't feel so good."

She smiled at me and waved goodbye as I made my way to the bathroom. I locked myself in a stall and tried to control my emotions. Coming to America was the worst idea I had ever had. I came here to escape my past, not face the most painful part of it! That boy with the topaz eyes couldn't be Cedric, could he? I was starting to doubt myself.

I heard a bell ring, signaling the end of lunch. I gathered myself and walked to my next class, biology.

I walked in and was greeted by my teacher. I looked around at the almost full classroom until my eyes fell on that boy who has haunted me since I was fourteen. He seemed to stiffen as I looked at him. My attention was brought back to the teacher when he told me where to sit. "Miss Swan? I was wondering if you could sit with Mister Newton today? I want to have Mister Potter working with Mister Cullen so he can catch on quickly." That Bella girl moved over and sat by a smiley Mike and a large lump became stuck in my throat. I slowly made my way to my spot and sat down, without even a glance at Cedric. I refused to look at him. I won't do it.

"Hello, Harry…"

Oh, snap! Cliffy!

So, you like? I've been wanting to do this story for soooo long but never had it in me to do it! But now I am!