New story idea I got and I hope you like it! I do not own any characters from Bleach, but I did create the ooc characters! Hope your like it!
As Nnoitra neared the hospital, he couldn't help but wonder why he was actually getting involved in this kind of thing. He didn't care about this girl or her kid, well, his kid too. About a year ago while he was on a mission in the world of the living, he got bored and went to a nightclub. While he was there he met a very pretty girl named Miyuki, they both got drunk, went to her place, had some "fun", then he left.
Now about a year later, she called him telling her that she was pregnant with his daughter. Not only did he insult numerous times and call her everything he knew, he also broke the phone in half. So he had no idea why he should care enough to go to the hospital to see her or her kid.
When he got inside, he looked around at where he was. He had never been in a hospital before, so didn't really know what to do. She told him on the phone that she was in room 315. He had no clue where to find it, so he asked a passing nurse. She was taken back by his tallness and scary looks, but eventually after a long and awkward pause, led him to the room where Miyuki was about to go into labor.
Nnoitra looked through the doorway and saw Miyuki lying in a hospital bed with a doctor beside her. "H-hello…" she tried to say. " Yo. You better be lucky I actually decided to come here. When's the kid gonna get here?" Nnoitra asked rudely. Miyuki looked down for a second. "I don't know…maybe by morning." She answered quietly.
"So ya mean I have to wait here till morning to see a kid I don't even wanna see?" Nnoitra asked as he threw his hands in the air. Miyuki sat up. "Hey, it's not my fault you got so bored you got me pregnant!" she yelled. "Well if I wasn't so drunk then I might not've bothered! But you were the one that was all over me at that club!" Nnoitra yelled back.
Miyuki said nothing a moment, then looked toward a window at the sun setting. "The doctors say that I am most likely not going to make it through this. They said it's something about my heart…and that I won't survive. If you could please…take care of our daughter for me. At least try to be a father to her. She has nobody else." She said almost at the brink of tears.
Nnoitra put his hands back down. He pretended not to care, even though he slightly did. "So…you actually want me to take care of a kid?" he asked. She nodded. "Oh and…in that corner over there," Miyuki pointed to a corner that had a lot of baby girl things: dresses, shoes, food, bottles, ect. "I have some stuff for the baby. I didn't think you would be very prepared, so I went and bought some stuff to help you with her. There's all the basic stuff, clothes and food and diapers. I'm sure you can get more if you need more." She explained.
"Eh, I'll try." Nnoitra muttered. "Oh and, one more thing." Miyuki added. "What's that?" he asked. "Please…name her either Kurami or Kumori. Whichever you like. I like both of them, but I can't choose between them." She sighed. "Hmmm…" Nnoitra thought a moment. "I kinda like Kumori. Sounds pretty cool." He said. Miyuki smiled. "Thank you, Nnoitra. Please take care of our Kumori."
Nnoitra smiled a little. "I'll try to." He said as he walked over to her and put his hand on her stomach. "So this is gonna be little Kumori?" he asked. "Well yeah." Miyuki said. "Kumori Jiruga" he said smiling at the name. "I like it."
Miyuki's eyes widened a bit, then more. "Oh!" she screamed and started breathing deeply. "She's going into labor!" the doctor in the room yelled. "You have to get out. Now." He told Nnoitra. "What about my daughter?" he asked. "We'll bring her to you when she's out, now leave." The doctor said. "Nnoitra!" Miyuki cried. "It'll be alright. I know this is the last time I'll see you, but Kumori will remember you. And she'll remember what a great mother she had." Nnoitra said as he bent down and kissed her forehead. A tear rolled down Miyuki's face as she grabbed his hand. "Goodbye…" she whispered. "Good luck." Nnoitra said as he let go of her hand, leaving the room.
He sat outside the room in a chair for about an hour, listening to Miyuki screaming. A passing nurse looked over at him as he had his head in his hands. "S-sir…" she asked. He looked up. "Yeah, what do you want?" he asked. "You need to wait in the waiting room down the hall." She said. Nnoitra groaned and reluctantly got up. "Whatever." He walked down the hall, looking at the floor on the way to the waiting room.
He sat down in a comfy looking chair, while others in the waiting room couldn't help but stare at him. There were old people, young people…babies. He looked at all the babies in the room. Some were crying, some were sleeping, and one was giggling. He wondered what his daughter would be like.
A few hours later, a doctor came out and spoke to Nnoitra, who had his head in his hands and was deep in thought. "Congratulations, sir. Your baby arrived happy and healthy. Though, her mother didn't make it. Would you like to go see your daughter?" He asked. Nnoitra lifted up his head. "Sure, why not?" He stood up and followed the doctor to the same room as earlier, but this time it was a bit different. There was one less person, and one more person. Miyuki lay in her hospital bed unmoving, while a doctor held a small child.
"Miyuki…" Nnoitra said looking over at the dead woman. He then turned his attention to a whimpering baby girl. She was the most beautiful baby he had ever seen, not that he had seen that many babies, but this was the most amazing to him. She had a full head of raven hair like her fathers, only it was wavy. Her purple eyes shimmered like stars as they wandered around the room. Her face was like that of a porcelain doll, pale white and oh so fragile. The rest of her body was curled up in a white blanket.
Nnoitra stared in wonder at the baby girl. "Kumori." He muttered smiling. "Would you like to hold her?" the doctor asked, interrupting his thoughts. "Of course I do." He said holding out his hands. The doctor placed the baby in his arms and he held her tightly. "Kumori, you're the most amazing daughter I could ever ask for." He said as she looked up at him with big eyes. "She's so tiny…" he said. The doctors smiled at Nnoitra as he held his newborn daughter. "Now all I gotta do is get you home." He said.
Hey! Hope you like the story so far! It took me forever to think of a beginning to it! Nnoitra got a little out of character but that shall be fixed in chapters soon to come! Please review and tell me how you like it!