AN: First story to publish! I have not written in a long time. So constructive criticism is most welcomed. Don't bash to hard! Thanks! Some things are going to be different. But you will see that in the next chapter. ~Ynangyi

Disclaimer:: I do not own. Only the plot. Sadly -_-

Ch.1 First Sight

Hermione POV

I will never understand the game of Quiditch. Honestly. Hermione thought to herself as they got to

the top box.

She smiled wide though for she did enjoy the time with her friends and the excitement everyone felt at games.

"Bloody Hell! It's Viktor Krum!" Ron shouted while pointing to a brooding man who just flew in along with the Bulgarian team.

Hermione just silently stared at the player Ron was pointing to, the angles of his face and his crooked nose.

"He's the greatest seeker in the world! Blimey!" Ron yelled again.

Hermione cheered and screamed for the Bulgarian team along with Ron and Ginny. While as Fred, George and Harry cheered for Ireland.

She kept her eyes on Viktor watching the way he flied and the concentration in his eyes.

"Krum has spotted the snitch!!" Said the announcer.

Ron and Ginny roared and she smiled and cheered along,

Still keeping her eyes on Viktor her smile vanished….

"Oh Merlin! Look out!," she yelled.

Viktor POV

I was flying to the top box where I had spotted the snitch and then I noticed a lovely young witch.

Her eyes starting at me with a smile on her face.

She's beautiful.

Flying a little closer I spotted the snitch which was moving a little more towards said witch.

Which I was more interested in then my main goal at hand.

I couldn't stop my eyes from staring at her wonderful sparkling eyes and wide smile…

But her smile vanished and I heard her scream,

"Oh Merlin! Look out!"

I turned my head and that was when a bludger made contact with my face, breaking my nose once again.

Normal POV

The whole stadium became an uproar when the bludger made contact.

All Hermione could do was stare at him with a worried expression, hoping he was alright and wouldn't fall of his broom from the impact.

Viktor cursed himself for looking stupid in front of the young witch.

Getting hit with a bludger was not something you did to impress someone.

He looked over at her and saw the worry etched on her face.

He wiped the blood from his face (well as much as he could with it all still pouring out), and started again looking for the snitch. Angry at himself for getting distracted. Though he took a quick look behind in her direction once again.

Wonder what those looks were about?? Ginny thought with a small smile to herself. Something tells me this will be one crazy year.

Moving closer to Hermione she whispered, "So what was that look he gave you? You're not keeping something secret are you?"

Looking down Hermione saw Ginny wiggling her eyebrows' suggestively with her hidden comment.

"Oh Ginny! Really now. As if I know the man!" Hermione said with laugh, "I honestly don't know what your talking about." with that said she turned back to the game.

Ginny just smiled up to her friend. In the corner of her eye she saw Ron with a scowl on his face.

Oh bother…this really is going to be a crazy year.

She thought to herself while staring at both Ron, Hermione, and Viktor.

"Hey, Ginny?" Hermione whispered to her best girl friend.

"Yea, 'Mione?" replied Ginny looking at her friend once again.

"Just thought I would let you know, I wouldn't mind if that certain Bulgarian stared at me again." she said with laughter in her voice and a small wink to Ginny.

Blinking a little at Hermione, Ginny just stared then burst in to laughter understanding what Hermione had said.

"And here I thought, Miss Granger didn't approve of that!"

They both looked back to the game laughing.

Neither of them knowing Ron heard the whole conversation, his scowl deepening.

The game ended when Viktor caught the snitch, still Ireland won the game ahead by 20pts.

The group (Weasley's, Harry, Hermione) started there walk back to the tent, with George and Fred cheering and praising Irelands win.

George-"So Ginny, what did you …"

Fred- "say about Bulgaria winning?"

"Alright alright so they lost, you won the bet. Now bugger off before I hex you both till your twitching on the ground." Ginny threatened the twins.

As the twins walked away Ginny started talking to Hermione once again, "But I know a certain Bulgarian whose going to win something." She said with a teasing look at Hermione.

All Hermione could do was smile and giggle along with Ginny at her lewd suggestion.

"What was that Ginny?" Ron asked with a slight edge to his voice looking at both the girls.

"Hmm. Oh just some silly girl talk Ron that's all." Staring at her brother with an innocent face.

"Yea Ron, just our girl talk, don't need to get so grouchy over it." Hermione said looking at Ron and wondering what he was angry about.

Stopping in his tracks he looked right back Hermione, "No, that's not just girl talk. There's something going on and I know it involves some other guy now who is it!" He demanded, face getting redder by the second.

Startled both Ginny and Hermione just looked at him for once with nothing to say.

"Well!" Ron yelled now getting angrier, with no answer.

Finally he grabbed Hermione's arm and yanked her closer yelling in her face now.

"Who is he! You better tell me! What are you two playing at! Huh!"

"Ron! Let go! You're hurting me! Ron!" Screamed Hermione, trying to pull away.

"Let go you git! You're hurting her!" Ginny also yelled.

"RUN! DEATH EATERS!" The three heard coming in the direction in front of them.

Ron immediately let go and looked at both of them.

Soon they were all taking off trying to find a place to hide.

A pair of chocolate eyes who were staring at the three ran after them. To ensure safety.

He watched the surroundings and made sure the three found whoever they came to the event with. Mostly watching the one with curly, bushy hair.

Fascinated with all the hexes she was throwing at death eaters.

Of course he took a lot of them out. There was no way he was going to let one of these animals harm her.

Thinking about animals he looked back to the red hair boy, his lips going into a deeper scowl.

If I could hex him also.

Seeing a few other red heads run in their direction he thought it safe enough to run back to the team. Looking once again at the witch he had enchanted him.