XP: WOOTZ! NEW STORYYYY! This took long to do, coz my brother hogging computer and I can only use few minutes at a time. XD. I shall dedicate this to ImmortalKiky, I should use her cute style of speaking for my Tsuyu-kun.
(This is a scene from the past, and it cannot be called a flashback because the boy does not remember)
Two boys trudged through the snowy plains, dressed in similar coats. It was then one of them heard a faint cry and a gunshot. The boy with two toned hair ran off at the sound of that, running towards the danger instead of away. The other boy tried vainly to catch up with him, asking him to stop and save his energy but the boy was already gone.
The boy ran as fast as he could, and he saw two men, one pointing a gun, and another holding a saw as if to cut the tree a white haired woman was standing in front of. The boy was astounded by her beauty… she seemed like an angel from the heavens. However, there was a bullet lodged in her upper arm, blood flowing down her pale porcelain skin and staining her silk clothing.
The boy didn't bother announcing his presence, he knocked down the guy with the gun with a flying kick, stole the gun and shot the two men without hesitance. He eyed the truck that was not far away, with a couple of tree trunks on it. This… snow-white haired woman was protecting the trees? He was bewildered.
The woman smiled at him faintly, plopping down on the ground tiredly, wincing from the pain in her arm. Then all of a sudden, there was this lush-green haired man that came out from the tree! He looked kind of worried over the woman. They seemed to be… a couple?
My name is Kagehamori Kitsune, The woman's voiced sounded in his head. Two floppy, furry ears appeared on her head, as well as a swishy, bushy tail at her spine. She resembled a snow fox. He is Namimorikaidai Haruka. Girly name, ain't it? Kitsune managed to grin.
Haruka pouted at that, My name isn't girly!! Your name sounds boyish!! And why are we quarrelling about that now? Are you okay? Does it hurt?? Those stupid tree cutters better stop coming to cut me! And with that, he gently patted the tree that was next to him.
He's a tree spirit, that tree is something like his life force, if his tree is cut off and he can't find a suitable one to live it, he'll die, Kitsune explained, upon seeing the boy's confused expression. I'm a fox youkai, nice to meet you. And stop worrying, Haru! I won't die from this. The boy knelt down and gently eased out the bullet. He then tore of a strip of his clothing to bandage her wound.
Thank you, Haruka smiled in relief. The boy gave a shaky smile back, as though not knowing how to smile. He opened his bags and gave all of the food he had to the couple. "Eat, you're wounded," The boy encouraged when he saw the hesitance on their faces. Haruka nodded and began feeding Kitsune some of the food. The boy smiled as he watched them eat hungrily.
Afterwards, the boy's red haired companion caught up and finally found him, and tree spirit and fox youkai went into hiding. "Where did you go? Why's all your food gone? I'm not gonna give you mine!" The red haired boy was worried. The boy with two toned hair merely smiled and said nothing while they continued to walk. The crimson haired boy still shared his food afterwards.
The two who were helped by the boy watched him secretly. We must thank him somehow…
(End scene, start story)
It was a slightly chilly evening when Mr. Dickenson had brought over a child to the dojo. A child with grass green hair and emerald eyes, dressed in robes that a priest might wear. A protection wooden amulet was hung around his neck, words written on with red ink. Two armbands were on his side, and no one knew what it was for. "Here's the child you agreed to take care of," Mr Dickenson smiled.
Everyone seemed confused. "Tyson signed the paper," Mr Dickenson smiled, then frowned when no recognition struck their faces. "Don't you remember? Tyson, didn't you read the paper? Did you tell them?" A sheepish smile was his answer. Everyone looked at Tyson in disbelief.
"TYSON! Why didn't you read it?" Hilary shrieked. "If that was a paper for selling you out of the country or something you'd be sold by now!"
"What's your name, boy?" Ray smiled and kneeled down so he was eye to eye with the boy. Since they were going to take care of this boy, they need to know his name, right?
"…Tsuyu…kusa…" The child muttered. "Namimorikaidai Tsuyukusa…"
"Your name is such a mouthful," Max mused. "Oh I know! I'll call you kusa-chan!"
