Let's Truth and Dare the Cast! Chapter 4: What… the… Frack?

Rated T now for some swearing and a bit of forced violence

This chapter will contain a special guest cameo: WWE Superstar Triple H (You'll find out soon how he appears in this)

We fade back out to the set. Everybody was still there, including Peter Griffin and LordryuTJ.

"Hey, and welcome back." Lordryu said. "Sorry for the really long hiatus. (And I mean a really long hiatus) The computer I used got replaced. Now, there's a lot of dares, so let's check them out."

ILoveChocolateMore dares Doof to jump off his house while eating soup, and land into a box of nails.

Cut to Dr. Doofenshmirtz on the top of his house, holding a bowl of tomato soup, with a box of nails on the porch. He jumped off as he attempted to slurp some soup, but the hot soup splattered in his face, making him scream as he landed in the box of nails.

"…Ouch. Just ouch." Lordryu cringed. "Okay, Peter G, you read the next chosen dare."

"Well, alright." Peter obliged as he pulled up a piece of paper, the size of a note.

cmcrox11 dares Ferb and Suzy to throw a bomb at Doofenshmirtz.

"Wait, what?" Doofenshmirtz asked, covered with cuts and scratches from the box of nails, and with a burnt face from the soup that splashed on him, only to get blown up.

"Haha! Doof go boom!" Lordryu shouted in happiness. "Okay, next up…"

JasonFlynn dares Phineas to not say Perry for the rest of the chapter, or else kiss Isabella for 10 seconds.

"Uh… okay. Seems easy enough." Phineas agreed.

Also, Comment person dares Ferb to whack Peter with a sledgehammer. (Why would somebody suggest that as a DARE?)

"Hold on, what was the dare—" Peter began to ask, when Ferb knocked his teeth in with a sledgehammer. However, Triple H came in and knocked Ferb out with his own sledgehammer before walking out of the scene.

"Uh…" Lordryu stuttered in confusion. "…moving on?"

ILoveChocolateMore dares Buford to not bully Baljeet for two chapters.

"What?" Buford shouted. "Aw, come on!"

Also, Buford has to try to sing Barbie Girl while Baljeet tries to give him super wedgies. (Not a very good day for Buford, I say)

"What's a Barbie?" Buford asked, not at all knowing the Barbie doll business. Lordryu handed him the lyric paper for Barbie Girl. "Oh, um… I'm a Barbie GI-AAAAAHH!" He shrieked as Baljeet gave him a wedgie… using a pulley. "… in a Barbie worl—AH, MY BOXERS! MY BOXERS!"

"Oh my god, this is booming!" Lordryu cheered. "Wait until Super Smash Brothers Dares gets a load of this!"

"Didn't that get cancelled?" Peter asked Lordryu, who realized what happened with Super Smash Brothers Dares and did an epic facepalm.

"Let's just get a move on!" Lordryu said as he grabbed another note-sized piece of paper.

TMNTLittleTomboy dares Isabella to burn all of her Fireside Girl badges. (Don't worry, the sashes can respawn. The outfit, however…)

Isabella proceeded to quickly throw her badges, along with her entire uniform, in a fireplace and then jump off the random cliff again, dragging the fireplace down the cliff with her by a rope.

"Okay, seriously! Who put the damn cliff there?" Lordryu complained.

"We got it from Total Drama Island." Peter mentioned.

"Oh… eh, good enough." Lordryu agreed. "Well, let's see if anybody else came up with truths and dare—eh, f**k it, I'll check Paulghost's suggestions."

Paulghost dares…

…Peter Griffin to fart on Phineas.

…Buford to chop a tree down on the moon. (wut?)

"Hey! There aren't any trees or air on the moon!" Buford complained.

"Then do your best!" Lordryu shouted back at the bully, before making him put on an astronaut helmet, and sending him upwards to the moon with a single kick to his groin. (GROIN ATTACK TO THE MAX!)

"AAAHHH—Hey, found a tree!" Buford screamed before he landed on the moon, noticing a random tree placed at the very top.

"Now for my dare!" Peter said, before pulling Phineas in and farting in his face. Phineas ran away, coughing and vomiting.

A whistling sound came up, and stopped when the tree from the moon fell on Doofenshmirtz, who was still recovering from his injuries.

"Oof! That's gotta leave a mark!" Lordryu recoiled from the painful moment. "Still got some dares to go!"

Noname247 dares Perry to stay with Phineas, Ferb and his friends.

"Well, that's already being established, so that's a useless dare." Lordryu said, throwing the dare in the garbage. "You know what, let's just stop here, and move on for next chapter. Bye!"

I'm gonna need more dares from you guys. Thanks to the people who gave me the dares used in this chapter.