A/N: Hi there! Here is the prologue to my first multi-chapter, Sherlock Holmes story! *waits for applause* ....hehe, maybe you all should read it first, huh? Well, this plot bunny bit me a while back, and I spent alot of time getting it planned out, hopefully coherently. I have about 5 chapters written already, and am still writing at a good pace when I'm not being buried under homework (My professors are a little sadistic). I will hopefully update quickly, but I'll probably be quicker if you tell me what you think about it. *cough-hint-cough*

This is an AU of Empty House. No slash, rated T for later chapters where there will be emotional angst, and possible (heck, who am I kidding, definite) whumping. Perhaps slight language, we'll see.

Disclaimer: I don't own Holmes, Watson, Lestrade or anybody else recognizable. This was written for the author's enjoyment, and there is no way I'm making any money off this. :D

Enough of me! Enjoy!

The shaft of the arrow had been feathered with one of the eagle's own plumes. We often give our enemies the means of our own destruction.

Aesop (620 BC - 560 BC), The Eagle and the Arrow


The man waited till the old lady had gone out. He had his orders, there was to be no trace. Nothing could be disturbed, no indication that anything had been taken at all.

He lingered for nearly three hours, that spring morning at Baker Street, lounging against the lamp post, watching. He was cursed at by the lamp lighter, and told to shove off. He merely moved down to lean against the pole he had already extinguished. Nothing could take him from his post.

Finally the woman left the flat, dressed all in black. She was headed to the funeral, he's been told. It was the perfect opportunity to get the items needed. He waited till she alighted a cab before stepping across the street to the front door. He expertly unlocked the door, using his various picks and tools, then gently placing them back into the case he carried them in. His skill with these little slivers of metal were his life and livelihood. And the only reason he was kept around.

That was why he had to follow his orders to the letter, no matter how unused he was to them coming from a different quarter than usual. Colonel Moran expected results, and that was all that mattered.

A/N: Hope you are intrigued :) The next chapter will be up very soon. R&R?