"Then I'll call him Tsu-kun!" Tyson grinned.
"Tsuyu-pyon," Hilary smiled, the boy was actually kind of cute.
"Tsuyu kun," Ray joined in. Everyone had nicknames for him.
"…" Tsuyukusa seemed pissed somehow. Kai watched him from his spot against the wall. However, the boy said nothing as he was introduced to the Bladebreakers, and was made to repeat all of the names. He seemed to have problems saying it. "Rah. Meh, Tayson, Kenneh, Hiwawi, Kei." Tsuyukusa seemed kinda stressed as people laughed at him because he was cute.
"Alright then, I'll be leaving now," Mr Dickenson smiled. "Please take good care of Tsuyukusa." The Bladebreakers agreed heartily and waved as Mr Dickenson left. Then they bombarded him with questions. "How old are you? What's your favorite color? What's your favorite animal? Why were you sent here?"
"I… ah… seven, green…ah, fox and errrr, uhm…" Tsuyukusa tried really hard to form words, his brow burrowed his frustration. He did a series of hand movements that no one could understand.
"…Stop stressing him and read the paper if you want to know," Ka interrupted coldly. Tsuyukusa looked by at Kai nervously and gave a small shaky smile. Kai closed his eyes and gave a small, almost unnoticeable smile in return. Ray went off to find the paper. "Hm, it says Mr Dickenson's sister and husband died in a gas leak which caused fire. This house was destroyed and they left this kid behind…"
There was tense silence as everyone looked at the fidgety boy. "Aw, poor thing, I'm so sorry," Hilary squeezed the boy to her chest, and the boy thrashed about as all of them joined in the group hug. It was suffocating. The boy slowly turned blue. Kai strode over and pulled the boy out by his collar, before setting him down gently on the sofa.
"What the hell Kai, why such a wet blanket?" Tyson sulked.
"…He was turning blue, Tyson…" Kenny explained, seeing that Kai didn't bother and was always wrongly accused. Tsuyukusa looked at Kai in anticipation, but Kai did nothing. Tsuyukusa seemed a little down afterwards. "Aw, cheer up, kusa-chan!" Max grinned. Tsuyukusa twitched. "What do you wanna do today, kusa-chan?"
Tsuyukusa looked down at his feet in silence. "…Maybe he's tired," Ray looked at everyone. "We should let him rest for today…"
"Who do you want to sleep with, Tsuyu-pyon? Want to sleep with me?" Hilary bent down to talk to the boy, who looked away from her. "You can sleep with whoever you want, or do you want to take turns?" Tyson suggested.
"Don't sleep with Tyson, he snores and kicks," Max laughed and was whacked by Tyson. Anyone he wants? Tsuyukusa looked up at Kai and caught his crimson eyes. Kai said nothing, eyes telling him kindly that it would be okay. Tsuyukusa nodded and pursed his lips before saying, "I wanna… sleep with Kei…" Everyone seemed stunned, looking at Kai in horror.
"Ehh, Kai, is that… alright?" Ray asked, trying to decipher Kai's expression. Kai nodded. Tsuyukusa beamed at that, and everyone fawned at how cute he was. Then the smile dropped off his face and he was uncomfortable again. They noticed how he had no belongings with him. They had to go shopping tomorrow! "…What about school?" Kenny asked.
"…I… pwease don't send meh tah school," Tsuyukusa pleaded. "I don't like school, the kids there pick on meh... especially after daddy and mummy died, and I was sent to the orphanage abbey thing…" Everyone looked at him sympathetically. "But you have to go…" They insisted.
Kai sighed. "If the kid doesn't want to go, let him be." Tsuyukusa looked up at Kai hopefully.
"But Kai! The kid needs to learn! Make friends!" Tyson argued. Tsuyukusa teared up. "Don't fight…" He covered his ears with his small hands and squeezed his eyes shut. Kai's eyes softened but Tyson remained unchanged, thinking what he did was right for Tsuyukusa. Kai ruffled Tsuyukusa's hair. "Go prepare for bed. Ray…"
Ray nodded and held Tsuyukusa by the hand and led him away. "Are you hungry? Do you want a snack?" Tsuyukusa shook his head. "Oh, go brush your teeth first, I'll go find some clothes for you to wear as pajamas, okay?" Tsuyukusa nodded and waddled off. He had no toothbrush and was in a dilemma.
