Final chapter. Woot Woot!

So Tony's sat there, thinking hard about what he was to do. It wasn't that hard a choice to make but it was a choice none the less.

"Why does this have to be so hard?"

"Because it's not supposed to be easy." Toby's head shot up from the new comers voice.

"Rudolph? What the hell are you doing here?"

"Seeing if your alive."

"But how are you here?"

"Mind connection, anyways are you coming back or not?"

"Well, I… don't know." Tony looked away from Rudolph.

"How don't you know? Is it really that hard of a choice?"

"I have to choice between you guys or leaving my parents."

"Tony they're dead."

"I know but I'm scared that if I go with you guys I'll forget them, and I never want to do that."

"I see. That is a hard choice."

"And on top of that the father of darkness and blood mother or who ever they are told me to make that choice."

"Whoa wait, back up. You met the Mother and Father of the vampire world? Face to face?"

"Ya, I guess… Why is that like a big deal or something?"

"Yes it is! Only a select few get to meet them and they say that if you meet them then you are destined to become a great and powerful vampire."

"S you're saying that if I go back with you them I'll be powerful?"

"And have a family."

"I mean it's a good offer but like I can't just forget my parents."

"Tony, I know this is a really tough choice for you. But I can make it easier for you."

"Really, how?"

"I can protect your memories."

"Protect my memories?"

"Ya, it's where I enter your mind and put your memories into a magic box kind of, only I'll have the key. So please, come back as a vampire and I'll give you your memories." Tony had to admit, it was a pretty sweet deal. He stood up and walked closer to Rudolph.

"Alright dude, take me home."

"Tony?" Rudolph slightly shook Tony's still body. "Tony?" He shook him a bit more. He was scared, the ashes had gone out but Tony hadn't woken up. "TONY!" He shook him really hard.

"Dude you keep shaking me like that and you'll break my neck." Tony said quietly as he grinned up at Rudolph.

"Father! Tony is awake!" All the Sackville-Bagg's came running into the room.

"So you've returned to the land of the living."

"Well yes and no." Fredrick raised and eyebrow in a questioning manner. "I mean I've come back yes, but last time I checked you guys weren't living." Everyone gave a little laugh.

"So you've chosen to be part of this family?"

"Yes I have. And thank you. It means a lot that you'd be willing to adopt me." Freda hugged Tony.

"Anything for a son." Tony smiled up at her. He knew this is where he belonged.

FINISHED! What you think? oh ya, look for a new Little vamp fic coming your way by moi . ^_^