"Let the kid do what he wants," Kai sighs.
"But his education! All kids go to school!" Tyson retorted angrily. "We all went to school, and of course there are bullies there, but you have to learn to fight back and stand up to yourself! It prepares you for life!"
"Tyson… relax…" Max sighed. Kai remained silent. He fiddled with the neck of his scarf tracing all the scars underneath. To fight back gets you more scars. And it prepares you for life? When seeing how it did to Kai? "It doesn't prepare you for life, Tyson, it just scars you and your childhood." Kai spoke from experience. Kai stood up and went to the kitchen.
Tsuyukusa was looking at all of the toothbrushes in confusion. Kai handed him his toothbrush. Tsuyukusa looked up at Kai, blinking. "It's okay," Kai replied. Tsuyukusa started brushing, and Kai sat down and watched him from the corner of his eyes until he was done. Ray came into the kitchen. "Err, I found a couple of shirts, but I guess they're all too big. I guess you can wear them to sleep, which one do you want?"
Kenny's shirt was actually too small, Tyson's shirt was stinky and unwashed, Hilary's shirt was too girly, Max's shirt was too bright and colorful, Ray's shirt was too many buttons and was too Chinese, and that left Kai's shirt. Tsuyukusa happily choose that one, taking it from Ray and breathing in its comforting smell.
"Go change then," Ray smiled at the boy, who nodded nervously and peeked at Kai before shuffling his feet and going off to change. "Tsuyu kun seems to like you," Ray grinned. This was very amusing. Kai remained stoic and silent. Ray pouted at that. Tsuyukusa came out dressed in a shirt that was so large it reached his knees. It was really cute. Then he just stood there, fidgeting, not knowing what to do.
Kai motioned for him to follow, and Tsuyukusa followed obediently. Kai laid out the futon and beckoned for the child to go in. Tsuyukusa obediently lied down, allowing Kai to tuck him in. Kai turned to leave but Tsuyukusa grabbed his pant leg. Kai and Tsuyukusa looked at each other for a long time.
Pleading emerald eyes met cold crimson ones… which softened. Kai climbed in with Tsuyukusa, who gave a blissful smile at that and closed his eyes. Kai sighed as he watched the boy. The Bladebreakers who went in to set their own futons smiled. "Aww, so cute… I didn't know Kai could be so nice." Kai gave them a steely glare and they shut up.
Later on, when all the Bladebreakers were asleep, Kai tried to sneak out of bed, Tsuyukusa moaned and grabbed at the front of his shirt. His brow was furrowed and he was sweating as though he was having a bad dream. Kai didn't have the heart to leave him there so he went back under the covers.
…That was the first time Kai didn't sneak out of Tyson's dojo at night.
"Kid…" Kai started, but Tsuyukusa started to squirm as if trying to hide from some invisible force of evil. Kai sighed and ruffled the boy's hair, opening his mouth to sing one of the only lullabies he knew, one that Tala sang to him when they were in the abbey.
Soothe that furrowed eyebrow
With me, you're safe and sound
All those nightmares aren't real
Don't worry I'll protect you
While you're still afraid
I'm sure you'll understand
When you look back at this,
One day, you'll laugh…
Kai noticed that Tsuyukusa started breathing a little easier, and decided to make up the second part of the song on the spot.
Cute things shouldn't be sad,
My friend once said, Funny right?
You're cute too, so you can't be,
Don't be sad anymore,
You don't have to be afraid
I'll keep the scary things away,
Just sleep peacefully, young child.
Tsuyukusa started to seem more at ease, his face like one of an innocent child. Kai smiled in relief at that, stroking the boy's head. Then, he stopped suddenly. He couldn't be attached to this boy! Emotions are for the weak! But he was so freaking cute… Kai sighed. Tomorrow, tomorrow then he will settle this. For now, he shall sleep.
XP: So how was it? Review!!! Lol yeah, I need to know if people like this, which parts were nice, which parts were not… XD